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1. AV Connector - Audio and video connector2. VGA Connector3. Mini-VGA Connector4. DVI Connector - Digital Visual Interface5. Mini-DVI Connector6. Micro-DVI Connector 7. HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia Interface8. BNC9. DisplayPort10. Mini DisplayPort11. RCA connector12. S-Video13. Component video & component video connecor/out - YPbPr14. Composite Video15. VIVO - Video In Video Out16. SCART17. D-Terminal18. Digital Flat Panel19. RS232C串口20. Banana connector21. Binding post 接线柱/接线螺母22. D-subminiature23. Speakon connector24. TRS connector25. XLR connector26. VESA Plug and Display27. TV aerial plug28. EVC - Enhanced Video Connector26. IEEE 1394 interface1. AV Connector - Audio and video connectorAV接口又称(RCARCA),是指目前一些车载GPS设备,通过自身携带的音、视频端子,连接AV线路将自身的数据图像声音等,输出到其它显示及视听设备上,如外接显示器或耳机等,接口主要有AV复合端子,S-VIDEO端子,耳机接口等。它可以算是TV的改进型接口,外观方面有了很大不同。分为3条线,分别为:音频接口(红色与白色线,组成左右声道)和视频接口(黄色)。由于AV输出仍然是将亮度与色度混合的视频信号,所以依旧需要显示设备进行亮度和色彩分离,并且解码才能成像。这样的做法必然对画质会造成损失,所以AV接口的画质依然不能让人满意。在连接方面非常的简单,只需将3种颜色的AV线与电视端的3种颜色的接口对应连接即可。总体来说,AV接口实现了音频和视频的分离传输,在成像方面可以避免音频与视频互相干扰而导致的画质下降。AV接口在电视与DVD连接中使用的比较广,是每台电视必备的接口之一。Audio connectors and video connectors are electrical connectors for carrying audio signal and video signal, of either analog or digital format. Analog A/V connectors often use Shielded cable to inhibit radio frequency interference (RFI) and noise.VGA Input - Video Graphics Array2. VGA Connector:VGA输入接口:VGA 接口采用非对称分布的15pin 连接方式,其工作原理:是将显存内以数字格式存储的图像( 帧) 信号在RAMDAC 里经过模拟调制成模拟高频信号,然后再输出到等离子成像,这样VGA信号在输入端(LED显示屏内) ,就不必像其它视频信号那样还要经过矩阵解码电路的换算。从前面的视频成像原理可知VGA的视频传输过程是最短的,所以VGA 接口拥有许多的优点,如无串扰无电路合成分离损耗等。A VGA connector is a three-row 15-pin DE-15 connector. The 15-pin VGA connector is found on many video cards, computer monitors, and some high definition television sets. VGA connectors and cables carry analog component RGBHV (red, green, blue, horizontal sync, vertical sync) video signals, and data. On laptop computers or other small devices, a mini-VGA port is sometimes used in place of the full-sized VGA connector. It is also called a RGB connector, D-sub 15, mini sub D15, mini D15 connector, HD-15, or HD15 (High Density 15), DE-15, or DE15, distinguishing it from a connector of the same size but with only two rows of pins. Occasionally, this connector is referred to as a “DB-15” or as an “HDB-15”.3. Mini-VGA Connector:Mini-VGA是一种用于笔记本电脑以及其它系统上的用于替代标准VGA的视频接口。除开它的紧密的组成以及输出VGA视频信号之外,mini-VGA端口还增加了通过扩展显示识别数据(Extended display identification data)来输出AV端子信号以及S-Video信号的功能。Mini-VGA connectors are used on laptops and other systems in place of the standard VGA connector. Apple and HP have separate implementations using the same name. Apart from its compact form, mini-VGA ports have the added ability to output both composite and S-Video in addition to VGA signals through the use of EDID. Mini-VGA connectors are most commonly seen on Apples iBooks, eMacs, early PowerBooks (12 inch), and some iMacs, but has also been included on several laptops manufactured by Sony. HPs versions are found in HP Minis and HP TouchSmarts. The mini-VGA connector can also be used for video output. In this mode, S-Video chrominance (C) and luminance (Y) signals replace the red and green channels, while an equivalent composite video signal is output on the blue channel. The horizontal and vertical sync pins are unused.4. DVI Connector - Digital Visual Interface: DVI输入接口:DVI接口主要用于与具有数字显示输出功能的计算机显卡相连接,显示计算机的RGB信号。DVI(Digital Visual Interface)数字显示接口,是由1998年9月,在Intel开发者论坛上成立的数字显示工作小组(Digital Display Working Group简称DDWG),所制定的数字显示接口标准。 