已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




模具工业是国民经济的基础工业,是国际上公认的关键工业,工业发达国家称之为 “ 工业之母 ” 。模具成型具有效率高,质量好,节省原材料,降低产品成本等优点。采用模具制造产品零件已成为当今工业的重要工艺手段。模具在机械,电子,轻工,纺织,航空,航天等工业领域里,已成为使用最广泛的工业化生产的主要工艺装备,它承担了这些工业领域中 60%-80%产品零件,组件和部件的加工生产。 “ 模具就是产品质量 ” , “ 模具就是经济效益 ” 的观念已被越来越多的人所认识和接受。在中国,人们已经认识到模具在制造业中的重要基础地位,认识更新换代的速度 ,新产品的开发能力,进而决定企业的应变能力和市场竞争能力。 在目前用薄钢板制造发动机罩盖的传统还是会持续相当一段时间,所以有必要在钢板的基础上通过利用计算机软件的功能分析零件的工艺性能(结构合理,受力,是否容易冲出破面、),发现现有零件的不足之处,讨论并确定改进这些不足之处,进而改善模具的设计,改良冲裁方式;最终实现产品的改良,改善产品的力学性能,外观,使用效果,和造价等等。冲压加工是通过模具来实现的,从模具角度来看,模具生产技术水平的高低,已成为衡量一个国家产品制造水平高低的重要标志,因为模具在很大程度 上决定着产品的质量、效益和新产品的开发能力。“模具是工业生产的基础工艺装备”也已经取得了共识。据统计,在电子、汽车、电机、电器、仪器、仪表、家电和通信等产品中, 60% 80%的零部件都要依靠模具成形。用模具生产制件所具备的高精度、高复杂程度、高一致性、高生产率和低消耗,是其他加工制造方法所不能比拟的。同时,冲压加工也创造了巨大的价值增值,模具是“效益放大器”,用模具生产的最终产品的价值,往往是模具自身价值的几十倍、上百倍。目前全世界模具年产值约为 600 亿美元,日、美等工业发达国家的模具工业产值已超过机床工业 ,从 1997 年开始,我国模具工业产值也超过了机床工业产值。其中冲压模具在所有模具(锻造模、压铸模、注塑模等)中,无论从数量、重量或者是从价值上都位居榜首。 由此可见,板料冲压加工及其模具制造技术对国民经济的发展已经并将继续作出重大的贡献。随着我国经济的发展,对这种生产技术的发展及专业技术人才的需求将与日俱增。因此,加强对板料冲压加工及其模具制造技术的研究,具有重要的意义。 现状和发展趋势 :经过了 100多年的发展 ,目前小型汽车发动机的罩壳的设计技术已经相当成熟的了,但是随着各式各样的小型发动机的开发,发动机 的前后罩也做了很大的改进。现在,对小型汽车发动机的罩壳的改进主要表现在对其构造材料的改进;例如用树脂基复合材料替代传统的薄钢板,用 RTM制造 发动机水箱、隔热罩、发动机罩等等,由于用复合材料来取代原有金属的发动机壳体类零件,重量会有所减轻,且成本也将大大降低,对制造商而言,这个改进创造了很大了利润空间,所以这方面的技术进步还会持续相当长一段时间。就目前而言,我国冲压模具还存在许多问题,其中模具生产周期、质量和数量仍旧是关键。与国际水平相比,一般来说,我国冲压模具生产周期要比国外先进水平长、寿命约相差一倍、 精度差距也较大。数量的不足主要反映在大型、精密、复杂、长寿命模具上。存在这些问题的主要原因是: 1)行业结构 (如企业组织结构、产品结构、技术结构和进出口结构等 )不合理: 2)企业综合素质欠佳、设计制造水平较低、开发能力弱、管理较落后; 3 )模具人才严重不足 ; 4)资金投入不够; 5)专业化、标准化、商品化程度低,协作差: 6)模具材料及相关技术落后; 7)模具生产企业的效率和效益较低,等等。 柳州 天隆 机械有限公司 所用的冲压模具还比较落后,利用冲压模具冲出的零件质量也不是很高,经常有起皱,尺寸和形状精度不高,寿命短等 缺陷。同时,在排样时的不合理更造成原材料的浪费。这些因素无不影响着公司产品质量和效益的提高。归及以上原因主要是由于模具设计得不够合理,考虑得不够周全等所造成的。其次不合理的工艺设计也是造成零件质量不高的原因。 工艺设计是联接产品设计与制造的桥梁和纽带,合理的成形工艺设计是模具设计与制造的基础,也是决定零件能否顺利成形的关键,它将直接关系到产品的质量、成本、生产效率以及模具的使用寿命等方面。在现在这个科技突飞猛进的时代里,模具设计技术同样也是在快速的发展着。模具技术未来发展趋势主要是朝信息化、高速化生产与高精度 化发展。 而如今的市场经济,竞争又十分激烈,要想在市场中站得住脚,那么就必须不断的提高自己设计模具的水平,使自己设计出来的 冲压模具更合理,冲出来的零件质量,尺寸和形状精度,寿命以及资源利用率都能得到大幅度的提高,进而才能提高公司的效益和竞争力。 1.2 选题背景 1.2.1 近年来冲压成形工艺与理论的研究成果 近年来,冲压成形工艺有很多新的进展,特别是精密冲裁、精密成形、精密剪切、复合材料成形、超塑性成形、软模成形以及电磁成形等新工艺日新月异,冲压件的精度日趋精确,生产率也有极大提高,正在把冲压加工提 高到高品质的、新的发展水平。 由于引入了 CAE,冲压成形已从原来的对应力应变进行有限元等分析而逐步发展到采用计算机进行工艺过程的模拟与分析,以实现冲压过程的优化设计。在冲压毛坯设计方面也开展了计算机辅助设计,可以对排样或拉深毛坯进行优化设计。 此外,对冲压成形性能和成形极限的研究,冲压件成形难度的判定以及成形预报等技术的发展,均标志着冲压成形以从原来的经验、实验分析阶段开始走上由冲压理论指导的科学阶段,使冲压成形走向计算机辅助工程化和智能化的发展道路。 方案: 作为冲压件要大略了解它的冲压性能的好或者差,用 个人的经验或者视觉的判断就可以了,但是在要求量化的条件下,最好莫过于用机械相关的板料分析软件;我使用 DYNAFORM 来对冲压件分析。从分析的图象的颜色可以判断冲压条件是否恶劣,给出的列表数据可以清楚得知道,拉伸的情况。依据它给出的信息,我们可以对冲压件作出相应的改进。最后重点放在模具的设计上来。 大体步骤: 1用 CAE 软件( DYNAFORM)分析,并讨论现有零件的工艺性(冲压性能) 2改进零件的部分外形,和加强筋分布。 3用 FASTBLANK 展料,并排样,选出最佳排样方案。 4进行相关运算 ,得出相关数据。描绘出大体轮廓。 5利用上面所得数据,使用 UG 画出模具 3 维图(数模)。 6利用上述数模 讨论具体零件工艺和相关方案。 7利用 AUTOCAD 或 CAXA 绘制模具相关部件 2 维图。 8写课题说明书。 冲压工艺过程的优劣,决定了冲压件制造技术的合理性、冲压件的质量和产品成本。 因此必须对冲压件进行详尽的工艺分析,分析冲压件的结构、性能及加工难易程度,确定科学的、合理的工序方案。并在保证产品的设计要求、满足使用条件的情况下尽量减少工序,采用适宜的材料,尽量节约用料,选择先进且合理的加工 技术,力求生产工艺过程简单易行,以降低生产成本,提高经济效益。 模具 CAE 技术就是在 设计 制造模具之前,在计算机上模拟出冲压件在模具中成形的真实过程,向用户告知模具结构设计、工艺条件状况是否合理,并最终为用户提供出最佳的模具设计工艺方案,可靠性达到 80%以上。从而缩短模具设计与制造周期 2/5(对于复杂模具而言),并提高模具质量和产品合格率,进而可大幅度降低制造成本,增强产品的市场竞争力。 国内模具与国外模具的差距 当前,我国工业生产的特点是产品品种多、更新快和市场竞争激烈。在这种情况下,用户对模具制造的要求是 “交货期短”、“精度高”、“质量好”、“价格低”。 而供需两旺是近几年来我国模具市场的总体表现, 2004 年仍旧是这个格局。由于汽车、机电等工业的发展增幅回落,再加上原材料涨价,能源紧张,电力供应不足,资金周转不畅和运费增加,所以 2004 年模具市场在供需两旺的情况下,发展增幅也有所回落。 2005 年相比,预计要回落 5 个百分点以上。 在欧美, CAD/CAE/CAM 已成为模具企业普遍采用的技术。在 CAD 方面,目前3D 设计也达到了 70% 89%。澳大利亚 3D 设计已达到 60%,而我国只是刚刚起步。