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龙川第一实验学校英语科导学案Unit 5 Section A 1a1c 编号:25主备人:邱群梅 审核人:杨志华 授课人:_ 备课时间: 2015/9/24使用时间: 学生姓名:_ 班级:_ 组号:_评价: 【学习目标】1.熟练掌握下列单词:sitcom, soap opera, talk show, sports show, game show talent show, news, mind, stand2.掌握词汇:I dont mind, I can stand.3.掌握句型对话:A: What do you want to watch? -I want to watchB: What do you think of-? -They are OK,I dont mind/ I cant stand it?/ I love it.【重点难点】1.关于节目的短语和动词不定式的掌握。【导学过程】一课前预习,接触新知。1.自主学习1a,说出出图片中的活动并翻译。才艺演出_脱口秀_情景喜剧_肥皂剧_运动节目_游戏节目_新闻_.2.小组内讨论探究,说说自己最喜欢的电视节目是什么?:What do you want to watch?-I want to watch_.(肥皂剧)What do you think of _.(脱口秀)-I cant _(忍受)it.二探索新知,学法指导I dont mind them 我不介意它们。Mind 做动词,意为“照看,留心,介意”。Would you mind=Do you mind。I cant stand 我不能忍受。Stand 指忍受。也可指站立:stand up.起立。News 指“新闻,消息”是不可数名词。Lets watch a game show.Lets do sth 指让外面做某事吧。这是表提建议的句子。答语通常可以:Yes,lets go./OK/ All right/ Sure./Great/Good idea.2)听力训练,完成1b三.合作探究,成果展示1. 以小组为单位进行对话表演:Pairwork 1c. A: What do you want to watch? B: I want to watch+节目. A: What do you think of+节目?B: I love it.(或者用 dont mind, cant stand, dont like 来结合自身情况来回答) A:Then lets watch +节目。四课堂检测1.Do you want to watch a_(游戏节目)? No, I_2. What do you want to watch? I want to watch_(肥皂剧)3.What do you think of _(情景喜剧)?I cant _(忍受)it.五. 课后练习1 Lets _for a walk, shall we? A to go B going C go D gone2 Youd better make a good _before you take a holiday.A plan B speaking C grades D mistakes 3 Mr.Smith always has _to tell us.A. some good pieces news B. some pieces of good news. C. some good piece of news.D. some piece of good news.4.-Bad weather! Do you think the rain will stop soon?-_I want to play baseball outside. A I hope so. B I dont mind it C No problem. D Not at all.5 Lets go to the cinema,_? A will you B shall we C wont you D dont you.6 Its too hot,. Would you mind I _the window. A, to open, OK B openning, Certainly not C opening, Of course., Good idea.7.Dont play a _on disabled people, You shouldnt laugh at them.A smile B idea C joke D jokes龙川第一实验学校英语科导学案Unit 5 Section A 2a2d 编号:26主备人:邱群梅 审核人:杨志华 授课人:_ 备课时间: 2015/10/2使用时间: 学生姓名:_ 班级:_ 组号:_评价: 【学习目标】1. 熟练掌握下列单词:educational, plan, hope, find out, discussion, happen, expect,等单词。2. 能用what do you want to watch? What do you think of +节目?I cant stand it.(I dont mind it)等句型询问别人对一些节目的看法。【重点难点】动词不定式的运用。动词不定式:由to+动词原形构成。不定式是一种非限定性动词【导学过程】一知识链接,复习导入1、翻译下列表节目的短语。sitcom_ news_ talk show_ game show_soap opera_ talent show_sports show_二探索新知,学法指导1、Plan to do sth 计划做某事 Eg:I plan to go to Hong Kong.2 hope to do sth 希望做某事 Eg:I hope to find out who helped me last night.3 expect to do sth 期望做某事。 We expect to learn more information from this book.4 find out 指找到,发现,查明。5 discussion 与discuss 都是指讨论,前者是名词,后者是 动词。 Lets discuss the question.(这是指:讨论这个问题) We had a discussion about TV shows. (这里指:有一个讨论。) 用discussion 和 discuss 填空。 We should_(讨论)this problem as soon as possible. He has a_(讨论)the question.6 around the world 全世界。