



安徽省2013届高三英语一轮复习单元测试题(十七)unit 17 laughter随堂演练巩固10用心 爱心 专心.单词拼写 1.my classmate told me some (轶事,奇闻) about our english teacher. 【答案】 anecdotes 2.his character has greatly been (成熟的) in these years. 【答案】 mature 3.our team went out of the (比赛,锦标赛) in the first round. 【答案】 tournament 4.our garden is (作之疆界) on one side by a stream. 【答案】 bordered 5.he was always seeking someone to whom he could talk without . 【答案】 caution 6.she looked absolutely in those funny trousers. 【答案】 ridiculous 7.his jokes made everybody turn sick. 【答案】 disgusting 8.they suffered huge losses in the financial . 【答案】 crisis 9.what a room!you should learn to put everything in order. 【答案】 messy 10.the old man is so that he always gets lost on his way home. 【答案】 forgetful .选词填空 make an attempt to get rid of regardless of open up to count on result from come across in a flash without delay be caught in 1.its time that you your bad habits. 【答案】 got rid of 2.finally,the world of words was her. 【答案】 opening up to 3.the famous player beat the world record but failed. 【答案】 made an attempt to 4. i knew that the word was the name of the process that was going on in my head. 【答案】 in a flash 5.she determined to do what she liked all consequences. 【答案】 regardless of 6.you can not him to help you. 【答案】 count on 7.i an old friend of mine when i attended the meeting. 【答案】 came across 8.it is said that his lameness an accident. 【答案】 resulted from 9.i had hoped to meet you at the airport but i the traffic jam. 【答案】 was caught in 10.my doctor advised me to give up smoking . 【答案】 without delay .单项填空 1.china always holds the belief all the people in the world should live harmony. a.that;with b.that;in c.what;with d.which;in 【解析】 第一个空应用that引导同位语从句,说明the belief;第二个空则应用in,in harmony”和谐”。 【答案】 b 2.john was late for the business meeting because his flight had been by a heavy storm. a.keptb.stopped c.slowedd.delayed 【解析】 句意:因为航班遭遇暴风雨而耽搁了时间,约翰参加业务会议时迟到了。delay”推迟,延缓,耽搁”。 【答案】 d 3.will this new wall the force of the sea? a.enforceb.resist c.reserved.defend 【解析】 句意:这堵新墙能抵挡住海浪的力量吗?resist”抵抗”。 【答案】 b 4.scientists are convinced the positive effect of laughter physical and mental health. a.of;atb.by;in c.of;ond.on;at 【解析】 句意:科学家确信笑对人身体和精神健康的积极影响。be convinced of sth./that.坚信,深信,确信。名词effect通常和介词on/upon连用,表示”对的影响(或效应)”。 【答案】 c 5.only in this way your headache. a.you can get rid ofb.you can get over c.can you get rid ofd.can you get off 【解析】 only连接的状语放在句首时句子应用倒装语序。此处用get rid of 表示”除去”。 【答案】 c 6.the company trouble early on,when a major order was cancelled. a.made intob.knocked into c.ran intod.dropped into 【解析】 句意:这家公司早些时候有一个大订单被撤销,从而便陷入了困境。run into trouble陷入困境;knock into撞在某人身上;drop into掉入,滴入。 【答案】 c 7.the boy went swimming in the deep lake his mothers fears for his safety. a.in the face ofb.as a result of c.regardless ofd.in spite of 【解析】 句意:那个男孩不顾母亲对他安全的担忧,跑到深湖中游泳。regardless of不管,不顾,不理会。in the face of面对;as a result of由于(的结果);in spite of尽管。 【答案】 c 8.he hasnt slept at all for 3 days. he is tired out. a.there is no pointb.there is no need c.it is no wonderd.it is no way 【解析】 句意:他三天没合眼,难怪他累坏了。its no wonder (that).难怪 【答案】 c 9.as is known to us all,french wine is usually high quality and is very popular all over the world. a.ofb.off c.withd.down 【解析】 句意:众所周知,法国葡萄酒通常品质很高,在全世界都很受欢迎。此处用”of+名词”表示法国葡萄酒的特性。 【答案】 a 10. i enjoy the book with some nice pictures,i dont have enough money to buy it. a.sinceb.while c.asd.if 【解析】 此处用while引导让步状语从句,表示”虽然”。句意:”虽然我喜欢那本带有一些好看的图片的书,我却没有足够的钱买。” 【答案】 b 提升能力达标.单项填空 1.to her ,she found there are theatres,movies,football games and many other in the village. a.amusement;amusement b.amusements;amusements c.amusement;amusements d.amusements;amusement 【解析】 to ones amusement令某人觉得有趣的是。后一空则用amusements。 【答案】 c 2.he couldnt his father that john was telling the truth. a.convince b.believe c.admitd.display 【解析】 句意:他不能使他父亲相信约翰说的是实话。convince此处表示”使相信”。 【答案】 a 3.wto wont be the name unless it contains china. a.worthb.worthy c.worthwhiled.represent 【解析】 be worth+n.值得;be worthy必须接介词of,再接名词;represent”象征,代表”,不符合题意。 【答案】 a 4.although the working mother is very busy,she still a lot of time to her children. a.devotesb.spends c.offersd.provides 【解析】 本题考查动词辨析。devote”把时间用于”;spend”花费”,用法为spend (time) on;offer”主动提供某事”;provide”提供(东西)”。