



Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings课时分层训练(十三)Lesson 13.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1He is about to speak but she raises(举起) a _(手指) to her lips.2I want to have a new _(照相机)3I do my _(家庭作业) after school every day.4In the film Transformers(变形金刚), we can see many r_5Sam is a good football p_. He is on the school football team.用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空play, camera, foot, make noodles, do ones homework1I have two _. I can take photos with them.2My mum often _ for me on my birthday.3Do you want _ football with me?4How many _ does a cat have?5My brother often _ in the library after school.单项填空()1. I have to speak to my grandpa loudly(大声地) because something is wrong with his _Aeyes Bears Chands Dlegs()2.Jenny does _ homework in the afternoon.Aits Bthem Cher Dhers()3.They want _ me on Sunday.Aplay with Bto playCplay Dto play with ()4.Tom comes from the USA. He _ English.Aspeaks BsaysCtalks Dtells ()5.She is making clothes _ her son.Ato Bfor Cwith Dof()6.Mum is making dinner. It _ so nice!Asmells BtastesCfeels Dsounds()7.I dont have ears _ I can hear you. Aand Bbut Cso D/()8.We _ with our noses.Alook Bhear Csmell Dtalk()9.Look at his big hands. He can do many things _ them.Aat Bin Cwith Don()10.He cant _ anything because he is blind(失明的)Asee Blook Clisten Dhear.按要求完成下列各题,每空一词1I have two big eyes.(改为否定句)I _ _ two big eyes.2I can do my homework.(改为一般疑问句)_ you do _ homework?3I have two arms.(对画线部分提问)_ _ arms do you have?4I like playing football.(改为同义句)I _ _ play football.5Can you make noodles, Danny?(作否定回答)_, _ _.阅读理解Hello, my name is Bob. Im a student. Im ten years old. I have a round face, a small nose and two big black eyes. My hair is short. I have a friend. His name is Bruce. He is ten, too. He is a student, too. He has a big nose. His eyes are big and blue. He has short yellow hair.()1.Bobs nose is _Abig Blong Cshort Dsmall()2.Bob has _ eyes.Asmall blue Bbig blackCsmall black Dbig blue()3.Bruce is Bobs _Ateacher BstudentCfriend Dbrother()4.Bruce has _ eyes. Asmall blue Bbig blackCsmall black Dbig blue()5.Bruces hair is _. Ashort and black Blong and yellowCblack and long Dshort and yellow详解详析【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.finger2.camera3.homework4robots5.player.1.cameras2.makes noodles3.to play4feet5.does his homework课后巩固提升.1.B句意:我必须大声和我爷爷说话,因为他的耳朵有问题。故选B。2C句意:詹妮下午做家庭作业。do ones homework是固定短语,意为“做家庭作业”,其中ones要与主语在人称上保持一致。句中主语是she,因此ones的具体形式应是her,故选C。3Dwant 后面接动词时要用不定式形式;play with sb. 意为“和某人一起玩”,为固定搭配。故选D。4A5.B6A句意:妈妈正在做饭!闻起来好香!smell意为“闻起来”;taste意为“尝起来”;feel意为“摸起来”;sound意为“听起来”。故答案为A。7B8.C9.C10A句意:因为他失明了, 所以他


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