CAE 技术在欧美应用逐 渐成熟。在冲模设计中应用 CAE 软件,模拟金属变形过程,分析应力应变的分布,预测破裂、起皱和回弹等缺陷,我国只有少部分企业开始CAE 技术的应用。 DL 图(冲压工艺过程图)设计的过程中,在冲压工艺分析、冲压方向的确定和工序划分方面我国与国外水平接近。但在工艺补充面的设计和产品数模的工艺处理方面还存在着较大的差距,如过拉延部分的设计,回弹值的处理等方面国外具有丰富的经验,特别是在高精度轿车零件的工艺设计方面与国外相比仍存在着很大的差距。 高速切削是以高切削速度、高进给速度和高加工质量为主要特征的加工技术。在国外已 是比较成熟的技术,型面加工精度 0.05mm,不需要研合间隙。修边模刃口间隙由机加工保证;钳装不需要研配间隙,加工后可直接装配合模。而国内的模具钳工工作量仍较大。 国内的加工机床性能基本与国外设备相当,但在 NC 技术参数方面,走刀路径、方式及技术的设计方面仍存在着差距。 另外在模具制造周期、质量方面和标准化程度方面也存在着较大的差距。 第二章 冲压工艺过程设计 冲压工艺过程的优劣,决定了冲压件制造技术的合理性、冲压件的质量和产品成本。 因此必须对冲压件进行详尽的工艺分析,分析冲压件的结构、性能及加工难易程度 ,确定科学的、合理的工序方案。并在保证产品的设计要求、满足使用条件的情况下尽量减少工序,采用适宜的材料,尽量节约用料,选择先进且合理的加工技术,力求生产工艺过程简单易行,以降低生产成本,提高经济效益。 模具 CAE 技术就是在设计制造模具之前,在计算机上模拟出冲压件在模具中成形的真实过程,向用户告知模具结构设计、工艺条件状况是否合理,并最终为用户提供出最佳的模具设计工艺方案,可靠性达到 80%以上。从而缩短模具设计与制造周期 2/5(对于复杂模具而言),并提高模具质量和产品合格率,进而可大幅度降低制造成本,增强产品 的市场竞争力。 随着现代生产制造的需要,新产品开发设计、制造的质量和周期已成为企业在市场经济中能够生存发展的重要决定性因素之一。计算机辅助设计 (CAD)及制造 (CAM)技术的推广应用,不仅将产品开发的设计者们从繁重的手工制图方式中解脱出来,同时,对加工制造业而言应该是一次巨大的革命性飞跃。然而,在并行工程 CE (ConcurrentEngineering)的概念提出和应用前,产品的 CAD CAM CAE CAPP 由于分属不同部门的工作内容,产品的设计、制造、分析是在自上而下的串行设计中完成的,很显然,针对 并行设计,前者在整个设计过程中受到不能及时更新的约束,很难做到产品开发制造集成同步实现,增加了开发周期和生产成本。公司完成的“国家 863 CIMS 主题”重大应用项目并行工程, 通过在新产品开发 CAD CAM CAE 过程中的实施,体现了良好的应用前景。其中, PRO E 三维设计系统在产品开发过程中冲压模具的并行全相关参数化设计已得到很好的应用。 近年来,随着计算机综合应用技术的迅速发展,计算机集成制造系统 (CIMS)、并行工程 (CE)、虚拟生产 (VM)等一系列新技术将机械工程制造业带进了一个崭新的生产过程模式。 有关资料统计表明,我国在 863 CIMS 应用推广过程中,相关企业均获得了明显的经济和社会效益,在提高生产效率,降低成本、缩短产品周期、提高质量方面的成 绩尤为突出。 “并行工程”就其意义而言是一个复杂的系统过程,它解决如何有效的将产品开发设计、工艺准备过程、制造、过程管理、经营销售等过程合理的组织,实现获得最佳的产品周期和成本。几年来,公司并行工程项目的启动和实施,在不同部门的协同应用实施仍处于不断探索验证的阶段,其中,冲压模具并行设计已经基本形成了较为完善的过程框架,对于模具设计制造过程,并行设计的根本实现必须由核心 CAD CAM CAE 软件的支持,作为并行工程的设计系统平台,公司引进了美国 PTC 公司的 PRO ENGINEER 作为 CAD CAM 软件平台,而冲压成形数值模拟分析则引进了专业 CAE 分析系统 DYNAFORM,在模具展开设计前和过程中,对于模具结构设计意图的关键要素利用 PRO E 建模并通过标准数据格式提交给DYNAFORM 进行计算分析,预测可行性干预改进模具结构相关参数。另外,在模具的制造上可以实现在 PR0 E 内部的 CAD CAM 无缝转接,从而不仅可以完全体现模具设计意图、避免工程图纸的信息损失 ,还能够大大缩短制造周期。 PROENGINEER 在设计过程中可以利用参数设置、关系 (Relations)、参考 (Reference)管理实现全相关 (Dependency)参数化设计,换言之,在模具设计的过程中,设计产品的任何变化都将传递到模具所有相关的结构件上并按照结构设计意图自动更新。这大大提高了模具设计的效率,支持设计的反复性,高效率的进行设计更新。 PRo ENGINEER 提供了一套方法和各种工具构成了一个相对完善的 Top-Down Design 的环境, Top Down Design 是指在结构设计中的 一种组织方式,其实,不单纯在 PRo E 环境下,以往在手工及二维设计过程中也体现了它的宗旨。 Top Down Design 的主题思想是以围绕核心设计意图进行关联式展开设计。模具并行设计的实现一般按以下 6 个步骤来完成: (1)模具设计者参与提取产品设计过程中确定产品或原型产品的模型要素,接受或自行完成已经具备最终产品全部特点的建模。 (2)对产品进行工艺分析,以 Top-Down De sign 方式规划确定模具重要结构件的层级骨架 (Skeletions)组织设计过程。 (3)在 Pro E 系统中围绕产品冲压加工建立 核心组件模型,并根据工艺需要确定结构参数,转换数据格式提交冲压 CAE 分析软件 DYN 删进行可靠性分析计算。 (4)在 Pro E 系统中进行模具设计。由于准备随时接受来自设计部门的变更及分析结果的干预进行设计更新,需要利用建模结构、顺序、参照控制、特征间关系、元件间关系、组件间关系有效的保证整个模型的可靠性,如当产品局部变更时,相应凸凹模、定位元件、固定板、上下模板结构特征等必须保证成功的再生 (Regenerate)。 (5)模具结构设计完成后,输出二维工程图。基于工程图与三维建模的全相关性,无论在设计过程中还 是在今后都可确保模具局部结构变化后工程图自动及时准确的更新。 (6)同时提交模具的 CAM 部门进行工艺分析及编程。 Pro E 系统 CAD CAM 的无缝连接,使得 NC 程序同样可以得到更新 . 冲模在装配前应根据冲模的结构特点和技术要求,确定合理的装配顺序和装配方法。冲模装配之后,必须在生产条件下进行试冲,冲出的工件按冲压零件产品图或试样进行检查验收。如果发现不合格者,必须对冲模进行适当的调整和修理,然后再试冲,直到生产合格的冲件为止。在冲模工作一段时间后,可采用超前维修。冲模的受力只局限于刃口的附近在使用一段时 间以后,刃口处会不可避免地出现不均匀磨损和磨损沟痕,如果提前维修,可避免因凸、凹模间隙不均匀而产生附加弯矩和防止磨损沟痕产生裂纹,以提高模具寿命。 实践证明,并行参数化设计技术在工艺准备过程中的应用,大幅度降低了产品周期,增强了设计的可靠性,同时为企业取得了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。可以预见,计算机立用技术将在生产过程中发挥更力重要的作用,并已渐渐成为现代制造业的 个重要特征。 