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纠正英语口语中的常见错误(上)时间:2010-2-27 11:10:16 来源:西雅图工作英语 作者:alex 5天5夜突破英语听说的秘密 | 收藏至: 错误一 Although, but缺一不可。纠错 汉语里面的表示转折意思的时候,喜欢说“虽然,但是。”但是在英文里,往往一句话只用一个表示转折的词语,也就是用了Although,就不要再用but,或者直接用but表示转折。不过总的来看,Although要比but更加正式一些。例句 Although Nancy does not like her boss, she likes going to work anyway.或者Nancy does not like her boss, but she likes going to work anyway.虽然楠茜不喜欢她的老板,但是她还是想去上班的。错误二 many 和 much意思都一样,我想用哪个就用哪个。纠错 “many” 用来修饰可数名词的复数形式,如 “pieces of chalk, erasers, desks, bowls of salad, dollars, books, people, apples”等等。而 “much” 是用来修饰不可数名词的,如“chalk, mud, salad, money, knowledge, time, food”等等。这两个词的意思都是许多的意思,但是修饰的名词有区别,不要混淆。我们还可以用更加口语化的lots of 来代替many,用a lot of 来代替much。意思都是一样的。例句 I made many food for the dinner, such as pizza, baked chicken, and some banana bread.我为今天的晚餐准备了很多吃的,有披萨、烤鸡还有香蕉包。错误三 我可以按照照汉语的顺序来表达英语。纠错 中文和英文的句法和词序有许多不同,因此,很多人习惯用汉语的思路去思考并且直接译成英文时,就会出现错误。比如:昨天晚上我和男朋友一起去看了变形金刚2的电影。很多人喜欢说成I and my boyfriend went to see Transformer2 last night. 但是,英语的顺序应该是把“I”放到后面,应该是“My boyfriend and I”。这就是英语和汉语表达习惯的明显区别,一个是把我放在他人后面,一个是把我放在第一。还有些朋友喜欢用“with”这个词表示“和”的意思,却也按照中文的顺序说成“I with my boyfriend went to see Transformer2 last night.”。这也是一种Chinese English的错误表达。正确的英语表达应该是 do something with somebody才对。例句 I went to see Transformer2 with my boyfriend last night.或者 My boyfriend and I went to see Transformer2 last night. 昨天晚上我和男朋友一起去看了变形金刚2的电影。错误四 表达“之后”就要用“later”。纠错 很多人都只知道在英文表达里“之后/以后”可以用later来表达,但是在某些时候这种表达就是错误的。如果你表达“从现在开始的某段时间以后”时,我们必须用“In +某段时间”,而不能用“某段时间+later”。从语法的角度来讲,in使用在将来是,而later是用在过去时。这样大家就清楚多了吧!例句 I will try my best to become a qualified Sales Manager of Seattle English in five years. 我会尽力让自己在五年之后当上西雅图英语的销售经理的。如果改成过去时态可以说:I worked very hard at that time and became a qualified Sales Manager five years later. 我那时候工作非常努力,五年之后就当上了销售经理。错误五 想表达“怎么样”就用“How”准没错!纠错 上小学时大家就学过what是什么, how 是怎么样, where是哪里。这三个词理解起来非常简单。后来学的英语越深,发现用法没有这么简单了,尤其是how这个词。生活中,我们常常会在问别人的看法是说“你觉得*怎么样?”有些人喜欢说“How do you think about/of *?”的确,How的意思是怎么样,但是用在这句话里就不对了。我们询问对方意见的时候正确的说法应该是“What do you think about/of *?”或者 “How do you like *?”所以,有时候How不是唯一能表达怎么样的词语了,哈哈!例句 What do you think of the new Marketing Director?/How do you like the new Marketing Director? 你觉得新来的市场总监怎么样?错误六 -ed与- ing的用法经常混淆。纠错 很多人也经常混淆“bored”和“boring”,“excited”和“exciting”等等诸如此类的词。“Bored”和“excited”之类的词常修饰事物给我们带来上述的情绪。例如,如果一部电影不好看,它使我们感到无聊,我们就说我们“bored”;而导致我们“bored”情绪的事物是电影,所以我们说电影“boring”。例句 That movie is really boring. The plot is dull and I dont like the characters. I was really bored while watching it. 那部电影很无聊, 情节枯燥, 我不喜欢其中的角色。看这部电影时,我实在感到无聊。错误七 person 和 people都是“人”的意思,搞不清它们的区别。纠错 person是单数,可以加s,而people本身就是复数形式。但是,这并不是说:当你想表达人的复数时,可以简单的用persons或people都可以哦,还要考虑到是不是习惯用语的问题。比如These are five persons in each group.