



全国100所名校2013届高三英语一轮诊断分析试卷(一)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,考试时间120分钟。第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话只读一遍。1what is the probable relationship between the two speakers?adoctor and patient.bboss and assistant.ccoach and athlete.2what are the speakers probably doing?ahaving a visit.blooking at a picture.ctalking about history.3how much is m200 k?a1880 yuan.b680 yuan.c1080 yuan.4what did the man do last weekend?ahe watched a football match.bhe stayed at home.che attended a meeting.5how much does the man need to pay for the book?a$5.b$1.5.c$6.5.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第67题。6what does the man want to buy?a. a pair of shoes. b. a sweater. c. a suit.7how much does the man pay?a. 590.65 yuan. b. 950.95 yuan. c. 590.95 yuan.听第7段材料,回答第810题。8when is the man free?atomorrow.bthe day after tomorrow.cthis weekend.9is the clinic open at the weekend?ayes.bno.conly sunday.10which statement of the following is true?adoctor jones is on duty today.bdoctor jones is on duty this weekend.cthe man can phone doctor jones this weekend.听第8段材料,回答第1113题。11why did the man come to the womans?ato buy some records for his cousin.bto borrow some records.cto buy the same records given by his father.12who broke the mans records?athe man himself.bthe mans father.cthe mans cousin.13how much did each record cost the man?a$2.b$1.5.c$1.听第9段材料,回答第1416题。14what are the speakers mainly talking about?aa tv programme.bcrime in their city.chow to catch a thief.15who is the policeman?athe man with grey hair wearing a suit.bthe man with long hair wearing jeans.cthe man with untidy hair wearing a white tshirt.16what is the womans attitude towards the man?ashe enjoys talking with him.bshe believes he is very intelligent.cshe thinks he is too talkative.听第10段材料,回答第1720题。17which of the following has something to do with the war of independence?afords theatre.bvalley forge.cpresident lincoln.18what are young people encouraged to do?ato value the past and focus on the future.bto value new things and change with the time.cto make their own way and succeed.19what plays an important role in peoples life in america?asport.bhistory.ceducation.20what is america like in the eyes of foreigners?aan ideal place.ba moving nation.ca growing country.答案:1c2.a3.a4.c5.c6.c7.c8.c9.a10c11.c12.a13.b14.a15.c16.c17.b18c19.a20.a听力材料:text 1m:you cant stop! you have another round to run!w:sorry, i cant. im feeling tired and my feet hurt.text 2w:what a beautiful temple!m:oh, yes, it is amazing. i cant believe its over 1,000 years old.w:lets come in and have a look inside.text 3m:hello. i want to get some information about hivi speaker for pc.w:ok. we have three. m1080 k680 yuan, m200 k 1880 yuan. m605.1 3980 yuan.text 4w:didnt you and oliver go to the football match last weekend?m:oliver did, but i was attending an important meeting in new york.text 5m:here is the money for the reference book.w:five dollars is not enough, and you should still pay another one dollar fifty.text 6w:good morning, sir. anything i can do for you?m:oh, morning. yes. do you have a suit with a 36 waist, please?w:any particular color?m:light grey.w:will this one do?m:mm. the color is ok. may i try it on?w:yes. go ahead.m:well, its rather loose. im afraid. i guess i have to try a smaller size.w:how about this one?try it. how does it feel?m:perfect.w:yes, as though it were made for you.m:right. ill take it. how much is it?w:590.95 yuan.text 7m:hello, is doctor jones on duty?w:no, we can assign you another doctor.m:no, i want to see him. can you schedule an appointment with him for me?w:of course, sir. when are you free?m:this weekend. is the clinic open at that time?w:yes. but doctor jones is not on duty on the weekend.m:can i phone him for advice after working hours?w:sure, but you will be charged for it.m:i know, its on the insurance plan, right?w:yes. please fill out these forms and you can receive advice over the phone.text 8w:good afternoon.m:good afternoon. have you got any modern guitar music records?w:weve got a lot of them. which ones are you looking