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Module 6 Old and New教案设计教学内容:外研版必修3 Module 6 Old and Newintroduction 教学目标:知识目标提高学生的英语口语能力,掌握以下重点单词和重点短语。掌握Date from的用法。识记civil, cliff, engineering, gorge, structure, accommodate, generate, dynasty, airport, canal, lake, reservoir, river等词汇.情感目标帮助学生了解祖国。了解长城、三峡大坝及香港国际机场。教学重点:熟记单词并能用英语自由谈论了解长城、三峡大坝及香港国际机场及其他地方。重点句型:Most of the Great Wall dates from the Ming dynasty(1368-1644).教学难点:准确无误的描述长城、三峡大坝及香港国际机场的社会地位以及相关数据。难点句型:The Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure ever built. At the time it was built ,Check Lap Kok Airport in Hong Kong was the biggest civil engineering project of all time.教学方法:运用任务型教学模式引导学生自学,提高学生的自学能力。利用师生对话及生生对话和小组比赛的模式提高学生的积极性。运用图片及多媒体增强课堂的趣味性。学法导航:学生以自主参与小组讨论为主,合作探究等方式完成教师布置的各项任务。并积极讨论有关话题。教具:课本,图片,录音机或电脑。学生准备:预习生词完成以下练习(一)Words:英汉互译1、报告_2、运河_3、民用的_4、悬崖_5、堤;坝_6、(土木)工程_7、峡谷_8、水力发电的_9、水库_10、结构_11、候机厅_12、始于_13、容纳_14、雕刻品_15、建筑_16、遗物_17、场所_18、佛教徒_19、发(电)_20、利用_21、历史的_22、狭窄的_23、诗歌_24、淹没_25、全球的_26、望台_27、迁移_28、project_ 29、reservoir_Step1: Greeting the class as usual!Step2:Lead-in:1:review(Review the new words of module 6)(双边活动,一方面可以及时复习,训练学生的口语和听力。另一方面可以活跃课堂气氛,提高学生的积极性。)Teacher speaks Chinese ,students should quickly to say English out. Teacher speaks English, students should quickly to say Chinese.Airport canal civil cliff dam dynasty engineering gorge hydro-electric lake reservoir river structure terminal2:words study. check the meaning of these words.Teacher give 5minutes to students to look up the dictionary .(学生可以自主学习,用手机或字典查阅生词。提高了学生的自学能力)Then, teacher can call back the answers from the class. finally,teacher can lead students to read the new words and ask them to read it together.Step3:presentation.Teacher shows picture of the Great wall and ask the following questions.(设置从易到难,层层递进。逐渐引导学生参与讨论。可以增强学生的自信心,并且提高学生的学习兴趣。)Q1:What is this in English?Q2:where is it ?Q3:Have you ever been to the Great wall ?Q4:How much do you know about the Great wall?Then give three minutes to finish the following blank by reading the first paragraph.Social status_Length _Date from_Eastern end_Western end_After three minutes ,teacher can ask some of the students to show the answers.Teacher shows picture of Hong Kong International Airport. And use the following questions to status time_3.cost_4.flying time_5.accommodate passengers a year_Teacher show the picture of the There Gorges Dam and ask the following questions.Q1:What is it in English?Q2:Do you know the name of the dam?Now read the third paragraph and fill the following status_2.length_3.wideth_(填空提高学生的阅读能力。也能帮助学生迅速的抓住主要信息)Finally, teacher can ask the students to underline the sentences and ask them to read or recite it.Sentence1;The Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure ever built. Sentence2:At the time it was built ,Check Lap Kok Airport in Hong Kong was the biggest civil engineering project of all time.Sentence3:The terminal building is the largest covered space in the world.Sentence4:The Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydro-electric dam in the world, more than1.5 kilometers wide across the Yangtze River, the worlds third longest river.Teacher can mention students to find out the similarities of thesesentences.(the largest /the longest/the biggest/the worlds third longest)step4 consolidation teacher can translate the use of “date from”date from=date back 起源于,始于,追溯out of date 过时的up to date 最新的up-to-date 现代的,最新式的set a date for选定、的日期then teacher can lead students to make sentences using the phrases.And teacher can ask some of the students to review the information which was mentioned just now.Step5 homework( )1.The Great Wall _the Ming Dynasty . A.dated from B.dates from C.had dated from from( )2.-Have you visited the Xiangguo temple _the song dynasty?-not yet. Im going to visit one day. A.dated from date from dated from D. dating from填空题。1. Most of the Great Wall _(起源于) The Mine Dynasty.2. Hong Kong International Airport can _(容纳)80million passengers a year.3. My passport is _(过期)。4. Have you _(定日期)for your wedding?答案:B D dates from ,accommodate ,out of date, set a date for.板书设计:Module 6 Old and Newthe Great WallHong Kong International AirportThe Three Gorges DamUseful phrases: date from=date back 起源于,始于,追溯out of date 过时的up to date 最新的up-to-date 现代的,最新式的set a date for选定、的日期教学反思本课先是师生对话及生生


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