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Unit 8 Keeping Healthy and Seeing a DoctorPut in Use Imagine you are a doctor. An overseas student from Englandis suffering from a toothache. He is coming to you for help make a conversation with him by filling out the blanks. Key: (1). the matter (2). very well (3). have a look (4). worry (5). some medicine (6). stop the pain (7). Take the tablets (8) several times a day Role-play the following conversation with your partner by putting the Chinese version into English. Key: (1). Whats wrong? You look very pale. (2). Oh, your leg is bleeding. Youd better lie down. Does that feel better? (3). I have the first-aid kit here. Lets stop the bleeding first. (4). You should go to see a doctor immediately. Want me to accompany you to the hospital? Tourists may suffer from different kinds of illness. Imagine you are a tour guide. You notice that one of the tourists doesnt look very well. Talk with her and try to give her some help. Key: (1). Very soon. Are you sure youre all right? You dont look quite yourself. (2). Oh, thats too bad. Youd better take a rest now. have you had any medicine? (3). Look, this is medicated oil. You might want to rub some on your temples. (4). But youd better go to see a doctor. Ill accompany you to the clinic as soon as we return to the hotel. Step III. Being All Ears Listen and decode. Now listen to Dialogue 1 and do the multiple choice exercise. 1). Jack doesnt feel well because _ . d 2). Which of the following is true? b 3). In the hospital,_ c Listen and respond. Now listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions orally. 1) Does Jack look all right? No, Jack does not look quite himself. 2) How does he feel now? He is feeling awful. He is suffering from a bad headache. 3) Has he had any medicine? Yes, he took some aspirin. 4) What does Li suggest? Li suggests that Jack go to see a doctor immediately. 5) Does Jack need Lis help? Why or why not? Yes, he needs Lis help because he cant think straight at the moment. 6) What are Jacks symptoms? Hes got a terrible headache, a sore throat, and his whole body hurts badly. 7) How does the doctor comfort Jack? He says “Dont worry. I think youve got a bad cold.” 8) What does the doctor ask Jack to do frist of all? He asks Jack to take an X-ray first. 9) What is likely to be the trouble with Jack? Jack may have got a bad cold. Listen and complete. Listen to Dialogue 2 and fill in the blank with what you have heard. The letter given may be helpful. Key: (1) dentists (2) toochache (3) pull out (4) too (5) open (6) injection (7) numb (8) blood (9) medicine Listen and read. Passage Now listen to something more challenging-a passage with some blanks for you to fill in. The words in the brackets will give you some hints. A glance beforehand at the word list provided below will be of some help to you. Key: (1) Nowadays (2) their skin (3) your (4) all the difference (5) have a good rest (6) at least eight (7) on a fine day (8) breath (9) upwards and outwards (10) twice a week Listen and judge Listen to the passage and judge whether the following statements are true or false. Write T/F accordingly. Key: F T T T T F F T Step IV. Summary in class 本堂课是第八单元的听说部分,说的部分主要是有关于保健和看医生方面的词汇和常用句型,而听的部分则是围绕这一主题相关的听力的综合理解部分的训练,课后同学们一定要加强听说训练。 Step V. Assignments 1) 完成学学练练考考上的听力习题 2) 预习课文八单元课文1 Unit 8 Passage I the 2nd two periods StepI. Revision Showing Concern to a Friend A Patients Complaints Whats the matter/trouble with you? Can you tell me what the problem is. What has happened to you? Whats wrong? What seems to be the trouble? Is there anything wrong? Are you all right? Are you sure you are OK? You look pale. You look feverish. Im feeling awful/weak now. Ive got a bad headache and a fever/ a bad cold. The toothache is killing me. Im having more stomach trouble. Im feeling so sick/I hurt all over. Im feeling dizzy and tired. My whole body feels weak. Im not feeling quite myself. I couldnt sleep well. I keep putting on weight. Showing Concern to a Friend Your arm/foot/leg/nose is bleeding. Have you had/taken any medicine? Have you seen a doctor? Do you need any help? Shall I go with you to the hospital? Youd better go to see a doctor immediately. Youd better lie down. You should have a good rest. You must take some medicine. Thats too bad. Im sorry to hear that. What can I do for you? Step II. Passage I. A Guide to Health for Tourists 旅游健康指南 1). Text-related Information Health and Safety In case of ill health, EU citizens can receive free treatment at National Health Service hospitals. While for non-EU citizens treatment within NHS accident and emergency units only is free - if a non-EU citizen needs to be admitted to a ward, they will be charged. If you are charged medical fees, keep a record of you having paid in order to claim on your insurance. Generally speaking, you will find few health hazards when traveling inEngland. The water is safe to drink unless a sign says otherwise (for example on trains), milk is pasteurized and you should find few problems with food if it is cooked properly. However, a change in climate, diet, and water supply in itself can cause problems such as an upset stomach, so take care, especially with your diet. Doctors and surgeries vary their hours, so do not count on them being open. For example many close during the afternoons and then open again for a couple of hours in the evenings. Outside of hours try a local hospital or in emergencies, dial for an ambulance. Step