【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit1 Living wel单元检测同步探源 新人教版选修7(1).doc_第1页
【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit1 Living wel单元检测同步探源 新人教版选修7(1).doc_第2页
【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit1 Living wel单元检测同步探源 新人教版选修7(1).doc_第3页
【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit1 Living wel单元检测同步探源 新人教版选修7(1).doc_第4页
【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit1 Living wel单元检测同步探源 新人教版选修7(1).doc_第5页




【优化方案】2015届高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 unit1 living wel单元检测同步探源 新人教版选修7.阅读理解(2014安徽六校教育研究会高三联考)bea,a fiveyearold girl,was born with a severe illness which means she has to be kept away from other children of her age,because her body is so weak that she would be unable to fight off a common cold.bea was diagnosed (诊断) with this disease when she was five months old.since then,the hospital has become her second home,medicines for food,and all kinds of treatments her friends.bea received a very special treatment when she was four years old,which would allow her to be like a normal child if successful.after that,she spent two weeks in icu before living for four months on a separate ward(病房)bea was allowed home in february but still needed a special tube in her nose to send in medicine every two days.her parents clean the house from top to bottom every two days and hoover (用吸尘器清扫) each morning to make sure bea is free from any possible bacteria.anna,beas mother,said,“she is weak but so strong.weve never seen any child stronger than her.it seems as if nothing in the world could beat her.we really hope to send her to school next year.” she used to drive on the local playground,but bea was only allowed to watch sitting in the car.“it was heartbreaking to see bea staring at the running and laughing children there.she never stopped fighting the disease.i know shes dying for such a normal life.”hearing of beas story,the makeawish foundation has paid for a play park to be built in her back garden.“bea is very brave and she has encouraged many children like her,” said the chairman of the foundation.【文章大意】本文为记叙文。bea是一个五岁的小女孩,因患病不能与其他小朋友在一起。但是她从未放弃,一直顽强地与疾病作斗争。1if bea stayed with other children freely,_aother children would have a higher chance to catch her diseasebshe would catch a common cold which would kill her quicklycher life would be in great danger as she could fall ill easilydshe would be lost in playing and forget to receive treatment解析:选c。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“because her body is so weak that she would be unable to fight off a common cold”可知,她身体很虚弱,如果她与同龄孩子一起玩,她很容易患病。2from the passage we can infer that _abea will need a tube in her nose all the timebbea has to stay in hospital until she is an adultcbeas parents will send her to school next yeardbeas mother feels proud when talking about her解析:选d。推理判断题。根据第三段中的“she is weak but so strong.weve never seen any child stronger than her.”可推知,她妈妈在谈到bea的时候感到很自豪。3the makeawish foundation had a play park built for bea to _ahonor her bravery in fighting against her diseasebcall for attention to this immune system deficiencycencourage more children like bea to be optimisticdlaunch a campaign against this serious disease解析:选a。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“bea is very brave and she has encouraged many children like her”可推知,愿望成真基金会为她建了一个游乐园,是为了鼓励其他孩子要向她学习,表扬她勇于与疾病作斗争的精神。4what makes bea so brave to fight against this serious disease?aher parents encouragement and care.bher dreaming of owning a play park.cher wish to become a normal child.dher doctors skills and experience.解析:选c。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“she never stopped.a normal life.”可知,她非常渴望能过上正常的生活,这种信念激励着她不断地与疾病作斗争。.七选五补缺题many people think of guys as being carefree when it comes to their appearance.but in fact,a lot of guys spend plenty of time in front of the mirror.1._body image is a persons opinion and feelings about his or her own body and physical appearance.2._you appreciate your body for its capabilities and accept its imperfections.recognize your strengths.different body types are good for different things.what does your body do well? maybe your speed,strength,or coordination makes you better than others at a certain sport.that may be basketball,table tennis,mountain biking,dancing,or even running.or perhaps you have nonsports skills,like drawing,painting,singing,playing a musical instrument,writing,or acting.3._exercise regularly.exercise can help you look good and feel good about yourself.good physiques(体形) dont just happen.4._a healthy habit can be