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Book-I(大学英语全新版)教材听力材料及原文全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程1Unit 1 Studying EnglishPart A.Communicative FunctionGreetings and IntroductionsPeople greet each other when they meet.And in meeting new people it is common to introduce oneself and be introduced by others.This exercise focuses on different ways to greet people and to make introductions.Listen to the recording and complete the following conversations.1. Bill: Hi, Mary. Mary: Hi, Bill. How are you doing? Bill: Good, thanks. And you? Mary: Just fine, Bill. Id like you to meet my classmate, Bob Smith.Bob, this is my friend, Bill Jones. Bill: Hello, nice to meet you. Bob: Nice to meet you, too.2. Linda: Excuse me, are you Paul Johnson from London?Im Linda Blake from Smith and Wells. Paul: Yes, I am Paul Johnson. How do you do, Miss Blake? Linda: How do you do, Mr. Johnson? May I introduce Charles Green to you?Hes our sales manager. Paul: Pleased to meet you, Mr. Green. Mr. Green: Its a pleasure to meet you.3. Jack: Mum, Ive brought one of my friends. Mother: Ask him in, Jack. Jack: Come and meet my family, Tom. Mum, this is Tom, my roommate. Mother: Hello, Tom. Its good to know you. Tom: How do you do, Mrs. Brown? Jack: And this is my sister, Jane.Listening Strategy Detecting Incomplete Plosion In connected speech when a plosive consonant like /k/, /g/, /t/, /d/, /p/, /b/is followed by another consonant, it is not fully pronounced.This is called incomplete plosion.Listen and read after the recording,paying attention to the letters in italics. 1. Laura is one of the top students in Grade One. 2. Ted likes to sing English pop songs. 3. Listening is not a big problem for me. 4. Frank can speak six languages fluently. 5. Id like to read novels and short stories in English. 6. Bobs strong local accent makes it difficult for us to understand him.Part BListening TasksA PassageTalking About Studying EnglishExercise 1: Listening for general understanding Listen to the recording once and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. At a gathering of students from China and some other countries,Yang Weiping and Virginia Wang, both first-year college students,are talking about their learning of English. Hello, my name is Yang Weiping.Im a freshman at Peking University and Im majoring in chemistry.At college we have to study a foreign language.I choose English because I like listening to English programs on the radio and TV.I also like British and American pop songs.Some day I hope to visit Britain and the United States.I started learning English several years ago and Im getting better at it.My favorite activity is listening,especially listening to songs and stories.My big problem is, however, speaking.I feel nervous whenever I speak.And I never seem to know what to say when people talk to me.But Ive decided to overcome my shyness and learn to speak English by speaking as much as I can. Hi, my name is Virginia Wang.Im a library science major at the National University of Singapore.In our country, English is important.It is one of the official languages and you have to be fluent in English to get a good job.Ive been studying English since high school.Im good at reading because I like learning about new things and new ideas.There are so many books and articles written in English.Our textbooks at the university are in English, too.I know writing is also very important,but I find it really difficult.When I graduate from the university,I would like a job in the city library where I can read all kinds of new books.Questions 1. Which of the following would be the best title for the two talks? 2. Who are the speakers?Exercise 2:Listening for detailsListen again and complete the table according to the information you get from the recording.Speaking TasksPair WorkListen to the conversations and repeat after the recording.Practise the conversations with your partner,playing the role of A or B.Then work with your partner to create your own conversationsby replacing the underlined parts with your own words.Conversation 1 A: Excuse me, may I sit here? B: Sure. A: Nice day, isnt it? B: Yes, its warm and sunny. Just the kind of weather I like. A: Me too. Are you from the English Department? B: No, Im a computer major. A: Oh, really? You speak English very well. B: Thank you.Conversation 2 A: How long have you been studying English? B: About four years. A: Do you like it? B: Very much. A: Whys that? B: Well, I think its very useful.Conversation 3 A: Which English class do you like best? B: Listening, of course. How about you? A: To be honest, I find listening rather difficult. B: You should listen to these tapes. They are very helpful.Part CAdditional ListeningA Passage How to Improve Listening Comprehension Listen to the passage and answer the following questions by filling in the blanks.Among the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, I find listening most difficult,because I worry about the words I dont know.Now Im trying to focus on the general idea,not worrying about the new words.This makes me feel good,because I know Ive understood something.Then, I listen again carefully and if I have any problems I play the difficult parts again.In this way I come to understand better both the main idea and the details of the listening text.Part DTest Your ListeningShort ConversationsYoure going to hear five short conversations.Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 1. W: John, why dont you watch NBA games on TV? M: Oh, Im studying for a Chinese test tomorrow. Q: Whats the man doing? 