听起来就很不顺耳,因为通常说These are five people in each group. 因为“persons”是很正式的词,它经常用于官方语言中。西雅图工作英语教你一个秘诀:我们可以理解为people是person的复数形式,这样使用就简单多了吧,而且保证不会出错。例句 Millions of people were killed in World War II. 在二战中数百万的人失去了生命。Is there any person want to make a presentation to us? 有没有人想给我们做个演示呢?错误八 Personal 和 Personnel总是混淆。纠错 密切注意这些单词的拼写和重音!Personal的重音在前面,形容词,意思是私人的、个人的。Personnel的重音再最后,是个名词,意思是公司的职员、人事。例如:personal meeting(私人会议),如果说成personnel meeting(职工大会),可是会产生误会的,一定要好好区分开。例句 Our company has the best personnel in the industry.我们公司拥有业内里最棒的员工。Im requesting a day of annual leave for personal affairs.我想休一天年假,处理点私事。错误九 公司总部只有一个啊,肯定要用单数headquarter才对。纠错许多的英语学习者把headquarters这个单词的s漏掉,理由很充分,总部应该用单数啊,当然不能加s了。其实,Headquarters是个单数名词。它是个微妙的单词,因为它是以s结尾的。看起来象是个复数名词!但是漏掉s会把headquarters变成个动词,to headquarter。例句 Im going to headquarters this weekend to meet with the CEO.我这周要去总部见首席执行官。错误十 presentate就是presentation的动词形式。纠错在外企工作的朋友们都知道,make a presentation是做演示的意思,是常在商务中推出新信息时使用的一种形式。但是,许多人,就算是一些英语的本土人士也会认为presentate是presentation。的动词形式。其实这是一个很可笑的错误,因为当你作presentation时是在present信息。Present才是presentation的动词形式啊,你们可不要犯这个搓我哦!例句 I will make a presentation in tomorrows meeting and present all the information concerned to support my point of view. 我会在明天的会议上作演示,为了支持我的观点,我会给大家呈现出所有相关信息。No.1题目内容:我在节食减肥怎么说?填写内容:j正确答案:Im skipping meals to lose weight题目辨析:例句: skip的本意是 跳,飞,掠过。都跳过食物了,当然就是节食了当然也可以说Im on a diet我在减肥查看该题目No.2题目内容:去死吧怎么说?填写内容:k正确答案:Drop dead题目辨析:例句: Suzy told MikeDrop dead when he kept teasing her about her drop dead 本身是一个词组,含义是:to die suddenly and unexpectedly 暴死;突然死去;猝死。查看该题目No.3题目内容:这衣服不值那么多钱怎么说?填写内容:l正确答案:This clothes is not worth the money.题目辨析:This clothes 可以换成任何你认为不值的东西查看该题目No.4题目内容:我安全到达怎么说?填写内容:t正确答案:I arrived safely题目辨析:平安到达某地的时候,别忘记给家人和朋友打个电话,说一句:I arrived safely查看该题目No.5题目内容:想什么呢?怎么说?填写内容:d正确答案:Hi,thinker!题目辨析:看到别人在沉思与其说 Whats on your mind?不如说 Hi, thinker!更俏皮更有意思!挖哈哈哈 嗷嗷英语口语完美发音五个窍门时间:2009-9-14 17:57:55 来源:可可英语 作者:alex 5天5夜突破英语听说的秘密 | 收藏至: 1. Listen to yourself. 如果你听不到自己的发音问题,要纠正就很难了。试着把你将的话录下来并和英语为母语人士将的对比一下。应对雅思口语非常有效。2. Slow down很多英语学习者常说语速太快容易养成他们的坏习惯。由于太快而模糊不清是口语考试的大忌。所以我们要accuracy 然后才是fluency,每天操练一些基本语言以单音节开始,然后单词,把几个词连在一起,组成句子。这样你就能慢慢开始表达自己的思想了。3.Copy the experts.绝对没有取代从专家英语母语人士处学习发音的方式。因此仔细听听英语广播节目并看英语的电视节目和电影。尽量不要念字幕模仿你所听到的就算你还不肯定他们说的话。4.Do the things right.不要一味地跟读,要把上课时老师总结的发音方法和规律灵活应用,只有按照正确的方法勤加练习,才能达到事半功倍的效果。5. Practice makes perfect. 发音的问题迟迟不能解决就是因为我们害怕犯错。Dont be shy,just try!建议:(1) Be poetic. 好的发音不仅是掌握单独的音节。还是对intonation (声音的升降调)和 stress (对单词中一些音节和句子中的一些单词更大声更清晰的发音)的理解。大声念一些诗歌,演讲,歌曲,集中练习单词的重音和音调。(2) Sing a song!学习一些英语流行歌曲的歌词并跟着唱。唱歌帮助你放松并能让这些词说出来,同时帮助改进你的语音和语调。I. Finding a Job 找工作Unit 1 Job Searching求 职Part One: Expressions1. Are you hiring? 你们招人吗?2. I saw your ad* in the paper and wanted to apply for the job.