(全国卷)高考英语二轮复习 活页综合提升练(十八)完形填空+阅读理解.doc_第1页
(全国卷)高考英语二轮复习 活页综合提升练(十八)完形填空+阅读理解.doc_第2页
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(全国卷)高考英语二轮复习 活页综合提升练(十八)完形填空+阅读理解.doc_第4页




活页综合提升练(十八)完形填空+阅读理解(限时35分钟).完形填空once,a rabbit built a fantastic warren (兔穴),where he lived very happily.he 1 it so well that,when a great rainstorm arrived which 2 nearly the whole woods and the homes of many 3his remained untouched.soon,one after another,the 4 animals came to his door,asking if they could spend that winter with him in his warren.he 5 each visitor in,and 6 the warren filled up until there was no 7 left.but this discomfort did not 8 the rabbit,because he felt that he was being 9.one day in spring,when all the animals had 10 to their old homes,the rabbit was hopping along so absent-mindedly (心不在焉地)that he did not 11 that a lynx (猞猁)was 12 him.one of the animals who had spent the 13 in the rabbits warren saw this and 14 the rabbit just in time.he shouted to the rabbit and asked him to 15 take shelter in his home.the lynx destroyed that home,but the rabbit managed to 16 and run to hide in the home of another friend.for a whole day,the lynx 17 the rabbit from one cave to another,but the rabbit always managed to save his skin,18 all the time by the friends whom he had offered 19 to in the winter.he felt very 20,not only for having escaped the lynx,but also for having made so many friends in the woods,thanks to his own original generosity. 1.a.filledb.designedc.cleanedd.decorated2.a.buriedb.burnedc.floodedd.cut3.a.animalsb.seedsc.peopled.crops4.a.oldb.homelessc.curiousd.angry5.a.mixedb.forcedc.droved.invited6.a.regularlyb.probablyc.graduallyd.unluckily7.a.roomb.airc.informationd.wealth8.a.encourageb.surprisec.botherd.benefit9.a.freeb.specialc.busyd.generous10.a.climbedb.flewc.returnedd.swam11.a.mindb.ignorec.rememberd.realize12.a.waiting forb.talking toc.caring ford.laughing at13.a.holidayb.winterc.nightd.weekend14.a.warnedb.greetedc.taughtd.blamed15.a.proudlyb.quicklyc.secretlyd.politely16.a.restb.settlec.fightd.escape17.a.punishedb.beatc.followedd.stopped18.a.understoodb.calledc.knownd.helped19.a.shelterb.honorc.messagesd.chances20.a.calmb.happyc.crazyd.comfortable.阅读理解(a)【社会文化类】the computer keyboard helped kill shorthanda system of rapid handwriting,and now its threatening to finish off handwriting as a whole.when handwritten essays were introduced on the sat exams for the class of 2013,just 15% of the most 1.5 million students wrote their answers in cursive (草书).the rest? block letters.and those college hopefuls are just the first edge of a wave of us students who no longer get much handwriting instructions in the primary grades,frequently 10 minutes a day or less.as a result,more and more students struggle to read and write cursive.at keene mill elementary school in springfield,all their poems and stories are typed.children in fairfax county schools are taught keyboarding beginning in kindergarten.older students who never mastered handwriting say it doesnt affect their grades.there are those who say the culture is at a crossing,turning from the written word to the typed one.if handwriting becomes a lost form of communication,does it matter?it was at the university of virginia that researchers recently discovered a previously unknown poem by robert,written in his unique script.handwritten documents are more valuable to researchers,historians say,because their authenticity (真实性) can be confirmed.students also find them more fascinating.the loss of handwriting also may be a cognitive (认知的) opportunity missed.several academic studies have found that good handwriting skills at a young age can help children express their thoughts bettera lifelong benefit.it doesnt take much to teach better handwriting skills.at some schools in prince georges county,elementary school students use a program called handwriting without tears for 15 minutes a day.they learn the correct formation of manuscript letters through the second grade,and cursive letters in the third grade.there are always going to be some kids who struggle with handwriting because of their particular neurological (神经系统的)wiring,learning issues or poor motor skills.educators often point to this factor in support of keyboarding.1.what is the author concerned about after 2013 sat exams? ()a.keyboarding.b.shorthand.c.handwriting.d.block letters.2.a poem by robert mentioned in the passage is used to .a.prove how valuable handwriting isb.explain what a famous poet he isc.show how unique his poem isd.stress how fascinating the documents are3.the example of handwriting without tears helps to argue that .a.the schools are responsible for the loss of handwriting b.the loss of handwriting is a cognitive opportunity missedc.it doesnt take much to teach better handwriting skillsd.the culture is turning from the written word to the typed one4.according to the author,when is the perfect time to learn handwriting?