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口译新词:迎世博 学英语词汇场馆 PavilionShanghai Expo/ The World Exposition Shanghai China 2010上海世博会expo garden 世博园China pavilion 中国馆theme pavilion 主题馆foreign national pavilion 外国馆stand-alone pavilion 独立展馆corporate joint pavilion 企业联合馆African Joint Pavilion 非洲联合馆trial opening/operation/run 试运行exhibition hall 展台booth 展会上隔开的小间four pavilions along the central axis 一轴四馆emblem and mascot 会徽与吉祥物official mascot 官方吉祥物Expo centre 世博中心Expo performance centre 世博演艺中心Expo Shanghai online 网上世博会门票与交通 Ticket&Transportationdesignated day 指定日Peak Day ticket 指定日门票standard day 平日standard day ticket 平日门票designated/peak day special ticket 指定日优惠票standard day special ticket 平日优惠票universal ticket system 一票通用制度reservation service 预约服务one-day travel card/one-day ticket 一日票multi-day travel card 多日门票multiple-use travel card 多次门票airport terminal 航站楼服务 Serviceexpo host 世博会主办方host city 主办城市expo-themed souvenir 世博会纪念品franchised/licensed product 特许商品Miss Etiquette 礼仪小姐mobile toilet 移动厕所passenger flow/human flow 客流snack bar 快餐柜/小吃店barrier-free elevator 无障碍电梯security check 安检emergency assistance facility 紧急服务设施water bus 水上巴士Expo village 世博村Expo dining center 世博餐饮中心Expo first-aid center 世博急救中心volunteer 志愿者shuttle bus 专线车Park & Ride site P+R停车场历届世博会主题:你知道吗?自1851年英国伦敦举办第一届世界展览会以来,世博会因其发展迅速而享有“经济、科技、文化领域内的奥林匹克盛会”的美誉。按照国际展览局的规定,世界博览会按性质、规模、展期分为两种:一种是注册类(以前称综合性)世博会,展期通常为6个月,从2000年开始每5年举办一次;另一类是认可类(以前称专业性)世博会,展期通常为3个月,在两届注册类世博会之间举办一次。注册类世界博览会不同于一般的贸易促销和经济招商的展览会,是全球最高级别的博览会。 距2010年上海世博会最近的一届综合类世博会于2005年在日本爱知举行。下面就来看看历届世博会的举办地和主题吧。1933年 美国芝加哥万国博览会进步的世纪 A century of progress1935年 比利时布鲁塞尔万国博览会竞赛和平 Transports Colonisation1937年 法国巴黎现代生活艺术世界博览会现代世界的艺术与技术 Arts and Technics in modern life1939年 美国旧金山金门万国博览会明日世界 Building the world of tomorrow1958年 比利时布鲁塞尔世界博览会科学文明与人文主义 Evaluation of the World for a more human world1962年 美国西雅图21世纪博览会太空时代的人类 Man in the space age1967年 加拿大蒙特利尔世界博览会人类与世界 Man and His World Land1968年 美国圣安东尼奥博览会北美文明的汇流 The confluence of civilisations in the Americas1970年 日本大阪万国博览会人类的进步与和谐 Progress and Harmony for Harmony for Mankind1974年 美国斯波坎世界环境博览会明天会更好:无污染的环境 Celebrating Tomorows Fresh Environment1975年 日本冲绳国际海洋博览会海洋科学与技术之远景 The Sea we would like to see1982年 美国诺克斯维尔世界能源博览会能源带动世界 Energy turns the world1984年 美国新奥尔良国际河川世界博览会世界河川:水是生命的泉源 The worlds of Rivers - Fresh water as a source of life1985年 日本筑波国际科技博览会居住与环境-人类住家科技 Dwellings and surrendings - science and techniology for man at home1986年 加拿大温哥华国际交通与通讯博览会转变中的世界:人类的发展和未来 World in Motion - World in Touch1988年 澳大利亚布里斯班科技休闲博览会科技时代的休闲生活 Leisure in the age of technology1990年 日本大阪万国花卉博览会花与绿-人类与自然 Relationship of gardens and greenery to human life helping in the creation of a rich 21st century society1992年 西班牙塞维利亚世界博览会发现的时代 The Era of Discovery1992年 意大利热那亚世界博览会哥伦布:船与海洋 Ships and the Sea1993年 韩国大田世界博览会发展新方向之挑战 The challenge of a new road to development1998年 葡萄牙里斯本世界博览会海洋-未来的财富 Oceans - A Heritage for the Future1999年 中国云南世界园艺博览会人与自然-迈向21世纪 Man and Nature - Marching Into 21st Century2000年 德国汉诺威世界博览会人类、自然、科技-蓬勃发展的全新世界 Humankind, Nature, Technology2005年 日本爱知世界博览会自然的智慧 Natures Wisdom2008年 西班牙萨拉戈萨世界博览会水及永续发展 Water and Sustainable Development2010年 中国上海世界博览会城市,让生活更美好 Better City, Better Life世博场馆介绍之美国馆USA Pavilion:拥抱挑战展馆外墙设有“飞流而下”的瀑布媒体墙,顶部呈现生态环保的屋顶花园。馆内从“可持续发展”、 “团队协作”、 “健康生活”、 “美国华人成就”四方面来演绎“拥抱挑战”的主题,展示美国的文化、价值观、创新精神和商业成就。