



第五章问答题:1. why is important to sound fog signals ?(为什么发出雾号是重要的)It is necessary to warn other vessels around in restricted visibility and take proper action to avoid collision.(在能见度受限的情况下可以警告周围的船舶和采取有效的避碰措施)2. when would you sound the general alarm ?(你会在什么时候发出一般警报)In the emergency case.(在紧急状况下)3. when should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or completed navigation? Please list some(值班驾驶员什么时候应当立即通知船长紧急操纵船舶或做复杂航行?请列举一些)a) when the visibility is poor(能见度不良时)b) when entering narrow waters or meeting the dense traffic(进入狭水道或交通密集区域时) c) when it is difficult to keep course(很难保持航向的时候)4. How does the OOW assess risk of collision generally ?(值班驾驶员一般怎样判定碰撞危险?)By the bearing and range of the coming vessel(通过来船的方位和距离)5. How should the relieving officer behave in case a bridge maneuver already took place but has not been over ?(如果驾驶台操纵已经开始但还没有结束,接班驾驶员要如何做?)He should wait until the maneuvering is finished.(他应该等到操纵结束)6. List the main items to updated on the pilot card.(列举引航卡上要更新的主要项目)Draft , air draft etc.(吃水,净空高度等等)7. Besides the collision risks ,what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?(在能见度降低的情况下,除了碰撞危险,你还要再值班中注意什么?)Fog signal, own ships position, course and speed(雾号,船的位置,航向和航速等)8. How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port?(离开港口时,你如何知道要守听的甚高频频道)Look through the “Sailing Directions” and “The Guide to Port Entry”(通过查阅航路指南和进港指南)9. What should the master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge ?(到驾驶台时,船长希望能从值班驾驶员那里获得什么信息?)Course ,speed , ships position ,visibility etc.(航向、航速、船位、能见度等等)10. Who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder ?(引航员上引航梯的时候谁要在场?)Officer in charge , carpenter, sailor.(值班驾驶员、木匠、和水手)11. When would you instruct a lookout you assist on the bridge?(你会在什么时候要求瞭望的人在驾驶台协助你?)In restricted visibility, in dense traffic, entering or leaving a port, etc(能见度不良、交通拥挤、进港和离港等)12. What effect will the general alarm have on all the crew?(综合警报对所有的船员起什么作用?)All the crew should go to the muster station at once (所有的船员应该立刻到集合地点)13. Why is record keeping a necessary part of watch keeping ?(为什么做记录是值班的必要环节)It is official evidences in case of any incident(在发生事故时,它能作为官方的证明)14. Apart from those for navigation safety , what else should you do on an anchor watch ?(除了注意航行安全,在锚泊值班时,还要做什么?)To check anchor position ,wind ,sea state, visibility ,other ships in vicinity (检查锚位、风、海况、能见度、附近船只的情况)15. How would you conveniently check the compass error in pilotage waters?(在引航水域你如何方便的查出罗经误差?)Through comparing true course with compass course ?(通过对比真航向与罗经航行)16. If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driven vessel who has the right of way? (如果帆船追越机动船,谁有直航权?)Power-driven vessel.(机动船)17. A power-driven vessel is on a collision course with a fishing trawler. Who has the right of way? (机动船和一艘渔船在碰撞航向上,谁有直航权?)Fishing trawler(拖网渔船)18.How many meters are there in a nautical mile? ( 1海里有多少米?)1852 m19. If you travel from Panama to New York, will your latitude increase or decrease? (如果你从巴拿马到纽约,纬度会增加还是减少?) Increase(增加)20. How many “position lines” are needed to make a position? (需要多少条船位线来定位)Three21.Can you define the very important term “underway”? (在航什么意思?) It means a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore or aground.(船舶不在锚泊,系岸,或搁浅!)22. You observe a ship during daytime, exhibiting three balls on the same halyard. What has happened? (白天你观察到一艘船上载同根绳上显示三个信号球,发生什么事?)The vessel is aground.(船舶搁浅了)23. What does the abbreviation IALA stand for? International Association of Lighthouse Authorities 国际灯标管理局协会24. Is it safe to pass north of a North mark? (从北侧标的北侧通过时安全的吗?) Yes 25. Is it safe to pass north of a South mark? No 26. Does “variation” change due to a ships position? (磁差随着船位变化吗?) Yes 27. does “deviation” change due to a ships position? (自差随着船位的变化吗、?) No 28. When correcting charts, why must you use symbols and abbreviations from chart 5011?(改正海图时,你为什么必须参考5011海图的图式和缩写?) It enables the person to enter the correct size and shape symbols while correcting charts.(使得我们能在改正海图时绘制正确的图式尺寸和形状)29. You have purchased a new chart. Is it right ready for use? No 30. What publication do you need to correct charts properly? NMS (Notices to Mariners)31. What course in degrees corresponds to southeast? 135 degrees32. What is the angle between magnetic and true meridian called? Variation33. Where can you always find information about the magnetic variation? (你通常在那里找到磁差信息?) Compass rose, Isogonal curves, in the chart legend (罗经花、等磁差线、海图标题栏)34. When a ship picks up speed, will draught increas


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