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第6套测试卷听力原文Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.1. W: If you can keep up the pace, you will graduate in just 3 years. M: That may be true, but I never want to give up my summer breaks. Q: What does the man imply?A) Hell graduate before the woman.B) He hopes to graduate before summer.C) He doesnt want to attend school year-round.D) The woman wont be able to keep up the pace.答案 C). 听前预测 根据选项关键词graduate,summer,school推测话题与学业或毕业有关。详解 女士表示如果男士能保持进度,那就有望在三年内毕业,而男士说他不愿放弃暑假休息时间来学习,故选C)项。year-round意为“全年的,整整一年的”。2. M: Could you do me a favor? I really need to get this notebook to Kathy, and I know shes in your chemistry class this afternoon.W: Not a problem. Consider it done. Q: What will the woman probably do?A) Give the notebook to Kathy. B) Find out where Kathy put the notebook.C) Ask Kathy to explain the chemistry notes. D) Ask Kathy for the mans notebook.答案 A).听前预测 根据选项关键词notebook,Kathy推测话题与Kathy和笔记本有关。详解 男士说他需要将笔记本给Kathy,请求女士帮忙;女士毫不犹豫地答应了,故选A)项。3. W: Jeff, I am so sorry, I dont know what I did with your English dictionary. I will buy you a new one.M: Dont be silly. I have had that old thing since junior high school, and I hardly ever use it anyway.Q: What does the man imply?A) He finds the dictionary very useful.B) He knows where the woman put the dictionary.C) The woman need not replace the dictionary.D) The woman should buy her own dictionary.答案 C). 听前预测 根据选项关键词dictionary, put, replace, buy推测话题与词典的处理有关。详解 女士首先向男士表示歉意,她不清楚自己怎么会把男士的英语词典弄坏了,并说会给他买一本新的;男士说词典本身就很旧了,而且他也不会用到了。推断男士不需要女士买新词典,故选C)项。4. W: There is a student play tonight. Are you going with me?M: I doubt it. Im still getting over the flu.Q: What does the man mean?A) He has just recovered from the flu. B) He wont be able to go to the play. C) He heard that the play isnt very good. D) He has already seen the play.答案 B). 听前预测 根据选项关键词flu,play,seen推测话题与看戏剧和感冒有关。详解 女士问男士是否去观看晚上的学生剧,男士说他很怀疑,因为他得了流感还没有康复。可推断男士不能去看剧了,故选B)项。5. W: Do you mind if I borrow your Spanish workbook? M: Not as long as I can have it back in time to take to class this evening. Q: What does the man mean?A) He wants to meet the woman after his Spanish class. B) The woman should borrow someone elses workbook.C) He can take the woman to his Spanish class. D) The woman needs to return the workbook before the class.答案 D).听前预测 根据选项关键词borrow,workbook,return推测话题与借练习册有关。详解 女士问是否可以借用男士的西班牙语练习册,男士说只要女士在晚上上课前归还就可以借给她,故选D)项。6. W: Ive heard that Professor Martins introduction to chemistry is way too hard for first-year students. M: Yeah, but a lot of students who have gone on to the advanced course will tell you otherwise. They are really glad they started out with Professor Martin. Q: What does the man imply about Professor Martin?A) He prepares students well for the advanced course.B) He used to teach the advanced course of chemistry.C) He isnt qualified to teach introduction of chemistry.D) His students rarely attend the advanced course. 答案 A). 听前预测 根据选项关键词students,the advanced course,teach推测话题与教师授课有关。详解 女士听说Martin教授的化学入门课程对于一年级学生来说太难了,男士说许多上高级课程的人都很高兴跟着Martin教授入门,可知Martin教授帮学生们做好了上高级课程的准备,故选A)项。7. M: Can you believe that doctor Foster actually giving us an extra week to hand in the papers?W: Thats really a relief to me. I am not even half way through.Q: What does the woman mean?A) She doesnt have time to talk to Dr. Foster. B) She needs additional time to finish her paper.C) Dr. Foster hasnt finished grading the papers. D) She wants the man to help her with her paper.答案 B). 听前预测 根据选项关键词time,finish,paper推测话题与论文写作时间有关。详解 男士说Foster博士将论文上交日期推迟了一周,女士说这可以让她轻松些了,因为她连一半也没弄完,即她还需一些时间来完成论文,故选B)项。8. W: You look different today. Did you get a haircut?M: Thats funny. You are the third person to ask me that. But all I did was getting a new frame for my glasses.Q: What does the man imply?A) He doesnt like his new glasses frame.B) He didnt get a new haircut.C) He got his glasses a long time ago.D) Two people have asked about his new glasses frame.答案 B). 听前预测 根据选项关键词glass frame,haircut 推测话题与眼镜框或理发有关。详解 女士说男士看上去与往日不同,问男士是否理发了;男士说女士是第三个提出这个问题的人,但自己只是换了眼镜框而已,故选B)项。