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第 73 页 共 74 页ctrl +f 查找 excel 中查找多用词语替换 编辑 替换 菜单栏中的编辑 也可查找 快捷键 ctrl +h光标定为插入书签 页眉页脚菜单中编辑 定为 输入1 则是第一页 以此类推也可插入 书签在编辑 然后查找在 word 中文字 中坚 输入 ctrl +回车 就可在文字中间插入新的一页菜单栏中 视图 页眉页脚 插入 即插入页眉页脚多时公司名称 什么的 页眉页脚工工具栏 鼠标放在中文显示中文 共几页第几页Word 2003 有文件新建 模板 上面有各种模板简历 传真之类的格式字体 上标 就是文档中 注解什么的 加入删除线 双 删除线 Ctrl +d 即出现上面的图标 Ctrl +d 文字效果 文字既有一些礼花绽放是的效果格式刷 双击 即可刷多次 自己存储一种样式 点击 这 个 然后 点击新样式 自己新建 就好了 以后选中文字 然后点这个就可以了繁简字转化 菜单栏 工具下边子菜单 就有格式 项目符号 编号 有特定的编号 文字自动分条 这个效果 格式 菜单 边框底纹子菜单 段落改成文字 就是对文字加边框格式芬兰 先分栏再打字 格式 首字下沉 视图 背景 Word 2003 中有格式 背景水印 保密 什么考试网之类的 插入页码 2011-3-14 日期和时间 下面 任务栏的 自选图形选中 拖拽请走这边 剪贴画我要自学成才我要自学成才插入组织图自选图形 流程图 Ctrl 拖动 就是复制对齐与分布 下面任务栏 绘图 对齐与分布翻转什么叫三方协议?网上答案都有,随便查查就知道了。但再深一些说呢,肯定有人不知道了。三 方协议,简单的讲就是学校、学生本人、工作单位三方就毕业生离校后就业工作落实所签署的一份协议书,很多人知道的是:三方协议过去必须签,但现在不一定, 三方签了只是学校统计就业率的一个参考指标。三方和派遣证挂钩,但我没有留京户口,单位签三方就要解决你的户口,所以现在单位都不签三方了,尤其是私企等 等。没错,上边说的都对,所以有些朋友们就把三方协议放弃了,而只是找到工作,自己去做个打工者,然后只考虑劳动合同。那么究 竟三方协议背后究竟还有什么呢?其实三方的背后还隐藏着很多。编辑上面的文字 让他有底色 渐变 需要这个 圈入上文需要同时左键鼠标填充渐变色先是盖住文字 需要绘图环绕方式衬于文字下方 然后图片置于最底层综合排版 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party members progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Councils policies and decisions indicates that premise, two guarantees. Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct below, above difficult to hear calls for obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely charging, put strengthening politicalemployment, business, money as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the right to 浮花往事一支歌听了好多年,依然听不厌,一种旋律回绕在耳边,经过了好多岁月,依然美如当初。很喜欢去无人的地方独自一个听着老歌。思绪会随着曼妙的曲调回到逝去的日子里。张张笑脸,次次拥抱,暖人的话语,伤感的离别。所有的点滴都随着老歌的响起汇聚起来,形成忆海展现在自己的面前。无论是泪花还是靥花,无论是苦涩还是甜美,无论是聚首还是离别,一切已零落不堪的碎片随着流淌的歌声形成一面忆镜。站在它面前还可以看到从前的自己,。那些,无论是苦是甜都一勾一大片地映在心上。风叶轻盈地落到我的脚跟,回眸瞬间,它便引我穿越血红跌入另一个空间,看到那个多年前的我,也看到多年前的我们。05 年的秋天 ,我与鑫儿相识了,从此便成了知己。第一次见到她时,我才知道原来有如此乐观的人。你看她,便能看到阳光般的笑容;你感她,便感觉出她蓝天般纯净的心;你读她,便能读出她生生不息的生命之音,虽然她需要一支拐杖。这并不影响她的美:满载笑容的脸,纯净而甜美,真实而快乐。这张笑脸经过流年的涤荡灿烂依然,毫无遗漏的映在我的心上。第一次我问:“你叫什么名字?“她笑着回答:“隋鑫。“我笑道:”随心?“她又一次笑了。多么好听的名字!不失本心,


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