Mold industry is the foundation of the national economy; it is recognized as the key industry in the world; and it is also regarded as the mother of the industry in the developed countries. Molding has many advantages, such as high efficiency, good quality, economizing on raw materials, reducing the cost of the production. Manufacturing the components of the productions by molding now has become an important technological method in the industry. In the machinery, electronics, light industry, textile, aviation, aerospace and other industrial areas, molding has become the most widely used main technical equipment of the industrialized production, which undertakes the processing and production task of 60% - 80% of the product components, elements and parts in these industrial fields. The concepts that Mold is the product quality and Mold is the economic-effect have been realized and received by more and more people. In China, people have recognized the important foundation of the molding in the manufacturing industry and they have realized that the management of the crisis and the market competiveness of the enterprises depend on the speed of replacement, new product development capabilities. Currently the tradition of manufacturing the engine hood by the thin steel plates will still be last quite some time, so it is necessary to analysis the technological properties, such as the reasonable structure, the force, whether it is easy to break out the surface, on the basis of the steel plate by computer software, to find the shortcomings of the ready components, discuss and determine the improvement of these deficiencies and thus improve the mold design and the stamping method, and to realize eventually the product improvement on the mechanical properties, appearance, the results of the usage and the cost and so on. Stamping processing is achieved by the mold. From the point of mold, the level of mold production technology has become the important symbol of measuring that of the countrys manufacturing, because on a large extent the mold determines the capability of product quality, effectiveness and new product development. People have known that mold industry is the basis processes and equipment of the industrial production. According to the statistics, in the products of electronics, automobile, electrical machinery, electrical appliances, instruments, meters, home appliances and communications, 60% 80% of the parts are shaped by the molds. The characteristics of high-precision, high-complexity, high-consistency, high-productivity and low-consumption, which are acquired by the mold production, are incomparable with the other manufacturing methods. In addiction, the stamping process can create great added value. The mold is the amplifier of the value; the value of the final production made by the mold is often higher than that of the own mold dozens, or even hundreds. Nowadays, the value of the global mold annual outputting is about 60 billion U.S. dollars, and the output value of the mold industry has surpassed that of the machine tool industry in Japan, the United States and the other industrialized countries. Since 1997, Chinas output value of the mold industry has also exceeded that of the machine tool industry. Among all the molds (forging mold, die casting mold, injection mold, etc.), no matter the quantity, weight or the value of the stamping die is on the top one. Thus, sheet metal stamping and processing and the mold production technology have made and will continue make a great contribution to the development of the national economy. With the development of Chinas economy, the needs to the technology development and the technical professionals will be rising. Therefore, it is