我看到你们在报纸上登的广告想来应聘这个工作。3. When can you come in for an interview?你什么时候可以来面试?4. Do you have any references?你有介绍信吗?5. Whats your past job experience?你以往有何工作经验?6. This is a very impressive resume, Mr. Smith.你的履历表给人印象深刻,史密斯先生。7. What are your qualifications?您具备什么资历?8. Whats the starting salary?起始薪金是多少?9. What possibilities are there for advancement?获得提升有何要求?10. What kind of holidays/ benefits do you have for your employees?你们为职员提供何种假期/福利?Part Two: Dialogues1. Resumes and Interviews履历表和面试A: Hey Ted, I saw this ad in the paper. You should take a look.B: What is it?A: Its for a job. It looks perfect for you.B: Lets see “Wanted: manager for up-and-coming firm. Must have good organizational skills. Experience a plus. Please contact Betty Sue.” Oh, I dont know A: Come on, what have you got to lose?B: What about my resume?A: Here, Ill help you type one up.B: Thanks, Mary. Youre a real pal. Ill call now to set up an interview.A:嘿,特德,我看到报纸上的这篇广告,你该看一看。B:是什么广告?A:招聘广告。看上去很适合你。B: 让我瞧瞧。“招聘:极富发展潜力的公司招聘经理。需良好的组织才能。具有经验。有意者请与贝蒂苏联系”。哦,我不知道A: 别这样,你又不会损失什么。B: 可是我的履历表呢?A: 在这儿,我会帮你打印一份的。B: 谢谢你,玛丽。你真够朋友。我现在就打电话约定面试。2. Salary 工资A: Well, Ive looked over your resume, Mr. Peepers.B: Please, call me Ted.A: Well, Ted, this is a very impressive resume. However, we do have several other applicants to finish interviewing before we can make a final decision. Well call you by Friday, if thats all right.B: Thats no problem.A: Do you have any other questions?B: Well, what kind of salary do you provide?A: Salary is based on experience as well as* time spent with our company.B: I see.A: Salary can be negotiated once we officially offer you the job.B: Sounds fine.A: 哦,我看过了你的履历表,皮伯斯先生。B: 请叫我特德好了。A: 好,特德,你的履历表给人印象深刻,可是,在我们做出最后的决定之前我们还要面试其他几个应聘者。如果可以的话,我们不迟于星期五会给你打电话。B: 可以。A: 你还有其他什么问题吗?B: 哦,你们公司提供的薪金待遇是怎么样的?A: 薪金发放以经验为基础,同时还有工作时间长短。B: 我明白。A: 正式聘用的话,薪金方面还可以再商量。B: 好的。3. Holidays and Benefits 假期和福利A: Anything else?B: Yes, one last thing. How much holiday time do you give your employees every year?A: Our employees receive fifteen days of paid vacation every year. If you dont use the full fifteen days, they carry over to the following year.B: How about sick days?A: You get five paid sick days.B: Any other benefits?A: Yes, we have an excellent retirement plan and medical insurance as well.B: Great. Thanks so much for your time.A: Well contact you soon, Ted. Thanks for coming in.A: 还有其它的吗?B: 是的,还有最后一件事。每年你们提供给员工的假期怎样的?A: 员工有15天的有薪假期。如果没有休完15天的话,可以顺沿至下一年。B: 那么病假呢?A: 5天有薪病假。B: 还有没有其他的福利?A: 还有,我们公司还有一项极好的退休规划和医疗保险。B: 谢谢您花时间给我面试。A: 我们会尽快和你联系,特德。谢谢你能来。Part Three: Substitution Drills1. A: Hi, Im calling about your ad in the paper for the position of (manager/ electrical engineer/ waiter). B: Please send us your resume, “Attention: Betty Sue.”