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Unit 1To sum up 总而言之Do sums 算术Safety protection of crane 起重机的安全保护Productive maintenance 生产维修Equipment service specification 设备维修规程Periodic service of equipment 设备的定期检查Regional service of equipment 设备的区域维修Dropping your pants 降低产品价格求购Lose free 失面子Green light 可行的Save ones neck 免受处罚Stare from scratch 白手起家Keep a good house 受到好的招待For a song 便宜的Never say under 不肯承认Put on air 摆架子Encroach upon 染指Get snubbed 碰钉子Show magnanimity 更高姿态Dawdle a long 待工Small a rot 感到不妙Unit 2Commodity inspection 商品检测Plant model selection 设备模具的选择(设备选择)Investment plan of plant 设备投资计划Plant renewal 设备的更新Open-case inspection 开箱检查Claim for equipment 索赔(设备)Cross over structure 跨越结构Static strength 静力强度分析The lion share 最大的分量Think tank 智能团An out right majority 绝大多数Live up to a promise 实现,守诺言Chief Representative 行政专家Chief executive 行政主管Department manager 部门主管Human resource department 人力资源部门Research and development 研究与发展International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织Horrific/horrible/terrific 恐吓Make like an alligator 急忙,匆忙For good manure 附加Set ones heart on something 非常想要Load upon 吃多了The dead of night 深夜Batter somebody up 哄骗Here goes 马上着手Tell on 告发,指控Hear through 道听途说Be look/seem all-in 筋疲力尽As like two peas 非常相似的To compete/to contend/to contest 激烈的竞争The two teams are contend if for the championship 两队非常激烈的竞争冠军赛It is good farther that knows his son 再好的父亲都未必完全了解自己的儿子It is good horse that never stumbles 人有失手,马有失蹄It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest 再病的鸟也不会弄脏自己的窝Showing off ? Remember youre ago 炫耀Does the baby eat mothers milk or cow milk? Is the breast-fed or bottle-fed? 母乳还是人工奶Artificial fed 人工喂奶Isnt she a killer? 美人Knock out 绝世美人,非常出色Unit 3Operation specification of equipment 设备操作规程Specification of usage 设备使用规程Equipment service specification 设备维护规程Plant maintenance specification 检修规程Plant manager system设备管理制度Examinable a check system of plant manager 设备管理考核制度Accept trance cheek and auction system of plant Facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备检修评比Book value and intrinsic value 设备(指旧的)固有价值Cyclical and secular 周期性和长期性Good-will 大家服务信誉,好意的Nominal and virtual 名义上经常做假账Price/eating ratio 市盈的能力Off-balance transactions 负债之外的交易,帐外交易Draw a blank 突然忘记,失忆Dead lesions 极其严肃的Eat to /to upset /to angry 非常心烦意乱Freak out 情绪失控That makes me sick恶心Get out of shape 十分生气Get away with sth (to) 做某事的诡计Absolutely not 绝对不是,绝对否认Get out of someones face 不要打扰别人Give someone a favor to be disgusting 非常讨厌Simplified and safe operation 操作简单和安全Act a test (to) to do extremely 完全做测试做某事Well on test 适当进行测试Blow sth to/to fail at sth 做某事做砸了Heart () With all /and soul 全心全意Ones being a five 心急如焚Ring in ones 牵肠挂肚Ingoing ones 进入某人的心Bring ones into ones mouth Having the to do sth 全心全意做某事With a heavy 心情非常沉重Break ones 心痛心碎Bare 非常潜入的交心Set at ease 非常放心,放松With a half 做事三心两意Will someone 赢得某人信任Have of gold 有金子般的心 green eyes 疲劳眼红From button 发自内心的 red eyes 嫉妒眼红Unit45Meet with/come across/run into 遇见某人Three well doing for use of facility 设备“三好”Operator “four basic skills” 现场操作人员的“四会”Safety procedure 安全规程Routine in section 正常检修A cat may look at a king 猫也是国王(小人也可以评论大人物)A Penny saved is a Penny earned节约一个便士就是挣了一个便士A watch pot never boils 心急锅不开。