



二级英语口语考试题目参考Topics:1.Which do you prefer, classical music or pop music? Why?2.Do you think music can affect peoples lives, for example, to calm people, to cheer them up, or to increase efficiency?3.Do you prefer to watch movies at home or at the cinema? Why?4.How many types of movies do you know? What types of movies do you like? Why?5.What do you know about wedding ceremonies in the United States?6.What do you think are the standards for looking for a girlfriend or a boyfriend?7.What are the negative social effects of advertisements?8.What do you think are the advantages of advertisements?9.Why do people keep pets?10. What benefits can pets bring people?11. What problems can pet ownership cause?12. Are you for or against following fashion trends? Situations:1.Suppose you are a big fan of Zeng Yike and you are crazy about her song Leo (狮子座), so you are listening to it again and again in the dorm. However, your roommate is a traditional boy / girl fond of Song Zuyings song Spicy Girl (辣妹子). The two of you are trying to persuade the other to listen to his / her favorite songs. (You may change the singers and the songs if you like.)2.You have just read a film review about the hottest blockbuster Avatar, which tends to hold a quite positive opinion toward the film. You discuss the film with your good friend and show your great interest to watch the movie. Your friend happens to get two tickets of the premiere and invites you to go with him/her. (You may change the movie if you like.)3.Your boyfriend/girlfriend has been a bit cool and distant recently. He /She used to call you every day, but its been a week since he/she called last time. Today on campus, you see him/her having lunch with another female/male student. They seem to be very close and happy. Your feelings are mixed and you turn to your best friend for help.4.A and B see a free magazine of ads and begin to discuss advertising. A argues for advertising while B argues against it. Both express doubt about the other persons argument and explain his / her own point of view.5.A bought a cat / dog for company and it has given him / her a lot of pleasure. B comes and sees it, and A highly recommends having a pet cat / dog.6.The city has passed a law against walking dogs on the streets. You and your friend are discussing the pros and cons of the law and possible solutions for dog owners. One is against cruelty to dogs, hopes the owners can clean up the dogs mess and favors the building of a dog park. But the other thinks the city is already too crowded without dogs.7.A is a salesperson, and B wants to buy a pair of jeans. They will talk about the size, color, pric


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