as simple as exercising 20 minutes to one hour three days a week.working out can also lift your spirits.respect your body! practicing good habitsregular showering;taking care of your teeth,hair,and skin;wearing clean clothes,and so oncan help you build a positive body image.5_your body is just one part of who you are.your talent for comedy,a quick wit(智慧),and all the other things make you unique.so try not to let small imperfections take over.ause this as an opportunity to discover what youre good at.bbe yourself.cthey care just as much as girls do about their body image.djust explore talents that you feel good about.ethey take hard work,regular workouts,and a healthy diet.fthe good news is that selfimage and body image can be changed.ghaving a positive body image means feeling satisfied with the way you look.答案:15cgdeb.完形填空(2014四川省绵阳市诊断)on june 17,2012,my daughter gave me a new wallet as a fathers day present.it was a perfect gift considering that my purse used for nearly a decade was much _1_i took the opportunity as well to _2_ some cards,notes,or small pieces of paper in it that were no longer needed.as i _3_ out the old wallet,i was amazed at how much it_4_carefully i went through its _5_piece by piece and _6_ them to their new home.as i was looking at them,i _7_ the organ donor card (器官捐赠卡) that i had signed nine years ago._8_,it hadnt yet been called into use.still,it felt good knowing that _9_ something should happen to me,i would be able to give another person a second chance of _10_as i _11_ the card into my new wallet,i started thinking about all the _12_ things we can donate to help others today.we can donate our time,our talents or our wisdom.we can _13_ our kindness.we can _14_our light into the darkness.we can donate every bit of love and joy inside of us.and the greatest thing of all is that when we do,we _15_ that we have even more to share than when we start.maybe you wish to _16_an organ donor card so you can give something after you _17_but dont be afraid to give something now while you are still _18_be a donor.make your entire life a(n) _19_to others.donate all your _20_ things to make this world a better and brighter place.【文章大意】本文通过作者的亲身经历告诉我们一个道理:人们在活着时也可以捐出美好的东西,让这个世界成为一个更美好、更光明的地方。1a.beautifulbsmall cworn dexpensive解析:选c。考虑到“我”用了将近十年的钱包非常旧了,这是一个完美的礼物。worn“陈旧的”,符合语境。2a.keep back bput asidecget through dthrow away解析:选d。“我”也利用这个机会扔掉(throw away)旧钱包中不需要的物件。3a.sorted bemptied cwiped dhanded解析:选b。当“我”倒空(emptied)旧钱包时,“我”惊讶于旧钱包居然能装那么多东西。4a.calculated bheldcowned dsold解析:选b。参见上题解析。hold“容纳”,符合语境。5a.papers bbelongings cpockets dcontents解析:选d。“我”仔细地检查旧钱包中的小物件,并把它们移到新钱包里。contents“所容纳之物”,符合语境。6a.attached bfixed cmoved dcontributed解析:选c。参见上题解析。move“移动”,符合语境。7a.came across bgot throughcwent over dbrought about解析:选a。当“我”查看钱包中的小物件时,“我”偶然发现(came across)九年前签的器官捐赠卡。8a.unexpectedly bthankfullycregretfully dunfortunately解析:选b。庆幸的是,它还没用过。thankfully“庆幸地”,符合语境。9a.unless bthough csince dif解析:选d。知道如果(if)“我”有什么不测,“我”可以给另一个人第二次生命(life),这让“我”感觉很好。10a.risk bwill clife dlength解析:选c。参见上题解析。11a.placed bdipped cpushed dturned解析:选a。当“我”把卡放入新钱包时,“我”开始思考今天我们可以捐献给其他人以帮助他们的其他的(other)一切东西。place“放置”,符合语境。12a.spare bother cvital dleftover解析:选b。参见上题解析。13a.perform bafford ccast dgive解析:选d。我们可以捐出我们的时间、才能或智慧。我们可以给予善良。give“给予”,符合语境。14a.shine bidentify cexplore dseek解析:选a。我们可以用我们的光照亮黑暗(的地方)。shine“照射,把照向”,符合语境。15a.find bpredict cguarantee dstress解析:选a。最重要的是,当我们这么做的时候,我们会发现(find)与开始的时候相比,我们有更多的东西可以与别人分享。16a.purchase bwrite cmake dsign解析:选d。也许你想要签(sign)一张器官捐赠卡,这样你死(die)后就可以捐献某些东西。第一段中的“the organ donor card(器官捐赠卡) that i had signed nine years ago”是线索提示。17a.agree breturn cdie dretire解析:选c。参见上题解析。18a.energetic balive cfaithful dreliable解析:选b。但是现在在你活着的时候也不要害怕捐赠物品帮助他人。alive“活着的”,符合语境。19a.option bload cgift daward解析:选c。做一个捐赠者。让你的整个一生对别人来说是一个礼物。gift“礼物”与文章开头女儿给“我”的礼物相呼应。20a.wonderful bplain cdreadful ddisgusting解析:选a。捐出你所有美好的东西,让这个世界成为一个更美好、更光明的地方。wonderful“令人惊叹的,奇妙的”,符合语境。.语法填空hostess:welcome to this edition of writers.tonight we have steven dauthy with us.1._ (congratulate) on your book life and everything in between,steven.its such 2._ success.steven dauthy:thank you.hostess:this is your first attempt at poetry? did you ever try before? did you ever take any classes in poetry?steven dauthy:well,my only real experience was 3._(write) business plans.other than that,i have zero experience while writing is concerned.ive always had a good grasp of english language,thanks to my mom 4._ started me reading when i was very little.hostess:whats 5._ (hard) thing of creating your work?steven dauthy:definitely 6


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