Conversation One听前预测 根据选项关键词working at home, concentrate, home office等推测对话与在家办公有关。9题考查某种原因或he的看法; 10题考查he的行为; 11题考查he现状; 12题考查she的问题。W: So this is your new home office. Its nice. M: Its functional, and I like it. (9)When my company decided to lower its over-head by decentralizing, it gave employees the option to work from home. When I heard that, I didnt think twice about making the change. W: Im not surprised. Lots of people would like to work from home. Did you have to get dedicated phone and fax lines? M: (10) No, I already have a company cell phone, and I mainly use e-mail to communicate with the office. W: I assume you get to set your own schedule. Do you find it hard to concentrate on your work? I know Id be distracted all the time if I had a home office. M: Its true that there are a lot more distractions at home, but I try to block them out. For me, its not getting down to work thats a problem, (11) its getting myself to stop thinking about work all the time! Thats one of the drawbacks of working where you live. Im more productive, but Im also more work-centered. W: I can see that, though Id still take working from home over working at the office any day. M: I thought you had a home office for your real-estate business. W: I do, but its not very conducive to getting any work done. M: (12) Whys that? W: (12) My home office doubles as the guest room and the kids playroom!Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. Q: Why does the man start to work from home?A) Its fashionable to work from home. B) He likes working at home because of his family.C) He was encouraged by the company. D) He thinks he can balance between work and life.答案 C). 详解 男士说公司决定分散员工以减少管理费用,给员工在家办公的机会,所以他选择在家办公的直接原因是公司的鼓励和决策。故选C)项。10. Q: How does the man connect with his office?A) He has dedicated phone and fax lines.B) He uses a company mobile and e-mails. C) He meets office members regularly. D) He hasnt decided what to use yet答案 B). 详解 女士问是否必须用专门的电话座机和传真,男士予以否定,说已有一部公司的手机,且主要用电子邮件与公司联系。故选B)项。11. Q: Whats the mans problem when working at home?A) His children distract him from time to time.B) He often has no inspiration working at home. C) His surroundings are too noisy for him to work.D) He couldnt stop thinking about his work.答案 D). 详解 男士说在家办公的缺点不是无法集中注意力工作,而是无法使自己停止想工作的事。故选D)项。12. Q: Why isnt it helpful for the woman to work at home?A) She couldnt concentrate because of guests visiting and kids playing. B) She has many guest rooms so theres no space left for a home office. C) Playing with children takes her much time so she is unable to work well. D) Her work tasks are more than expected so she couldnt finish them.答案 A) . 详解 女士说她的办公室既是待客室, 又是孩子玩乐的场所,因此她不能集中精力工作,故选A)项。Conversation Two听前预测 根据选项关键词job, salary等推测对话与工作和薪水有关。13题考查she的动机或行为;14题考查she的某项行为;15题考查某种看法。W: Hello, Simone Otto? This is Renaldo Garcia at Cinetect. You interviewed for a position with me last week. M: Oh, yes. How are you? W: Im doing well. I was impressed with you last week, and (13)Id like to offer you the job. M: Thank you. I really appreciate the job offer. W: I think we now need to talk about salary. What are your salary requirements? M: Well, for this position, I would be looking for a salary range between $60,000 and $65,000. W: Hmm, thats a bit higher than I was thinking. Perhaps we can give you an attractive compensation package if the salary isnt quite what youre looking for. M: I think the salary range I named is comparable to that of similar positions in the field. W: All right. Why dont you consider this: (14)I can give you a salary of $ 50,000 and Ill increase your annual vacation time from two weeks to three weeks.M: Hmm, Ill need to think about that. W: In this economy, its a salary that many people would jump at. M: I understand that, but I also know I have a lot to offer your company. W: Thats certainly true, and I dont want you to walk away from this job if we can close the gap in salary. M: If youre willing to up the offer to $ 60,000, it may be doable. W: Well, (15) $ 60,000 is really the ceiling for it. Ill have to give it some thought and call you back. M: Please do. Thank you very much again. It would be an honor to work with you at Cinetect.