significantly important to strength the research of sheet metal stamping and processing and the mold production technology. Current Situation and Development Trends: After the 100 years development, it has already been mature that the design technology of the engine of the hood of the small-size vehicle. However, with the exploitation of the all kinds of small sized engine, a lot of improvements have been done on the front and the rear hood of the engines. In the current period, the improvements of the hood of the small-size automobiles engine are mainly manifested in the improvement of the construction materials, for example, replace the traditional thin steel plate with the resin-based composite materials and make with the engine water tank, the heat shield and the engine cover, etc. by RTM. As with composite materials replace the original metal shell type of engine parts, the weight will be reduced, and the cost will be greatly reduced; for manufacturers, this creates a great deal of profit, so the technical progress is also will continue for a long period of time. As far as it goes, there are still many problems in the Chinas stamping die, and among these problems, the mold production cycle, quality and quantity are still the keys. Compared to the international standards, in general, the productive cycle of Chinas stamping die is longer, the lifespan is shorter twice and there is a wide gap of the accuracy. The lack of quantity is mainly reflected on the large-scale, sophisticated, complex, long-life mold. The main reasons of these problems are the following: 1) the irrational industry structure (such as enterprise organizational structure, product structure, technical structure and import and export structure, etc.) 2) the weakness of the comprehensive character of the enterprise, the level of design and production, the ability of development and the management; 3) the serious shortage of the qualified personnel; 4) the shortage of the capital; 5) the low level of the specialization, standardization and commercialization and the bad collaboration: 6) the outmoded mold materials and related skill; 7) the low efficiency and benefits of the mold manufacturing enterprises, etc. The stamping dies used by Tian Long Machinery Company Ltd., Liuzhou still relatively fall behind, so the components made by the stamping dies are with the shortcomings that they are of low quality, low accuracy of the size and shape and short lifespan, and they often wrinkle. Additionally, the irrational nesting may lead to the waste of raw materials. The reasons above are mainly due to the unreasonable mold design and the incomplete consideration. Whats more, the unreasonable process design is the reason of the low quality of the components. Process design is the bridge and link between the production design and manufacture. Reasonable forming process design is the basis of mold design and manufacture, and it is also the key that whether the component can form smoothly; it is related directly to the quality, cost, efficiency of the production, and the molds lifespan and so on. In the present era, the technology developing rapidly, the technology of mold design is also in the fast developing. The tendency of the mold technology in the future is the development towards the information technology, high-speed production and precision of the development. Nowadays, competition is very intense in the market economy. In order to prevail in the market, the level of the design must be continually improved so that the stamping dies are more reasonable and the quality, size, shape accuracy, lifespan and resource utilization of the components are can be greatly enhanced, which can improve the companys efficiency and competitiveness. 