水到渠成A word to be wise 善于听取忠告All is well that end well 结果好,一切皆好Bad news traced fast 坏事传播很快 Beauty is only skin deep 美貌是肤浅的(不要以貌取人)Beggar cant be choosers 乞丐没有选择(没办法的选择)Better safe than sorry 安全总比遗憾好Easy come, easy go 来得快,去得快Every little helps 表示感谢,再少也不嫌少Good wine needs no bush 好酒不怕销I am all ears 洗耳恭听If the cap fits, wear it 意见忠良就接受In for a penny, in for a pound 赌一个便士是赌,一倍也是赌(一不做二不休)It gets my goat 它是我生气,暴怒It slipped my mind 从大脑划过,忘了It takes two tangos 两个人跳舞(孤掌难鸣)Its my entire eye 不在意,不生气It my word against his/her 公说公有理,婆说婆有理Its not my pigeon 这是与我无关Keep your chin up 正确面对,勇敢起来Like farther like son 虎父无犬子Little leaks sink the skip 千里之堤溃于蚁穴Love begets live 日久生情Love is blind 爱是盲目的Love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌Mark my words 让你记住我的话Motherland is a place we all cherish deep in our heart 祖国是我们深深爱的地方Truth and liberty is the two pillar of society 真理和自由是社会的两种支柱Struggle is where the significant of life lies 奋斗就是我们生命的意义所在Unit 6Man-hours quote for equipment repair 设备维修人工工时Material for equipment repair 设备维修材料Expense for equipment repair 设备维修花费Wear compensation for plant 设备磨损补偿Plant reconstruction 设备改造Plant ageing 设备老化Discard of plant 设备报废Technical document of plant 设备技术档案 Combination of service &plant maintenance 设备维修与计划结合Combination of repair modernization and renewal 修理改造和更新相结合Combination professional manager &mass manager 专业管理和具体操作人员相结合Precise large scads rare plant 精细的,大型的,稀少的设备Idle plant 闲置的设备Plant in good condition 设备完好Technical facilities in production 生产技术设备Combination technical manager &economic manager 技术管理与经济管理结合Unit account of plant 设备的台账Equipment failure 设备故障(天灾) Plant accident 设备事故(人为的)Liability accident 责任事故Accident due to quality 质量事故Unit 8Pump set 抽水装置Flow pattern 流型Capacity expansion 容量膨胀Technical revamping 技术改造Technical measure 技术措施Rule with an iron hand 严厉统治See someones hand in sth 看见某人参与某事Try ones hand at doing sth试一下身手Wait on someone hand & foot 把某人伺候得无微不至Weaken someones hand 拆人家的台Show/reveal/ones hand 分道扬镳Development strategy 公司的发展战略Visit with 非常友好的访问,交谈Meet with 见面,但这见面的过程会不愉快Taking meeting 主持会议Visit in precautions on one another 互相叫笃Compunctions visiting of nature 受到良心、道义的责备Ring the market 垄断市场A newspaper tycoon 报业大款Merchant prince 商业巨贾Proxy war 代理人战争Patent infringement侵犯专利权Trade mark infringement 商标侵权Copyright infringement 版权侵权Commercial secrets infringement 商业机密的侵权American power a lone cant make American safe 美国自身能力不能保证自身的安全In the long term, war and preparations for war and it is a sad unfortunate fact-are good for capitalistic economies 资本经济It is generally agreed that the extension and improvement of primary education is the best weapon against illiteracy 延长和改善初等教育的打败文盲最好的武器Oil is the vital life line of the national economy in much middle Easton 关键的Unit 9Early failure period 初期,故障期Accident early