III. Important Words suffer: feel or have pain, lose FOR EXAMPLE Ill surely suffer from headaches if I stay up late. She is suffering from homesickness since shes never been away from home acclimatize: get used to a new environment FOR EXAMPLE Dont worry, youll soon get acclimatized to the life here. Its easier for some people to get acclimatized while very difficult for others. fasten: fix firmly, tie or jion together FOR EXAMPLE Have you fastened all the doors and windows? She fastened the box with a piece of string. convince: make or cause somebody feel certain be convinced of something convince somebody of something FOR EXAMPLE Im convinced of his honesty. We couldnt convince her of her mistake. soothe: make a person quiet or calm FOR EXAMPLE The mother is soothing her crying baby. Its difficult for him to soothe his anger. Step IV. Difficult Sentences Clearly, it is necessary to pack a small first aid kit with you if you go traveling.(Para. 2) Analysis: Clearly and similar adverbs like obviously, apparently, etc. express the authors or the speakers idea and attitude. Go doing sth is a verb phrase often used in English, with “V-ing” giving the purpose of the verb go, meaning “干什么去”. 显然,如果出去旅行,装备一个小小的急救包是绝对有必要的。 At all times, personal cleanness is of the biggest importance. (para.3) Analysis: Of the biggest importance means “the most important”. In English, “be + of + (a.) noun” is often used instead of “be + adjective”, with the former sounding more formal. 任何时候,个人卫生都是极端重要的。 What if your friends are reluctant to try them?(para. 4) Analysis: What if is used to make a supposition. It is an abbreviated form of “What would be the result if” 假设外国的朋友不愿试用怎么办呢? As with Western medicine, some Chinese herbal treatments could have a satisfactory result without any danger or side effects.(para. 4) Analysis: As with is an abbreviated form of “as it is the case with” It stresses the likeness between two things. 同西药一样,一些中华草药的疗效很令人满意,同时又没有任何风险和副作用。 Step V. Practice in class Complete the Exercises on page 132-134, then check the answers with the whole class. Step VI. Summary in class 本次课我们学习了第八单元的第一篇课文,通过重点单词和疑难句子的详细讲解使大家能够更好地理解文章。希望大家能熟记有关用语的表达方式;同时对于第一篇课文,我们也要熟练掌握有关的活用单词和词组。 Step VII. Assignments 1) 完成综合教程P133/4的选词填空题 2) 预习课文II Unit 8 Passage II and Trying Your Hand the 3rd two periods Step I. Revision 1 Answer the following questions according to Passage I. 1. What might /could happen to tourists while they are traveling around? 2. What are some of the illness a tourist may usually suffer from? 3. Why should a tourist bring a small first-aid kit? 4. What kind of disease might/could a tourist suffer from due to insufficient personal cleanness? 5. Why can some traditional medicines be suggested to foreign tourists? 6. What is medicated oil good for? 7. Give some examples of Chinese medicine that are also popular outsideChina. Step II. Text-related Information Quotations About Love The greatest thing youll ever learn Is to love and be loved in return. From Unforgettable with Love by Natalie Cole Life without love is like a tree Without blossom and fruit. - Khalil Gibra Life is the flower for which love is the honey. - Victor Hugo Where there is great love , there are always miracles -Willa Cather To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven. -Karen Sunde Love would never be a promise of a rose garden unless it is showered with light of faith, water of sincerity and air of passion. Step III. Intensive study of Passage II Important Words constant: going on all the time; frequently occuring FOR EXAMPLE The computer center is kept at a constant temperature. Her constant headache is a result of her habit of overwork. stretch: extend; become longer or wider when pulled FOR EXAMPLE The forest used to stretch for hundreds of miles. The children stretch their neck to see what was happening in the teachers test tube. devoted: very loving or loyal FOR EXAMPLE The Queen believes that all her subjects are devoted. I used to believe that he was a devoted friend. Difficult Sentences But her life was in constant danger without a heart transplant. (para.1) Analysis: The prepositional phrase indanger refers to a state. The antonym is “out of danger.”similar pairs are 但由于没进行心脏移植,她的生命还随时处在危险之中。 e.g. Their company is often in big trouble without a smart manager. Frank was told that there was only a million-to-one chance. (para. 5) Analysis: The conjunction that introduces an object clause. Million-to-one is a compound word, meaning “ one millionth, very small in this case. 弗兰克被告知她康复的可能已微乎其微了。 e.g. The players ere informed that there was a half-and-half chance to win the game. On New Years Eve, Carmen stood by Franks family at Cheryls funeral, who were singing one of their favorite songs, “ My heart will go on.” (para.9) Analysis: Who introduces an unrestricted clause, modifying Franks family. My Heart Will Go On is the title of the song they were singing at Cheryls funeral. 除夕夜,在绮瑞尔葬礼上, 卡门与弗兰克一家人站在一起唱起他们最喜爱的一首歌:“我心永恒”。 e.g. On her birthday, Cindy was invited to Marys family, who received her as their own daughter. Step IV. Practice in class Complete the Exercises on page 132-134, then check the answers with the whole class. Step V. Trying Your Hand Read and Simulate Read the following two examples of instructions for taking medicine and learn to understand and write them. Sample 1 MOUTH REFRESHER SPRAY The spray can make your breath fresh and sweet. It is also helpful for persistent


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