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教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! Module l How to learn English 课型:语法课 【学习目标】 1.复习一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时和现在进行时这四种时态; 2.能掌握提出建议的表达方式; How about? Why dont you? Its a good idea to You should Try to 等; 【课前准备】 1.学生课前齐读本模块的词汇; 2.两人一组检查词汇掌握情况; 【学习过程】 1.复习四种时态 观察四组句子。 A He usually goes to school by bike. I want to remember all the new words. Mary likes watching English films. Lily is shy .She cant speak in front of the class. The sun rises in the east. B It snowed heavily last night. I was in Beijing before I came here. C Im going to work hard this years. Ill write that down in my study diary. We well build another library next year. D Who is she writing the email to? Are you enjoying your stay in China? 小组交流讨论后,总结发现的规律。 时态 构成 经常出现的词 A 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 2.专项训练。 汉译英 玛丽 每天都写日记。 月亮绕着地球转。 假期里,我看了一部非常好的电影。 明天我去找你谈谈有关新计划的事。 莉莉正在愉快地唱歌。 小组交流,使用不同的时态描述暑假活动、新学期打算等等。 3.展示新知识 小组讨论总结表示提建议的日常用语。 就小组成员的问题或困难提出建议。 4.跟踪训练。 A 用 should/ shouldnt 完成句子。 When you learn a new word ,you repeat it. Students talk when the teacher is talking. You come to class late. You always check our homework before you give it to your teacher. When your teacher gives you back your homework ,you correct your mistakes. Young people go to bed too late. B 玛丽想保持苗条的身材,请给她一些建议。 Why dont you (eat)more fruit and vegetables? Try (go)to bed early and (get)up early. How about (do)some housework at home? B C D 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! Remember (drink)more water. Its a good idea (do)some sports every day. You should (say)goodbye to some sweets. Try ( not eat) too much each meal. Why not (learn)to dance? C.用所给词的正确形式填空。 Why not _(join) us and fight against them? They tried_(complete)the project on time. Should I_(help)him with his homework? How about _(wait)for a short while? What _you_(think)about now? I wish you_(learn)English well. We had fun_( camp)in the mountain. They dislike_(go)fishing. Why _(not)you_(listen)to music in English? You must _(improve)your writing. D.阅读理解 Many students go to school for education. They learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and maths .Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a living .School education is very useful and important .No one can learn everything from school. A teacher ,no matter how much he knows ,can not teach his students everything they want to know .The teachers job is to show his students how to learn .He teaches them how to read and how to think .So much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves. It is always more important to know how to study by oneself than to remember some facts and formulas(公式 ).It is quite easy to learn a certain fact in history or formulas in working out a maths problem .Great scientists ,such as Einstein ,Newton and Galileo didnt get everything from school .But they were all so successful. They invented so many things for the people. The reason for their 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! success is that they knew how to study .They read books that were not taught at school .They worked hard all their lives ,not wasting a single moment .They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of experiments(实验 ). Above all ,they knew how to use their brains. 1.What do people go to school for? _ 2.Can anyone learn everything at school ? _ 3.What is a teachers job? _ 4.Do you know why some people can become successful scientists ? _ 5.From the passage ,what is important? _ E.学以致用。 写出关于自己的学习英语方面的问题。 Grammar/vocabulary: Grammar is more difficult than vocabulary for me. I think the rules of English are very difficult. Listening/speaking _ Writing/reading _ Spelling/punctuation _ 就同桌在英语学习中遇到的问题或困难提出适当的建议。 