for?m:im looking for some records by julian bream. i saw them in your window last week.w:excuse me, are you american?m:no. im canadian. my father gave me the same records in canada, but i broke them.w:what happened?m:they were in my suitcase. i sat on my case and broke the records. my cousin told me about your shop. i came here last week and saw the records.w:lets look for the records on that shelf. yes, the records are there.m:how much are those three?w:they are four dollars fifty cents.text 9m:hey, what are you watching?w:its a new show about the police.m:whos that man with the grey hair, wearing the suits?is he the policeman?w:no, he is the criminal. he stole a valuable painting from an arts gallery.m:what about the guy in the white tshirt, is he a thief, too?w:yeah, he looks like one, but actually he is a policeman. he is trying to catch the thief before he sells the painting.m:he is a policeman?but look how he is dressed and his long untidy hair. he looks more like an artist.w:thats because he is under cover. he didnt want the thief to know who he is. he is pretending he can arrange for someone to buy the painting.m:hmm, thats pretty clever. do you think hell catch the bad guy?w:well, the police used to do in shows like this.m:yes, not like in real life. i mean, criminals often get away in real life.w:yes, hopefully.m:hopefully?what do you mean by that?w:i mean if you dont stop chatting and let me watch the end of the show, i am going to kill you.m:ooh.text 10america is a young country. the year 1776 is usually considered to be the beginning of the countrys independent history. perhaps because the us has such a short history, people put great value on historical places. buildings like fords theatre, where president lincoln was killed, and open spaces like valley forge, which was important in the war of independence, are protected so that people can visit them and learn about us history.youth and new things are also valued. to many people it is the future that matters, not the past. young people are encouraged from an early age to make their own choices and to go out on their own and succeed.sport is an important part of american life. young people do sports at school and college, and many people go to watch their favourite football or baseball team.change is a positive feature in the us. americans change jobs and move house often, and a town may have sudden period of rapid change and change its character completely. to foreigners the us often seems an exciting, fastmoving, forwardlooking place full of opportunities.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21my dogs really fat.you _ have given her so much food.awouldntbcantcshouldnt dmustnt答案与解析:c句意:我的狗真的肥了。你不应该喂她那么多食物。shouldnt have done sth.表示过去不应该做某事而实际上却做了。22the head teacher said we had only three days to finish the project.dont worry. we have already _ two thirds of it.ataken over bgot throughcmade up dgiven away答案与解析:bget through此处意为“做完;完成”,符合句意。take over“接管;接收”;make up“编造;弥补;虚构”;give away“泄漏”。23only when we saw the photos about the air crash _ how terrible it was.ahad we known bwe had knowncdid we know dwe knew答案与解析:c考查倒装。句意:只有当我们看到飞机坠毁的图片时,我们才知道飞机坠毁是多么可怕的事情。“only状语从句”放在句首时,后面的主句用部分倒装。know是发生在see后面的动作,故排除a项。24if any of these symptoms _ while you are taking the medicine, consult your doctor immediately.aknocks boccurscreaches dapplies答案与解析:b句意:在服药期间如果出现任何这样的症状,就立即去咨询医生。occur“发生”为不及物动词,符合句意。25_ the pressure increased day by day, students devoted themselves to their study not to let their parents down.awhen bwherecbefore dalthough答案与解析:d考查状语从句。句意:尽管学生的压力一天天增加,但他们还是努力学习不让他们的父母失望。although意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句,符合句意。26_ the weather, the sports meet will be held on time.ainstead of bin relation tocregardless of din favor of答案与解析:c句意:不管天气如何,运动会都会按时举行。regardless of“不管;不顾”,符合句意。instead of“代替;而不是”;in relation to“关于;涉及”;in favor of“有利于;支持”。27the man who hit 9 people in a row had drunk so much that his mind could no longer _ between fantasy and reality.adistinguish bdiscouragecdisturb ddisappear答案与解析:a句意:那个连续撞了9人的男子喝了太多酒,所以他的大脑分辨不出幻想和现实。