由题意可知应选devotes。 【答案】 a 5.the management of computer network is nearly beyond my ,but i can get useful information from it. a.catchb.grasp c.snatchd.grab 【解析】 四个选项都有”抓住”的意思,但此处grasp侧重于”理解,掌握”,且充当名词。 【答案】 b 6.i joined a gym with the help of my daughter two years ago and now i exercise every day. a.stick tob.hold up c.pick upd.take on 【解析】 stick to坚持,不放弃或不改变;hold up延误或阻碍;pick up捡起,收听,无意学会,中途搭载某人;take on呈现,承担某事。句意:在女儿的帮助下,两年前我加入了一个健身俱乐部。现在我每天都坚持锻炼。 【答案】 a 7.did you watch the basketball match yesterday? yes,i did.you know,my brother in the match. a.is playingb.was playing c.has playedd.had played 【解析】 答话人强调昨天他看比赛时,他哥哥在打比赛,故用过去进行时。 【答案】 b 8.there is no in pushing children unless they are talented and they enjoy it. a.wonderb.need c.pointd.doubt 【解析】 it is no wonder.不足为奇;there is no need.没有必要;there is no point in doing sth.做没有意义;there is no doubt.没有疑问,毫不怀疑。句意:逼迫孩子没有任何意义,除非他们有天赋并且喜欢它。 【答案】 c 9.einstein liked boses paper so much that he his own work and translated it into german. a.gave offb.turned down c.took overd.set aside 【解析】 动词短语辨析。give off发出(光等),排出,放出;turn down把声音调小;委婉拒绝;take over接管;set aside撇开不顾,取消,放弃,保留。 【答案】 d 10.he cant be really reading attentively;he is just pages. a.turning offb.turning around c.turning overd.turning up 【解析】 turn off关上;turn around转身,改变主意;turn over 翻转,交上;turn up出现,露面,调大(灯火、音量等)。由句意可知他只是在翻书,故应用turn over。 【答案】 c 11.why do we have to sues selfish behavior?we should teach her to care for others. a.get rid ofb.put up with c.make up ford.split up 【解析】 get rid of去除,除掉;put up with忍受;make up for弥补;split up绝交;将某物分成若干部分。句意:为什么我们非要忍受sue的自私行为?我们应该教导她关心别人。 【答案】 b 12.many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, they knew it to be valuable. a.as ifb.now that c.even thoughd.so that 【解析】 句意为:”他们中的很多人对他的建议充耳不闻,即使他们知道它有价值。”根据句子的意思,这是一个让步状语从句。even though即使,now that既然,so that为了。 【答案】 c 13.how are you getting on with your cleaning?do you need my help? ,but i think im all right. a.no,thanks b.thats ok c.you are helpful d.thats very kind of you 【解析】 由第一句”do you need my help?”及下句”but i think im all right”可选”thats very kind of you”用以表示感谢。意为”太好了;太感激你了”。 【答案】 d 14. i sympathize with those who have gone bankrupt,i cant really do very much to help them out of the difficulties,especially when the u.s.economy has moved into a recession. a.as long as b.as c.whiled.even 【解析】 while在句中引导让步状语从句,表示”尽管”。句意:尽管我同情那些破产的人,但我无法做很多来帮助他们走出困境,特别是当美国经济已走入衰退的时候。 【答案】 c 15.the problem yesterday afternoon is great importance. a.being discussed;forb.discussed;of c.to discuss;ofd.to be discussed;in 【解析】 句意:昨天下午讨论的问题十分重要。第一个空用过去分词作后置定语,修饰the problem;第二个空用of和importance连用,of importance=important。 【答案】 b .完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 several years ago,while attending a communication course,i experienced a most unusual process.the instructor asked us to list 1 in our past that we felt 2 of,regretted,or incomplete about and read our lists aloud. this seemed like a very 3 process,but theres always some 4 soul in the crowd who will volunteer.the instructor then 5 that we find ways to 6 people or take some action to right any wrongdoings.i was seriously wondering how this could ever 7 my communication. then the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story:making my 8 ,i remembered an incident from high school.i grew up in a small town.there was a sheriff 9 of us kids liked.one night,my two friends and i decided to play a 10 on him. after drinking a few beers,we climbed the tall water tank in the middle of the town,and wrote on the tank in bright red paint:sheriff brown is a fox.the next day,almost the whole town saw our glorious 11 .within two hours,sheriff brown had us in his office.my friends told the truth but i lied.no one 12 found out. nearly 20 years later,sheriff browns name 13 on my list.i didnt even know if he was still 14 .last weekend,i dialed the information in my hometown and found there was a roger brown still listed.i tried his number.after a few 15 ,i heard,”hello?” i said,”sheriff brown?” paused.”yes.” “well,this is jimmy calkins.” “and i want you to know that i did it!” paused.”i knew it!” he yelled back.we had a good laugh and a 16 discussion.his closing words were:”jimmy,i always felt bad for you 17 your friends got it off their chest,but you were carrying it 18 all these years.i want to thank you for calling me for your sake.” jimmy inspired me to 19 all 101 items on my list within two years,and i always remember what i learned from the course:its never too late to 20 the past wrongdoings. 