



英语(新标准)小学一年级起始第8册Module 6青岛四方第二实验小学 蒋晓玮 一、 教学目标与要求 知识与能力目标:To learn the words: fantastic, play football, fly our kites, watch TV, idea, report, stickTo learn the sentences:Ill write the reports. Ill draw the pictures.What will you do, Sam? I will cut the paper.情感态度目标 Help the students consolidating future tense and the usage of “lets”. 能够正确运用一般将来时态,制定计划。培养学生有计划做事情的能力。二、 教学重点及难点Main point: Master the future tense and the usage of “lets”.Difficult point: Ss can read the dialog fluently.三、 课前准备: a tape recorder, some cards.The first lessonModule6 Unit 1 Ill draw the pictures.一、 教学目标与要求 知识与能力目标:To learn the words: fantastic, play football, fly our kites, watch TV, idea, report, stickTo learn the sentences:Ill write the reports. Ill draw the pictures.What will you do, Sam? I will cut the paper.情感态度目标 Help the students consolidating future tense and the usage of “lets”. 能够正确运用一般将来时态,制定计划。培养学生有计划做事情的能力。二、 教学重点及难点Main point: Master the future tense and the usage of “lets”.Difficult point: Ss can read the dialog fluently.三、课前准备: a tape recorder, some cards.四、教学过程:Step 1 Warm up 师生互相问好后,老师带领学生读Module 5中学过的小诗,创造英语学习的气氛。Step 2 Presentation and practice 老师拿出一张英语报给学生们看,并问“Whats this?”引导学生问答:“Its an English newspaper.”老师再问:“Is it beautiful?”学生回答:“Yes.” 老师接着说:“Yes, the newspaper is fantastic! Do you want to make an English newspaper like this?” 在得到学生的肯定回答后,老师继续说:“Do you know how to make an English newspaper? Our friends will make an English newspaper. Lets learn from them.Step 3 Consolidation and extension老师把本课挂图挂在黑板上,说:“Look, Sam, Amy, Lingling and Daming look excited. Why? Lets listen to the tape and find out.”老师播放录音,请学生边听边看挂图。老师请学生翻开书,听音跟读课文。老师提问,学生看课文回答问题,如:“What will the children do? Whats the English newspaper about? What will Daming do? What will Amy do? What will Sam do? What will Lingling do? How is their newspaper?”老师领读课文,同时加上动作,及时纠正学生的发音。SB Unit1 活动3。学生两人一组,一问一答,然后互换。AB Unit1 练习1。老师请学生先读一遍课文,然后自己完成作答,再与同桌互对答案,最后老师给出正确答案。Step4. Summery:让学生自己总结本课重点Step5Homework designing:Listen to the dialog and repeat it.Copy the words and sentences.Step 6. Blackboard designing:Module 6 Unit 1Ill draw the pictures.Ill write the reports.The Second Period Module6 Unit 2 Lets have a class party this Saturday!一 、教学目标与要求 知识与能力目标:To learn the words: fantastic, play football, fly our kites, watch TV, idea, report, stickTo learn the sentences:Ill write the reports. Ill draw the pictures.What will you do, Sam? I will cut the paper.情感态度目标 Help the students consolidating future tense and the usage of “lets”. 能够正确运用一般将来时态,制定计划。培养学生有计划做事情的能力。二 、教学重点及难点Main point: Master the future tense and the usage of “lets”.Difficult point: Ss can read the dialog fluently.三、课前准备: a tape recorder, some cards.四、教学过程:Step 1 Warm up 师生互相问好后,一起玩“Simon Says” 的游戏。老师可用一些上一节课学过的动词词组,如:“write the reports, draw the pictures, cut the paper, stick the paper together”请四位学生分别扮演Lingling, Sam, Amy和Daming, 给他们分别带上头饰,表演上一节课的课文。Step 2 Presentation and practice 老师指着一张英语报问:“Is the newspaper fantastic?” 学生会回答:“Yes.” 老师接着拿出一张.海报说:“Look at this. Its not a newspaper. Its a poster. Students can make posters, too. Linging, Amy, Sam and Daming make one. Lets see what its about.”Step 3 Consolidation and extension老师把本课挂图挂在黑板上,播放录音,请学生边听边看挂图。老师请学生打开书,跟着录音读课文。老师提问,学生看课文回答问题,如:“What will the students do ? When will they have a class party? Where will they meet? What will they do in the park? When will they meet? Who wrote this poster?老师请学生用铅笔勾出本课所有带“Lets” 的句子,然后老师重点教授这些句子,可以提问学生这些句子的意思,也可以让学生用这个句型造句。老师将以下两组词:“fly, listen to, watch, go to, play, have” 和“TV, the park, kites, a picnic, football, music”分别写在卡片上,发给两组学生。当拿着一张动词卡片的学生面向全班举起卡片时,另一个手中有与此动词相配的名词卡片的学生迅速跑上前站在他/她的左边,然后全班一起读出这个动词短语。如学生A手举“fly”的卡片,手中有 “kites”的学生B迅速跑上前去站在学生A的左边,全班一起读


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