DVI数字端子比标准VGA端子信号要好,数字接口保证了全部内容采用数字格式传输,保证了主机到监视器的传输过程中数据的完整性(无干扰信号引入),可以得到更清晰的图像。 两大优点: Single-link DVI-D male plug一、速度快:DVI传输的是数字信号,数字图像信息不需经过任何转换,就会直接被传送到显示设备上,因此减少了数字模拟数字繁琐的转换过程,大大节省了时间,因此它的速度更快,有效消除拖影现象,而且使用DVI进行数据传输,信号没有衰减,色彩更纯净,更逼真。二、画面清晰:计算机内部传输的是二进制的数字信号,使用VGA接口连接液晶显示器的话就需要先把信号通过显卡中的D/A(数字/模拟)转换器转变为R、G、B三原色信号和行、场同步信号,这些信号通过模拟信号线传输到液晶内部还需要相应的A/D(模拟/数字)转换器将模拟信号再一次转变成数字信号才能在液晶上显示出图像来。在上述的D/A、A/D转换和信号传输过程中不可避免会出现信号的损失和受到干扰,导致图像出现失真甚至显示错误,而DVI接口无需进行这些转换,避免了信号的损失,使图像的清晰度和细节表现力都得到了大大提高。 最后,DVI接口可以支持HDCP协议,为将来看带版权的高清视频打下基础。不过要想让显卡支持HDCP,光有DVI接口是不行的,需要加装专用的芯片,还要交纳不斐的HDCP认证费,因此目前真正支持HDCP协议的显卡还不多。The Digital Visual Interface (DVI) is a video interface standard designed to provide very high visual quality on digital display devices such as flat panel平面显示器LCD computer displays and digital projectors. It is designed for carrying uncompressed digital video data to a display. It is partially compatible with the High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) standard in digital mode (DVI-D), and VGA in analog mode (DVI-A). DVI is the only widespread video standard that includes analog and digital transmission options in the same connector.The DVI interface uses a digital protocol in which the desired illumination of pixels is transmitted as binary data二进制数字. When the display is driven at its native resolution, it will read each number and apply that brightness to the appropriate pixel. In this way, each pixel in the output buffer of the source device corresponds directly to one pixel in the display device, whereas with an analog signal the appearance of each pixel may be affected by its adjacent pixels as well as by electrical noise and other forms of analog distortion.Different types of DVI:depending on which signals it implements标准。其中DVI-D和DVI-I分为“双通道”和“单通道”两种类型,我们平时见到的都是单通道版的,双通道版的成本很高,因此只有部分专业设备才具备,普通消费者很难见到。DVI-A是一种模拟传输标准,晚期的大屏幕专业CRT中能看见。不过由于和VGA没有本质区别,性能也不高,因此DVI-A事实上已经被废弃了。至于DFP接口,这是一种已经被废弃的早期的数字规范。- DVI-D (digital only数字信号,不可转换VGA) - DVI-A (analog only模拟信号,已废弃)- DVI-I (integrated, digital & analog数字/模拟信号,可转换VGA)- M1-DA (integrated, digital, analog & USB)- DVI-DL (dual link + USB)5. Mini-DVI Connector:The Mini-DVI connector is used on certain Apple computers as a digital alternative to the Mini-VGA connector. Its size is between the full-sized DVI and the tiny Micro-DVI. It is found on the 12-inch PowerBook G4, Intel-based iMac, the MacBook Intel-based laptop, the Intel-based Xserve, and the 2009 Mac mini.Mini-DVI connectors on Apple hardware are capable of carrying DVI, VGA, or TV signals through the use of adapters, detected with EDID (Extended display identification data) via DDC. This connector is often used in place of a DVI connector in order to save physical space on devices. Mini-DVI does not support dual-link connections and hence cannot support resolutions higher than 1920x1200 60Hz.Various types of Mini-DVI adapter:- 1) Apple Mini-DVI to VGA Adapter: (M9320G/A)- 2) Apple Mini-DVI to Video Adapter: (M9319G/A) - 3) Apple Mini-DVI to DVI Adapter (DVI-D): (M9321G/B) - 4) Mini-DVI to HDMI Adapter Mini-DVI different with Mini-VGA: - Mini-DVI: four rows of pins arranged in two vertically-stacked slots- Mini-VGA: two rows of pins Apples Mini-DVI to DVI-D cable does not carry the analog signal coming from the mini-DVI port on the Apple computer. This means that it is not possible to use this cable with an inexpensive DVI-to-VGA adapter for VGA output; Apples mini-DVI to VGA cable must be used instead. This could be avoided if Apple provided