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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福TPO34综合写作解读 摘要: 今天的故事来自TPO34综合写作,咳咳,友情提示,偶可不是要故意破坏这欢乐祥和的气氛的,不过今天烦请各位筒子自备纸巾手帕破抹布烂袜子之类的,我们手挽手一起粗发,体味下“ Stellers sea cow”的忧伤往事吧。 很久很久以前,可耐的巨型海洋哺乳动物-海牛(Sea cow)在西伯利亚沿岸白令岛附近的水域里过着“觅有机蔬菜,赏无敌海景”的世外桃源生活,悠闲而又任性。1741年,自然学家George W. Steller,作为首批发现海牛的欧洲人,第一次揭开了这种生物神秘的面纱,并以自己的名字对它命名。正所谓,人怕出名, 牛怕壮!苍天啊,大地啊!海牛小盆友一定不造,为毛在自己闪亮登场后还不到30年的“白牛过隙”般的时光里,就“物是牛非”,好日子一去不复返,灭绝了!这是为啥啊?!好好的咋就没了呢?!阅读部分的福尔摩斯们不能罢休,于是乎给出了海牛极速灭绝的三种可能原因,让我们收拾好情绪,一探究竟吧。 First,阅读曰,海牛灭绝或许是一波波疯狂的西伯利亚土著(native Siberian people)过度捕猎(overhunted)的结果。照此推测,曾经的海牛家族可谓人丁兴旺。此外,它们肉质上乘,作为恶劣环境中的“能量大餐”那真是duang duang的当仁不让。当地人(native people) 数百年的捕猎给憨厚的海牛带来了灭顶之灾。(这么大的个头就不怕吃饱了撑破肚皮?) Second,阅读又曰,这大腹便便的海牛牛自个儿也需要填饱肚子,而它们数量的减少或许正是由于海牛心爱的大餐(main source of food)-巨藻(kelp,看清楚了,不是help)-在生态系统的干扰下(ecosystems disturbances)数量也减少造成的。一系列的生态环境变化让巨藻负能量满满、抑郁而死。So, 很可能白令岛附近的海域在1768年前的生态变化让大量的巨藻看破红尘,放弃治疗,进而饿shi了可怜的海牛娃。 Third, 阅读君又云,伤害海牛的罪魁祸首很有可能是欧洲的皮货商(fur traders),它们在1741年海牛首秀后来到了白令岛。据记载,是皮货商在1768年逮住了最后一只海牛。皮货商拥有武器(weapon),能迅速大面积猎杀海牛,这幕后黑手不是皮货商是谁呢!? 以上就是阅读对大海牛命运绝响的三大猜想,每个也都显得煞有介事,有理有据是不是? _ But,我们心中那质疑精神爆棚的小人早已蓄满能量,陷入思索,准备拨开阅读制造的一团团疑云了是吧!赶紧随老师来看一看听力是如何有力反击的! 听力的态度是一如既往犀利的:虽然我们谁都说不准到底是怎么回事,但是像阅读这样的三种猜想都是漏洞多多的! First, 海牛体格巨大,可长达9米,体重超过10吨。(咳咳,微胖界一哥,谁与争锋!)Then,几头海牛就可以让一个小的西伯利亚村庄的居民“饭后饱嗝不断”,悠哉乐哉几个月了。In fact, 当时西伯利亚当地人民数量不算庞大。尽管捕猎是不争的事实,but “供大于需”,人们不需要对海牛赶尽杀绝,因此,当地土著可以离开被告席了。 Second,演讲人认为,关于阅读所提的假想中可能出现的巨藻数量减少(hypothetical decrease in kelp),也仅仅是一种不靠谱的YY而已,实际不太可能发生过。原因是,假如1768年前某段时期白令岛附近的生态系统真的摊上大事了(something severe),kelp不会是唯一受害者,必然会有别的难兄难弟遭殃。比如,鲸鱼(whales)数量很可能也无法维持原貌。But, 这片海域的捕鱼船(fishing ships)没有报告过鲸鱼的减少。既然没有迹象表明曾有大范围的生态问题粗线,海牛的美食-巨藻-当时或许正愉快地生长,前仆后继地涌向海牛的大门牙呢! Third,对阅读的最后一种猜测呢,演讲人也是拿出了必杀证据。实际上,当欧洲人到达白令岛附近时,海牛的数量已经少的可怜啦。同时,有证据表明,在1700年以前的几百年前海牛的数量曾处于最高值(at its largest)。这两个现象综合说明,有某种神秘的原因早就导致了海牛数量的严重且持续的下降(a serious and on-going decrease) ,远远早于(long before)欧洲人到达白令岛区域的时间。So,这种神秘原因才是海牛消失的罪魁祸首,欧洲皮货商是被冤枉了呀! 看看,相比酷爱推理的阅读文章,听力演讲人真是沉着应对,不慌不忙,用事实说话。综合写作就是酱紫,双方各执一词,而你需“眼观阅读,耳听演讲”,做一个洋气的旁观者。最后,奉上本篇综合的阅读和听力原文文本,大家看完小故事后再练阅读练听力,阅读和听力的能力肯定会不知不觉提高哒!还是那句话,实在畏惧原文的话,一定要时常关注 小马 微社区,这里有“看图说话”,在不知不觉中磨砺破题技巧! Reading: A huge marine mammal known as Stellers sea cow once lived in the waters around Bering Island off the coast of Siberia. It was described in 1741 by Georg W. Steller, a naturalist who was among the first Europeans to see one. In 1768 the animal became extinct. The reasons for the extinction are not clear. Here are three theories about the main cause of the extinction. First, the sea cows may have been overhunted by groups of native Siberian people. If this theory is correct, then the sea cow population would have originally been quite large, but hundreds of years off too much hunting by the native people diminished the number of sea cows. Sea cows were a good source of food in a harsh environment, so overhunting by native people could have been the main cause of extinction. Second, the sea cow population may have become extinct because of ecosystems disturbances that caused a decline in their main source of food, kelp (a type of sea plant).Kelp populations respond negatively to a number of ecological changes. It is possible that ecological changes near Bering Island some time before 1768 caused a decrease of the kelp that the sea cows depend on. Third, the main cause of extinction of the sea cows could have been European fur traders who came to the island after 1741. It is recorded that the fur traders caught the last sea cow in 1768. It thus seems reasonable to believe that hunting by European fur traders, who possessed weapons that allowed them to quickly kill a large number of the animals, as the main cause of the sea cows extinction. Listening: The truth is we dont know what the main cause of extinction of Steller sea cow was. There are problems with each of the theories that you read about. First, the sea cows were massive creatures. They were up to nine meters long and could weigh over ten tons, just enormous. A couple of sea cows could feed a small Siberian village for months. And the population of the native Siberian people wasnt very large. So while the Siberians certainly did hunt the sea cows, they didnt need to hunt a lot of them. So its unlikely they were the ones who brought the sea cows to the point of extinction. Second, about a hypothetical decrease in kelp caused by ecological disturbances, well, if something severe really happened in the ecosystem near Bering Island sometime before1768, it would have affected not just the kelp but also other parts of the ecosystem. For example, it would have caused the decline in other marine animals like whales. But fishing ships in the area did not report a whale decline. Since there is no indication of broader ecosystem problems, the kelp was probably growing just fine and the sea cows did not experience food shortage. Third, it might seem like the European traders were responsible because the sea cows became extinct soon after the Europeans arrived. But, actually, by the time that the Europeans arrived, the sea cow population was already quite small. We have evidence that the sea cow population was at its largest hundreds of years before the 1700s. So something was causing a serious and on-going decrease i


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