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Unit 1 1. disable-disabled-disability He was disabled in the accident.他在事故中受重伤。An accident disabled him from playing football.一场意外事故使他不能踢球。He was always cheerful in spite of/despite his disability.他虽然有残疾,但心情一直很愉快。We should pay more attention to people with disabilities.残疾人 the disabled people with a disability 2. hearing听力,听觉-seeing视觉,视力(eyesight)-smelling 嗅觉 sense of touch 触觉3. infant n.婴儿-infantile adj. 婴儿的, 幼稚的, 适于婴儿的初期的 toddler蹒跚学步的小孩 -teen-ager teens -adolescent paralyze v. paralysis n.1.使瘫痪,使麻痹 A stroke paralyzed half his face.中风使他半边脸瘫痪。2.使不能正常活动 The country was paralyzed by a series of strikes.一系列的罢工使那个国家陷于瘫痪之中。4. ambition-ambitious-religion-religious nutritionnutritiouscaution-cautious His ambition is to be admitted (admit) to Beijing University. 5. dictate(dictate v.口述, 口授, 指示) -dictation6. noise-noisy-smell-smelly-tastetasty-greed-greedy7. suit-suitable-unsuitable8. enter-entry-entrance to- enter入场权 You mustnt drive into a street with a “No Entry” sign. 你切勿把车驶进有“不得进入”标示的街道。 enter入口处 I will wait for you at the entry.我在入口处等你。 enter登记, 条目, 词条 The entry of all expenditure is necessary.有必要把一切开支入账。This dictionary has over 30, 000 entries.这本词典收词3万多条。enter参赛的人物 ;参加比赛的名单或总(人)数 How many entries are there for the high jump?报名参加跳高比赛的有多少人? There is a large entry for the flower show this year.今年的花展有大量花卉参展。9. benefit-beneficial-it would be very beneficial if you couldbenefit from 从受益(benefit是不及物动词)benefit sb/sth.对有利(benefit是及物动词)be of benefit to sb./sth.对有利be beneficial to sb./sth.对有利for the benefit of 为了的利益 benefit sb a great deal 10.in other words-in another word-That is to say-That is-10. clumsy-clumsy不优美的;难看的;不舒适的 -clumsiness awkward 令人尴尬的;使人难堪的难对付的;难处理的; 不优美的;难看的;不舒适的11. adapt-adapt oneself to sth-adaptable(adj.能适应的, 可修改的)-adaptation (n.适应, 改编, 改写本) We must adapt ourselves to the changing conditions.The play has been adapted from the French. 这个剧本是由法文改编过来的。12. cut out 切去;省略;停止做某事The doctor cut out his tonsils (n.扁桃腺)The editor cut out the last paragraph.He cut out alcohol on the doctors advice.cut off 切(隔)断, 阻碍 Our troops cut off the enemys retreat.我们的军队切断了敌人的退路。Our supply was cut off. 13. breathe-breath-out of breathhold ones breathbreathless14. absent adj.不在的, 缺席的 -absence n.absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的adj convenient adj. 便利的, 方便的 -convenience patient adj. 忍耐的, 耐心的-patienceimpatient adj. 不耐烦的, 不耐心的-impatiencedifferent adj. 不同的 -differencesilent adj. 寂静的, 沉默的 -silenceconfident adj. 自信的, 确信的 -confidenceimportant adj. 重要的, 重大的 -importancesignificant adj. 有意义的, 重大的 -significancepresent adj. 现在的, 出席的, -presenceindependent adj. 独立自主的 -independenceintelligent adj.聪明的, 有才智的-intelligencebrilliant adj.灿烂的, 闪耀的, 有才气的brillianceevident adj.明显的, 显然的 -evidenceelegant adj.文雅的, 端庄的 -elegancedistant adj. 远的 -distanceexcellent adj.卓越的, 极好的 -excellenceviolent adj. 猛烈的, 激烈的, 暴力的-violencecompetent adj. 有能力的, 胜任的 -competencerelevant adj.有关的, 相应的 -relevance15. fellow-colleague-companion16. annoy-annoying-annoyed-annoyancebe annoyed with sb.for/at sth 因。生某人的气It is annoying to hear his gossip.anonymous nnims adj. 匿名的 16. tolerate vt.忍受, 容忍-tolerance n.宽容, 忍受, 容忍accept vt.接受, 认可- acceptance n.接受, 承诺allow vt.允许, 承认-allowance n.津贴, 补助, 宽容, 允许appear -appearance n.露面, 外貌, 外观perform -performance n. 履行, 执行, 表演attend -attendance n. 出席, 伺候, 照料enter -entrance n.入口, 门口, 进入assist -assistance n.协助, 援助guide -guidance n.指导, 领导insure -insurance n.保险, 保险单17.all in all-to sum up-as a whole-on the whole-on balancein shortin a word18. sit aroundsit aboutDont sit around and set to your business.19. as well as ,except, but, together with, with, rather than He as well as his friends likes (like) classical music.20. in many ways 在许多方面in a way 在某种程度上 in the way 挡道的;妨碍人的 on ones way to 在。途中 all the way 一直;自始至终;完全地21. psychology-psychological-psychologically-psychologist22. make fun of play tricks on -laugh atplay a joke on23. courage-encourage-encouragement The work calls for great courage and determination. 这么工作需要加大的勇气和决心。 encouraged the student to enter the competition鼓励学生参加竞赛 He gave us an encouraging speech and we are encouraged by his speech. I managed to accomplish it due to his encouragement.23 conductconductor(领导者,售票员) conduct an opera 指挥乐曲conduct an experiment 做实验 conduct a survey 进行调查24 politicssubjectmathsChineseEnglishphysicschemistrybiologyhistorygeographypolitical(政治上的)-politician (政客)25 abolish-abolition Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in the United States. Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished.26 resign v.- resignation n. 辞职 The Minister resigned (from office). 那部长辞职了.27 slaveslavery bravebravery28 companion company(公司,陪伴) in the company of 在.陪同下 bear sb. company 陪伴某人keep sb. company 陪伴某人He kept me company.他陪伴我。 Lightning usually accompanies thunder. accompany (陪伴,带有) 电闪通常伴着雷声。29 assistassistantassistance assist/aid sb in doing sth 30 congratulatecongratulation31 graduategraduation graduate from-two graduates 两个毕业生32 architectarchitecture33 adequateadequately34 access v/n. 通路, 访问, 入门vt.存取, 接近accessible易接近的, 可到达的 The only access to their house is along that narrow road. 只有沿着那条狭窄的路走才能到达他们的房子。Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case. 只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。This island is accessible only by boat. 这个小岛只能坐小船去。This database is only accessible by the authorized manager.35 handy This new motorcycle is really handy in city traffic. 这部新摩托车在市区的交通中很便利。36 meet with No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan. 不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。37 approveapproval-disapprove-disapproval You can join the class if you parents appr


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