I think you should_ Its good idea to_ Why dont you _ How about _ 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! Module l How to learn English Unit1 Try not to translate every word. 课型:听说课 【学习目标】 1.掌握提出建议的表达方式。 2.能够听懂有关学习的建议。 3.能够口头就学习方法提出建议。 4.能够表演包含建议的对话或就学习方面的建议做口头陈述。 【课前准备】 1.根据音标,先试读生词,直到熟读生词,最后能够英汉互译。 2.每人准备一张心愿卡,写出新学期对英语学习的打算。 【学习过程】 1.检查词汇预习情况。 四人小组内进行词汇的英汉互译。 小组成员互相介绍自己学习英语的体会。 2.展示新知识。 介绍: a .Why dont you ? B .You should C .Its a good idea to d .How about E .Try to f .Try not to 仔细观察以上提建议的表达方式,小组讨论它们分别接什么动词形式: 小组内补充总结其他提建议的表达方式。 3.专项训练 学会提建议。 always speak English class. speak Chinese in an English class. watch English films. translate every word. 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! read an English paper. listen to radio? learning eight or ten words a day? 小组内,根据同学的学习情况,就其学习问题或困难提出适当的建议。 4.听力训练。 判断对话中两个人所谈论的是语法问题、拼写 问题还是其他问题。 Dialogue 1 talks about Dialogue 2 talks about Dialogue 3 talks about Dialogue 4 talks about Dialogue 5 talks about 两人一组对话。 5.对话学习。 A 读前听 听对话,回答下列问题。 When and where does the dialogue take place?_ Is Linglings friend English or not?_ 再听一遍,完成下列表格。 Learning vocabulary Spelling Mistakes Reading English Translation Listening English B 语言知识归纳。 精读文章,找出并写下疑难问题。 _ 四人小组交流后,记下仍然解决不了的问题。 语言点导学: Welcome back, everyone! Welcome back 意为 欢迎回来 ,在此句中指的是 回到学校 。 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 拓展 welcome +表示地点的副词。 Welcome home, kids! Welcome to+表示地点的名词。 Welcome to China! 考例 James, I am sorry. I used your physics book when you were away this morning. _. A .Thats all right B .Its a pleasure C .You are welcome D .Thank you Im going to give you some advice. give sb advice 给某人提建议 advice 是不可数名词,表示 很多建议 可以用 much 或 a lot of 来修饰;表示 一点儿 可以用 a little 修饰;表示 一条建议 可用 a piece of advice 来表示。 拓展 ask for advice 征求意见 take ones advice 采纳某人的意见 follow ones advice 遵循某人的建议 考例 Why didnt you your teachers advice? A. follow B .take C. catch D. A or B Why didnt you your write it down? Why dont you ?意为 为何不 呢? 在 这里是提建议的一种说法,并不是问其为什么不这样做的原因。 拓展 Why dont you do ?可以转化为 Why not do ? 考例 Bob, its getting cold. Take a jacket with you? All right, Daddy. A .Why not B .What about C. Would you like D .Youd better What else? else 意为 其他 ,常与不定代词、疑问代词或副词连用,放在 他们的后面,作后置定语。 Did you see anybody else? 你还看到别人了吗? Who else was there? 还有谁在那儿? 拓展 other 作形容词,用以修饰名词或代词,位于其前作定语。 We learn Chinese, maths , English and some other subjects at school. other 作代词,可以单独作主语、宾语、表语,其复数形式为 others。 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! Some students are playing under the tree, others are flying kites over there. 考例 I dont know where Mr. Yang has gone. Youd better ask . A .someone else B .else someone C .other somebody D .anybody else Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day. 此句中, it 为形式上的主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。 Its a good idea to do sth.意为 做某事是个坏主意 ,表示推测或建议。 But try not to translate every word. try not to do sth. 意为 尽力不要去做某事 not to do 为动词不定式的否定形式。 拓展 try to do sth. 意为 尽去做某事;设法做某事 。 try doing sth. 意为 尝试着做某事 。 try on 意为 试穿(衣服或鞋 帽等) 。 try ones best( to do sth.) 意为 尽某人的最大努力(去做某事) 。 try 作名词 , 意为 尝试、试图 。 Do you want try? 考例 Do you like the new coat , Jack? Well, let me and see. A .wear it on B .put on it C .try it on D .dress on it 分角色朗读对话后,完成下列句子。 让我们 去滑冰吧。 你们为什么不早一点儿来呢? 让我们一起去公园好吗? 听古典音乐如何? 去游泳怎么样? 我们最好多帮妈妈干点家务活。 每个人都应该有个笔友。 早上大声朗读是个好主意。 6.学以致用。 两人一组练习对话。 A: What should I do to improve ? B :You should 1.my grammar 2.my listening 3.my vocabulary 采访组内同学,并给他们提出合理的建议。 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! Module l How to learn English Unit 2 Please help me! 课型:读写课 【学习目标】 1.能够读懂介绍建议的文章; 2.通过阅读能够掌握如何处理生词、如何记忆单词的学习策略。 3.通过阅读能够提高细节阅读能力及大意理解能力。 4.能够根据同学的学习情况,就其学习问题或困难提出适当的 建议; 5.能够根据别人的建议制定自己的学习计划。 【课前准备】 1.课前学生齐读模块的词汇; 2.四人一组口头检查词汇拼写情况。 【学习过程】 1.两人一组谈论自己在理解、表达和词汇学习等方面的困难。 2.