3.听力训练,完成2a2b三.合作探究,成果展示1.根据自己和同伴对电视节目的喜好情况,完成调查表格。NameFavorite TV showsWhat do you think of it?四随堂小结,巩固升华 会运用如下句型组成对话。 what do you want to watch? I want to watch+节目. What do you think of+节目?They are Ok./I dont mind./I cant stand it. (结合自身情况酌情回答)五课堂检测1. My favorite TV show is Sitcom._ _favorite TV show ? 2. Do you want to watch the news?(肯定回答)_ _ 。3. What do you want to watch right now?I plan to watch_(我们过去的日子)六用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I plan _ (go) to the movie tonight.2. I hope _(be) a good teacher when I grow up.3. She expect _(go) abroad.4. Do you want _(play) the piano?5. Do you mind _(open) the window?6. How about _(play) soccer?7. I like _(swim) very much, but I dont like _(swim) today, because the water is so cold.9. Lets _ (see) a film this afternoon.10. English is interesting but math is _(bored).龙川第一实验学校英语科导学案Unit 2 Section A Garmar Focus3C 编号:27主备人: 邱群梅 审核人:杨志华 授课人:_ 备课时间: 2015/9/4使用时间: 学生姓名:_ 班级:_ 组号:_评价: 【学习目标】1.掌握下列单词:joke, comedy(喜剧).2.掌握Grammar Focus中的内容,并会用英语询问别人喜好的节目是什么。并谈论对此节目的看法。3.完成3a-3c.【重点难点】1. 会用英语询问别人喜好的节目是什么。并谈论对此节目的看法;2.动词不定式的熟练运用。【导学过程】一知识链接,复习导入A. What do you think of _ _(肥皂剧)?B: They are OK, _ _ _(我不介意)A. Why do you want to watch_ _(新闻)?B: Because I want to find out_ _ _(发生什么事)around the world.二探索新知,学法指导1. Whats going on? 是指发生什么事,可以与 What happened 相互转换。2 mind 的用法:A:mind用作名词时,意为“思想”“想法”“头脑”“智力”常见的含名词mind的短语有:changeonesmind(改变主意) B:mind 用作动词时,意为“介意”“反对”常见的含动词 mind 的句式有:Do you mind my closing the window? 我把窗户关上,你介意吗? I dont mind. 3 around the world = all over the world. 指全世界。4 英汉互译 计划做_期待做_like to do_ 想要做_希望做_hate to do_3.完成课本练习3a3b三.合作探究,成果展示1参照3c,在班上讨论或小组内做个调查:看看同学们喜欢看哪些电视节目?你自己又是喜欢什么电视节目?为什么?四随堂小结,巩固升华根据前面两个课时,你能总结出哪些词是用动词不定式的吗?归纳出来。五课堂检测1What _ Maria think of Ann? A. does B. do C. is2. Henry doesnt like the movie, I dont _. A. too B. either C. also 3. -Do you enjoy _ to classical music? -Yes, I do. A. listening B. listen C. listens 4. -_ shall we meet in the park? -What about half past six? A. What B. Where C. When5. The sports report is really boring. I cant _ it. A. mind B .like C. stand6. -What do you _ the ring? -I like the ring. A. think of B. like C. think7. _ do you _ Shanghai?A. How; thinkof B. What; thinkofC. How; think六、课外作业根据课堂上的小组合作讨论成果,写成一篇关于自己喜欢的电视节目的小短文,并告知为什么喜欢这个电视节目。_龙川第一实验学校英语科导学案Unit 2 Section B 1a1e 编号:28主备人:邱群梅 审核人:杨志华 授课人:_ 备课时间: 2015/9/6使用时间: 学生姓名:_ 班级:_ 组号:_评价: 【学习目标】1.掌握单词:meaningless, action, action movie, cartoon.2.正确熟练运用What do you think of -?-I think -. 句型。3、完成听力练习,并就听力内容进行问答【重点难点】熟练掌握表电视节目的短语词组:comedy,action movie, cartoon, scary movie(恐怖片)能听懂并熟练掌握关于询问别人喜欢看什么电视节目?为什么?认为怎么样?【导学过程】一知识链接,复习导入。1.你能想起的电视节目还有那些吗?_2. 分组讨论关于我们学习过的或者没有学习过的表电视节目的短语,然后都分别写在横线上。(看谁写的最多)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _二探索新知,学法指导1. 结合1a,谈论你认为这些电视节目怎么样?用上1a方框里面的描述词。用如下句型:What do you think of + 电视节目? I think it is-。2 根据讨论结果,小组间进行对话。