failure period 事故偶发期Exhaustion early failure period 损耗故障期(设备差不多损坏)Effective life 有效使用寿命Primary failure 原发性的故障Secondary failure继发性的故障Function failure 功能性故障Failure rate carve of equipment tab care 设备故障曲线Practices makes perfect 实践使得完美Where get, where gone Badly in need have Tribute show 敬意Domestic violence 家庭暴力The Spouses disloyally 对原配不忠An instant hit 轰动One-armed bandit 老虎机Racy novel 生动小说Showbiz celebrities 娱乐界名人Truelove knot 同心锁Matinee screen idol 电影电视剧的流行性Teen idol 青少年偶像A cultural icon 文化影响Recommend a new book 介绍求新书Introduce a guest 介绍一位新人Pass on experience 介绍经验Provide information 提供信息Goal/ adequate/enough seasons 充足的理由Solicitous service 非常周到的服务Strict rules 非常严厉的规矩low/dull/off season 淡季A promising Youngman 非常有作为的年轻人Just wait and see. I wont let you get a way with that 走着瞧。我不会让你得逞的Youll be sorry 你会后悔的You are going to get what coming to you 你会遭到报应的If youre looking for a fight, you dont have to look for 想打架,不用看得太远Watch your month; do you know who youre telling to? 说话客气点,知道在和谁说话吗?Ill get even with you sooner or later 我早晚会报答你Listen. Youre picked the wrong person to quarrel with 听着!你找错吵架对象了You better take that back 最好收回你的话You want to take it outside? Any time 你想到外面打架吗?随时奉陪Dont mess with me! Dont get fresh with me 别惹我。放尊重点That such a cheap novel 这本小说很低级无聊Feel cheap 感到愧疚Hold someone/something cheap 看不起/诋毁Make oneself cheap 作践自己Be so cheap 非常小气Cheap 下流,便宜Hit 打击We are so power of you 我们为你感到骄傲Brittle 糖Peanut brittle花生糖Soft 软糖Drop 脆糖Fruit 水果糖Castor 蓖麻糖Granulate 古巴沙糖cube 咖啡糖Brown 黄糖Crystal 冰糖Malt 麦芽糖coat 糖葫芦Coconut 椰子糖Crunch 压碎糖Sticky 牛皮糖Candy floss 棉花糖Sweet 甜蜜的Sweet heart 情人,恋人 temper 温和的 Little baby 小巧可爱的 gas一帆风顺(smooth sailing)Unit 10From the bottoms of ones heart 发自内心Make hands of tails of sth 至始至终Not a have a leg to stand on 站不住脚,不成立With ones tails between ones leg Stand on ones own legs 自食其力Out of sight/out of mind 眼不见,心不烦Upon ones mouth too wide 要价过高,狮子大开口Lead someone a found by the nose保持沉默Hold ones tongue Know life a palm of ones hand 对了如指掌Have a finger in the pie 插手某事The spirit willing bat the flesh is weak 心有余而力不足Thorn in ones flesh 眼中钉,肉中刺Flesh and blood 血肉之躯Beauty is in the eye of the be holder 情人眼里出西施With one foot in the grave 将死,一只脚在坟墓里Have an eye for sth 有眼力,有判断力From a blind eye to sth 睁一只眼闭一只眼Have eyes in the back of one head 眼睛在后脑勺上A quack doctor 江湖上Crony rotating裙带关系Society out casts社会败类The halo effect 光环效应A wand kind With open arm 热情奔放Behind ones back 背地里Rack ones brains 绞尽脑汁Turn a deaf ear of 不理睬An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙Feast ones eye 一饱眼福Armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿(全副武装)Periodic inspection 定期检查Fix point in section of equipment设备点检Main item of fixed point inspection 点检 主要环节Periodic fix point inspection 定期检查Accuracy inspection 精度检查Technical service 技术维修Seasonal technical service 季节性技术维修Inspection under disassemble condition 解体检查Daily lubrication cheek 日常润滑检查Unit 12Staff shortage 人手不足Discount store 一元店Completion date 竣工日


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