我打电话来询问你们在报纸上登的关于招聘(经理/电子工程师/服务员)的广告。请把你的履历表寄过来,收件人写:贝蒂苏。2. A: When can you come in for an interview? B: Is (Friday afternoon/ Monday morning/ Tuesday) ok with you?你什么时候可以来面试? (星期五下午/星期一上午/星期二 )来你方便吗?3. A: Hi, Im here for (an interview/ an appointment/ a meeting) with Betty Sue. B: Can I have your name, please?嗨,贝蒂苏(叫我来这儿面试的/约我来这儿的/叫我来这儿开会的)。您叫什么名字?4. A: Please, fill out this application form. B: Where should I write my (address/ telephone number/ date of birth)?请填一下这张申请表。我的(地址/电话号码/出生日期)写在哪儿?5. A: Hello, Mr. Peepers. How do you do? B: Its (nice/ a pleasure/ an honor) to meet you.嗨,皮伯斯先生,你好。 见到你很(高兴/高兴/荣幸)。6. A: Thank you for coming in today. B: Heres my (resume/ list of references/ application).谢谢你今天能来。这是我的(履历表/介绍人名单/申请)。7. A: What kind of work-related experience do you have? B: Well, I worked for (two years/ six months/ ten years) as manager at my previous company.你有何工作经验?哦,我在以前的公司做了(两年/六个月/十年)的经理。8. A: What can you bring to our team? B: Well, Im a very (hard-working/ dedicated/ focused) employee.你来我们公司能发挥什么作用? 哦,我是一个工作(非常努力/非常敬业/非常专注)的人。9. A: Do you have any other questions about the job? B: Yes, please tell me about the (health benefits/ holiday time/ salary).关于这个工作您还有什么其他问题吗?有,我想了解一下(健康福利/假期/薪金)的情况。10. A: Well call you. B: Ok, should I expect to hear from you by (next Friday/ the end of the week/ the 15th)?我们会给你打电话的。好的,在(下个星期五/这个周末/15号)之前您能给我打电话吗?Part Four: MonologueI work in the human resources department of my company, and it is often my responsibility to hire new employees. When trying to fill open positions within the company, I have certain qualities that I look for in a potential employee. Are they dedicated and hard working? Are they willing to be trained? Do their interests and career goals match those of the company? Its difficult choosing the right candidate and I want to be sure that both the company and the employee will benefit from one another. Relevant experience and educational background are important as well, but there is more required in finding the best person for the job.-Steve Peters, Human Resources Division 我在公司的人力资源部工作,我的工作职责通常是招聘新的员工。当公司有空缺需要招聘人员的时候,我会留意在未来的员工身上是否有以下的品质:他们是否敬业?是否工作努力?他们是否乐意接受培训?他们的兴趣和事业目标是否与公司的一致?招到合适的人选不容易,我也希望能够确保公司和员工之间能够双方受益。招聘最合适的人担任某项工作,相关的经验和教育背景很重要,但是还有更多的要求。 -斯蒂夫皮特斯 人力资源部 Part Five: Vocabulary and Phrases- reference 证明信(人);推荐函- impressive 予人深刻印象的- qualification 资格,能力- resume 履历表- up-and-coming 极有前途的- benefit 津贴-carry over 遗留,账册前页转下页- apply/ application/ applicant 申请/ 申请书/ 申请人- employer/ employee/ employment 雇主/ 雇员/ 雇佣- fill (a form, an application, etc) out 填写-*ad-often abbreviated, used for “advertisement”-*as well as - similar to “and” or “in addition to”, usually used in a more formal sense英语辩论赛常用语时间:2009-6-17 17:37:17 来源:可可英语 作者:qihui 5天5夜突破英语听说的秘密 | 收藏至: A征求他人观点或意见的用语I would be glad to hear your opinion of 我很乐意听听你对的意见。