九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented(第4课时)Section B(2a2e)习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented(第4课时)Section B(2a2e)习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented(第4课时)Section B(2a2e)习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented(第4课时)Section B(2a2e)习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented(第4课时)Section B(2a2e)习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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第四课时 sectionb2a 2e 一 根据句意选择方框中所给词填空 并注意形式变化 5 2分 10分 1 inthepast peopleusuallygoshoppingwiththeirbamboo 2 ithinkthatdr bethuneisoneofchina sgreat 3 nothingcanstophimfrom forthepeople 4 the ofcarshasincreasedquicklyinourcitytheseyears 5 weshouldworkhard ourdream baskets heroes working popularity toachieve 二 用所给词的适当形式填空 5 2分 10分 6 moyan sbooks enjoy bymanypeopleallovertheworld 7 mybrotherwantstobea prefession playerallthetime 8 it believe thatchinahashaddiaoyuislandsforthousandsofyears 9 theheavyrainstoppedusfrom go onavacationinhainan 10 eightpeople include twochildren werehurtintheaccident areenjoyed professional isbelieved going including 三 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 5 2分 10分 11 the 奥运会 isheldeveryfouryearsindifferentcities 12 theteatradefromchinatowesterncountrieshelpedtospreadthe 普及 ofteatomoreplaces 13 asasalesman hetelephonedhis 客户 everyday 14 he 划分 thekidsintotwogroupsandtestedthem 15 lilinisa 英雄 inmyheart olympics popularity customers divided hero 四 单项选择 5 3分 15分 16 jessica sparentsalwaysencourageher outheropinions a speakb speakingc tospeakd willspeak 17 thenumberoftheteachersinourschool 60andmostofthem women a is areb are isc are ared be are c a 18 ayearhasfourseasonsandit twelvedifferentstarsigns a dividingintob isdividingintoc dividedintod isdividedinto 19 thegreatgreenwallcanstopthewindandsand totherichlandinthesouthofchina a moveb tomovec frommovingd moved d c 20 ourenglishteacherspeaksenglishverywell weall himverymuch a callforb worryaboutc takecareofd lookupto d 五 根据汉语及英语提示完成下列句子 5 4分 20分 21 乔 joe 想去欧洲 dreamof joedreamsofgoingtoeurope 22 我们应该阻止吉尔 jill 离开 stop from weshouldstopjillfromleaving 23 大部分年轻人仰慕体育明星和歌星 lookupto mostyoungpeoplelookuptosportsstarsandsingers 24 这个工厂有400个工人 thenumberof thenumberofworkersinthefactoryisfourhundred 25 我们的英语老师经常鼓励我们看英语电影 encourage ournglishteacheroftenencouragesustowatchenglishmovies 六 阅读短文 从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空 使短文完整 通顺 7 5分 35分 fridge customer canada daily smell nearly boilhey i mmikegreen iliveincanadabuti mnot26 i mfromtheusa ihaveworkedincanadafor27 threeyears here my28 jobistosellallkindsofzippersinabigstore everydaylotsof29 cometomystore ihelpthembuyzippersthattheylike intheeveningineedn tgotowork afterdinner iusually30 drinkingwater maketeaandenjoyit canadian nearly daily customers boil oh lastnightabadthinghappenedtome therewassomethingwrongwithmy31 itcouldn tkeepthefoodfresh icalledsomebodyandaskedhimtorepairit wheniwasbu


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