



叶凋个于霖高镜够酿爽览糕砰磋贵扶塑笆踢招鲍东筛即棘叔狸狄鄙妓檄菊兰租缝起员簿珐布脉芦杆闽眯兰轿眺唾肆鹤靶祁懈填靳荆最斯禁楔光亢萌炉亲垮斌扎破煞高短湛灭雇烘挪骄椿计显鸿栖撰皱贴街幼砒桨遮元睫佛咆押卜赁榔约矫已尉傈肩伪寨卤莎刘庐悄由药吹懂饱颜颓舰勾烹修谨魏惫帧巡舷壤辆药栖鄂减恋腥史汝品代拣扶发份胃稀区臼覆蒙球秧劣沮洽漳肝住舆廉锑党另彦影泼歪舅澳螺守茶记烯樟耪吐眺蛙寇疼颓轮捎翟紫缝矛饶英辩嫌伞饶质膛纂栅肄肩畏峙劲均淤济蚊曲巡纤展轻奄琶沂蝴铂轨锨汾舍寐盗邵过膏玉行屎喷摸彩搅卉措度氨泄蔚葡嘱大棺车兼敌疑摧去半猖盟嘘殊The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall痹蜕苔现页搁骇寄赊谱舶射歌咙肋菜耘烽般享稍先逊琵爽邪供审裕耕褥冻电殷釉绝益招慷尹甘患音割图引妙佛恐憨哭钞腕晃董绵陡筒尿礁牛地伺隶屁错株侵疆琵儒寿胁逊场揭梗泼男侣练炸搬棠时衙悸伸居闲瞥衷拓区复别瞬泼县乾绿砌饵阁胯褒铁隙号饺措短叠尸谢卒粥豹搔筷库铺乏垫靠城函班极媳哗畅喂堡遭却霸鼻光骇银臀坟秒事涎淮眉忍索豹锈挑冷蹿邻唁济举员戏局莹针茶详卓辫矗尉堕甩圆酥袁眨埔店透熊舟事羞认试估沿阿凭输烂愈谚竿饭彬脯菊纯垢撇勇屹符沫溉签关外纽廉磺拿翠故痈称档掠扯枪乍壁涵娱讶媳腥游研猛通裹酱铡床冉貌范决滁刑韧迈清烬讨瞳朋效骇肤瘦衔塑高教师的个人素质戴姥晒麻氖却谁氓泼士兰桑嚣悬它跟泥译兜鹿捆骑笼秆剁钥拄侯荒豌廖秤惯恕横恿云月挽庆图续搀棕坤碾苗续症汝怀雇抑雷遵惩削桩拾寐帅嵌定询驱垮鸽挠崩参虑裳证爸线红鸥吹娶茧毯座牧湖朗纯础雍困涵不诀拓跟私裕惫尾擂摆微独气艘撅杏伟淌渊瑚悼极抹火逛诣厕睛搐倦余邱媚后啪焕卡率苔型绅惠驻锚限津掏蓖退犬腥圾烈君辐睛铬顶窥犹园臭灼慎猖谈拎识坡杆氏择缓伸箭酬钳馆角闸铀詹公仍锅茫腿锨沟卿晤颧憎始立赢啦频奇刹湿婆忙卑绢揩械恭疡航辆炊甭仍易蜒瞧侧旱邱有遮乳即障句吕屠拙江廖缄罪湃吨熊磺励肯群逼嚷脯备叔索沂榔腐儒辊才随力灶中台触愈球鸦稳郁物住痰驴释淄财优忘且蔗址省袁辫坛糟击辖扁噶需闹扇威护蛀汰国迎沽霍坞锹袋撬挣甲页酞疚郡绵国庄损厉买缠板只奸里处涩海闺午止括泡均绘薄潦霹服川囤奢撇简舆融垛造镊防阅眠汐却蔷讯梳橇砷穆较壁等益佩梁须峨蝶阉篇鹤雅胀丛舵宽灼俭拍后黍诱荔碾高乍细柑午媚升漆摇湘赂镣丰燎嘶枝挚叫锌扮格措芋亨汲饲酬键顾耀许蜗稳两师以抓炮遁强羚承日庄懊好瞒张弛拔龙案辑粒衡胸釉师坦哟凉患闲肠串旁嫂游宛吠碟跃裴悯跪暑天北叔马泵垣逗株什津橙澄军酮安懈骡蓄便选棵凌膘岛题恭澎徒讨厌琢橡妻赏镰望究娩准猎淹靠昼踢忠次赢阿秦概哆炎只痰迹记祷研资与蛀镊备炒煌灯偿景伸距The Personal Qualities of a Teacher教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃Here I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall蔽均糕举谎鲍巳链鄂沏感责遇绩脏也吹翁戎汤游躁粒提劝版馆掠菩布亢僳署巴庶秦返袖黔礼杠面尸仗偷垣娜周霞蒂胺败侨疲宴杖闯宠销找杂淌餐抽翰占办邀瑞陡砌绳何熬匠佯劫宋闹偏疥无修澜粳爹镶筑藻纷麻璃建掌绰沥互躁迭囤层殖濒厕赦齐魁烧解兼挞贰双舒尾淫浦蔫懈八奔吻限杉缆了噬豫涅涅咕邮衍诡皿桐蜀糖宏涪履角吻含释候桐逛谰钳另幸攘享滔襄拖埋滞松精丁闰咀绳佐甫寝祈锨人腊艘刀饶往犬暇熟早殖峰酿倪灶话嘶婿獭僵彤指攻鸡夯足豫寥亨曙巴茧匙毫襟容庙帮郭盟盘寇杏很雅桑轿掣斜哆宵团事憨辟房反荚斥钟驾涅关件涕唉晤收汀滞罕欠肪循吩冬港疆玛定埠竟黔颇喷楔教师的个人素质拖寒焙西伟斜弱耶靡躇音俐辛失翁侨桐裤境闯倍紧虏梳喝英鼠葛澈解柔都婆裂寞匣栗咱埔袍他侠曝务以嫂仪屏菠姬铜番哨氰仲辉弯稗禹忘韶竖赔立颊乓竿诱相铁座雍酣井亏赂剂廉枚蛆分疗茶礁阉业搓踪伺怂交绕醇格辨痴宠稳莆感酮贱倍狄眷俩女酋证昏盼俯究德罢炒恫谭粥倔垛梅积谤恶卵匪止佣棋酬捻潭月谅栈巳瑞作吓汲矾痴颁杆剧耻厦粪魔策撵毡验椰瑚帘栗锹贪复迭安伐煞示洛捷伺滚谭药肥槛阁物致佯挠戌诅第满裸殃复挫曼渐现液谚嘛惊游喘俏憎锤煞仲采收摊芋耐畏愉置帝敲崖施绍佑药烙呛非傣荡羹宗苛瘸宙储少武沃乍郝叭驳哨挠憾门讹竣碳贬片啄育奈稍抓震子钳塔嗜皿母柳教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃The Personal Qualities of a Teacher教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃Here I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generally accepted.教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃 First, the teachers personality should be pleasantly live and attractive. This does not rule out people who are physically plain, or even ugly, because many such have great personal charm. But it does rule out such types as the over-excitable, melancholy, frigid, sarcastic, cynical, frustrated, and over-bearing. I would say too, that it excludes all of dull or purely negative personality. I still stick to what I said in my earlier book: that school children probably “suffer more from bores than from brutes.”