1.2 Background of the topic 1.2.1 The Research Results of the of Metal Forming Technology and Research Results in Recent Years In recent years, stamping forming process there are many new advances, especially in precision stamping, precision molding, precision cutting, composite materials, forming, super plastic forming, soft-casting and the electromagnetic forming of new technology with each passing day, increasing the accuracy of precision stamping parts productivity is also greatly improved, is to improve the stamping process to high-quality, new level of development. Since CAE is introduced, the stamping process has developed to computer simulation and analysis process from making finite element analysis by the pairs of stress and strain in order to achieve optimal design. Whats more, the computer-aided design has also been launched in the stamping blank design to draw on the blank layout to optimize the design. The research on the performance of the metal stamping and forming and the limits of forming, as well as the determination on the difficulty of the stampings forming and the developing on the techniques of forming forecasting, shows that the stamping and forming begins to enter the scientific stage guided by the stamping theory from the stage of analyzing the original experience and experiments; these all help the technology of stamping and forming go to the development of stamping and intelligent computer-aided engineering. Program: As a stamping press, its rough performance, good or bad, can be the judged by personal experience or vision, but under the conditions of requiring the quantization, people would better use the sheet metal analysis software associated with the mechanism; and I use DYNAFORM to analysis the stamping parts. The color of the images in the analysis can determine that the conditions of the pressing, and we can know clearly the stretching situation by the list of data. Based on information given, we can improve correspondingly the stampings. Finally we should focus on the mold design up. General steps: 1. Analyzing by using CAE software (DYNAFORM), and discussing the manufacturability of the existing parts (stamping performance) 2. Improving some parts shape, and strengthening the tendons distribution 3. Exhibition of materials by FASTBLANK, stock layout, and selecting the best layout program 4. Making calculations, getting the associated data and depicting the general outline 5. Draw the three-dimensional mold chart (DAC) by the use of the data above and UG 6. Discussing the specific parts technology and related programs according to the model 7. Drawing the two-dimensional map of the die of the related components by AUTOCAD or CAXA. 8. Writing the topic statement. The pros and cons of the process of stamping process determine the rationality of the stamping parts manufacturing technology, the stamping parts quality and the cost of the production. Therefore the stamping parts must be made a thorough process analysis and by analyzing the structure, performance and the difficulty level of the stamping parts to choose the scientific and