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2014高考英语阅读理解精品练习(7)及答案(解析)c72013陕西卷 caccording to sociologists(社会学家), every modern industrial society has some form of social stratification(阶层)class, power and status are important in deciding peoples rank in society.class means a persons economic position in society.a commonly used classification is lower class, middle class and upper class.while sociologists disagree on how these terms should be exactly defined, they do describe societies like the united states quite well.one study shows that 53% of americans belong to the lower class, 46% the middle class, and 1% the upper class.interestingly, a surgeon earning $ 500,000 a year and a bus driver earning $ 50,000 a year both regard themselves as the middle class!power refers to the amount of control a person has over other people.obviously, people in positions of great power(such as governors) exercise(行使) big power, but people who take orders from others have less power.power and class do not always go hand in hand, however.for example, the governor of a state has great power, but he or she may not belong to a corresponding(相应的) economic class.generally, however, there is a relationship between power and class. to our knowledge, there arent too many people who arent millionaires in the us.senate!status is the honor or respect attached to a persons position in society.it can also be affected by power and class, but not necessarily so.for example, a university professor may have a high status but not belong to a high social class or have a lot of power over others.54what can we learn about “the middle class” from paragraph 2?apeople earning $50,000 a year belong to the middle class.bnearly half americans belong to the middle class.cpeople generally consider bus drivers as the middle class.dsociologists have a clear definition of the middle class.55according to the text, we know that _apower and class do not always correspond with each otherbstatus refers to a persons economic position in societycpeople with high status have a lot of control over othersdclass is less important in deciding a persons social rank56which of the following shows the structure of the whole text?a b.c d.【要点综述】 本文说明了一个社会现象:每个现代工业社会都有其社会阶层。阶级权力和社会地位是判断一个人的社会阶层的重要标准。54b推理判断题。由第二段倒数第二句中的“46% the middle class”一句可知在美国,有差不多一半的人属于中产阶级,选b。55a细节理解题。由第三段中的“power and class do not always go hand in hand, however.”可知,权力和阶级并不总是保持一致。选a。56a篇章结构题。本文第一段是主题段,“class, power and status are important in deciding peoples rank in society.”是本文的主题句,后三段分别从这三个方面来论述,故本篇文章是总分的结构。选a。(2011新课标卷,b)while small may be beautiful, tall is just plain uncomfortable it seems, particularly when it comes to staying in hotels and eating in restaurants.the tall persons club great britain (tpcgb), which was formed six months ago to campaign for the needs of the tall, has turned its attention to hotels and restaurants. beds that are too small, shower heads that are too low, and restaurant tables with hardly any legroom all make life difficult for those of above average height, it says.but it is not just the extratall whose needs are not being met. the average height of the population has been increasing yet the standard size of beds, doorways, and chairs has remained unchanged.“the bedding industry says a bed should be six inches larger than the person using it, so even a kingsize bed at 66(6 feet and 6 inches) is falling short for 25% of men, while the standard 63 bed caters for less than half of the male population.” said tpcgb president phil heinricy, “sevenfoot beds would work fine.”similarly, restaurant tables can cause no end of problems. small tables, which mean the longlegged have to sit a foot or so away from them, are enough to make tall customers go elsewhere.some have already taken note, however. at queens moat houses caledonian hotel in edinburgh, 66beds are now put in as standard after requests for longer beds from taller visitors, particularly americans.本文讲述了现在人们的身高普遍增高了,饭店的桌子需要加大,旅馆的床需要加长,否则它们就会失去顾客。5what is the purpose of the tpcgb campaign?ato provide better services.bto rebuild hotels and restaurants.cto draw public attention to the needs of the tall.dto attract more people to become its members.答案:c。细节理解题。由短文第二段第一句话可知,高个人们组成了tpcgb俱乐部,为了高人而战斗,且把注意力转向了宾馆、饭店,从而引起人们的注意。6which of the following might be a bed of proper length according to phil heinricy?a72. b7.c66. d63.答案:b。细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句话可知:七英尺的床应该是合适长度的床。7what may happen to restaurants with small tables?athey may lose some customers. bthey may start businesses elsewhere.cthey have to find easy chairs to match the tables.dthey have to provide enough space for the longlegged.答案:a。细节理解题。根据短文倒数第二段可知,如果饭店的桌子小了,高个人坐不下,这样使得顾客到别地方去了。8what change has already been made in a hotel in edinburgh?atall people pay more for larger beds. b66beds have taken the place of 63beds.cspecial rooms are kept for americans. dguest rooms are standardized.答案:b。细节理解题。根据短文最后一段可知,在爱丁堡的宾馆里,标准床已换成了6英尺6英寸大的床了。 (2011安徽卷,a)passage 1the information highway is the road that links computer users to a large number of online services; the web,email, and software, to mention just a few. not long ago, the information highway was a new road, with not many users. now, everyone seems to want to take a drive, with over 30 million families connected worldwide. not surprisingly, this welltraveled highway is starting to look like a welltraveled highway. traffic jams can cause many serious problems, forcing the system to close down for repair. naturally, accidents will happen on such a crowded road, and usually victims are some files, gone forever. then, of course, theres mr. cool, with his new broadband connection, who speeds down the highway faster than most of us can go. but dont trick yourself; he pays for that speeding.passage 2want to know more about global warming and how you can help prevent it? doctor herman friedman, who is considered a leading expert on the subject, will speak at grayson hall next friday. friedman studied environmental science at three wellknown universities around the world before becoming a professor in the subject. he has also traveled around the world observing environmental concerns. the gradual bleaching (变白) of the great barrier reef, which came into the public eye in 2002, is his latest interest. signed copies of his colorful book, which was published just last month, will be on sale after his talk.本文共两篇独立的文章,passage 1是关于信息高速公路的发展特点及现状;passage 2是关于一次气候变暖问题的报告的海报。9the information highway _.a. is free from traffic accidentsb. is crowded with car driversc. offers just a few online servicesd. appeals to a large number of users答案:d。细节理解题。由passage1中的句子“now, everyone seems to want to take a drive, with over 30 million families connected worldwide”可知。10how does mr.cool manage to travel the information highway so fast?a. by storing fewer files.b. by repairing the system.c. by buying a better computer.d. by using a broadband connection.答案:d。细节理解题。由passage1中“theres mr.cool, with his new broadband connection,.”可知。11what can be learned from passenger 2 ?a. there will be a book show at crayson hallb. friedman is now studying the great barrier reef.c. there will be a talk on global warming this week.d. friedman is a leading expert on computer science.答案:b。推理判断题。在grayson hall举行的是一次演讲,而不是图书展(book show),故排除a项;演讲将在下周举行,故排除c项;由passage 2的前两句可知friedman是有关气候变暖方面的专家,而非电脑科学方面的专家,故排除d项。12passage 2 is most probably _.a. a poster about a lectureb. an ad for a new bookc. a note to a doctor in a universityd. an introduction to a professor答案:a。推理判断题。passage 2主要是对一次有关气候变暖的报告的时间、地点的安排及主讲人的情况进行大体介绍,同时说明以后还会有一本相关的书籍出版发行,故唯有a项(海报)是正确的。c72013四川卷 dhome to me means a sense of familiarity and nostalgia(怀旧)its fun to come home. it looks the same. it smells the same. youll realize whats changed is you. home is where we can remember pain,love,and some other experiences:we parted here; my parents met here; i won three championships here.if i close my eyes, i can still have a clear picture in mind of my first home. i walk in the door and see a brown sofa surrounding a low glasstop wooden table. to the right of the living room is my first bedroom. its empty,but its where my earliest memories are.there is the dining room table where i celebrated birthdays, and where i cried on halloweenwhen i didnt want to wear the skirt my mother made for me.i always liked standing on that table because it made me feel tall and strong. if i sit at this table, i can see my favorite room in the house,my parents room. it is simple: a brown wooden dresser lines the right side of the wall next to a television and a couple of photos of my grandparents on each side. their bed is my safe zone. i can jump on it anytimewaking up my parents if i am scared or if i have an important announcement that cannot wait until the morning.im lucky because i know my first home still exists. it exists in my mind and heart, on a physical property(住宅)on west 64th street on the western edge of los angeles. it is proof i lived, i grew, and i learned.sometimes when i feel lost,i lie down and shut my eyes, and i go home. i know its where ill find my family,my dogs, and my belongings.i purposely leave the window open at night because i know ill be blamed by mom. but i dont mind, because i want to hear her say my name,which reminds me im home.43why does the author call her parents bed her “safe zone”(paragraph 3)?ait is her favorite place to play.b. her needs can be satisfied there.c. her grandparents photos are lined on each side.d. her parents always play together with her there.44what can be learned from the passage?a. the old furniture is still in the authors first bedroom.b. the author can still visit her first physical home in los angeles.c. the authors favorite room in her first home is the dining room.d. many people of the authors age can still find their first physical homes.45sometimes when she feels lost,the author will _a. open the window at nightb. lie down in bed to have a dreamc. try to bri


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