



目录摘要 IAbstact II第1章 绪论 11.1 本课题的研究背景 11.2 本课题研究的目的与意义 21.3 论文的主要内容与工作重点 2第2章 课题研究现状与分析 4 2.1 研究对象的概述 4 2.1.1 儿童玩具的功能发展史 7 2.1.2 现代儿童玩具的分类与特点 9 2.2 儿童玩具的发展状况与分析 9 2.2.1 国外儿童玩具的发展现状 14 2.2.2 国内跑步机的研究现状 18 2.2.3 国内外跑步机现状的比较与分析 19 2.3 跑步机功能设计流程的研究现状 19 2.3.1 相关资料中的几种功能设计流程 21 2.3.2 企业造型与功能设计的流程 22第3章 多功能跑步机造型设计流程研究 24 3.1 跑步机造型设计流程概述 24 3.1.1 跑步机设计流程与造型设计 24 3.1.2 跑步机设计流程与整车设计流程 24 3.1.3 跑步机造型设计流程的发展性特征 25 3.2 跑步机造型设计的一般流程 26 3.3 影响跑步机造型设计流程的因素 26 3.3.3 跑步机材料 3.3.4 跑步机设计经验 34 3.3.5 跑步机造型设计方法 363.4.1 洞彻市场需求,加强前期调研,重视使用意见反馈 40 3.4.2 加强创新设计,丰富设计方案 44 3.4.3 简化模型制作阶段,合理选择模型材料 46 3.4.4 适当应用计算机辅助软件 47 3.4.5 重要环节展开设计评审 48第4章 多功能跑步机设计与研制 49 4.1 Running多功能跑步机前期调研准备阶段 49 4.1.1 Running多功能跑步机的设计定位 54 4.1.2 Running多功能跑步机的总体开发计划 56 4.1.3 Running多功能跑步机的整体配置与参数选择 57 4.2 Running多功能跑步机的创新设计阶段 57 4.2.1 三个造型设计方向 57 4.2.2 多个造型设计方案 58 4.2.3 部件造型设计 60 4.2.4造型设计方案的基本确定 62 4.3 Running多功能跑步机模型制作阶段 65 4.3.1 整体跑步机3D建模制作 66 4.3.2 人机工程分析 67 4.3.4 跑步机整体模型评审 70 结束语 72 致谢 74 参考文献 76 指导老师评语 77儿童玩具是现代儿童成长过程中不可或缺的产品,对儿童身心的健康发展发挥着重要作用,近几年来儿童玩具的消费呈快速增长的趋势。中国虽然是世界上最大的玩具生产出口国,但是玩具产品自主设计开发环节比较薄较弱,儿童玩具品牌缺失。国外儿童玩具设计比较强势,品牌长期占据市场主导地位,面对目前市场上儿童玩具巨大的市场潜力,中国玩具尽快走上一条自主设计研发的创新之路是当务之急。论文以儿童玩具设计作为研究对象,在深入进行调研的基础上,运用比较研究的方法,对中外儿童玩具设计现状的异同和优劣进行了较全面深入的分析比较。结合儿童成长特点,借鉴国外儿童玩具设计的先进理念,立足于中国儿童玩具设计的实际,对中国儿童玩具的创新设计进行探讨。论文阐述了国内外儿童玩具设计现状,总结出国内外儿童玩具设计的特点、趋势及存在的问题;从中外儿童玩具设计中文化和设计理念的比较出发,探讨了文化差异和设计理念的不同对儿童玩具设计的影响;通过中外儿童玩具形态、色彩、结构、材质、安全等显性设计因素和儿童心理特点、审美趋势、品牌设计、语意传达等隐性要素的进一步比较分析,归纳总结出中外儿童玩具设计的相似性和差异性,指出两者之间的差距;在此基础上,总结出适合中国国情的儿童玩具产业中产品创新设计的策略、方法和原则,并进行了相应的儿童玩具设计实践探讨。论文重点从产品设计的显性因素和隐性因素两个方面对中外儿童玩具设计进行比较研究,总结出对中国儿童玩具创新设计具有指导意义的建设性意见,这对于正确认识儿童玩具设计的本质,把握儿童玩具创新设计的规律,促进我国的儿童玩具创新设计提供了新的思路。更多还原【Abstract】 Nowadays toys for children are indispensable and significant in childrens growing, which are effective to promote good health of mind and body. In recent years, Toys for children consumption are in rapid growth increasingly.We are not in the advantage of independent design and exploration, lacking famous brand and excellent excogitation,although China is the worlds largest manufacturer and exporter in toys for children. However, foreign toys for children design play a dominant role in the business for a long time. Facing such a potential market, at present, what should we do to improve in research and development of the design is critical.With toys for childrens design as object of study, we have done a comprehensive research and deep investigation, carrying comparative study carries through this article. we have compared and analyzed their differences and advantages respectively. Combining the characters of childrens growth, we also have learned advanced notions of foreign design of toys. On a basis of Chinas actual conditions, its discussion for us on innovation of the design presently. By comparison with different traditional cultures and notions of design in this thesis, at home and abroad, we can draw the conclusion that traditional culture differences and distinct design concepts lead to disputable designs.In addition, considering the dominant factors which include pattern, color, structure, material and safety of toys for children at home and abroad, we also have analyzed the recessive factors deeply childrens psychological characteristics and esthetic tendency, brand design, semantic convey in toys design, and instances.Consequently, it is not hard to see the distance and similarities between us. Above all, we should adjust our design tactics, methods and principles to Chinas actual conditions, helping bridge the gab between us. Accordingly, we will discuss how to make the design concept proved by practice.The articles key points:in this article, we have done research mainly in dominant and recessive factors, accordingly, acquiring some guiding and constructive suggestio


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