distinguish“区别,辨别”,符合句意。discourage“使气馁,阻碍”;disturb“扰乱,妨碍”;disappear“消失;不存在”。28no wonder his wife complains him. no one can bear him _ at home, doing nothing day after day.astay bstayingcto stay dstayed答案与解析:b句意:难怪他的妻子老是抱怨,没有人能够容忍他天天待在家里,无所事事。bear sb. doing sth.“容忍某人干某事”。29im sure andrew will come out first in this gymnastic competition.i think so. he _ for it for months.ais preparing bwas preparingchad been preparing dhas been preparing答案与解析:d句意:我肯定安德鲁会在体操比赛中获得冠军。我也这样认为。他已经准备了几个月了。prepare的动作从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在,故用现在完成进行时,选d项。30lets play table tennis after work, shall we?_ i cant wait to do that.aforget it! bthink nothing of it!cwhy not? dnot at all.答案与解析:c考查交际用语。why not“好呀!为什么不呢?”用于回答对方提出的建议,符合句意。forget it表示某事不重要,不必为此担心,意为“不必在意,没关系”;not at all表示礼貌地答谢或同意,意为“别客气,没关系”;think nothing of it表示对别人道谢或道歉的回答,意为“别在意,没什么,别客气”。31the stamps, once _, will be very popular with stampcollectors.abeing printed bprintingcto print dprinted答案与解析:d句意:邮票一旦印出来了,就会很受集邮爱好者的欢迎。print与the stamps之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词作状语。32this sweater fits me, but i cant afford to buy _. i have to choose _ which is cheap enough for me.ait; that bthat; itcit; one dthat; the one答案与解析:c考查代词。句意:这件毛衣我穿很合身,但我买不起它,我得挑一件对我来说够便宜的。第一空指代前边提到的那件sweater,要用人称代词it;第二空泛指一件毛衣,要用one,相当于a sweater。33gone are the days when china, a major economic power in asia today, _ at the mercy of others.awas bischad been dwere答案与解析:a题干中的a major economic power in asia today短语是从句主语china的同位语,根据题意可知when引导的定语从句应该使用过去时态。34the burj dubai skyscraper will reach a height of 700 meters, _ is said to be the highest building around the world.ait bthatcwhere dwhich答案与解析:d句意:杜拜塔的高度将达到700米,据说将是世界上最高的建筑物。非限制性定语从句中缺少主语,且先行词指代the burj dubai skyscraper,故用关系代词which引导。35im so anxious about my driving test tomorrow. would you please give me some advice?_. im sure you are good enough to pass it. be confident of yourself.aabsolutely btake it easycyou are right dnot really答案与解析:b句意:我很担心我明天的驾驶考试。你能给我一些建议吗?放松。我相信你已经优秀到可以通过考试了。要相信自己。take it easy“别紧张,放松”,用于安慰焦虑的人,符合句意。absolutely“绝对地;确实”,用于肯定回答;you are right“你是对的”;not really“不会;不见得”,常用于委婉否定。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。 the car, running along the welllit road now sank in darkness. i broke the _36_ on purpose, _37_ that the driver was too tired to drive. “when do you go back home in the evening?” “9 oclock after this _38_.” “then when do you come out in the morning?” i _39_ another question. “9 oclock, toojust as if i worked at an office.” his _40_ surprised me, because every time i ride a taxi, what i _41_ from the driver are only complaints that they have to work from morning till night, its hard to earn money, theyre often _42_ by the police, or that their leaders are seated lazily, _43_ the fruits. but this driver told me, “i find it _44_ to be a section chief as i was before. i like driving just for _45_. its fortunate that i hardly drive _46_ a passenger. so i earn two or three thousand yuan a month with ease. yes, i never _47_ an empty taxi. if it goes southward, i go northward. if it goes along a _48_, i turn into a narrow street.” his words showed his _49_ with his life and the pride he _50_ in his job. such feelings are so rare among people nowadays as oxygen in high _51_. as an ancient saying goes, “neither joy in material _52_ nor grieve (悲痛) over personal setbacks.” how many people nowadays can show high ideals by _53_ living and go far with a calm mind? i couldnt help feeling _54_ when finding such a state of mind in a stranger on a cold _55_.36. a. window b. stillness c. silence d. quietness37. a. on condition b. for fear c. in belief d. in order38. a. night b. trip c. cycle d. process39. a. threw out b. gave away c. made up d. led to40. a. character b. confidence c. attitude d. easiness41. a. suffer b. request c. benefit d. hear42. a. detected b. ordered c. fined d. seized43. a. keeping b. tasting c. enjoying d. choosing44. a. exciting b. disappointing c. tiring d. amazing45. a. freedom b. pleasure c. hobby d. company46. a. without b. with c. behind d. beside47. a. follow b. admire c. envy d. meet48. a. route b. path c. railway d. highway49. a. intelligence b. satisfaction c. competition d. honesty50. a. made b. held c. caught d. took51. a. buildings b. mountains c. standard d. heaven52. a. gains b. concerns c. supports d. loss53. a. special b. happy c. simple d. original54. a. angry b. content c. dangerous d. curious55. a. morning b. night c. moment d. season答案与解析:36ctoo. to. 