rational processes program. And to ensure the product design requirements, minimize the process, we could adopt the appropriate materials, save the materials, select the advanced and reasonable processing technology, and strive to the simple production process to reduce the production costs and improve the economic efficiency. Mold CAE technology is the one which simulates the real process of the stamping die forming on the computer before the design and manufacture of molds, informs the user that whether the die structure design and the process conditions are reasonable and ultimately provides users with the best mold design process program. The reliability of this technology is more than 80%. By using the technology the design and manufacturing cycle can be reduced by 2 / 5 (for complex mold case) and improve the mold quality and product qualification rate which can significantly reduce the manufacturing cost and enhance the product market competition. Gap between the Domestic and Foreign Mold At present, the characteristics of Chinas industrial production are production variety, quick updates, and the fierce market competition. In this case, the requirements of the users for mold manufacturing are the short delivery time, high precision, good quality, and low prices. That the supply and demand are both booming is the general display of Chinas mold market in recent years, and in 2004 this pattern remains. As the growth rate of the automotive, mechanical and electrical industries drops, the price of the raw material rises, the energy and the electricity is in the shortage, the capital is not enough to go round and the transportation expense is on the rise, in 2004 the growth rate of the mold market falls back, although the supply and demand condition is flourishing. The condition in 2005 is expected to be down 5 percentage points compared to 2004. In Europe and the United States, CAD / CAE / CAM have become a widely used technology in the mold enterprise. Presently the mature level of the 3D design of CAD has reached 70% 89%, and Australian 3D design 60%, while China is only just on the beginning. The Application of CAE technology in Europe and the United States has been mature. In China, only few enterprises put CAE technology which can simulate of metal deformation process, analyze the distribution of stress and strain to predict rupture, forecast the defects such as cracking, wrinkling and springback in the use during the stamping die design. In the DL Chart (stamping process diagram) design process, the stamping process analysis, the choosing of the direction of stamping and the division of the processes are close to those of foreign countries. However, there is a wide gap on the design of the additional surface in process and product processing, for example, the foreign technology has the rich experience on the design of the drawing off part and the digital-analog process, especially there is a wide disparity between the home and the domestic on the process of the high-precision car components. The high-speed cutting is a processing skill by using the high cutting speed, high feed rate and high processing quality. In foreign countries, it has been a relatively mature technology, the contour machining precision 0.05mm, which does not need to study co-gap. Machining processing makes sure the trimming die cutting edge clearance; pliers installation do not need the spotting time, so