



Unit 5 The power of nature Module 6Part 1 Vocabulary1. Mary had felt ill all day . she c_ her appointment with her friends .2. Sometimes c_with natural forces , humans are weak.3. All the children lilstened to his a_ in the mountains .4. The beautiful vase made in Qing Dynasty in the store is very p_.5. U_, in spite of great efforts we made , we fail to carry out our project .6. When I was a child , I used to go b_ in the river .7. We all admire him for his c_against difficulty .8. They g_delivery within one week .9. We were b_with his story , he has repeated it again and again.10. The e_look on his face showed the news was very exciting .11. He got into a p _when he found the house broken into.12. “How long am I going to stay?” she whispered a_.13. The students were so b_ that some of them fell asleep.14. His speech about the doctor who worked heart and soul for Tibetan people i_ us very much .15. The view from the top of the mountain was most i_.16. After all the e_of the party ,the little boy slept for ten hours .17. Her friends e_ gave her the confidence to enter the competition .18. She g_ shyly at him and then lowered her eyes .19. A tourist very foolishly took a risk by walking right to the edge of an active v_.20. I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their p_ to cause great damage .21. What other ways do you know of expressing fear or a_?22. I was t_ almost as much as the ground under my feet.23. Tianshan is home to a great d_ of plants and animals .Part 2 Useful Phrases1. 人类保护自己免受很大的自然力量危害的方法_2. 测量滚烫的岩石的温度_3. 组成地表_4. 在远处_ 5. 向火山口的边缘缓慢地过去_6. 对工作满怀热情 _7. 具有语言天赋和说服力_8. 冷不防吓人一跳, 突然袭击某人_9. 翻阅报纸_10. 烧成灰烬_Part 3 Complete the following sentences according to the texts.1. 我正在熟睡, 突然感到床铺在摇晃,接着我听到一阵奇怪的声音, 就好象一列火车在我的窗外行驶一样。I _ _ _when suddenly my bed began _and I hear a strange sound like a train _outside my window.2. 在火山喷发的第二天,我有幸做了一次远距离观看The day after the eruption I was_ _ _have a much closer look at it.3. 虽然从事火山研究工作20 多年了, 但是我对火山壮丽的景色以及那潜在的巨大破坏力至今仍然感到惊愕不已。_ _volcanoes now for more than twenty years, Im still _ _their beauty _ _ _their potential to cause great damage.4. 我正要回去睡觉, 突然我的卧室亮如白昼。I _ _ _go back to sleep _ suddenly my bed room _ _bright _ day .5. 这里地面的高度从海拔700米到场2000米不等。The height of the land _ _700 height meters _ 2000 meters alone sea level and is _ _ a great diversity of plants and animals.Part 4 Compete the summary of the text.The eru_of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD took people in Pompeii by sur _. It was so quick and so sev_that the town was soon co_in a_and l_.Many houses in the town were b_to the ground. It was an abs_ disaster for many people w_ could not get away in t_. A writer n_ Pliny, who was there during the eru_, des_ hot lava was thrown into the air like a fou_. Un_ many of the town people, ama_at the fan_sight of Vesuvius eru_, stayed too long and f_to esc_ in time.Part 5 Multiple Choice1. Mr Smith, _ of the_ speech, started to read a novel. (2003春招)A. tired, boring B. tiring, bored C. tired, bored D. tiring, boring2. He _ his order beause of the lack of enough money.A. cancelled B. placed C. took D. received3. Did you listen to the lecture?Yes, I have never heard such a _ one.A. more exciting B. more excited C. most exciting D. most excited4. _ any biscuits that morning, we had nothing to eat.A. Not baking B. Not having baked C. Not being baked D. Not having been baked5. _ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing6. He sent me an E-mail, _ to get further information.A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope7._ the child to bed, she began to correct the pupils exercise.A. Sending B. Being sent C. Sent D. Having sent8. His eyes _ with tears.A. bathed B. were bathed C. were bathing D. bathes9. Time _, I will go there with you.A. permits B. permitted C. will permit D. permitting10. You cant imagine _ when they received these Chinese presents.A. how they were excited B. how excited they wereC. how exciting were they D. they were how excited11. When the police took the suspect to the police station, he insisted that he _ the ladys purse and that he _ free.A. not steal, be set B. didnt steal, was set C. not steal, should be D. hadnt stolen, be set12. _ for the Olmpic Games, Chinese team will fly to Athens full of confidence.A. Prepared B. Preparing C. To prepare D. Prepare13.There was no doubt _ it was in the supermarket _ I lost my wallet yesterday.A. whether, whether B. that, that C. that, whether D. whether, that14. _, safety belts were worn only by a small percentage of passengers, which caused more deaths.A. Happily B. Unfortunately C. Therefore D. Instead15. His voice _ with anger when he heard her rude words.A. trembled B. feared C. shook D. moved16. There are some differences between ocean water and rain water. _ ocean water, rain water is light.A. Comparing to B. Compare with C. Compared with D. Comparing with17. (湖南卷)21. Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella._. A. Yes, take it easy B. Well, it just depends. C. Ok, just in case D. All right, youre welcome18. (2005江苏卷)24. How about putting some pictures into the report _A picture is worth a thousand words. A. No way. B. Why not? C. All right. D. No matter.19. (2005山东卷) 22. Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office? Yes, _. A. for pleasure B. I could C. my pleasure D. with pleasure20.(全国卷1)Oh dear ! Ive just broken a window._. It cant be helped . A. Never mind B. All right C. Thats fine D. Not at allPart 6 Reading: Read and then ask and answer five questions on the passage, using who, what, where, when or how.Have you ever seen a Volcano? A volcano is one of the most surprising and frightening forces of nature. Perhaps you have seen pictures of these “fireworks of nature in action. Any natural opening in the earths crust, called a fissure(裂缝) where melted rock ,ash, gases, and steam come out, is called a volcano. Volcanoes look like mountains, but they are really flat land that is pushed upward because of the pressure below the earth. There are thousands of volcanoes all over the world. Volcanoes are formed when the earths plates shift. There are five basic types of volcanoes: Caldera, Cone, Lava Dome, Shield, and Strato. Volcanoes are put into these five categories according to how they are formed, how they erupt, and where they are formed. When people think of volcanoes, they think of great explosions or eruptions, but they can also be little lava flows. Big explosions throw out new lava and other fragments such as hot volcanic rock and ash. Eruptions can destroy a whole island or town if they are very strong and violent. When lava flows from the volcano, it moves in large rivers across the land. It burns everything in its way. People who live near active volcanoes have to pay attention to the eruption warnings given by the scientists.It is important for scientists to know what is happening with a volcano. Volcanoes act in certain ways before erupting. Scientists look for ways to tell when a volcano is about to erupt by studying how the magma(岩浆) below the volcano is moving. If the magma is rising, three things begin to happen. First, earthquakes and other seismic(地震的) activities begin. Second, the volcano begins to get larger at the top or back side. Third, volcanic gases are released from vents. These three events help scientists know when the volcano is about to erupt. If a volcano begins to act as it is going to erupt, scientists visit the volcano to study it for 24 hors a day. Many scientists work together to see how the volcano affects land, water, and animals before and after an eruption.1. Question _Answer: Caldera, Cone, Lava Dome, Shield, and strato.2. Question _Answer: They can destroy a whole island or town.3. Question _Answer: By studying how the magma below the volcano is moving.4. Question _Answer: Three.5. Question _Answer: People who live near active volcanoes.6. Question _Answer: 24 hours a day.7. Question _Answer: Before and after an eruption.Unit 2 Peoms Book 6参考答案Part 1 Vocabulary1. cancelled 2.compared 3. adventures 4. precious 5. Unfortunately 6.bathing 7.courage 8.guranteed 9. bored 10. exited 11. panic 12. anxiously 13. bored 14.impressed 15. impressive 16. excitement 17. encouragement 18. glanced 19. volcano 20.potential 21. anxiety 22. trembled 23. Diversity Part 2 Useful Phrases1. ways human beings protect themselves from powerful natural forces 2. take the temperature of the boiling rock 3. make up the surface of the earth 4. in the distance 5. slowly make ones way to the edge of the crater 6. be enthusiastic about ones job 7. have a gift for language and persuasion 8. take sth by surprise 9.glance through newspaper 10. burn to the ground Part 3 Complete the following sentences according to the texts.1.was fast asleep / shaking/passing 2. lucky enough to 3. Having studied /amazed at /as well as 4. was about to /when/became as / as 5


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