2. W: Tom, if you can give me a hand,I will be able to get this history paper done quickly. M: Of course I can. Q: Whats Tom going to do? 3. M: Excuse me, is this the French Department? W: No, its the English Department.The French Department is in the new building opposite the school library,right beside the German Department. Q: Whats the man looking for? 4. W: Good morning, Professor Wang.Could I talk to you about my paper now? M: I have a class in a few minutes.How about coming to my office after four tomorrow afternoon? Q: When will the woman see the professor? 5. W: Tim, why are you late for class again?You were late yesterday and the day before yesterday. M: Im sorry, Miss. My mother goes to work early.And I overslept because I dont have an alarm clock. Q: What does Tim say about his being late for class?全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程1Unit 2 Fun with LanguagePart ACommunicative Function Opening and Closing a Conversation In everyday life, we often have to open and close a conversation.This exercise focuses on how people perform these communicative functions. Listen to the recording and decide if the first sentence of each short dialogue you hear begins the opening or the closing of a conversation.Tick the answer.1. Its been a really wonderful evening.Thank you very much for inviting us. Im glad you enjoyed it. Maybe we could get together sometime at my home. Sounds nice.2. Great party, isnt it? Yeah, really. You look familiar to me. Have we met before? Im afraid not.3. Im afraid I have to go now. So soon? Well, I enjoyed our talk together. Me too.4. Excuse me, could you tell me the time? Its half past 5 by my watch. Thank you very much. Youre welcome.5. Is this seat taken? Oh, let me move my stuff. Arent you Jack Brown? Im Bill, Bill Stone. Oh, hello, Bill. Fancy meeting you here!6. Hi, Jack. So good to see you. Oh, hi, Andy. Its been quite a while since we saw each other last.How re things with you? Just fine. What ve you been doing these years? Well, Ive been studying for my PhD degree here at the university. Thats wonderful.Listening Strategy Distinguishing Between Similar Sounds It is important to distinguish between similar sounds while listening.Names like Jean and Jane, figures like 18 and 80 can sound quite alike.Titles like Mrs. and Miss can also be confusing. Listen to the recording and underline the word you hear in each sentence. 1. May I introduce Miss Jones to you? 2. John Davis was born in California in 1930. 3. I cant agree with you more. 4. My birthday is on June 20th. 5. Paul, is your sister married? 6. Look, here comes Mr. Black, our sales manager. 7. Bob isnt in the library right now. 8. Mr. Taylor is said to be leaving for South Africa soon. 9. Pass me the beer, please. 10. I was wondering if you could help Anna with her music lessons.Part BListening TasksA Passage How to Improve Your Conversation SkillsExercise 1: Listening for general understanding Listen to the recording once and then do the following. To speak to people in a foreign language requires courage and willingness to make errors.Some people are so afraid of making mistakes that they never open their mouths.And thats the biggest mistake of all.Now if you have courage and are ready to make a few errors,what do you say? First of all, you have to open the conversation.Finding an appropriate topic is half the battle.Some topics, such as the weather and news, work well.But others, such as age, money or peoples appearance do not.The following are some good ways to open a conversation. Weather It sure is cold today, isnt it? News Did you hear about that terrible forest fire? A conversation in a foreign language doesnt always go smoothly.Sometimes your partner talks too fast and you find it difficult to follow.Not to worry, though.You can always ask your partner to repeat what he has said or to speak more slowly.For example,Excuse me, but could you say that again? I didnt catch it.Or Could you speak more slowly, please?At the end of a conversation you need to find a way to close it in a polite way.Well, I really need to be going or It was nice talking to youis frequently used by people to end a conversation.Exercise 2:Listening for details Listen to the recording again and complete the answers to the following questions.Speaking TasksPair Work Listen to the conversations and repeat after the recording.Practise the conversations with your partner,playing the role of A or B.Then work with your partner to create your own conversations by replacing the underlined parts with your own words.Conversation 1 A: Excuse me, Jack, do you have a minute? B: Yes. What can I do for you? A: Well, I wonder if you could tell me how I could improve my oral English. B: Mm. Do you often speak English with your friends? A: I wanted to, but every time I open my mouth I seem to make errors, so sometimes I just give up. B: I guess speaking in a foreign language isnt easy. You must be willing to make some errors at the beginning. A: You mean I shouldnt be afraid of making mistakes. B: Thats right. A: And I should try to speak English as much as I can. B: Exactly. A: Thanks for the advice. B: Any time.Conversation 2 (On the way to class) A: Cold this morning, isnt it? B: Yes, and its supposed to get even colder. A: I hope it wont get as cold as last night. B: Speaking of last night, did you attend the English Speech Contest? A: Yeah, I did. It was terrific.That guy who won the first prize speaks really fluent English.I do admire him. B: Me, too. Well just have to work harder. Maybe one of us can win the next English contest. A: Yeah, maybe. Who knows? B: Well, I have to run now. I have an appointment with the dean. Bye. A: Bye.Part CAdditional ListeningA Passage Smile When You Read This Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).Correct the ones that are false. How good is your memory? Answer these four questions: What did you have for breakfast yesterday? What