背景知识 In school all over the world boys and girls are learning foreign languages. Everyone knows his own language ,but knowing another one is very useful .If we want to go to England or the USA ,we must be able to speak English. English is one of the most important languages because so many people use it ,not only in England and the USA, but also in other parts of the world .About 300 million people speak it as their own language and another 200 million use it as a second language . Millions upon millions of school children are trying to learn it. We can learn English from magazines and newspapers .We can find English language sites on the Internet. Its a good idea to listen to songs in English .And dont forget to watch TV, for example,CCTV9,and films in English. 3.泛读训练 A 快速默读文章,回答下面的问题: Who can give us some advice about improving our English? What are the three basic questions about learning English? 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! B 再次阅读文章,完成判断正( T)误( F)练习: Li hao takes a long time to listen to real songs.( ) Its a good way to talk about songs with friends.( ) Smiling is not helpful for us before we begin to speak English.( ) Sam cant speak to his foreign teacher because he is shy.( ) Trying to remember eight or ten words a day is a good way to learn vocabulary.( ) C 阅读课文,完成填空练习。 Mary students ask for about improving English. Li Hao enjoys andreal English songs, but it him a long time. The language Doctor thinks it is a great way because people can themselves. Sams question is about .He is very .The Language Doctor advices him to and before asks him to try to . 4.精读足练。 精读文章,找出疑难问 题。 _ 四人小组交流,写下不能解决的问题。 _ 小组之间互相解决问题。 语言点导学。 Many students ask for advice about improving their English. ask for 要求得到 for 后接名词代词等。 拓展 ask sb . for sth. 向某人要求某物 We have to ask the police for help. 考例 I had a bad cold. The doctor asked me in bed. A .staying B .to stay C. stayed D .stays But it takes a long time. It takes sb. some time to do sth.是固定句式,这里的 take 是 花费 的意思,教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 此句型的意思是 做某事需要花费某人多长时间 。 辨析: take, spend, pay, cost A .take 指花时间,用于固定句式 It takes sb. some time to do sth.中。 B .spend 指花时间 /钱,主语往往是人,常用于句式: sb. spends time /money on sth./(in)doing c. pay 指花钱,主语也是人,常用于句式 sb. pays money for sth. 某人为某物付 钱 。 d. cost 指花钱,主语只能是某物,表示 值 或 花费 的意思。常用于句式:sth. Costs money 某物值 钱 ; sth. costs sb money 某物花去某人 钱 。 考例 What a beautiful sweater! How much did you for it? A .take B .cost C .pay D .spend When I visit China, lots of people in the street say, Hello! How are you? Where are you from? Do you like China? 此句是一个含有时间状语从句的复合句, When I visit China 是一个表示时间的从句,作状语,修饰后面的主句 ,when 在此句中意为 当 的时候 。 考例 Dont be afraid of asking for information it is needed. A .when B .after C .although D .unless Many people are shy when they speak English , so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile! 此句中的 so 意为 所以,因此 ,用于引导并列句。特别需要注意的是:在汉语中, 因为 和 所以 是经常放在一起连用的,而在英语中 because和 so 是不可连用的,二者只能用一个。例如: English is important, so we should learn it well. =We should learn English well because it is important. 考例 Maths is not easy to learn, we must work harder. A .but B .or C .so D .and Smiling always helps. smiling 是动名词 , 在句中起名词的作用,可单独或以短语的形式作主语、教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 表语、宾语等。在本句中, smiling 就做了主语。又如: Talking with a full mouth is a bad habit. 满嘴含着食物讲 话是个坏习惯。 Smoking is bad for your health. 吸烟有害健康。 考例 the environment is important. A .Take care of B .we take care of C .Take care D .Taking care of 朗读课文,完成下列练习。 A 汉译英。 谈论、讨论 纯正的英语 大街上的人 两张红纸 做一次深呼吸 玩得愉快 B 根据汉语意思完成句子。 我该做什么? What I ? 我怎样才能提高口语水平? I improve my ? 和你的朋友谈论一下电影或歌曲。 The film or song your friends. 这些都是开始交谈的好方法。 These are good ways to 把单词写在纸上是个好方法。 Is a great way the new words on of paper. 5.写作训练。 请 根据提示复述课文,然后组内交流。 Li Hao : enjoytake Talk aboutguess Sam: shyspeak questionsconversationbreathsmile Oliver : remember-write-forget Try-paper-place-say-change-shop-count-name 6.