Are you of the same opinion as I? 你与我的看法一致吗?I was wondering where you stood on the question of 我想知道你对问题怎么看。B引入自己的新观点或看法的用语Another point is that 另一点是Another way of looking at it is 看这个问题的另一个看法是I forgot to say / tell you that 我忘记要讲.C就自己阐述的观点进行总结时的用语Thats all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。Do you agree? Im sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。D就对方阐述的观点进行总结时的用语As you said 像你所说的那样But didnt you say that? 但是,难道你没说过吗?、If I understood you correctly, you said that 要是我理解正确的话,你说过.E如何礼貌地反对对方某一观点Im not sure really.Do you think so?Well, it depends.Im not so certain.Well, Im not so sure about that.Im inclined to disagree with that.No, I dont think so really.F如何强烈反对对方某一观点I disagree.I disagree with you entirely.Im afraid I dont agree.Im afraid you are wrong there.I wouldnt accept that for one minute.You cant really mean that.You cant be serious.第十三届“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛辩题时间:2009-6-17 17:43:27 来源:可可英语 作者:qihui 5天5夜突破英语听说的秘密 | 收藏至: 0. Campus Lifea. China abolish English as a compulsory subject in postgraduate entrance examinations.b. China make military training compulsory for all college students.c. All major corporations operating in China should be required to offer student internships.1. Culturea. THW require study of the traditional style Chinese writing.b. TH opposes the private ownership of artifacts deemed to be national treasures.c. THBT Shanzhai culture is bad for China.2. Educationa. THW base teachers? pay on their students? performance.b. THW make community service compulsory for all college students.c. THBT Chinese compulsory education should be extended to 12 years3. Economya. TH supports a new international trading currency.b. THB that China should stop buying US debt.c. China should issue consumption vouchers to stimulate the economy.4. Global climate changea. Developed nations should accept global warming refugeesb. Those affected by global climate change should have the right to sue major carbon-emitting nations.c. China should cap its carbon emissions.5. East Asiaa. Immediate elections are in Thailand抯 best interest.b. ASEAN should expel Myanmarc. Direct negotiations between the US and North Korea are preferable to the Six-Party Talks.6. Family & Populationa. THBT women should be allowed to sell their eggsb. TH would require the father抯 consent for abortions.c. China should legalize marriage between homosexuals.7. Crime & Punishmenta. Criminals sentenced to life imprisonment without parole should be allowed to


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