表示“太而不能”,由此判断选c项,作者有意打破沉默,以免司机因为疲劳而出问题。37b四个短语的含义:a“条件是”,b“害怕,唯恐”,c“相信”,d“以便”。语境表示害怕司机开车会太疲劳而有意和他攀谈,因此选b项。38b这个故事发生在晚上,司机说他送完我这趟就回家,由此判断选b项,表示“出行”。a“夜晚”,c“循环”,d“过程”都不符合语境。39a问了第一个问题之后,我接着对他发问。用throw out表示“随口说出”,如throw out ones suggestion“说出某人的建议”。b“赠送,泄露”,c“编造,虚构”,d“导致,造成”。40d从这个司机的回答看,他不像别的出租车司机那样辛苦,他如此自在,这让“我”感到十分诧异。这里用easiness表示“自在,自如”。41d我每次坐出租车的时候,从司机那儿听到的都是抱怨,说他们要从清早工作到深夜这里用hear表示“听见,听到”。42c赚钱很难,而且经常被警察罚款。从语境和选项看,出租车司机应是被警察“罚款”,所以选c项。43c或者埋怨说,领导懒洋洋地坐在办公室里享受他们的劳动果实。44c从下面的叙述可知,这个司机觉得他原先那种日子很无聊,让人觉得很厌烦,因此选c项。45b从前面的叙述可推知,这个人觉得当出租车司机很惬意:他每天不用早起,不用晚归,而且自己每个月能赚到足够的钱。46a这里用hardly. without的双重否定表示肯定的含义:很幸运,我几乎从来没有拉过空车。47a从下文的叙述判断选a项,从来不跟在跑空车的出租车后面,这样的车向南开,他就开车往北去。48d与下文的“狭窄的街道”呼应,这里选d项表示“公路”。49b从前文这个司机的叙述看,他很满意自己开出租车的生活,因此选b项。50d从搭配看,这里用take pride in表示“以自豪”。51b从生活常识可知,高山上的氧气稀薄,因此选b项。52a就像一句老话所说的,“不以物喜,不以己悲”,不以物质的收获为喜,不以个人的挫折为痛苦。53c就像这个司机这样的境界,过一种简单而有思想的生活。simple与前面的high相对,符合语境。54d此情此景,不禁让我感到不寻常。a“愤怒的”,b“满意的”,c“危险的”都不符合语境。55b文章开头就暗示了故事发生的时间是晚上。第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。a on the first day of my new high school, i almost had a nervous breakdown. everything about the school seemed so difficult. when i got home, my parents said, “youre nervous and thats okay. everyone is afraid of high school.” i denied it. i wanted to be strong, so i refused to let anyone know about my fear, even my closest friends. on the first day i was late for every class and was constantly lost. the school seemed like a puzzle that i couldnt figure out. was this how the whole year was going to be? i didnt think i could rise to this challenge, especially carrying a huge backpack that i could hardly lift. it was so big that i could knock someone out with it! the schoolmates seemed to regard me as a fool, and they were probably right. despite my fears, after the first week i finally had my schedule figured out. with the exception of falling up and down the stairs a couple of times and getting laughed at, high school was turning out to be not so bad. it was actually much better than middle school and much more challenging. since then, ive been elected vice monitor of my class, which wasnt much of a victory since only three people ran for the four positions. it is normal to be scared about a new school. take a deep breath and relax. high school is something that any student can overcome. make sure you participate in some outofclass activities because youll find it easier to make friends. try to do your best, even if it isnt straight as. most important of all, be who you are, whether youre a “fool”, an athlete, or a lower grader. dont try to pretend to be someone youre not. now you know the true secrets of high school.56. the main reason for the authors fear on his first day is that _.a. he was unable to work out the puzzleb. his schoolmates were unfriendly to himc. he was not familiar with the new surroundingsd. his schoolbag was too heavy for him to carry57. from the authors first day experience we can infer that _.a. his home was far from the schoolb. he got to school after classes beganc. he didnt get any school scheduled. he didnt know the right way to class58. after his first week at school, the author _.a. was still not accustomed to the scheduleb. gradually adjusted himself to the new schoolc. found high school not so challenging as he had imaginedd. ran for monitor of his class against three other students59. according to the passage, the secret of the authors success lies mainly in _.a. making more friendsb. getting more as at schoolc. being who he really isd. joining in outofclass activities答案与解析:56c推理判断题。从第一段中的everything about the school seemed so difficult.和第二段中的the school seemed like


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