仿写:采访自己的朋友,并就其学习中的问题或困难提出适当的建议。 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! Module l How to learn English Unit 3 language in life 课型:复习课 【学习目标】 1.复习掌握提出建议的表达方式。 2.通过听力练习,复习有关学习的建议。 3.能够制定自己的学习计划。 【课前准备】 1.四人小组内听写检查本模块词汇掌握情况。 2.运用词典,两人小组预习 Around the world 部分。 【学习过程】 1.四人小组复习建议的表达方式。 2.听力练习。 3.两人小组讨论 怎样做一个好学生 。 4.检查 Around the world部分的预习情况。 小组内进行英汉互译。 小组讨论 How to learn English?。 【模块练习】 一、短语英汉互译。 1.深呼吸 2.the meaning of 3.写下 4.basic questions 5.发电子邮件 6.a great way to learn English 7.正确的拼写 8.make an English study plan 9.考虑, 想起 10.translate the book into English 二、首字母及汉语提示填空。 1.How can I my reading? 2.My teacher gave me some a on how to study math. 3.Miss Wang always helps us when we make m . 4.What e do we have to do? 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 5.Whose p (发音 )is the best in your class? 6.Very goodmeans (好极了 ). 7.He is (重复 )what he has just said. 8.How many I can Jim speak? Four. 9.I dont like English (语法 ). 10.With a (微笑 )on her face, she teachers us English every day. 三、句型转换 1.Thank you very much for meeting me at the airport.(同义句 ) for meeting me at the airport. 2.Why dont you go there with your friend? (同义句 ) Why there with your friend? 3.Mary asks me turn off the radio.(否定句 ) Mary asks me turn off the radio. 4.Put all your things here, please. (否定句 ) all your things here, please. 5.She told me to buy a new notebook. (否定句 ) She told me a new notebook. 6.The students dont know what they should do next. (同义句 ) The students dont know what next. 7.He is good at English. (同义句 ) He English. 8.I want to go to the park on Sunday. (同义句 ) I go to the park on Sunday. 9.Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? (同义句 ) Did you yesterday? 10.Try to do it like this. (否定句 ) do it like this. 四、阅读理解。 (A) Many students in China are learning English. Some of them are small children. 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! Some are teenagers. Others are adults. Some learn at school, and others study by themselves. A few learn English over the radio, on television, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language. Why do all these people want to learn English? Its not easy to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because its one of their subjects. Some people learn English because its useful for their work. Many people often learn English for their higher studies, because at college or university some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers and magazines in English. ( )1.In China many students are learning . A .Chinese B .English C. French D. German ( )2.They learn English . A .at school B .by themselves C .over the radio, on television or in films D . A, B and C ( )3.Many students in China are learning English at school because . A .its useful for their work B .its one of their subjects C .their books are all in English D .they want to read magazines in English ( )4 .In China are learning English. A .small children B .teenagers C. adults D. A、 B and C ( )5 .People learn English for . A .their subject B .their work C .their higher D .many reasons (B) Students learn their lessons in class .In class teachers teach them .Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher .This is a way of learning. Is this the only way for students to learn something? Of course not .There is another way to learn .That is ,students can teach themselves .For example ,if you cannot remember something when you are doing your homework ,you can look at your book to find the answer .This is a way to teach yourself. And it is not a difficult thing. We can do 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案! this at any place at any time. How do you teach yourself ? The first


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