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山东省栖霞市第二中2015-2016学年高一语文下学期学段检测试题(扫描版)20152016学年度第二学期学段检测高一英语参考答案第一部分:15 bcbaa 610 bcaac 1115 abcac 1620 bacbc第二部分:2124 ccda 2527 dac 2831 bcab 3235 bcba 3640 dfceg第三部分:4145 baacd 4650 dacba 5155 bccad 5660 cbddb61. which 62. supplies 63. at 64. to sell 65. surprisingly 66. were 67. refused68. are advised 69. longer 70. an第四部分:第一节:dear alex,im glad to accept your letter asking me something about my school life. im now writing to receivetell you my recently situation. recentmy school life is busy or meaningful. i am busy prepare for the coming college entrance but/and preparingexam, which mean a lot to me. at same time, i often took physical exercise after class to means the takemake me relaxed and energetic. in addition, i often do voluntary work at weekend. that can enrich weekendsmy life, improve myself and help me make much more friends. many/muchour summer vacation is coming. would you like to visit to my hometown? im looking forward to your early reply.yoursli hua第二节:(one possible version)dear joan,im glad to send you an e-mail to tell you about how i am getting along with my english study.to tell the truth, i was never interested in english. i used to think that learning english meant memorizing grammar rules and words, which was really boring. i didnt like doing any reading in english, nor was i willing to practice speaking english with my classmates.now, with the teachers help, my attitude towards learning english has changed greatly. i come to realize that english should be learned through listening, speaking, reading and writing more. so i begin to enjoy listening to english and communicating with my classmates. more importantly, i often read english articles and try to keep diaries in english. as a result, i have made great progress in english. best wishes. yours, li hua附:听力录音材料text 1w: mr. smith, i heard you have a big farm. what kind of crops do you grow?m: well, i grow beans and wheat. but i hope to grow some potatoes next year.text 2w: i hope the rain will stop this afternoon.m: it will. but it wont be fine. the weather forecast says it will be foggy then.text 3m: have you seen my keys? i left them on the sofa last night, but now theyre gone.w: did you check the kitchen table? oh, i see them. theyre still in the front door.text 4 w: jack, can you tell the class what answer you got for the first question?m: sorry, ms. johnson. i didnt understand that one.text 5w: how are we going to the hospital to help sick people this sunday? by bus or by bike?m: neither. we should walk there, i think.text 6w: dad, im flying to visit aunt dianes family next monday. should i pack my bags today?m: yes, i think so.w: ok! what clothes should i take? i know its hot there.m: yes, but it rains a lot. you can borrow an umbrella or a jacket if its wet. just pack some dresses.w: ok. and whos meeting me at the airport?m: well, aunt diane and uncle matt will be at work, but your cousin david can pick you up.text 7w: dad, have you considered my plan?m: no, you are not allowed to go on a holiday by yourself.w: dad! im a big girl now! besides, its only for four days!m: stop! ive decided!w: but i have got everything ready! my plane will leave in two hours.m: at ten? all right, you win! you must give me a call when you get there.w: of course. i love you, dad!text 8m: hows it going, alice?w: great. i just finished my last exam for the semester. what about you?m: i will have my last exam this afternoon. im on my way to the library now to study for it. where are you going this summer?w: im going to work on a boat.m: sounds good. ill be working in my uncles restaurant nearby the coast. w: ill be too busy on the boat during june and july. but in august, i will have some free time. we can get together then.m: ok. august is the best time before the town gets too crowded with tourists.text 9w: dave, is mr. smith in his office?m: i dont think so. i saw him leaving his office about five minutes ago. he said hed have lunch with an important customer at noon.w: will he be in the office this afternoon?m: i dont know. do you want to talk with him?w: yes. i need to take a few days off because my grandparents are coming over to visit.m: were quite busy these days. i dont think mr. smith will permit it.w: what should i do? i cant let my grandparents walk around the city by themselves.m: do you have any friends who can show them around?w: i dont think so. if i cant take a few days off, ill just find a guide.m: thats a good idea.text 10boys and girls, can i have your attention, please? this is a message for grades 7 and 8. because of the rain, the swimming competition will not be held at the new town swimming pool as planned. it will be held at madison sports center. buses will be leaving school at 10 to take you to the center. you will be returning to school this afternoon to catch your usual buses home.now here are the plans for this morning. grade 7 and their teachers are to gather at the front gate at 9:35. your first two buses will take you there. grade 8 and their teachers will meet at the front gate at 9:45. you will go on the last two buses. cold drinks and light snacks will be allowed at the sports center. if you order your lunch at school dining hall, please hand in your lunch order before 9:30. your lunch will be sent to the front gate of the center at 12:30. thank you.20152016学年度第二学期学段检测高一语文参考答案一、1.a(b“咤”读zh;c“劲”读jng;d“间”读jin。) 2.b(a频率 c乔装打扮 d煤炭)3.a(形迹:举动和神色;痕迹,迹象;指礼貌。行迹:行动的踪迹。以致:用在下半句话的开头,表示下文是上述原因所形成的结果,多指不好的结果。以至:直到,表示在时间、数量、程度、范围上的延伸;用在下半句话的开头,表示由于上文所说的动作、情况的程度很深而形成的结果。调剂:把多和少、忙和闲等加以适当的调整。调节:从数量上或程度上调整,使适合要求。)4.c(望其项背:能够望见别人的颈的后部和脊背,表示赶得上或比得上。a感恩图报:感激他人对自己所施的恩惠而设法报答。b反戈一击:比喻调转头来反对自己原来所属或拥护的一方。d改头换面:比喻只改形式,不改内容。)5.d(a“猴类”前面的逗号应改为分号;b括号应移至“公里”后面;c顿号应去掉。)6.c(a语序不当,“危害国家安全和统一”应与“激化阶层矛盾、造成社会对立和社会动荡”互换位置;b不合逻辑,应去掉“不强”“不够”;d搭配不当,“提高”应改为“改善”。)7.b(却:退。) 8.c二、9.c(堑:动词,挖沟;挖掘。)10.d(连词,表目的。a连词,表承接;连词,表修饰。b副词,于是,这才;副词,却,竟然。c动词,去,到;助词,主谓之间,不译。)11.b 12.d(是自焚而死。)三、13.(10分)高祖即位,侯益等内心顾虑自己会被怀疑,就暗中召集蜀人帮助自己,高祖对此很担忧。(4分,注意“立”“顾”“阴”“患”的翻译。)如果他们还迟疑不决,你就根据情况自行设法对付他们。(3分,注意“犹”“便宜”“图”的翻译。)不久侯益被任命为开封尹,景崇心中不安,就暗示凤翔的兵将官吏请求自己总领凤翔府的大权。(3分,注意“拜”“自安”“讽”的翻译。)14.(6分)(2分)桃花娇然艳丽,却华而不实,经风早落;(1分)松树不依附外物,经秋耐寒而不改颜色。(1分)(4分)主要运用对比和象征(比喻、托物言志)手法,(2分)表达了诗人对如桃花般暂时得势


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