that it can be directly loaded with mold after processing. However, in China,mold fitters workload is still large. Although the performance of the domestic machine is quite equal to that of the equipment abroad, on the sector of the technological data of NC, the gap is still existed on the feeding path, method and the design. In addition, the disparity is showed on the mold manufacturing cycle, the quality and the level of standardization. Chapter II Stamping Process Project The pros and cons of the process of stamping, determines the rationality of the stamping parts manufacturing technology, stamping parts quality and the cost of production, so stamping parts must be analyzed thoroughly, which includes the analysis on the structure, performance and the difficulty level of the stamping parts, to determine the scientific and rational processes program. And to ensure the product design requirements, minimize the process, we could adopt the appropriate materials, save the materials, select the advanced and reasonable processing technology, and strive to the simple production process to reduce the production costs and improve the economic efficiency. Mold CAE technology is the one which simulates the real process of the stamping die forming on the computer before the design and manufacture of molds, informs the user that whether the die structure design and the process conditions are reasonable and ultimately provides users with the best mold design process program. The reliability of this technology is more than 80%. By using the technology the design and manufacturing cycle can be reduced by 2 / 5 (for complex mold case) and improve the mold quality and product qualification rate which can significantly reduce the manufacturing cost and enhance the product market competition. With the needs of the modern manufacturing, the invitation and design of the new production, the quality and the cycle have become the key that whether the business can survive and develop in the market economy. By the help of the promotion and application of computer-aided design (CAD) and manufacturing technology (CAM), not only the designers will be free from the heavy and complicated hand drawing method, but also it is a revolutionary huge leap to the manufacture. But before the introduction and the application of the concept of CE (Concurrent Engineering), the CAD / CAM / CAE / CAPP of the production belong to different departments, and the product design, manufacture and analysis are completed in the serial design from the head to the feet. Obviously, for the concurrent design, the former can not be updated on the time throughout the design process so that it is difficult to achieve the synchronous implementation of the productions invitation, fabrication and integration and extend the development cycle and the production costs. The National 863/CIMS theme, major application concurrent engineering projects, completed by the company reflects a promising application prospects by the implementation of the projects in the new product invitation through CAD / CAM / CAE. And, the parallel full-stamping die parameters design made by the PRO / E 3D design system in the product development process has been in a very good application. In recent years, with the rapid development of the computer comprehensive technology, Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (CIMS), Concurrent Engineering (CE), Virtual