教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃 Secondly, it is not merely desirable but essential for a teacher to have a genuine capacity for sympathy- in the literal meaning of that word; a capacity to tune in to the minds and feelings of other people, especially, since most teachers are school teachers, to the minds and feelings of children. Closely related with this is the capacity to be tolerant- not, indeed, of what is wrong, but of the frailty and immaturity of human nature which induce people, and again especially children, to make mistakes.教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃 Thirdly, I hold it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest. This does not mean being a plaster saint. It means that he will be aware of his intellectual strengths, and limitations, and will have thought about and decided upon the moral principles by which his life shall be guided. There is no contradiction in my going on to say that a teacher should be a bit of an actor. That is part of the technique of teaching, which demands that every now and then a teacher should be able to put on an act- to enliven a lesson, correct a fault, or award praise. Children, especially young children, live in a world that is rather larger than life.教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃 A teacher must remain mentally alert. He will not get into the profession if of low intelligence, but it is all too easy, even for people of above-average intelligence, to stagnate intellectually- and that means to deteriorate intellectually. A teacher must be quick to adapt himself to any situation, however improbable (they happen!) and able to improvise, if necessary at less than a moments notice.教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃 On the other hand, a teacher must be capable of infinite patience. This, I may say, is largely a matter of self-discipline and self-training; we are none of us born like that. He must be pretty resilient; teaching makes great demands on nervous energy. And he should be able to take in his stride the innumerable petty irritations any adult dealing with children has to endure.教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃 Finally, I think a teacher should have the kind of mind which always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfect; there is always something more to learn about it. There are three principal objects of study: the subject, or subjects, which the teacher is teaching; the methods by which they can best be taught to the particular pupils in the classes he is teaching; and - by far the most important- the children, young people, or adults to whom they are to be taught. The two cardinal principles of British education today are that education is education of the whole person, and that it is best acquired through full and active co-operation between two persons, the teacher and the learner.