1.a.somethingb.anything c.somebodyd.anybody 【解析】 此处用anything表示”任何一件事”。 【答案】 b 2.a.ashamedb.afraid c.sured.proud 【解析】 所填词应和后面的regretted及incomplete about意义相关,故用ashamed表示”感到羞愧的”。 【答案】 a 3.a.privateb.secret c.interestingd.funny 【解析】 自己遗憾的、未完成的或感到羞愧的事自然是个人的私事。 【答案】 a 4.a.foolishb.polite c.simpled.brave 【解析】 敢于说出隐私应该是很勇敢的。 【答案】 d 5.a.expectedb.suggested c.orderedd.demanded 【解析】 the instructor对我们提出了一些建议。 【答案】 b 6.a.connect withb.depend on c.make apologies tod.get along with 【解析】 后面wrongdoings暗示了他建议我们找到向人们道歉的方式。 【答案】 c 7.a.improveb.continue c.realized.keep 【解析】 ”我”怀疑这样做如何能提高我们的交流水平。 【答案】 a 8.a.notesb.lists c.pland.stories 【解析】 此处是”我”旁边的人说出他所列出的事情,故用lists。 【答案】 b 9.a.anyb.most c.noned.all 【解析】 根据下文描述可知孩子们不喜欢那位sheriff。 【答案】 c 10.a.partb.game c.trickd.record 【解析】 因不喜欢所以他们决定拿他开玩笑。play a trick on sb.开某人玩笑。 【答案】 c 11.a.viewb.sign c.attentiond.remark 【解析】 sign”标牌”,指”我们”在水槽上写的内容。 【答案】 b 12.a.alsob.even c.stilld.ever 【解析】 这件事因”我”说谎所以没有人查出真相。 【答案】 d 13.a.appears b.considers c.presentsd.remembers 【解析】 此处指差不多二十年后sheriff brown的名字重新出现在我的脑海里。 【答案】 a 14.a.angryb.happy c.doubtfuld.alive 【解析】 因时隔二十年,故”我”都不知道他是否还”活着”。 【答案】 d 15.a.wordsb.rings c.repeatsd.calls 【解析】 根据前面tried his number可知这里是尝试拔了几次电话。 【答案】 b 16.a.coldb.plain c.nervousd.lively 【解析】 由”we had a good laugh”可知我们的谈话充满了生机。 【答案】 d 17.a.in caseb.so long as c.unlessd.because 【解析】 后面解释原因,故应用because。 【答案】 d 18.a.aroundb.out c.upd.away 【解析】 carry around表示”随身携带”,此处指当年”我”的朋友们说了真话便释然了,而”我”说了谎,所以它一直伴着”我”这许多年。 【答案】 a 19.a.build upb.make up c.clear upd.give up 【解析】 jimmy鼓舞”我”在两年内”清理”我所列出的这101件事。clear up”清理”。 【答案】 c 20.a.regretb.forgive c.rightd.punish 【解析】 作者最后得出结论:改正过去做错了的事,无论什么时候永远都不晚。 【答案】 c .任务型读写 认真阅读下列短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中填入恰当的单词。注意:表格中的每个空格只填1个词。 at the beginning of the twentieth century,many people thought that the american family was falling apart.a century later,we know that this was not the case.however,although the family is still alive in the united states,its size and shape were very different from 100 years ago. in the late 1800s and early 1900s,there were mainly two types of families in the united states:the extended and the nuclear.the extended family usually includes grandparents,parents,and children living under the same roof.the nuclear family consists of only parents and children. today there are many different kinds of families.some people live in “traditional” families,that is,a stayhome mother,a working father,and their own biological children.others live in twopaycheck families,single-parent families,adoptive or foster families,blended families (where men and women who were married before marry again and combine the children from previous marriages into the new families),child less families,and so on. what caused the structure of the family to change?in the early 1900s the birthrate began to fall and the divorce rate began to rise.women were suddenly choosing to go to college and take jobs outside the home.in the 1930s and 1940s,many families faced serious financial,or money problems during the great depression,when many people lost their jobs.during world war (1939-1945),5 million women were left alone to take care of their homes and their children.because many men were at war,thousands of these “war widows” had to go to work outside their home. during the next ten years,the situation changed.there were fewer divorces,and people married at a younger age and had more children than the previous generation.it was unusual for a mother to work outside the home during the years whenher children were growing up.families began leaving cities and moving into single-family homes in the suburbs.the traditional family seemed to be returning. in the years between 1960s and 1990s,there were many important changes in the structure of the family.from the 1960s to the early 1970s,the divorce rate doubled and the birthr


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