clothes did you wear last Friday? Who did you talk to yesterday? Where did you go last Saturday? If you can answer all the four questions, your memory is very good. Education specialists in England have been looking into ways to improve our memory of what we read. The specialists found something to help: facial expressions. They gave ten students a happy article to read. Five of the students read the happy article while smiling. Five students read the happy article while frowning. Then they answered comprehension questions. The smiling students remembered more of the happy article than the frowning students. Then the specialists gave ten students another article to read. It was an angry letter to the editor of a newspaper. Five students read the angry article while smiling, and five students read the angry article while frowning. Which group remembered better? Youre right. The frowning students. The specialists dont know why facial expressions help memory. They are continuing to study the relationship between the mind and the body. Until they find the answer, keep smiling (or frowning?)!Part DTest Your ListeningA Passage Listen to the passage and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. Many expressions may be used to describe someone who is excited. One such expression is beside oneself. You can be beside yourself with anger or beside yourself with happiness, although usually not both at the same time! If you are beside yourself, you are filled with excitement. The dictionary tells us that beside means next to, or at the side of. So the expression beside oneself describes something that really is not possible. Today, you might hear a husband say, When my wife told me we were going to have a baby, I was beside myself with joy. Or someone might tell you he was beside himself with anger because he had just lost his job. When you are full of joy or extremely excited, you may do something strange. You may flip your lid. A lid is the cover that prevents something from escaping from a container. A lid on a cooking pot, for example, keeps the heat from escaping. To flip something is to turn it over. So when you flip your lid, you become so excited that you lose your self-control. Questions 1. What condition does the expression beside oneself describe today? 2. What is meant by the expression flip your lid? 3. What does the passage mainly discuss?全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程1Unit 3 School LifePart ACommunicative Function Expressing Likes and Dislikes There are various ways to express likes and dislikes. They can be expressed by using verbs, phrasal verbs, adjectives as well as adjectival phrases. Listen to the recording and complete the following passage with the missing words. Maggie likes swimming but she doesnt care for skiing. She loves flying on planes and traveling by train but hates getting on buses because they are often too crowded. She is interested in playing the piano and is fond of reading and playing computer games. At weekends Maggie loves going to Chinese restaurants and her favorite food is spicy Sichuan bean curd. After work she is keen on listening to music. She prefers light music to rock, because light music makes her feel relaxed. In the evening she enjoys watching TV in her own room. She thinks a lot of news programs but sitcoms are the last kind of thing for her to watch.Listening StrategyIdentifying Numbers It is necessary for us to listen for specific words that contain the information we need. This exercise focuses on one kind of required information numbers. Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with the numbers you hear. 1. Remember to put down the zip code when you address the envelope. Mine is 92381. 2. Sallys aunt has just come back from France. Now shes staying at the Park Hotel, Room 2608. 3. Mr. Davis lives at 1540 Water Street. 4. It usually takes about 75 minutes to get to the airport from here. 5. The new coat cost me 156 yuan. 6. The Tower of London is more than 900 years old. 7. Mr. Baker has been working in the City Bank of New York for two years. He now has an annual income of $ 84.200. 8. New York is 1,735 miles away from here. 9. Please get to the Shanghai Museum no later than 9:40. 10. The clock in the reading room must be fast. Its 5:45 by my watch.Part BListening TasksA Conversation Accommodation for College StudentsExercise 1: Listening for general understanding Listen to the recording once and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. R: Good morning. Can I help you? S: Yes, please. Im a new student and Id like to have some information about the .em. accommodation for students. R: Right. The university provides two types of accommodation, halls of residence and self-catering accommodation. S: How much does it cost for the self-catering accommodation? R: For a single room, 37.86 per week, thats about 5.40 a day. For a double room, its 52.78 per week. This will apply throughout this academic year. S: Id like to stay in the self-catering accommodation. How far is it from the residence to the university? R: It all depends. The residences at Elms Road and Palm Road are about one and a half miles from the university main site and the Freemens Common Houses at William Road are half a mile. S: When do I need to apply? R: Are you an undergraduate or a postgraduate? S: Undergraduate. R: Then you should apply for it as soon as possible, since places in university-owned accommodation are limited and if you dont apply before the end of the month, you are not likely to get a place. S: Could you possibly tell me what to do if no vacancy is available? R: Yes, you may consider private accommodation. The university runs an Accommodation Inf


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