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Unit 3 单元巩固练习一、重点词汇巩固练习:1. prefer 1). He prefers fish _ meat.2). I would prefer _( not go ) out today.3). Tom prefers _( read ) some story books rather than _( playing ) outdoors.4). I prefer you _( stay ) with me.5). In the past, we _( prefer ) to stayed at home all day.6). He has a _( prefer ) _ coffee.7). Would you prefer _ I should go with you ?8). Tom prefer _( play) outdoor to _( watch ) television.2. persuade1). He tried to presuade me _ his innocence.2). She finally presuaded her son _( go ) to college.3). He persuaded me _ lending all my savings.4). Will you persuade him _ he has made the wrong dicision?5). His opinion is quite _( persuade ).6). I made him change his mind by _( persuade ) not by force.3. graduate1). He graduated _ law _ Yale.2). Tom is a Harvard _( graduate ).3). Bob became a doctor after _( graduate ).4. organize1). WTO is short for World Trade _( organize ).2). The man will organize us _( pay ) a visit to the museum.3). In fact, Lily is the _( organize ) of the activity.5. care 的短语1). Who takes care _ the cat ?2). I dont care _ baseball.3). I dont care _ what he said.4). He carried the heavy box _ care.5). She is a very _( care ) observer.6). Please drive more _( care ) !7). It was _ ( care ) of you to leave the door unlocked.8). He didnt pass the exam because of his _( care ).6. determine1). He showed great _( determine ).2). What deterined her _( marry ) him ?3). She is deterined _( go ).4). The _(determine ) expression on her face suggested that she wouldnt give in.7. give 的短语1). He gave all his money _ to the poor.2). These wild flowers give _ a nice smell.3). Have you given _ the money to Tom yet ?4). I hope my father would give _ smoking.5). He would never give in _ anyone.6). Please give _ all the books to the students.7). _( give ) the bad weather, we cancled the match.8. reliable1). Is the source of the information _( reliable )/2). We cant _( reliable ) _ her _ help.3). I rely _ her _( pay ) back the money.9. experience1). This is _ wonderful experience.2). Have you _( experience ) real hunger ?3). He is an _( experienced ) doctor.4). I have no driving _( experience ).5). He has had much experience _ teaching.6). He is experienced _ money matters.10. dream1). I dream _ become a doctor in the future.2). Last night, I dreamt _ sweet dream.3). She is always dreaming _ some new ways of making money.11. surprise1). Lets _(surprise ) Mom with a present.2). His success was _ great surprise _ me.3). He hid himself _ surprise.4). _ my surprisem she was the mother of two children.5). We were _( surprise ) _ the fact.6). That is not so _( surprise ).7). The man looked _( surprise ).8). They were surprised _( learn ) that he was badly hurt in the accident.9). _( surprise ), he was offered a good job.10). They were surprised _ only Tom came back late.12. put的短语1). Put the toys _.2). I put _ his address.3). He put _ a plan at the meeting yesterday.4). The football game was put _ because of the bad weather.5). She has put _ some weight.6). Please put _ your coat when you comeout.7). She put the fire _.8). Arriving there, they put _ a tent at once.9). I cant put up _ her any more.10). Put _ your hand if you have a question.11) . He put his work _ and made some coffee.13. so与such1). He works _ hard that he has made great progress.2). There were _ many people on the bus that there is no empty seat.3). I was _ sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open.4). It was _ a hot day that nobody wanted to do anything.5). It was _ hot a day that nobody wanted to do anything.14. view1). Whats your view _ this subject ?2). _ my view, the foreign policy of the government is wrong.3). _ view of the circumstances, we must give up the plan.4). The garden came _ view when we turned the corner.二、语法填空:1. He _( work ) there ever since 1970.2. We finished the task _ schedule while they finished it ahead _ achedule.3. They insisted _ going there by bike.4. Mary has much experience _ teaching English.5. He shows a very positive attitude _ his work.6. I felt _ a fool at that moment.7. He was ween _( work ) in the garden yesterday.8. She _( leave ) tomorrow and you had better see her off.9. Ill tell him the truth if I _( see ) him tomorrow.10. The window stayed _( open ) all night.11. He is fond _ drawing when he is a child.12. The girl is easy _( get ) on with.13. This is _ Lu Xun once lived.14. Blood began to flow _ a cut on her hand.15. He demands that he _( tell ) everything.16.Hearing his travelling _ I know that he is an _ traveller. ( experience )17. She becomes brave and not to give in _ the fears.18. He is too fat _ bend down.19. He took a friendly attitude _ us.20. _ such high altitude snow never melts.21. Please tell me the accident _ detail.22. We should keep pace _times.23. I have made up my mind to overcome my _( shortcoming ).24. I have made such rapid progress _ English_ my parents are proud _ me.25. He always keeps _( silence ) in class.26. Children travel _ half fare.27. As we all know, everything has its advantages and _( advantage ).28. The noise kept _( disturb ) me all the time.29. He got up early _ usual.30. He came back _ midnight.三、完成句子:1、随着时间的流逝,我们都会变老。_ time _ _, we all become older._ time _ _, we all become older.2. 我一旦下定了决心,没有什么能改变它。_ I _ _ _ _, nothing can change it.3. 他坚持说他没有偷那个女孩的包。He insisted that he _ _ the girls handbag.4. 今天火车提前到达了。Today the train arrived _ _ _.5. 你能说服她别再想她那些愚蠢的计划吗?Can you _ _ _ _ thinking about her foolish plan ?Can you _ _ _ _ think about her foolish plan ?6、 这件衣服很难洗。The garment is _( wash ).6. 我想去看电影,你愿意和我一起去吗?I _ _ _ a movie. Would you _ _ _ with me ?7、在我看来,她确实关心她的父母。_ _ _, she _ _ _ he rparents.8、他是个诚实的人,你完全可以信赖他。He is _ honest person _ you can fuuly _ _.9、他们迫不及待地打开了礼物。They _ _ _ _ open the gifts.10、她工作这么


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