Theme: Rise to the Challenge场馆主题:拥抱挑战Highlights: Gray Steel Structure造型亮点:屋顶花园,瀑布外墙National Pavilion Day: July 2国家馆日:7月2日Pavilion Area: Around 6,000 Square Meters展馆面积:6000平方米,最大自建馆之一Location: Within Zone C of the Expo Site展馆位置:C片区Pavilion Features展馆特色The USA Pavilion is a mammoth gray steel structure meant to resemble an eagle stretching its wings in welcome. The pavilion presents a dynamic and emotional story that conveys four core concepts: sustainability, teamwork, health and the spirit of striving for success.The exhibition tells the story of the American spirit of perseverance, innovation, and community-building in a multi-dimensional, hi-tech presentation.美国展馆采用庞大的灰色金属结构,造型像一只张开翅膀迎客的老鹰。展馆呈现了一个充满激情的故事,传达了四个核心理念,即可持续发展,团队协作,健康生活和为成功而奋斗的精神;展现了美国人的坚强毅力和创新精神,以及建立多元化、高科技社区的理念。 The overall theme of the pavilion is Rise to the Challenge. In keeping with the Expos theme of Better City, Better Life, the challenges depicted will be creating environmentally sustainable communities, engaging in a healthy lifestyle and using technology to improve peoples lives. The pavilion showcases American business and technology, as well as culture and values, to foster stronger friendship between the American and Chinese peoples.展馆的总体主题是“拥抱挑战”。为了与此次世博会的主题“城市,让生活更美好”相一致,这里的“挑战”包括,创建环保、可持续发展的社区,致力于建立健康的生活方式,利用科技提高人民的生活水平。展馆展示了美国的商业、科技成就及文化和价值观,表达了美国与中国建立更强的友谊关系的良好愿望。Highlight 1: Visual Parable without Dialogue亮点1:无声的语言The USA Pavilion features a show entitled The Garden - the story of a 10-year-old girl who envisages turning a vacant city lot into an urban oasis, working with her neighbors to make that happen. The movie - a visual parable without dialogue - includes plenty of computer-generated imagery and 4-D effects, like vibrating seats, mist and lightning. The girls passion and resolution has inspired her neighbors to work together to turn a dilapidated city into a fascinating place with the spirits of optimism, innovation and cooperation.美国馆的一大特色是一部名为花园的影片。影片中讲述的是一个小女孩想象着把一块空地转变成一个城市花园,并同她的邻居们共同努力,实现了她的梦想。这部影片-故事中没有任何对白-使用了大量的电脑制作形象和4D效果,比如能够振动的椅子,雾,还有闪电。女孩的激情和决心启发了她的邻居们,在共同的乐观、创新和合作精神的指引下,使曾经破败和灰暗的城市呈现出梦幻般的美好景象。Highlight 2: Live Shows and Multimedia亮点2:现场表演和多媒体In addition to a daily Dance-America! outdoor show, the USA Pavilion will stage a wide range of performances including jazz, pop, ska and classical music, university marching bands, theater and dance.除了户外每日的“跳吧!美国”,美国馆还将呈现各类的演出,包括爵士乐,流行歌曲,斯卡和古典音乐,大学步操乐队,戏剧和舞蹈。世博场馆介绍之中国国家馆 China PavilionPavilion Preview场馆主题:城市发展中的中华智慧展馆亮点:传统斗拱建筑结构国家馆日:10月1日展馆位置:A片区Theme: Chinese Wisdom in Urban DevelopmentHighlights: Traditional Dougong StyleNational Pavilion Day: October 1Location: Within Zone A of the Expo Site展馆特色中国馆的主体结构名为“东方之冠”,该结构以迄今2000多年历史的中国传统斗拱建筑为造型。斗拱造型“榫卯穿插,层层出挑”,是中国传统建筑最为重要的元素之一。斗拱建筑广泛应用于历史上的春秋战国时期(公元前770年至公元前467年)。Pavilion FeaturesThe main structure of the China Pavilion, The Crown of the East, has a distinctive roof, made of traditional dougong or brackets, which date back more than 2,000 years. The dougong style features wooden brackets fixed layer upon layer between the top of a column and a crossbeam. This unique structural component of interlocking wooden brackets is one of the most important elements in traditional Chinese architecture. Dougong was widely used in the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC-467 BC).展馆外观中国馆建筑外观以“东方之冠,鼎盛中华,天下粮仓,富庶百姓”的构思主题,表达中国文化的精神与气质。 展馆的顶层为核心展区,二层和一层分别为体验区和功能区。中国馆的展览将以中国从古至今在城市发展中所取得的成就为主题。