()a.kindergarten.b.primary school.c.high school.d.college.(b)(2015锦州高三质量检测一)【短篇故事类】would you like to join an all-womens expedition to annapurna?you must be an experienced high altitude climber,strong,enthusiastic and a hard worker!if you think this is for you,please contact:arlene blum,berkeley,california,usa.many women wrote to them from all over the world,but they could only choose ten.when the final team was chosen,the youngest was twenty years old,the oldest was fifty.for arlene,finding the climbers was only the first step.the team needed another important thing:money.there were long talks at vera watsons house,when they discussed how to make the 80,000 dollars they would need for the expedition.with the help of enthusiastic friends,they organized dances,sports,and parties.they even sold expedition t-shirts.after many months,and a lot of hard work,they finally had the money they needed.now at last they were in kathmandu,the city where their great adventure would begin.arlene looked round at the women in the airport.they looked tired after the long journey from san francisco,but happy to be in nepal at last.there had been so many friends and families at the airport to say goodbye.it had been difficult to leave the people they loved.irene had looked so sad when she said goodbye to her daughters.arlene had found it very difficult to leave her boyfriend,john.for all of them there was the chance that they would never see their families or friends again.all climbing in the himalayas is dangerous.one in ten of the people who go there do not come back.annapurna was very dangerous because of its avalanches.arlene knew the avalanches very well.in the expedition film she said .5.which of the following is not a must for the interviewees?()a.an experienced climber.b.a strong-minded woman.c.a woman in a good figure.d.an enthusiastic woman.6.the ways they made the necessary 80,000 dollars are mentioned except .a.organizing ballsb.organizing sports meetingsc.organizing partiesd.selling expedition t-shirts7.kathmandu is located in .a.californiab.americac.san franciscod.nepal8.what would arlene say in the following paragraph?()a.the sense of achievement when she climbed on the top of the mountains.b.the dangers that she had experienced during the climbing.c.warning the readers not to climb the mountains.d.some advice on how to climb the mountains safely.活页综合提升练(十八).完形填空语篇解读:助人者,人恒助之。 一只兔子在洪水来临时为其他动物提供了住处。当他被一只猞猁追捕时,其他动物又救了他。1.b根据上句的built和下文的内容可知,兔子把兔穴设计得非常巧妙。所以答案为b项。2.c从本空前rainstorm得出,暴风雨把整片森林几乎都淹没了。所以答案为c项。3.a下文animals是提示。森林被淹没了,许多动物的家都被冲垮了。所以答案为a项。4.b第3空前homes是提示。这些动物无家可归,只好来到兔子这里避难。所以答案为b项。5.d看到这些动物无家可归,兔子就把它们请进来。所以答案为d项。6.c来的动物越来越多,渐渐地,兔子洞里变得非常拥挤。所以答案为c项。7.a与本空前filled up构成对应。洞里的动物越来越多,空间就越小,直到没有剩余的空间。所以答案为a项。8.c根据本空前discomfort可知,这种不便并没有让兔子烦心。所以答案为c项。9.d根据兔子收留其他动物的举动得出,他非常慷慨大方。另外,文章最后一段的 generosity也是提示。所以答案为d项。10.c根据本空后old homes判断,春天到了,动物们都返回了 (returned)自己的家。所以答案为c项。11.d根据本空前absent-mindedly推断,兔子心不在焉,所以没有注意到一只猞猁要伏击他。所以答案为d项。12.a从下文猞猁的举动可知,一只猞猁等待(猎杀)他。所以答案为a项。13.b第4空后winter是提示。这些动物在兔子那儿度过了冬季。所以答案为b项。14.a根据本空后shouted可知,他及时向兔子发出了警报,以免兔子受到攻击。所以答案为a项。15.b猞猁要攻击他,所以兔子得快速躲起来。所以答案为b项。16.d从本空后run to hide推断,猞猁把兔子藏身的地方捣毁了,但是兔子设法脱逃了。所以答案为d项。17.c由本空后 from one cave to another判断,猞猁一直在追杀兔子,从一个洞穴追到另一个洞穴。所以答案为c项。18.d从本空后friends可知,每一次兔子总能在朋友的帮助下成功逃脱。所以答案为d项。19.a根据第二段可知,冬天,兔子为这些动物提供住处。所以答案为a项。20.b由本空后escaped和made so many friends 可知,兔子非常高兴,他不仅逃脱了猞猁的追捕,而且还结交了很多朋友。所以答案为b项。.阅读理解(a)语篇解读:书法是一项重要的技能和艺术,可是计算机键盘的发展影响了书法技能的学习。本文谈到书法的重要性,并通过事例说明学习书法的最佳时段。1.c细节理解题。根据文章首句“the computer keyboard helped kill shorthanda system of rapid handwriting,and now its threatening to finish off handwriting as a whole.”等信息可知,作者所担心的是书法。所以答案为c项。2.a推理判断题。根据第五段中的“handwritten documents are more valuable to researchers”可知,其目的是为了证明书法是很重要的。所以答案为a项。3.c推理判断题。文章倒数第二段首句“it doesnt take much to teach better handwriting skills.”是主题句,其中的事例说明教授好的书法技能并不困难。所以答案为c项。4.b细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“they learn the correct formation of manuscript letters through the second grade,and cursive letters in the third grade.”可知,答案为b项。【疑难词汇解读】1.finish sb./ sth. off 毁坏某人/某事物that high fever nearly finished him off.那次高烧险些要了他的命。the last bullet finished off the wounded animal.最后的那颗子弹结束了这受伤动物的性命。2.in support of sb./


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