3 听录音,完成1b 和1c的内容。4. 课本知识点: meaningless 没有意义的,由meaning 加否定后缀less构成,eg:His words seemed to be meaningless.类似的有:homeless(无家可归的),careless(粗心的),helpless(无助的),useless(无用的),hopeless(无望的)。三.合作探究,成果展示根据前面学的内容,进行采访问答A: What do you want to watch?B: I want to watch+电视节目。.A: What do you think of+节目?B: I think-.四课堂检测1. I think the old people dont like _ (动作) movies.2 约翰想看脱口秀因为他们令人愉快。John wants _ _ talk shows because theyre _.3你认为这是一个好计划吗?Do you think_ _ a good_ ?4.他希望变得富有和成功。He hopes_ _ and successful.5.他总是乐于助人。He is always_ _ _ others.五、课外作业用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1.He _ (become) rich and successful when he was young. 2. I expect _(meet) you again. 3. They had a _(discuss) about air pollution. 4. I plan _(take) a vacation next year. 5. I hope _(hear) from you.6. I dont like TV shows because I think it is _(meaning). 7. Liu Yang is a _(success) woman.8. I find it very interesting _(talk) with foreigners. 龙川第一实验学校英语科导学案Unit 2 Section B 2a2e 编号:29主备人:邱群梅 审核人:杨志华 授课人:_ 备课时间: 2015/10/13使用时间: 学生姓名:_ 班级:_ 组号:_评价: 【学习目标】1.掌握下列单词:culture, famous, appear, , symbol, successful, might, main, reason, common, film, unlucky, lose, ready, .character, simple.2. 理解2b短文的主旨大意,掌握文章中的短语、句型。3. 并掌握阅读的一些技巧:课文大概浏览一遍,然后看短文练习,然后带着问题去仔细阅读短文。【重点难点】1.理解个别音节较长的单词以及掌握阅读中的短语及语法。2 理解阅读意思。3.掌握阅读技巧。【导学过程】一知识链接,复习导入Skimming (快速浏览): 带着问题去细读阅读。Mickey MouseWhat does he look like?Who created him?What was his first cartoon?Who is his girlfriend?Why is he popular?二探索新知,学法指导1 come out 出现2 behind 在-的后面。 Fall behind 落后3 be successful in-在-方面成功。Eg:He _ _in business. 他在做生意方面很成功。4 might 与may都是指可能,两者的区别: Might 发生事情的可能性没有may高。5 One of+名词的复数形式,指-其中之一。6 try to do sth, 尝试做某事。eg:He _ _ speak English.他尝试去说英语。 Try ones best to do sth,尽-最大的努力做eg:She try _ _ to study.她尽她最大的努力去学习。7 be ready to do- 准备好做- Eg: I am ready to take part in the meeting.8 A+be+as+ 原形+as+B 与-一样。 否定形式:A+be+not as/so+原形+as+B。三.课堂检测Do you like going to the movies? Most of the _1_ in high school like movies very much. Last Sunday I went to a school and asked some students_2_their favorite movies. _3_of their answers are really interesting. Here are their likes and_4_. Jim, a _5_ boy, likes watching thrillers because they are scary_6_ exciting. His classmates, Kate, cant stand documentaries. She told me they were_7_ parents. But she really likes comedies because they are funny. Jack is a big boy. He said he_8_mind documentaries. But He doesnt like comedies_9_they are boring! And the coolest movies are action movies. Everyone_10_them very much1 A teachers B students C parents D people.2 A about B of C at D from3 A Any B Some C Lot D Much4 dislike B dislikes C hobbies D enjoyments 5 A 13-year-old B 13-years-oldC 13-year-old D 13 years old6 A also B too C but D then7 A for B with C to D of8 A cant B didnt C doesnt D couldnt9 A so B why C because D before 10 A enjoy


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