a mini-DVI to DVI-I cable. The purpose of DVI-I is to ensure universal compatibility6. Micro-DVI Connector (2008停产了)The Micro-DVI port is a video connection port used by the Asus华硕 U2E Windows Vista PC and some Apple MacBook Air laptop computers produced between January-October 2008. It is smaller than the Mini-DVI port used by its MacBook sister models. To use the port for displaying video on a monitor or television that has a different-style connector, an adapter must be used. Both a Micro-DVI to DVI adapter and a Micro-DVI to VGA adapter are included with the MacBook Air. The Micro-DVI to DVI adapter is a DVI-D (digital only) compatible port and is incompatible with DVI-I and DVI-A connectors as it does not have the necessary connections to the analog pins. The Micro-DVI port was discontinued停产 and was replaced with the new Mini DisplayPort connector when the MacBook Air was updated at the Apple Special Event on October 14, 2008.7. HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia InterfaceHDMI(高清晰度多媒体接口)是基于DVI(Digital Visual Interface)制定的,可以看作是DVI的强化与延伸,两者可以兼容。HDMI是一种全数位化影像和声音传送接口,可以传送无压缩的音频信号及视频信号。HDMI可用于机顶盒、DVD播放机、个人电脑、电视游乐器、综合扩大机、数位音响与电视机。HDMI可以同时传送音频和影音信号,由于音频和视频信号采用同一条电缆,大大简化了系统的安装。HDMI在保持高品质的情况下能够以数码形式传输未经压缩的高分辨率视频和多声道音频数据,最高数据传输速度为5Gbps。HDMI能够支持所有的ATSC HDTV标准,不仅可以满足目前最高画质1080p的分辨率,还能支持DVD Audio等最先进的数字音频格式,支持八声道96kHz或立体声192kHz数码音频传送,而且只用一条HDMI线连接,免除数码音频接线。同时HDMI标准所具备的额外空间可以应用在日后升级的音视频格式中。与DVI相比HDMI接口的体积更小而且可同时传输音频及视频信号。DVI的线缆长度不能超过8米否则将影响画面质量,而HDMI基本没有线缆的长度限制。只要一条HDMI缆线,就可以取代最多13条模拟传输线,能有效解决家庭娱乐系统背后连线杂乱纠结的问题。HDMI可搭配宽带数字内容保护(High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection;HDCP),以防止具著作权的影音内容遭到未经授权的复制。正是由于HDMI内嵌HDCP内容保护机制,所以对好莱坞具有特别的吸引力。HDMI规格包含针对消费电子用的Type A连接器和PC用的Type B连接器两种,相信不久HDMI将会被PC业界采用HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a compact audio/video interface for transmitting uncompressed digital data. HDMI supports up to 8 channels of uncompressed audio at sample sizes of 16-bit, 20-bit, and 24-bit, with sample rates of 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4kHz, and 192kHz. HDMI also supports any IEC 61937-compliant compressed audio stream, such as Dolby Digital and DTS, and up to 8 channels of one-bit DSD audio (used on Super Audio CDs) at rates up to four times that of Super Audio CD. The color spaces that can be used by HDMI are ITU-R BT.601, ITU-R BT.709-5, and IEC 61966-2-4. HDMI can encode the video in xvYCC 4:4:4 (816 bits per component), sRGB 4:4:4 (816 bits per component), YCbCr 4:4:4 (816 bits per component), or YCbCr 4:2:2 (812 bits per component).xvYCC是最新一代的色域标准,使得色彩color spac范围更加宽广,是目前色域的1.8倍,几乎可以表示代表自然界中存在的颜色,而且又能与BT.709的显示器相容,2006年1月被称为IEC 61966-2-4色彩标准sRGB代表了标准的红、绿、蓝三个基本色素YCbCr 有许多取样格式, 如444 , 422 , 411 和420Different version of HDMI:HDMI 1.0 to HDMI 1.2a uses the CEA-861-B video standard, and HDMI 1.3+ uses the CEA-861-D video standard. The CEA-861-D document defines the video timing requirements, discovery structures, and data transfer structure. 1) Version 1.0 to 1.2HDMI 1.0 is a single-cable digital audio/video connector interface with a maximum TMDS bandwidth of 4.9 Gbit/s. It supports up to 3.96Gbit/s of video bandwidth (1080p/60Hz or UXGA) and 8channel LPCM/192kHz/24-bit audio. HDMI 1.1 was released on May 20, 2004 and added support for DVD-Audio. DMI 1.2 was released August 8, 2005 and added support for One Bit Audio, used on Super Audio CDs, at up to 8 channels. It also added the availability of HDMI Type A connectors for PC sources, the ability for PC sources to only support the sRGB color space while retaining the option to support the YCbCr color space, and required HDMI 1.2 and later displays to support low-voltage sources. HDMI 1.2a was released on December 14, 2005 and fully specifies Consumer Electronic Control (CEC) features, command sets, and CEC compliance tests. 