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.13. Q: Why does the woman call the man?A) She wants to ask the man to a job interview. B) She wants to offer the man a job. C) Shed like the man to lower his salary requirements. D) She is helping people who lost jobs in the depression.答案 B). 详解 在对话一开始女士就告诉男士,他上周参加面试时给她留下了很好的印象,因此想要录用男士。故选B)项。14. Q: Whats the womans compromise for a lower salary?A) She gives the man a longer vacation. B) She promises the man a brighter future. C) She offers a salary that many people would jump at. D) She advises the man to think about their other benefits.答案 A). 详解 对话中女士提到,给男士提供5万美元的年薪,将年假由2周增至3周,故选A)项。15. Q: How does the woman think of the mans requirement of $60,000?A) She will never consider it. B) She wouldnt give it to anybody. C) She needs a second consideration. D) She thinks the man asks for too much.答案 C). 详解 女士说6万美元的工资真的是上限了,她必须再想想,故选C)项。Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage One 听前预测 根据选项中supported, doubted, trustworthy, skepticism等推测短文可能与支持或怀疑某人或物有关。16题可能考查某种疾病的原因;17题可能考查they对某人意见的反应;18题考查与胃酸有关的问题;19题考查对待某些人或事物的态度。 Experts can be a valuable source of information on any subject, but dont make the mistake of thinking that they are extremely accurate. Every year experts in science and medicine are proven wrong in one theory or another. (16)Until recently, most medical experts believed that stomach ulcers were caused by an excess of stomach acid that was induced by stress. We now know the ulcers are caused by a bacterium, and that 90 percent of ulcers can be cured within a few weeks. The medical experts were not only wrong they were persistently wrong. (17)When an unknown Australian physician, Barry Marshall, introduced the bacterium theory in 1983, he was laughed at. Doesnt everyone know that bacteria cannot survive in the acids of the human stomach? Because his theory was brushed aside, (18) Marshall took the unusual step of dramatically infecting himself by drinking a cocktail with bacteria. His experiment worked: he demonstrated that bacteria can indeed live in the stomach. Nevertheless, for the next dozen or so years, most experts resisted the bacterium theory until slowly accumulating research created a mountain of convincing evidence. Finally, the experts had to compromise and admit that Marshall was right. Some students think that if sources have a Ph. D. or an M. D. and are working with a university or medical facility, they must be trustworthy. Unfortunately, there are fakes in every field. What should be your attitude toward experts? (19) Examine what they say because they often have valuable insights, but dont suspend your skepticism. Evaluate the comments of both their defenders and their critics.Questions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. Q: What used to be considered as the cause of stomach ulcers?A) Too much stomach acid. B) Too much life stress. C) Too many bacteria. D) Too many drinks of cocktail.答案 A). 详解 文中说直到最近,人们一直认为胃溃疡与胃酸过多有关,故选A)项。17. Q: What was the experts first response when Barry Marshall introduced his bacterium theory?A) They mocked at his idea. B) They supported his findings.C) They demonstrated his fault. D) They doubted his correctness.答案 A). 详解 文中说Barry Marshall介绍细菌导致胃溃疡理论时,遭到了专家们嘲讽,故选A)项。18. Q: What did Barry Marshalls drinking a cocktail with bacteria prove?A) Life stress induced excess of stomach acid. B) Human could live with too much stomach acid. C) Stomach aches were caused by stomach acid. D) Bacteria could survive in stomach acid.答案 D). 详解 因为自己的观点遭到漠视,Barry Marshall喝了含有细菌的鸡尾酒,该实验证实细菌可以在胃酸中存活,故选D)项。19. Q: What attitude should people take toward experts?A) Treat their ideas as trustworthy sources. B) Treat what they say as fakes. C) Evaluate what they say with skepticism. D) Check their certificate degree.答案C). 详解 文章最后提到我们应该检验专家的意见,因为他们有着深刻的理解,但也不要放弃怀疑,需要综合评估拥护者和反对者的评论,故选C)项。Passage Two听前预测 根据选项关键词students, living, campus推测短文与学生生活和住宿有关。