高考英语大一轮复习 第一部分 Unit 5 First aid课件 新人教版必修5.ppt_第1页
高考英语大一轮复习 第一部分 Unit 5 First aid课件 新人教版必修5.ppt_第2页
高考英语大一轮复习 第一部分 Unit 5 First aid课件 新人教版必修5.ppt_第3页
高考英语大一轮复习 第一部分 Unit 5 First aid课件 新人教版必修5.ppt_第4页
高考英语大一轮复习 第一部分 Unit 5 First aid课件 新人教版必修5.ppt_第5页
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必修五 unit5firstaid 情景默写1 andy 倒 theglassfullandliftedittobobby 2 theyjustreacheda 临时的 agreement 3 alotofpeopleweptbittertearsduringthefuneral 仪式 4 thelawshould 适用 toallofthepeoplelivinghere 5 hisfootwasvery 肿胀 afterthebigaccident 6 hefoundaholeinthefenceand 挤 hiswaythrough 7 heisaccusedofrepeatedly 刺 asixteen year oldboy poured temporary ceremony apply swollen squeezed stabbing 8 thecutonhisleg 流血 alotwhenhewashurtyesterday 9 an 救护车 arrivedinfiveminutesaftertheaccident 10 havingafeverorcoldisthe 症状 thatyouhavefallenill 11 themountainsformanatural 屏障 betweenthetwocountries 12 henearly 窒息 todeathwhenafishbonegotstuckinhisthroat 13 itis 至关重要的 thatschoolsteachstudentstousecomputertechnology 14 shewassentencedtotwentyyears imprisonmentfor 毒害 hisneighbours 15 mywritingcareer 腾飞 whenidiscoveredmyownstyle 16 i vetoldyou 反复 nottodothatbutyouwon tlisten bled ambulance symptom barrier choked vital poisoning tookoff overandoveragain 17 arrivinginlondon shesuddenly 生病 becauseshecouldn tbearthechangeableweather 18 i msurethatourhardworkcan 起重要作用 andeverythingwillbeok 19 theprofessoralwaysurgesusthateverythingshouldbeput 在适当的位置 beforeweleavethelab 20 hannahwasbusywithworkthenbutshestilltriedherbestto 挤出 sometimefromhertightscheduletovisithermother fellill makeadifference inplace squeezeout 词性转换1 thepassengers tight packedinthetrain 2 hesaid mild tomethathedidn tmeantoupsetme 3 it sanidealplacetorelaxandescapethe press ofmodernlife 4 theburningplasticgaveoff poison gas whichisharmfultoourhealth 5 theoperationisverycomplex besides thelongtimeneededis bear 6 weliketolivealifefullof andmen stastesare vary tightly mildly pressure poisonous unbearable variety various 7 tomgotbadly inthecaraccident the tohislegwasreallyserious injury 8 peoplehadto themselvesintheirownwaybeforetheyreceivedthe sentbythegovernment treat 9 thepeopleinthefloodedareafought againstthenaturaldisaster their deservedtobepraised brave 10 i firm believethatthemoreweareawareofthesignificanceofthisfamoussaying themorebenefitswewillgetinourdailystudyandjob injured injury treat treatment bravely bravery firmly 1 句型公式 unless 假如不 除非 引导条件状语从句 除非我被邀请 否则我不会去参加晚会的 iwon tgototheparty 2 句型公式 bedoing when 正在做 这时 她正走在大街上 这时她听到有人叫她 she sheheardhernamecalled 3 句型公式 there snodoubtthat 毫无疑问 毫无疑问 中国人民热爱和平 但我们并不惧怕战争 butwedon tfearwar unless i m invited waswalkingalongthestreetwhen thereisnodoubtthatthechinesepeoplelovepeace 1 pourvt vi 倒 灌 注 涌 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 afterthemeetingallthechildrenpoured incrowds theraysofthesunpoured throughthewindow sobbing she hermother 她一边哭泣 一边向母亲诉说整个事情的经过 out in pouredoutthewholestoryto 状元笔记全记牢 pourout涌出 倾诉 倒出 使流出poursth outtosb 向某人倾诉某事pourcoldwateron over对 泼冷水pourin不断涌来 2 treatvt vi 治疗 对待 款待n 款待 招待 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 i lltreatyou lunchattherestaurantinfrontofourschool treatothersinthewayyouwant treat drunkdriving whetherthedrivercausesacrashornot 酒驾应该被以犯罪对待 不管司机是否发生碰撞 to tobetreated shouldbetreatedasacrime 状元笔记全记牢 1 treatsb forsth 治疗某人 treat like as把 当 看待treatsb to 用 招待某人it smytreat 我请客 2 treatmentn 治疗 处理 对待 3 applyvi 申请 适用vt 使用 应用 涂抹 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 heslowedthebleedingbyapplyingpressure thewoundsuntilthepoliceandambulancearrived applying you totheworkinhand you llsoonfinishit youmustbeawarethatthisrulecannot apply toeverycase theapplicant apostforteachingappliedchemistry sayingthathewould histeaching 这位申请人专心于申请一份教应用化学的工作 并且说他会把他所学到的应用到他的教学中去 to yourself beapplied appliedhimselftoapplyingfor applywhathehadlearntto 状元笔记全记牢 1 apply to 把 应用 运用于 applyto 适用于 apply tosb forsth 向 申请 applyone smind oneselfto专心于 专心从事 2 appliedadj 应用的 实用的applicationn 应用 适用 申请applicantn 