2) Version 1.3HDMI 1.3 increased the single-link bandwidth to 340MHz (10.2Gbit/s). It optionally supports Deep Color, with 30-bit, 36-bit, and 48-bit xvYCC, sRGB, or YCbCr, compared to 24-bit sRGB or YCbCr in previous HDMI versions. It also optionally supports output of Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio streams for external decoding by AV receivers. It incorporates automatic audio syncing (audio video sync) capability. It defined cable Categories 1 and 2, with Category 1 cable being tested up to 74.25 MHz and Category 2 being tested up to 340 MHz. It also added the new Type C Mini connector for portable devices. HDMI 1.3a had Cable and Sink modifications for Type C, source termination recommendations, and removed undershoot and maximum rise/fall time limits. It also changed CEC capacitance limits, clarified sRGB video quantization range, and CEC commands for timer control were brought back in an altered form, with audio control commands added. It also added support for optionally streaming SACD in its bitstream DST format rather than uncompressed raw DSD like from HDMI 1.2 onwards.HDMI 1.3b, 1.3b1 and 1.3c They do not introduce differences on HDMI features, functions, or performance, but only describe testing for products based on the HDMI 1.3a specification regarding HDMI compliance (1.3b), the HDMI Type C Mini connector (1.3b1), and active HDMI cables (1.3c). 3) Version 1.4HDMI 1.4 increases the maximum resolution to 4K 2K (38402160p at 24Hz/25Hz/30Hz and 40962160p at 24Hz, which is a resolution used with digital theaters); an HDMI Ethernet Channel, which allows for a 100 Mb/s Ethernet connection between the two HDMI connected devices; and introduces an Audio Return Channel, 3D Over HDMI (HDMI 1.3 devices will only support this for 1080i), a new Micro HDMI Connector, expanded support for color spaces, and an Automotive Connection System. HDMI 1.4 supports several stereoscopic 3D formats including field alternative (interlaced), frame packing (a full resolution top-bottom format), line alternative full, side-by-side half, side-by-side full, 2D + depth, and 2D + depth + graphics + graphics depth (WOWvx), with additional top/bottom formats added in version 1.4a . HDMI 1.4 requires that 3D displays support the frame packing 3D format at either 720p50 and 1080p24 or 720p60 and 1080p24. High Speed HDMI 1.3 cables can support all HDMI 1.4 features except for the HDMI Ethernet Channel. HDMI 1.4a was released on March 4, 2010 and adds two additional mandatory 3D formats for broadcast content which was deferred with HDMI 1.4 in order to see the direction of the 3D broadcast market. HDMI 1.4a has defined mandatory 3D formats for broadcast, game, and movie content. HDMI 1.4a requires that 3D displays support the frame packing 3D format at either 720p50 and 1080p24 or 720p60 and 1080p24, side-by-side horizontal at either 1080i50 or 1080i60, and top-and-bottom at either 720p50 and 1080p24 or 720p60 and 1080p24. HDMI 1.4版线缆共有5种类型,规范的标识方式分别为:Standard HDMI Cable标准HDMI线(最高支持1080/60i)Standard HDMI Cable with Ethernet 标准以太网HDMI线Standard Automotive HDMI Cable 标准车用HDMI线High Speed HDMI Cable 高速HDMI线 (支持1080p、DeepColor、3D)High Speed HDMI Cable with Ethernet 高速以太网HDMI线Four HDMI connector types:Type A and Type B are defined in