八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter(第2课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter(第2课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter(第2课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter(第2课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter(第2课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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unit1what sthematter 第二课时sectiona3a 3c p3 课堂小测 课后作业 课前预习 课前预习 单词 1 乘客 旅客n 2 离开 某处 adv prep 3 向 朝prep 4 问题 苦恼n 5 击 打v passenger off onto trouble hit 课前预习 短语 6 getoff 7 toone ssurprise 8 rightaway 9 getinto 10 seesb doing 11 haveaheartproblem 12 agreetodo 13 thanksto 14 intime 15 thinkabout 下车 使某人惊讶的是 出乎某人意料 立刻 马上 看见某人正在做某事 同意做某事 由于 多亏 因为 及时 考虑 进入 习惯于 心脏有问题 课前预习 句型 16 thedriversawanoldmanlyingonthesideoftheroad 17 heexpectedmostorallofthepassengerstogetoffandwaitforthenextbus 18 it ssadthatmanypeopledon twanttohelpothersbecausetheydon twantanytrouble 司机看见一个老人躺在路边 他预计大多数或所有乘客下车等待下一辆公车 难过的是 许多人不愿意帮助别人 因为他们不希望任何麻烦 课堂小测 一 根据中文意思或首字母提示 用单词的适当形式填空 每空一词 1 thebusgottothelaststation allthep mustgetoffhere 2 thelittleboywasint soiswamouttosavehim 3 aflyingcar 撞倒 theboyjustnow 4 tomys thepersonwithlonghairoverthereisaman 5 couldyoupleasehelpmetomovethebooks 上 thebookshelves passengers trouble hit surprise onto 课堂小测 二 根据中文提示完成句子 词数不限 6 我看见他正在把一个香蕉切成片 isawhim 7 请马上下车 please thebus 8 大家都不想陷入此案的麻烦中 nobodywantsto withthiscase cuttingabananaintopieces getoff rightaway getintotrouble 课堂小测 9 多亏了天气好 我们才有了好收成 thegoodweather wehaveagoodharvest 10 他不考虑他自己 而只想着挽救一条生命 hedidn t heonly thanksto thinkabouthimself thoughtaboutsavingalife 课堂小测 三 单项选择 11 listen canyouhearalittleboy outside a cryb criesc criedd crying 12 istoppedmycartosavetheoldman thinkingtwice a withb withoutc againstd from 13 doyouagree me ineedyoursupport a withb forc fromd to d b a 课堂小测 14 asmallstone himonthehead a fellb coveredc layd hit 15 doyouknowmaryisonlya girl a 20 year oldb 20 years oldc 20yearsoldd 20 yearold d a 课后作业 一 单项选择 1 johnwassoangrythathehitbob theface a inb onc atd to 2 thanks thegoodpolicy 政策 allthefarmersinthisvillageliveahappylife a forb toc ind at 3 iamthinkingabout somepreparationsforthethanksgivingparty a makeb makesc maded making a b d 课后作业 4 whenthebusisstillrunning youcan t a gettob getoffc getintod getup 5 canyoulendusahand withoutyourhelp wewon tfinishthejob a intimeb insurprisec introubled indanger b a 课后作业 二 翻译句子1 他看见一只猫在抓老鼠 2 令我惊讶的是 他在电脑游戏比赛中得了第一名 3 那个老人有心脏病 hesawacatcatchingmice tomysurprise hegotthefirstprizeinthecomputergamecompetition thatoldmanhasaheartproblem 课后作业 4 谢谢你给了我一个这么好的建议 5 最后 我们都同意去帮他摘苹果 thankyouforgivingmesuchapieceofgoodadvice finally weallagreedtohelphimpickapples 课后作业 三 完形填空liwenandliwuaretwinbrothers theybothlike1verymuch onedaywhiletheywerewalkingintheirowngarden they2alotofredapplesonabigtree theywantedtotastewhethertheyaresweetornot butbothofthemweretoo3forthem sotheycarriedaladder 梯子 andputitagainstthetree thenliwubegantoclimbtheladderwhileliwenhelditforhim4thetree justthentheyheardaloudbarkfromabig5 liwenwasafraidofdogsandranawayasfastashecould 课后作业 liwu6andhurthisfeetbadly hesatthereandbeganto7 liwenrantotellhisparentsaboutit tenminuteslater hisfathercametoseewhatwasthematterwithliwu whenhisfathersawtheinjuredboy heknewhe8sendhimtoanearbyhospitalassoonastheycould hewasveryworried9hedidn tknowhowbadliwu sfeetwere butheknew10wasnogoodblaming 责备 thechildrenatthatmoment 课后作业 1 a applesb pearsc bananasd grapes 2 a heardb hadc foundd knew 3 a tallb shortc thind fat 4 a underb inc ford on 5 a tigerb foxc catd dog a c b a d 课后作业 6 a felloffb felldownc gotoffd goton 7 a eatb smilec cryd stand 8 a shouldb shouldn tc cand can t 9 a butb soc becaused though 10 a thisb itc thatd thing b c a c b 课后作业 四 阅读理解 b篇 cananimalsbemadetoworkforus somescientiststhinkthatsomedayanimalsmaybetaughttodoanumberofsimplejobs theysaythatwemayseeelephants ormonkeys dogs bears orotheranimalsdoingalotofthingsinafilmoratvplay ifyouwatchcarefully youmayfindthatthoseanimalsarealwaysgivensomethingtoeatinreturnfordoingthem thescientistssaythatmanydifferentanimalsmaybetaughttodoanumberofsimplejobsiftheyknowtheywillgetsomethingtoeatinreturn 课后作业 ofcourse asweknow dogscanbeusedtoguardahouse andelephantscanbeusedtodosomeheavyjobsbecausetheyareverystrong andwecanalsoteachanimalstoworkinfactories apes 猿猴 forexample havebeenusedinamericatohelpmakecars scientistsbelievethattheselargemonkeysmayonedaygetincropsandevendrivetrains 课后作业 1 elephantscanbeusedtodosomeheavyjobsbecause a theycaneatalotb theyareverystrongc theyareman sbestfriendd theyareverysmart 2 manydifferentanimalsmaybetaughttodosomesimplejobsif a theyhaveenoughfoodtoeatb theyaretallandstrongenoughc theycangetfoodtoeatafterthatd theyaresenttoschooltolearn b c 课后作业 3 infact havebeenusedtohelpmakecars a apesb dogsc monkeysd elephants 4


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