江苏省灌南县实验中学七年级英语下册 小练习12(无答案) 牛津版.doc_第1页
江苏省灌南县实验中学七年级英语下册 小练习12(无答案) 牛津版.doc_第2页
江苏省灌南县实验中学七年级英语下册 小练习12(无答案) 牛津版.doc_第3页




小练习12编 号课 题班 级姓 名评 价7b503areadingii1.usual加表示否定的前缀un-构成unusual意思是“不寻常的,不平常的”。类似的词还有:unhappy不高兴的,unfair不公平的,unimportant不重要的等。the news will make him unhappy.这个消息将会使他不高兴。你看到树上有什么异常的东西了吗?did you see _ _in the tree?anything unusual的意思是“不寻常的东西”,常用在否定句和疑问句中。在肯定句中应该用something unusual,但有时它也可以用在疑问句中,表示希望得到肯定的答复。2. on their way, they met andy. 她们在路上遇到了安迪。知识点:on ones way的用法on ones way to地点名词表示“在某人去某处的路上”,例如:on my way to school. (后面跟表示地点的副词如here ,there ,home 等,用on ones way。例如:on my way home .( )- where is jim? - maybe he is _nanjing.a. in his way b. on his way c. by his way d. on his way to3. what happened?发生了什么事?知识点:happen的用法 happen是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语;如果要跟宾语,需加介词to。“某人发生了某事”要用what /sth. happen to sb.。what happened to you? 什么事发生在你身上你怎么啦?4.carefully是由形容词careful加后缀-ful构成。修饰名词用形容词,而修饰动词要用副词。millie is a careful girl. she does everything carefully.米莉是个细心的女孩,她做每件事都很仔细。the traffic is very heavy these days in our city. people should drive _ (careful) .5. andy said to himself.安迪自言自语。say to oneself的意思是“自言自语;暗自思量”,其中oneself是反身代词的基本形式,意思是“某人自己”。我自己myself 你自己 yourself 她自己 herself 它自己itself 我们自己 ourselves 你们自己yourselves 他们自己 themselves6. later that day, they took the little cat to the animal centre.那天晚些时候,他们把小猫带去了动物中心。later that day的意思是“那天晚些时候”,类似的短语有:later in the morning上午晚些时候,later in the afternoon下午晚些时候。take sb./sth. to someplace的意思是“带某人某物去某处”。please take the chair to the next room.请把椅子拿到隔壁房间去。当地点用副词home,there等表示时,该结构要省略介词to。you cant take the newspapers home.你不能把报纸带回家,( ) this is millies pen. please _it_ her.a. take; to b. bring; to c. leave; to d. hold; to【巩固练习】翻译句子。1.后来,他们带那只小猫去了动物中心。_2.上周日,我们去了阳光公园。_3.昨天我在树丛里发现了一只老鼠。_4.他们很害怕,很快离开了那儿。_二、单项选择( )1. fish sleep with their eyes _.a. open b. opened c. closed d. close( )2. everybody is _ in the _ story.a. interesting interested b. interested interesting c. interested interested d. interesting interesting( )3. the trip is _. we have great _.a. fun, funny b. funny, funny c. fun, fun d. funny, fun( )4. on their way _, they were very happy.a. to home b. home c. to the home.( )5. please be _ of the dog. look after your sister _.a. carefully, carefully b. careful, carefully c. carefully, careful( )6. he is hungry now because he came to school _ breakfast.a. with b. not eat c. not have d. without(


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