the HDMI 1.0 specificationType C is defined in the HDMI 1.3 specificationType D is defined in the HDMI 1.4 specification.1)Type A19 pins, with bandwidth to support all SDTV标准清晰度电视, EDTV增强, and HDTV高清晰度modes. The plug (male) connector outside dimensions are 13.9mm 4.45mm and the female connector inside dimensions are 14mm 4.55mm. Type A is electrically compatible with single-link DVI-D.2)Type BThis connector (21.2mm 4.45mm) has 29 pins and can carry double the video bandwidth视频宽带of Type A, for use with very high-resolution高分辨率future displays such as WQUXGA (38402400). Type B is electrically compatible with dual-link DVI-D, but has not yet been used in any products.总共有29pin, 可传输HDMI A type两倍的TMDS资料量, 相对等于DVI Dual-Link传输, 用于传输高分辨率(WQXGA 2560x1600以上)。 (因为HDMI A type 只有Single-Link的TMDS传输, 如果要传输成HDMI B type的讯号, 则必须要两倍的传输效率, 会造成TMDS的Tx、Rx的工作频率必须提高至270MHz以上。 而在HDMI 1.3 IC出现之前, 市面上大部分的TMDS Tx、Rx只能稳定在165MHz以下工作。)3)Type CA Mini connector is intended for portable devices. It is smaller than the Type A plug connector (10.42mm 2.42mm) but has the same 19-pin configuration. The differences are that all positive signals of the differential pairs are swapped with their corresponding shield, the DDC/CEC Ground is assigned to pin 13 instead of pin 17, the CEC is assigned to pin 14 instead of pin 13, and the reserved pin is 17 instead of pin 14. The Type C Mini connector can be connected to a Type A connector using a Type A-to-Type C cable.总共有19pin, 可以说是缩小版的HDMI A type, 但脚位定义有所改变。 主要是用在便携式装置上, 例如DV、数码相机、便携式多媒体播放机等。 现在已有SONY HDR-DR5E DV利用此规格接头作为影像输出接口。(常常有人称为该规格为mini-HDMI, 这可算是自行胡乱创造的名称, 实际上HDMI官方并没此名称。)4)Type D A Micro connector keeps the standard 19 pins of Types A and C but shrinks the connector size to something resembling a micro-USB connector. The Type D connector is 2.8mm 6.4mm.8. BNCBNC接头,是一种用于同轴电缆的连接器,BNC接头没有被淘汰,因为同轴电缆是一种屏蔽电缆,有传送距离长、信号稳定的优点。目前它还被大量用于通信系统中,如网络设备中的E1接口就是用两根BNC接头的同轴电缆来连接的,在高档的监视器、音响设备中也经常用来传送音频、视频信号。BNC连接器包裹:BNC-T型头,用于连接计算机网卡和网络中的缆线; BNC桶型连接器,用于把两条细缆连接成一条更长的缆线;BNC缆线连接器,用于焊接或拧接在缆线的端部;BNC终端器,用于防止信号到达电缆断口后反射回来产生干扰。终端器是一种特殊的连接器,他内部有一个精心选择的匹配网络电缆特性的电阻。没一个终端器必须接地分类:BNC分焊式和免焊式,焊式顾名思义就是用烙铁和焊锡固定,免焊又分两种:一种是用螺丝扭紧,另一种是用专业压线钳压制。通常用于工作站和同轴电缆连接的连接器,标准专业视频设备输入、输出端口。BNC电缆有5个连接头用于接收红、绿、蓝、水平同步和垂直同步信号。BNC接头有别于普通15针DSUB标准接头的特殊显示器接口。由R、G、B三原色信号及行同步、场同步五个独立信号接头组成。主要用于连接工作站等对扫描频率要求很高的系统。BNC接头可以隔绝视频输入信号,使信号相互间干扰减少,且信号频宽较普通DSUB大,可达到最佳信号响应效果The BNC (Bayonet Neill-Concelman) connector is a very common type of RF connector used for terminating coaxial cable同轴电缆. It is used for RF signal无线电频信号connections, for analog and serial digital interface video signals, amateur radio业余无线电antenna connections, aviation electronics (avionics航空电子) and many other types of electronic test equipment. It is an alternative to the RCA connector when used for composite video on commercial video devices, although many consumer electronics devices with RCA jacks can be used with BNC-only commercial video equipment via a simple adapter. BNC connectors were commonly used on 10base2 thin Ethernet networks, both on cable interconnections and network cards.BNC connectoy types:1) 50 ohm BNC connector - used for data and RF2) 75 ohm BNC connector - primarily used for video and DS3 Telco central office applicationsVariation of BNC connector:TNC (Threaded Neill-Concelman) Connector is threaded version of the BNC connector. It has a 50 impedance and operates best in the 011 GHz frequency spectrum频谱. It has better performance than the BNC connector at microwave frequencies. Reverse-polarity TNC (RP-TNC)


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