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SectionB Unit7Wouldyoumindturningdownthemusic Whatshouldyousaytothem Wouldyoumindnot Couldyoupleasenot walkonthegrass cuttheline talk turndownthemusic fight smoke Areyouhappy Whyorwhynot Whatwillmakeyouunhappyinyourdailylife Wouldyouevercomplainaboutthem abadhaircut Thebusislate pendoesn twork don treturnmyeraser someonecutinline don thaveyourumbrella 1a Whatannoyedhim her Yourbarbergaveyouaterriblehaircut Thestoreclerkgaveyouthewrongsize ThemoviewasTerrible Yourbestfriendsaiditwasgreat Herfriendswerelate Thepenyouboughtdidn twork Thewaitressbroughthimthewrongfood 1b Groupwork Ithinkthemostannoyingthingisotherscutinlineatbusstops andIalsodon tlike Report 1 2 3 2a Listenandnumberthesentencesintheorderyouheartheminactivity1a 2b Listenagainandfillintheblanksinthechart gotthewrongsizeshirt willgetasmallershirt restaurant store gotapenthatdoesn twork n 解答 解决办法 willgetsomeFrenchfriesrightaway A Thisshirtistoobig Wouldyoumindgivingmeasmallerone B Notatall Hereyouare 2c Pairwork A IorderedahamburgerwithFrenchfries butonlygotahamburger WouldyoumindbringingmetheFrenchFries B I msosorry I llbringittoyourightaway A Iboughtthispenhere butit snotgood B What stheproblem A Itdoesn twork Wouldyoumindgivingmeanewone B Notatall Hereyouare Whatannoysyouinyourdailylife Whatdoyouoftencomplainabout Whatwillyoudowhenyouhavetheseproblems Complaints Whathappenedtothem Whenithappens whatwouldyoudo Whatwouldyousay 3a Listentothetape thentrytoanswerquestionsbelow Ican tstandit Weaskedsomepeoplewhatannoyedthem Here swhattheysaid Idon tlikewaitinginlinewhenashopassistanthasalongtelephoneconversation Whenthathappens Iusuallysay Wouldyoumindhelpingme AndIdon tlikeitwhenshopassistantsfollowmearound ThenIsay Couldyoupleasenotfollowmearound I llaskyouifIneedsomehelp Usuallytheshopassistantssaytheyaresorry butsometimestheygetmad Ifthathappens Iwon tgobacktothatstoreagain waitinline排队等候follow around到处跟着 getmad生气 getangry IgetannoyedwhensomeonetalkstomewhileI mreading Thishappenstomeallthetimeintheschoollibrary Whenithappens IusuallytalktothepersonbecauseIwanttobepolite ButbecauseI mpolite peopledon tknowI mannoyed Sotheydothesamethingagain PerhapsinthefutureIshouldtrynottobepolite annoyedadj 恼怒的 生气的getannoyed getangrybeannoyedat aboutsth politeadj 有礼貌的 客气的 perhapsadv 或许 大概 allthetime总是 一直 trytodosth 尽力去做某事trynottodosth 尽力不做某事trysth 尝试某事物trydoingsth 尝试着去做某事 Igetannoyedwhensomeonestandsinthesubwaydoor Whenthishappens I Wouldyoumindstandingalittleinside 3b Lookatthepictures Imagineyouarethepeopleinthepictures Completethesentences wouldsay Igetannoyedwhenpeoplecutinline Whenthishappens I Wouldyoumindwaitinginaline 插队 n 排 队 列 usuallysay 4 Groupwork A Whatannoysyou LinZheng B Igetannoyedwhenmyclassmatesborrowmyeraseranddon treturnit A Whatwillyoudo B 1 不要在床上看书 这对你的眼睛有害 Don treadinbed bad youreyes 2 胡先生每天花半小时吃午饭 It Mr Huhalfanhour haveluncheveryday 3 如果你努力一些 你就会赶上你的同学们 Ifyouworksharder you ll withyourclassmates 4 我正想睡觉 你能把音乐声关小吗 I m tosleep you themusic please 完成句子 每空一词 It s for takes to catchup trying could turndown 1 I ranoutof runoutof money 2 Wouldyoumind close closing thedoor 3 Couldyou turningdown turndown themusic please 4 Hishobbyiscollectingold coins cousins 5 Howlonghaveyoubeen watching listeningto musicvideos 选择正确的词或短语填空 ranoutof closing turndown listeningto coins 6 ThemoreLeolearnsaboutChinese the more most heenjoyshimselfinChina 7 Wouldyoumindkeepingyourvoicedown OK I lldo Sorry 8 Wouldyoumind notveryclosetome notstandingveryclosetome 9 It ssocold Couldyou closing close thedoor 10 I asked ordered ahamburgerformyfriend ButtheclerkgavemeFrenchfries more Sorry notstandingveryclosetome close ordered 1 Wouldyoumind 把音响声音关小点 2 Ifyou 来这里 I ll youa 给你个惊喜 3 WhileIwas 种蔬菜 inthegarden oneofmyoldfriends to me 来访 4 Thereportersaidwe 将赢得这场比赛 5 Wouldyoumind 不要对我讲话 根据汉语意思完成句子 turningdownthestereo comehere give surprise growingvegetables came visit wouldwinthematch nottalkingtome 1 youmind metheway A Would totellB Would tellingC Will tellD Will totell2 WouldyoumindifIsmoke A Yes pleasedoB NotatallC AllrightD That sOK3 I lldoit A justnowB rightawayC afterafewminuteD justthen4 I llbeready aminute A onB atC forD in 单项选择 B B B D 5 Heis ameeting A haveB hasC atD on6 Canyougetmeaticketforthematch A Sorry noproblemB Certainly noproblemC Excuseme Ican tD Certainly notproblem7 Thewatchwas well A workB workingC doingD playing8 Thepassengerswere inlinetogetonthetrain A waitingB crossC inD going C B B A 9 Yourquestions meverymuch A botherB vexC annoyD irritate10 Sportsare forhealth A goodB wellC betterD best11 Thebeggar sstory mypity A excitingB excitedC exciteD excitement12 Themastergot withyouranswer A angerB angrilyC angryD theanger C A B C 13 Ipaida becausemylibrarybookwasoverdue A fineB goodC muchD well14 Youshouldthrow thesechairsandbuynew A off onesB away oneC away onesD out one15 I m sorryaboutit A trulyB truelyC trueD real A C A 16 I llbeawayonholiday Wouldyoumindlookingaftermycat Notatall 中考真题 A IhavenotimeB I drathernotC YoucanleaveD I dbehappyto D 17 Sam wouldyoumindifIcopythedocument 2009年泰安市 A Ofcoursenot goaheadB Yes pleaseC Ofcourse doasyoulikeD No you dbetternot A 18 Hewillcomehererightaway hehearsthenews 2009年中考真题 A soB assoonasC becauseD though19 Whatmakesyou Someonejumpsthequeuewhenothersarewaitinginaline 吉林省2006年 AannoyBan


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