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学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考单县小学英语学科教学技能培训心得体会2015年10月以来我参加了单县小学英语学科教学技能培训。这对于我来说是一次难得的机会,回顾半年来培训的生活,收获很多,这种紧张而忙碌,一点也没有减轻洋溢在我心中的快乐和幸福。通过学习,我有以下感受:一、英语教师必须培养学生良好的学习习惯作为一个小学英语教师,为了培养学生良好的学习习惯,我们首先应规范学生的书写习惯,要从学字母开始,要让学生认识什么是书写体,什么是印刷体。在书写的时候,胸要离桌子一拳头,本子要成10角;其次,要有准确模仿的习惯,大胆开口的习惯,把英语作为一种交际工具,还要有及时复习的习惯;最后还要养成勤于积累,实践的习惯。只有这样,学生良好的学习习惯养成了,才能对英语学科感兴趣,才能愿学,乐学,善学。二、英语教师必须具备扎实的基本功原和园 园和圆 进和近 话和画 阳和洋 称和秤作为一个小学英语教师必须要有听、说、读、写、画、唱、跳这些基本功。通过这次学习,我更深切的体会到“英语的工具性”的重要性。语言是一个载体,是一种工具。它的目的是交流。要想熟练的使用这个工具来达到交流的目的,它就应该是听说读写四项基本技能的综合,最后以“说”的形式呈现出来。要想实现这个目标,教师除了要提高自身的口语水平和专业素质外,更要转换在课堂上的角色。只有运用灵活多样的教学方法,才能充分调动学生学习的积极性,激发学生的知识潜能,改变“单调压抑”的课堂模式,向英语口语化的课堂迈进,向充分互动的课堂迈进。三、理念和思想的更新通过这次培训学习,还使我们明白了应该树立终生学习、终身培训的意识,不断更新观念,勤于学习,与时俱进。随着经济国际化全球化的发展,英语词汇的不断更新,社会需求对英语教师的口语、语音、技能等水平要求会越来越高,如果教师不注意加强自身的学习,势必会被动挨打,还误人子弟。四、自身英语能力的提高这次培训,领导、老师根据我们学员的实际情况,给我们安排的一些提高自身英语能力的课程,如听力与表达;还有语音课,杨老师准确的发音让我们佩服,她对每个音素的生动讲解让我们对牢记在心;在这半年里,我们不管是英语口语、语音、语调,还是听力、书写都有了很大进步。五、了解了最新的英语新课程改革理念在这次培训中,让我看到了有别于传统的英语教学模式课堂教学,了解到了最新的英语课程改革理念。让我对新课改有了进一步的认识。教学不是简单的“知识灌输”或是“知识移植”的过程,是学习主体(学生)和教育主体(教师),包括环境交互作用的过程,这种教学是一种学生主动参与的、尊重学生个性的、参与教学环境中的教学。总之,培训让我真正感受到教育是充满智慧的事业,深刻意识到自己赋有的责任,我们从志愿者身上不但学到了教学本领,而且还学到了如何为人师。“愿一片金色的回忆,一份永久的纪念”成为我们重新跋涉的新起点。李田楼镇腾飞小学如:爱(爱人)(亲爱)(爱情)(可爱)(热爱)(友爱)李秋梅2016.3.14又细又长 又白又胖 又唱又跳 又紫又亮Single-county primary school English teaching skills training experiencesSince October 2015 I participated in a single county primary school English teaching skills training. This is for me a rare opportunity to look back six months to train a lot of life, harvest, this tense and busy, that did not relieve my mind filled with joy and happiness. Through the study, I have the following experience:(8)乌鸦看见一个瓶子,瓶子里有水。可是,瓶子里的水(不多),瓶口(又小)。乌鸦把(小石子)一个一个地放进瓶子里。瓶子里的水(升高)了,乌鸦就喝着水了。First, the English teacher must cultivate good study habits As a primary school English teachers, to provide students with good study habits, we should first specification writing habits of students, from the beginning to learn letters, to make students understand what is written in the body, what is printed. At the time of writing, the breast away from the table a fist, you want to book a 10 angle; secondly, there must be an accurate imitation of the habit, the habit of a bold opening, the English as a communication tool, but also a timely review of the habit; and finally but also to develop the accumulation of diligent practice habits. Only in this way, students develop good study habits, and can the English subjects of interest to willing to learn, enjoy learning, good science.我正忙着写作业呢!Second, the English teacher must have solid basic skillsABAC式的词语 As a primary school English teachers must be listening, speaking, reading, writing, painting, singing, dance these basic skills. Through this study, I deeply appreciate the importance of the English instrumental in. Language is a carrier, is a tool. Its purpose is to exchange. To skillfully use this tool to achieve the purpose of communication, it should be four basic skills of speaking and writing integrated, and finally to say in the form presented. To achieve this goal, in addition to teachers to improve their speaking skills and professional qualities, but also to switch roles in the classroom. Only use flexible teaching methods in order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students, to stimulate students intellectual potential, change the monotonous repressed classroom model, the spoken English of the class forward, forward to a fully interactive classroom.Update Third, ideas and thoughtsThrough this training and learning, but also so that we understand we should establish lifelong learning and lifelong training, awareness, and constantly update our ideas, eager to learn the times. With the development of economic globalization, internationalization, constantly updated vocabulary, social demand for English teachers spoken, voice, skill levels and other requirements will be higher, if teachers do not pay attention to strengthen their own learning, inevitably vulnerable to attack, also fraught.7、字的结构分析笔画笔顺填空。Fourth, improve their English proficiency Some courses to improve their English skills this training, leaders, teachers according to the actual situation of our students, to our arrangements, such as hearing and expression; as well as voice lessons, Yang accurate pronunciation let us admire her for each phoneme vivid explanation let us keep in mind; in the past six months, we either spoken English, pronunciation, intonation, or listening, writing there had been substantial progress.说来说去 写来写去 游来游去Fifth, understand the latest English Curriculum Reform During the training, let me see a different from the traditional mode of teaching English classroom teaching, learned new English curriculum reform concept. Let me have a better understanding of the new curriculum. Teaching is not a simple instill knowledge or knowledge migration process, is to learn the subject (student) and the subject of education (teacher), including environmental interaction process, this teaching is a kind of active participation of students, respect for students personalized, participatory teaching and learning environment in teaching.In short, training makes me really feel that education is the cause of wisdom, deeply aware of their assigned some responsibility, we learned f


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