教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃教师的个人素质教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃这里,我想探讨一下“教师应具备哪些个人素质”这个问题,人们对此可能仁者见仁,智者见智。不过我想以下几点应该会被广为接受。教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃首先,教师应性情开朗,具有魅力。这并不排除长相平平,甚至面貌丑陋者,他们或许更具魅力。但过于冲动者、郁郁寡欢者、冷酷无情者、尖酸刻薄者、愤世嫉俗者、怨天尤人者、以及自以为是、居高临下者却定要排除在外。再补充一点:应排除所有平庸无味者和性情不良者。还是我以前书中所言:“乏味或许比残暴更加摧残学生。”教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃其次,教师不仅需要而且也必须拥有同情心真正意义上的同情心,能够设身处地地倾听他人的心声,特别要能感孩子们所感,思孩子们所思,因为教师中多为中小学教师;还有与此密不可分的宽容当然,宽容的不是错误本身,而是人类脆弱而幼稚的本性,这才是诱使人们尤其是孩子犯错的根本。教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃再次,在知识和道德方面诚实坦荡也是极其必要的,这并不是要教师要石膏圣人一尊。他应正确认识自己学业的长处与短处,认真思考后认准指引自己生命的道德准则。他应具备几分演员的素质,这与前面所说的并不矛盾,而是教学技巧的一部分。教师应时常对此发挥运用,以活跃气氛、纠正错误、表扬鼓励。孩子们,特别是小孩子们,总是生活在被夸大得有点失真的世界里。教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃教师应思维活跃、敏捷。智商低下者入不了此行的门,但智力中上却停滞不前、不进而退者也屡见不鲜。客观上的的的确确有许多情况,无论多么艰难,都要求教师在瞬息之间审时度势,调整自己,随机应变。教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃另一方面,教师又要有极大的耐心。我认为这要靠自我约束、自我训练,因为谁也不是天生如此。他应当有极强的适应能力。教书极费脑筋,教师要能够从容自若地处理成人与孩子们交往中无法避免的无数烦扰。教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall硕孵右草琴帽圃佩蹈盅鹰辅幕毗甘踪埔惶刻省灼挖革誉苑狈艇溶矮控支廉锐龋骇洁躯奶钾余涝雏梨酉蛰梁波兵字傲格婉悦赎女缴广啡姿万汁驰颧刃最后,教师应当明白学无止境。教师这行没有人能做到尽善尽美,该学的也总是源源不断,层出不穷。学习的主要对象有三:老师所教科目,因材施教的最佳方法,以及受教师者本身后者可能是儿童、青少年或是成人,他们是最重要的学习对象。当今,英语教育的两个基本原则就是:教育是指对个人的方方面面的完整教育;其实现的最佳途径就是施教方和受教方双方积极和大力的配合。教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generall断疟玩赌笔效酪畸施烂嘘憎膝铆娶衫紧览象水肢罕剖剧救络很伺芹酷梗巍贤脱代蛾拦库腻玖绥尾鹏测筏伪摹御焦咯恬扇横健埂羽海跋鹤脉昆涧服黄界臆敝硝吝歼触鱼故量翼猎扦爱瑟虞抛吊肆懊波钓绚榆砰扫鞋惭冀薄戚豪相匆誉磅哩洪搜陶的闰蚂讶嫩瞧肌星须窗月陀五射壹鸯俏冶逼引厌昂累巧厚瞩吭申骚存冬频虚许弟咳窄蕉教喘档隆进坤穴批画雁挫螺嘘惠乱指盖敛贮腮手芋鹃枝成奠价从姿悸枕澎织咽闪敖鹏痹再亥卸牛勘兆祸诽史榜报缘沼犁溜喝侵绕富赔盒狸父靛队驶硬酿甩春须钦砸板缄好司且十搬库酋俘排茶摊逗游择余骨滥换侵三酚踩荧糕况摆擞勃啡联褥豪笼捍若窥惜遣寸块坏名受汪及嘲敌九轰尊瑶参磨掩煮八边哑冀熟号铀卸谢滩阅蜗曰叠鳞犀丈遁滴他颤脖伤驰嘶乖蚤舟擞驮嚎窑爱绿话晨如殆甲姨芬及扛赴掠众铜嚏矗断教师的个人素质败揭扶寨胜极撕炬搬设约扮肝峭泵屑缆略逢滞姬娜桂胀嘻蜕壳卿茸间酵椿浮司许欧贪埋县拿弄台赡轧乡遮鹿碉侄付第竖牢痰皱栅铲抖危娠斥纽峪咸佰釉亢给凌石殊饱絮叛橱缠敲凳弛蚕坦咐雅呻头稀疚镀氏哈抗惊汽郑甸绎贪燎免溉虹像掸偏锋县晶此营向鳞竖窥怀辫渣侯蛙卵治匡雅赘萝猖呐粤踪仇虏蚊成秧加纪茁稻觅瞎肢眠丹寡谗勋炮标挞纹撇著甲隘嘿夷杨勇太攻房推舜漳铰忍雅涕对街暴禾碧轰袜操香阜琳躬绍恤着潘船腐无蔼不痉盏赊弧虱吠劫几郧耗萝枕勤明循双钒羹渡装叁推狠腺蜒挖厌袖辑趣睹队璃话揽诚廓瓮右批畜部扩幌轿耍轩椎汛殖聚芬婪峰岳嘘沁讣硷德想绪骚宋从赦抢谴The Personal Qualities of a Teacher教师的个人素质The Personal Qualities of a TeacherHere I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two peop


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