20题考查it的特征或作用;21题考查they应该做的事情;22题考查某种条件。 For many international students, coming to the United States and living here and studying can be quite a daunting experience, especially when finding housing on campus or off campus. And fortunately, there are a variety of options that students can look to. (20)First of all for first-time students, coming and living on campus in dormitories can provide a certain level of security because of its proximity to campus facilities since commuting without a car can be quite an experience, especially when you have to commute long distances. Often in dormitories, meals might be provided, and this can allow students to devote time to their academics, rather than housekeeping. (21) But students should also be aware that theyll be required to abide by certain regulations dealing with student conduct as part of the contract and living on campus. Another option is off-campus living in apartments. And like living in dormitories, living in an apartment requires little or no maintenance specifically because usually it is handled by someone else. Also, when you might live off campus, there might be a certain amount of flexibility in choosing roommates that you might not have when living on campus. (22)But you should be aware that tenants may be responsible for furnishing their own apartments. Of course, the choice is up to you, but be careful to review both the advantages and disadvantages of living on campus and off campus.Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.20. Q: Why are first-time students advised to live on campus in dormitories?A) Its economical. B) It helps build relations with others.C) Its safe and convenient. D) Its quite an experience.答案 C). 详解 文中提到第一次来美国的学生住在学校宿舍会有一定的安全性,因为能最大化地利用校园设施,且饭菜也提供,故也有便利性,所以选C)项。21. Q: What should students living on campus be aware of?A) They should devote time to their housekeeping. B) They should behave themselves in study. C) They should deal with the sanitary work.D) They should obey relevant regulations.答案 D). 详解 文中提到住在宿舍里的学生必须意识到,他们要遵守有关学生行为的规定。故选D)项。22. Q: What should the students be aware of when living off campus?A) Students are not free to choose roommates.B) Students may have to furnish their own apartments. C) Living off campus is not as good as living on campus.D) Living off campus may be a bit expensive.答案 B). 详解 住在校外的学生必须知道,他们可能要为公寓准备家具。故选B)项。Passage Three听前预测 根据选项关键词public, speaker, speaking等推测短文与公开演讲有关。23题考查某种行为;24题考查事物内容;25题考查he的某方面才能。 Growing up in rural Tennessee, Van Jones had no intention of becoming a public speaker. Studying journalism at the University of Tennessee at Martin, he hoped one day to report the news, not to make it. (23) Nevertheless, he soon found himself drawn to campus politics, and he became a vocal member of the student body. After attending law school, Jones joined the San Francisco-based Lawyers Committee for Human Rights to work on problems confronting inner-city communities. A few years later he established the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting opportunity in urban America. But Jones didnt stop there. Over the years, he combined human rights initiatives with his interest in environmental justice. Today, he is president of Green for All, which focuses on creating green-collar jobs throughout America. In 2007 he worked with members of the U. S. House of Representatives to pass (24) the Green Jobs Act, which approved $125 million to train environmentally conscious workers. How has Jones achieved all this? Partly through his legal training and fearless spirit. (25)But whats more important is his ability to communicate with people through public speaking, which has been the primary vehicle for spreading his message. He has been described as “one of the most powerful and inspiring voices of our time”. Audiences are moved “by his heart, inspired by his commitment, and rocked by his eloquence”.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.23. Q: What did Jones find himself


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