申请人 应征者 4 squeezevt vi 榨 挤 压榨 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 shesqueezedthewater ofherswimmingsuit theroomwascrowded buti 房间已经挤满了人 不过我还是设法挤了进去 out managedtosqueezein 状元笔记全记牢 squeezeout榨出 挤出squeeze outof把 从 中榨出来squeezein挤进去squeezeone sway勉强通过 挤过 5 vitaladj 至关重要的 生死攸关的 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 enoughsleepisvital thestudents wellbeingandhealth asfarasi mconcerned itisvital keep accuraterecords ifwearetomakeadifferenceinlife 十分重要的是我们应该从小事开始 for to tokeep it svitalthatwe should beginwithsmallthings 状元笔记全记牢 bevitalto for对 是至关重要的itisvitaltodosth 做某事很重要itisvitalthat should dosth 是十分重要的 从句用虚拟语气 should可以省略 6 aidn vt 帮助 援助 资助 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 fatherpoolewalkedpainfullytothedoor theaidofastick icouldn tspeakanyfrench butanicemancameto aidandtoldmewheretogo themomenthesawthepoorlittleboyontv hedetermined 在电视上一看到这个可怜的小男孩 他就决定要帮助他继续完成学业 with my toaidhimtocontinue incontinuinghisstudy 状元笔记全记牢 1 givesb firstaid对某人进行急救withtheaidof在 的帮助下inaidof为了帮助 come gotoone said帮助某人 2 aidsb in doing sth 在 做 某事方面帮助某人aidsb withsth 以某事 物帮助某人aidsb todosth 帮助某人做某事 7 inplace在适当的位置 适当 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 thedoctoradvisedhertoeatmorebeanproducts placeofmeat 首先 icollectedallthebooks newspapersandotherthingsscatteredintheroomsand 把它们放在适当的位置 in inthefirstplace puttheminplace 状元笔记全记牢 1 outofplace不在适当的位置inplaceof代替 取代inthefirstplace首先 第一 2 takeplace发生takeone splace就座 代替taketheplaceof代替 取代 8 makeadifference区别对待 有影响 起 重要 作用 有意义 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 onlywhenwematchourwordswithactionscanwemake differenceinwhateverwehopetoaccomplish it whetherhecomeshereornot 他来不来这里对我来说关系不大 a makesno littledifferencetome 状元笔记全记牢 makeadifferenceto对 有差别 有影响makesome no littledifferenceto对 有 没有影响或作用tellthedifference between and 辨别 区分 与 9 并列连词when 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 句型转换 lastmonday i walk inthestreetwhenisuddenlysawanoldmanfalloffhisbicycle hewasabouttogooutforshopping thetelephonerang they theyrealizedtheyhadlefttheiridsathome 他们刚走了三英里 突然意识到他们的身份证忘在家里了 waswalking when hadjustwalkedthreemileswhen 状元笔记全记牢 1 并列连词when表示 这时 突然 相当于andatthis thattime 2 bedoing when 正在做 这时 beabouttodo when 正打算做 这时 hadjustdone when 刚做了 这时 beonthepointofdoing when 正要做 这时 iwasabouttogiveupwhenmybestfriendencouragedmetogoon i whenmybestfriendencouragedmetogoon was on the point of giving up 课文语法填空 firstaidisakindofhelp1 give tosomeonewhofallsillorgetsinjured2 adoctorcanbefound ofcourse theillnessorinjuryisnotserious nowlet stalkaboutfirstaidforburns youhavethreelayersofskinthatprotect3 you againstdisease poisonsandthe4 harm raysfromthesun yourskinalsogivesyouyoursenseoftouch firstaidisaveryimportantstepinthetreatmentofburns peoplecangetburnedbymanythings 5 ashotliquids given before yourself harmful such steam fire radiation thesun electricityorchemicals 6 arethreetypesofburns which7 call first secondorthirddegreeburns 8 depend onwhichlayersoftheskinareburned differentdegreeburnscanbetreatedin9 differentway let skeepthesethings10 mind there arecalled depending a in 阅读词汇专练1 根据语境选出pour的词性和词义 a vt 倒 斟 饮料 b vi 下大雨c vi 不断涌向d vi 涌流 喷发 therewasabigstormaftermidnightandtherainpoureddown peoplepouredintothesquarefromallpartsofthecity i mverythirsty pleasepourmeanothercupoftea themomenthethoughtofhismother tearspoureddownhischeeks b c a d 2 根据语境选出apply的词性和词义 a vt 应用 使用b vt 敷 涂c vi 申请 请求d vi 适用 neverapplythecleaningliquiddirectlytothesurface britishcompaniesaresubjecttointernationallawsandthesameappliestocompaniesineurope youmayapplyforthejobinpersonorbyletter weshouldtrytolearneconomictheoryandapplyitinaproperway b d c a 课文话题写作一 用本单元所学知识补全短文 oneday lihuawasridingalongthestreet 突然发生了交通事故 atthecrossing hesawagirl injure and bleed heavily lihuajumpedoutofhisbikeand 对她进行急救 atonce first he 压住伤口 tostopbleeding putherattherightplaceandthenwaitedforthedoctorandpolicetoarrive 进行进一步处理 afterawhile


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