五年级英语上册 Lesson 8(1)教案 陕旅版.doc_第1页
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lesson 8 how many months are there in a year?第一课时教材分析:在学完季节以后我们这一课要学完月份,一年的十二个月份在四季中怎么划分?我们来看看。我们这一课学习掌握这些句子和单词:each season has three months.spring begins in february. march april may june december教学目标:1、能听、说、认、读、写下列单词:march april may june dece a yearthere are twelve months in mber2、能听懂、会说、会用、会写下列句型:(1)how many months are there in a year?how many seasons core there in a year?(2)there are four seasons in a year 3、能听懂、会说、会用下列短语:each season begin in ,fromto教学重、难点:1、听、说、认、读、写下列单词:march april may june december2、掌握句型:(1)how many seasons are there in a year?(2)there are four seasons in a year教学用具:日历一份,一年四季挂图,12个月份的单词卡。教学过程:一、复习导入复习有关季节的词汇,并由此季节引出天气状况。二、新授1、教师出示日历上的3月、4月、5月、6月、12个月五个月份,并将单词卡贴在日历上,供学生识记,接着教师反复教学生说单词march april may june december.学生反复练习,拼读这些单词。2、找词卡把12张表示月份的词汇卡片让学生边看边记后,反面上贴在黑板上。问:where is the ?(说出其中一张词汇卡片上的单词)指一名学生挑出这张卡片,对了,就大声读出来。3、教授文章第一部分:(1)学生回答下列问题:how many seasons are there in a year?how many months are there in a season?(2)文中重点词及短语讲解:begin 开始 in (在月份前,表示在某个时间)new school year begins in september.新学期九月份就开始了。 class begins in the morning.早上就开始上课了。fromto 从到表示起始至末了的时间范围。classes are from 8 to 12.课从8点上到12点。 we go to school from monday to friday.从周一到周五我们上学。a:when is your birthday?b:my birthday is in july. its in summer. the weather is very hot. what about yours? a: my birthday is in march. (出示三月日历)。 spring begins in february.二月就开春了。march is after february. march 在february 之后 so march is in spring. the weather is already warm. 三月是春天了,天已经暖和了。b: march(出示三月月历)。 march , what is the month after march? a: its april. (出示四月月历)。in april, the weather is fine.the trees are green. there are flowers in the park, in the fields.we can go boating or climbing in april.b:februry,march and april. (出示这三个单词)。these three months are in spring.二,三,四月是春季。spring is a good season. i like it. a:may (出示五月月历)is next to april.五月紧随着四月。b:may .its easy to learn. may 1st is the labor day.五一是劳动节。summer begins in may.五月夏季就开始了。 a:yes.after may is june. (出示六月月历)。june is between may and july. june在may 和july 之间。june 1st is the childrens day.六一是儿童节。i wish you have a good time on the day.b:may, june,july(出示这三个单词) are in summer.这三个月是夏季。this is a very hot time.we can go swimming in summer. a:yes.and august,september and october(出示这三个单词) are in autumn. august,september and october 是秋季。b:americans call autumn “fall”.美国人把autumn 叫做fall。fall is autumn. a:winter begins in november(出示11月月历). november ,december and january(出示这三个单词) make winter season.十一,十二和一月构成了冬季。 b:there are four seasons in a year.then how many months are there in a year?a:twelve.b:how many months are there in a season?a:three,of course. 三、巩固练习:学生试着复述课文。四、作业:做练习册第题、第题。五、教后记(notes)第二 课时教学目标:1、能听、说、认、读、写单词:america 、fall。2、能听懂、会说下列短语:in america in a yrar have a try3能听懂、会说、会写下列句型:(1)do you rnow?(2)how many months does a year have?(3)how many months dose a season have?教学重、难点:1、听、说、认、读、写单词:america fall year season month 复习巩固一年12个月的单词。2、掌握目标中的“四会”句型。教学用具:日历一份、12个月单词卡数张、地图一张、学生自制日历、词汇卡片。教学过程:一、复习导入:复习第七课韵文。二、新授:1、通过做游戏巩固所学单词。2、新授词汇:(1)老师出示一面美国国旗或一张地图,告诉学生:this is a faraway country ,it,s america ,让学生熟记单词america。(2)出示一四季挂图,让学生一一说出每个季节。告诉学生autumn 可变换成fall。总结:in america ,people call autumn “fall”。3、教师放录音,学生听完后回答问题:(1)how many months are there in a year?(2)how many months are there in a season?(3)which months comes after winter?(4)whice months begins in autumn?引导学生以短文形式回答以上问题。4、教师放录音,学生听完后回答问题:1.how many seasons are there in a year? what are they?there are four.they are spring,summer,autumn and winter.2.how many months are there in a season? there are three.3.when does spring begin? spring begins in february.4.when is summer? summer is from may to july.5.when does autumn begin? in august.6.when is winter? winter is from november to january.7.what do people call autumn? fall.8.how many months are there in a year? twelve.三、巩固练习:1、操练课本let,s practice(i)()how many months does a year have? 单三 原形此句为特殊疑问句,助动词do用了第三人称形式,而has要还原为have。四、作业:做练习册第题、第题和第题。五、教后记(notes)第三课时教学目标:通过自由会话,使学生将所学知识融会贯通,将所学知识延伸,并能灵活运用。教学用具:四季挂图及词汇卡,12个月挂图及词汇卡。教学过程:一、复习导入:师生自由会话。二、新授:1、老师先问不宪政关于月份的一些情况。如:which month do you like best?do you like the weather in may?学生回答后,老师可以告诉学生:i like the weather in may.in may , the flowers are gay.every where is green.然后放录音,让学生边听音乐看书,让学生打着节拍诵读诗文。接着老师讲解下列单词和短语:merry may 令人愉快的五月pretty flowers 美丽的花儿gay 欢欣的far away 遥远的教师鼓励学生试着解释每句话的意思。三、巩固练习:学生跟着录音说小诗。四、教后记(notes)第四课时教学目标:本课通过韵文诗来巩固、扩充所学内容,要求学生能够流利地朗读。教学过程:一、复习导入:根据学生掌握情况以慢带读一篇学生习作,帮助学生巩固加深所学知识。二、新授:1、学生跟录音读韵文。2、韵文诗英汉对照。 merry mayin the merry month of may,all the pretty flowers are gay.they all dance amd sing and say:“winter days are far away


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