



有关电流电压 (Current & Voltage)1. 你在检查电机图纸吗?Is it the blue print of motor which you are checking?2. 继电器有数毫安电流启动。The relay is operated by a current of several miliampere.3. 输出电流取决与输入电流。The output current depends on the input current.4. 电流沿导线输送到这里。Electric current comes here along wire.5. 有电位差,但没有电流。Here we have potential difference, and yet no current flows.6. 电气工程自产生以来,已有了很大发展。Is has progressed a long way from the early days of electrical engineering.7. 电流流过导线,热量就产生了。When an electrical current moves through a wire, heat is generated.8. 极性表明电路中的电流方向。Polarity indicates the direction of the current in the circuit.9. 输出电流通过线圈调节。The output current is regulated by altering the position of the coil.10. 机器上的按钮可用来切换极性。A switch on the machine can be turned for straight or reverse polarity.11. 被消耗的功率等于电压与电流的乘积。The power consumed is the product of voltage and current.12. 增加线圈匝数和加强磁场可增大电流。The current may be increased by the use of many of wire and additional magnetic fields.13. 在磁场里转动的线圈会产生电流。A coil of wire rotating in a magnetic field produces a current.14. 实验电压为100伏加额定值的2倍。The test voltage is 100 plus twice the rated value.15. 电压及电流的测量。Currents and voltage measurement.16. 电阻可以通过电流表和电压表测得。The resistance can be measured by employing the ammeter and voltmeter.17. 电流的主要效应有磁效应、热效应和化学效应。The chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic, heating and chemical effects.18. 电是很有用的东西。Electricity is very useful.19. 电流密度指什么?What is meant by current density?20. 最低值不得少于200伏。Its minimum value should not be less than 200 volts.有关接线 (Lines)1. 电线和接头应标准化。The lines and connections should be standardized.2. 电刷引线未接上。The brush lead wires are not connected.3. 线接错了。The wire was connected in a wrong way.4. 你必须现在就把线接好。You must connect the wire at once.5. 芯线没有拧紧。The core wire hasnt been tighten enough.6. 接头尺寸是多少?What is the size of the connection?7. 你有没有铜接头?Do you have any pin copper connections?8. 芯线与接线柱接触不好。The core wire doesnt connect the terminal well.9. 检查接线是否正确。Please check the wire connecting method.10. 接线柱上怎么没弹簧垫圈?Where is the spring ring on the terminal?11. 接线还有问题吗?Is there anything wrong with the wire-connection?12. 可以这样接线吗?Do you think it right to connect the wire in this way?13. 接线工艺没有问题。There isnt anything wrong with the connecting process.14. 许多触头布满了麻点。A lot of contacts are severely pitted.15. 接线是按图纸设计的,应该没有问题。The wire is connected by the drawing. It should be OK.16. 传感器的线接错了。The wire of sensor was connected improperly.17. 线都检查过了,没有问题。We have checked all the wires and found no problems.18. 由于断线,继电器根本不动作。The relay does not function at all, due to breaking of wire.19. 辅助设备的引线应该安装在触头的什么位置。At which position of the contact should the lead wire of accessories be mounted?20. 请接好电话线。Please make the telephone line connected.21. 防火软管和电缆接头的地方。The place of fire-hose and electric cable connections22. 芯线的套管在那里?Is there the core wire sleeve?23. 请套上套管。Please put on the sleeve at once.24. 芯线没有拧紧。The core hasnt been tightened enough.25. 铜接头没有拧紧。The copper connection hasnt been tightened.26. 接线不符合规范。The wire wasnt connected according to the rules.27. 有必要换吗?Is it necessary to replace it?28. 怎么接线才正确?Whats the correct connection method?29. 请检查接


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