Manufacturing (VM) and a series of the other new technologies bring the mechanical engineering industry into a new production process mode. Some statistics show that the related businesses have received significant economic and social benefits when China applies and popularizes 863/CIMS; the enterprises have made a great improvement on rising production efficiency, reducing the costs, shortening product cycles and enhancing the quality. In terms of its meaning, Concurrent Engineering is a complex systematic process, which addresses the problems that how to develop and design effectively a product and to organize rationally the process preparation, manufacturing, process management, business and sales process to achieve the best product cycle and the lowest cost. During these years, the launch and implementation of the parallel project in the company are still in the exploration with the collaboration in different departments. However, the stamping die concurrent design has been basically formed into a relatively complete process framework; in the mold design and manufacturing process, the fundamental realization of the design must be realized on the support of the core CAD / CAM / CAE software, and the company introduced the PRO / ENGINEER of the U.S. PTCs as the CAD / CAM software platform which is the platform of the concurrent engineering design system. Before and in the process of the design process, the key of the die structure design is to mold by PRO / E and forming the numerical simulation is the introduction of Professional CAE analysis system DYNAFORM, in the mold before and begin, for the of the key elements of intent to use model, to calculate and analyze standard data which is put forward to DYNAFORM and to predict the feasibility of interventions, which can improve die structure parameters. Whats more, the manufacture of molds can achieve the seamless switching of the CAD / CAM in the PR0 / E, which can not only fully reflect the mold design intention and avoid the loss of information in the engineering drawings, but also can significantly shorten the manufacturing cycle. PRO / ENGINEER can use the design process parameter settings, relations, reference management to realize the total dependency parametric design, in other words, in the mold design process, any change of the production in the design will be reflected to all of the relevant structural parts and the design will be updated automatically in accordance with structural design. It greatly improves the efficiency of die design, supports the repeatability of the design, and updates the design with the high efficiency. PRo / ENGINEER provides a set of methods and makes up a relatively complete the environment of Top-Down Design, which refers to an organizational approach in the structural design, with the other kinds of tools. Actually, in the past, the hand and two-dimensional design process reflect the its purposes, as well as under the environment of PRo / E. Around the core theme of the design Top-Down Design commences correlation design. The realization of die concurrent engineering is completed by the following six steps in general: (1) Participate in the process of extraction of the model elements in the product or prototype product, and accept or self-complete the final product which already has all the characteristics of the model. (2) Analyze to the


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