广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册《Unit 9 When was it inventedThe Legacy of Mr》文章素材 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册《Unit 9 When was it inventedThe Legacy of Mr》文章素材 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册《Unit 9 When was it inventedThe Legacy of Mr》文章素材 人教新目标版.doc_第3页




unit 9 when was it invented-the legacy of mr文章素材boy, do i like potato chips. unfortunately, once the good ones are eaten, there are only bits and pieces left in the bottom of the bag and they are hard to pick up and eat. the crums get under your fingernails and the salt goes right to any papercuts on your fingers.i hate to waste anything in my basic food groups so i searched for some uses of potato chip crums. at the end of this story there are some useful recipes for chip crums. but in the searching i found some history of the potato chip.not realizing that potato chips had history, i thought it was important that i share this information with the rest of the world. contrary to popular belief, mr. chip did not invent the potato chip, a mr. crum 1853, railroad magnate commodore cornelius vanderbilt, dining at a saratoga springs, ny, resort, sent his fried potatoes back to the chef, complaining that they were too thick.the chef that evening was native-american george crum, who was apparently miffed at vanderbilts complaint and decided it deserved a sarcastic reply. he sliced potatoes paper thin, fried them to a crisp in boiling oil, and salted them. the commodore loved the “crunch potato slices,” as he called them, and the “saratoga chips” became a restaurant fad from that day forward.according to the snack food association (sfa), the international trade association of (salted) crunchy snack manufacturers, potato chips did not become a big ticket item until 1926 when a mrs. scudder invented wax paper potato chip bags at her chip factory (“scuds” were reportedly used in the first snack attack in the united states.)every evening, she had women employees take home sheets of waxed paper and iron them into bags. the next day, workers would hand pack chips into the bags, seal the tops with warm irons and deliver them to retailers. thus, the potato chip bag was born.soon after the invention of the potato chip bag, the legacy of mr. crum was noticed; there are always broken parts and pieces in the bottom of the bag.for several decades after their creation, potato chips were largely a northern dinner dish. in the 1920s, herman lay, a traveling salesman in the south, helped popularize the food from atlanta to tennessee. lay peddled potato chips to southern grocers out of the trunk of his car, building a business and a name that would become synonymous with the thin, salty snack. lays potato chips became the first successfully marketed national brand, and in 1961 herman lay, to increase his line of goods, merged his company with frito, the dallas-based producer of such snack foods as fritos corn chips.*americans today consume more potato chips (and fritos and french fries) than any other people in the world; a reversal from colonial times, when new englanders consigned potatoes largely to pigs as fodder and believed that eating the tubers shortened a persons life梟ot because potatoes were fried in fat and doused with salt, todays heart and hypertension culprits, but because the spud, in its unadulterated form, supposedly contained an aphrodisiac which led to behavior that was thought to be life shortening. potatoes of course contain no aphrodisiac, though potato chips are frequently consumed with passion and are touted by some to be as satisfying as sex. nothing really bigger than the “scudderbag” happened with potato chips from 1926 until 1946 when the first “potato chip queen” was crowned and then in 1949 when the vincent lopez orchestra recorded the song “potato chips.” no one remembers the name of the first potato chip queen, or for that matter, who vincent lopez, everytime you finish eating a bag of chips, look in


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