Pavilion DisplayThe contour design of the pavilion is based on the concept of Oriental Crown, Splendid China, Ample Barn, and Rich People, to express the spirit and disposition of Chinese culture. The pavilion will have a core exhibition area on the top floor, an experience area on the second and a functional area on the first. Chinas achievements in urban development from ancient to modern times will be the core theme of the pavilion.Pavilion Highlights亮点一:探寻“东方足迹”Highlight 1:Exploring Oriental Footprint通过几个风格迥异的展项,重点展示中国城市发展理念中的智慧。其中的多媒体综合展项播放的一部影片,讲述改革开放三十多年来中国自强不息的城市化经验、中国人的建设热情和对于未来的期望。国宝级名画清明上河图被艺术地再现于展厅中,传达中国古典城市的智慧。The wisdom that the ancient Chinese used to develop cities will be showcased with programs of different styles in Section One. A video played in the multimedia exhibition will tell stories about Chinas vast migration from rural to urban areas over the past 30 years of reform and opening-up, peoples enthusiasm for building a better city and expectations for the future. The famous picture of “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” will also make its appearance in the China Pavilion to illustrate the charms of ancient Chinese cities.亮点二:展开“寻觅之旅”Highlight 2:The Experience Trip采用轨道游览车,以古今对话的方式让参观者在最短的时间内领略中国城市营建规划的智慧,完成一次充满动感、惊喜和发现的参观体验。Excursion trains will give visitors an appreciation of the great wisdom and achievements in Chinas urban development from ancient to modern times.亮点三:聚集“低碳行动”Highlight 3:Focus on low-carbon future聚集以低碳为核心元素的中国未来城市发展,展示中国人如何通过“师法自然的现代追求”来应对未来的城市化挑战,为实现全球可持续发展提供“中国式的回答”Chinese people will tackle future challenges brought by urbanization in a sustainable way which takes low-carbon technologies as its core.世博五大主题展馆介绍Urbanian城市人馆Pavilion FeaturesUrbanian Pavilion, focusing on the needs and development of people, tells the stories of people in cities. In its five sections, Family, Work, Contact, Learning and Health, visitors will see the videos of six real families from six cities of five continents. Together with the exhibits, settings and multimedia installations, the sight of 11 cities are racily showed. Visitors will have a vivid view of city dwellers life and it is the pursuiting of a better life that draws people to urban areas.展馆位于B片区主题馆内,以人的需求与发展为主线,讲述城市中“人的故事”。通过对世界五大洲六个城市中六个不同家庭的跟踪拍摄,将他们的故事嵌入“家庭”、“工作”、 “交往”、“学习”和“健康”五个展区,运用实物、布景与多媒体特效相结合的手法,营造出11个不同城市的景观,让观者可以身临其境地了解城市人的不同需求,体验“人们留在城市,是为了更好地生活”。City Being城市生命馆Pavilion FeaturesThe pavilion is situated in the Theme Pavilion building in Zone B. The theme of life, or the citys journey of life, runs through all its exhibitions. In a metaphorical way with high scientific technologies, a city is compared to a living being consisting of body and soul. Metabolism and circulation are important for it to function properly. Constant adjustment between man and a city is the key for the health of the city being.展馆位于B片区主题馆内,以“生命”为主线,总揽城市的“生命之旅”。馆内通过高科技的手法,以隐喻的形式,表明城市如同一个生命活体,具备生命的结构和灵魂。城市生生不息,维系于代谢循环,依赖于精神力量,人与城市间的不断调适维持着城市生命和谐,城市生命健康需要人们共同善待和呵护。Urban Planet城市星球馆Pavilion FeaturesThe pavilion is located in the Theme Pavilion building in Zone B. The top of two parallel spiral ramps offers a good view of a 32-meter-diameter globe. Its five sections including Blue Planet and The Only Planet We Have tell how the development, sometimes overdevelopment, of cities produces ecological problems, and how people awaken to urbanization and environmental challenges. Visitors come to understand cities as a sour


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