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中国地质大学长城学院  本科毕业设计外文资料翻译  系     别:         工程技术系          专     业:   机械设计制造及其自动化    姓     名:          冷鹏月             学     号:        05211638            2015 年  4 月  15 日   中文资料  随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高 ,我国城乡居民对于食用植物油的消费量显著增加。然而,国内油料供给量始终无 法满足国内消费的增长速度。在供需矛盾日益增大的同时 ,我国对国际油料市场的依赖性也日益增强。伴随着人民生活水平和城市化率的不断提高 ,油料作物的消费需求必然会进一步释放。所以,扶持我国具有优势的油料作物的发展以及提高食用油自给量就显得尤为重要。纵观中国传统的油料作物 ,花生是最主要的品种,相比于其他传统的油料作物 ,具有竞争力强、增产潜力大、出油率高、经济效益好、营养价值高和种植适应性强等多方面的优势。因此 ,大力发展花生生产对于稳定中国油料产业具有十分重要的战略意义 。   在农业发挥中,播种机是一个非常关键的 环节。因为农业的特殊性,在每年春季的播种期内必须完成播种,同时播种的要求也是很高,必须同时完成播种和施肥,还要使种子能够良好的生长和发育。因此,播种机的质量好与坏,将直接影响农作物的出苗率和生长情况,从而影响农作物的产量。如今,播种机都可以进行精密播种,使种子在田地里合理分布,株距均匀,排钟量相等,沟深一致。同时,播种机在保证农作物产量的前提下大大的提高了工作效率,节省了大量的人力物力。因此,播种机的研究与发展对现代的农业发展很重要。  虽然我国是一个农业大国,但是我国的农业机械技术还是比较落后的额。 从上世纪八十年代末开始,我国就开始研发和生产播种机。但由于种子的质量,耕地条件,机械制造生产水平和机械价格等多种因素的制约,我国在八十年代末主要研发、生产和推广的是半精密播种机。为了适应当时的社会背景(农业生产责任制)需要,我国主要推广和生产的是小型单体播种机。九十年代中期以来,为了满足农业的更高需求,我国才研发和生产精密播种机。当时,由于国情和农民的认知程度以及播种的作物种类等原因的限制,我国主要研发和生产的都是主要种植作物的播种机,如玉米播种机。高粱播种机等。只有到了两千年以后,人们不但自己食用花生,并 开始用花生来榨取植物油来满足自己的生活。此时,人们才大面积的种植花生。原始的花生种植方法是人工开沟,人工播种,  人工施肥,人工覆土等一些列播种程序。不仅效率低、劳动强度大、而且播种质量不易控制,造成花生产量低,人工成本高,总体效益过低;虽有部分地区采用简单机械进行播种,但有时易出现漏播现象,造成缺苗、断垄,同样影响产量及效益。又由于春耕的时间有限,这样就限制了花生的大面积种植。在这样的社会背景下,我国开始研发和生产花生播种机。起初,为了满足大面积的花生种植,提高工作效率。我国主要研发和生产的都是有由大型、中 型机械提供动力的大型、中型的花生播种机。该播种机由相应的农业机械提供动力,可以多行播种,播种速度快,效率高,大大的满足了人们种植花生的需求。近年来,随着人们环保健康的意识的增强,为了避免过多的食用含有添加剂的花生,人们都想吃到自己亲自种植的花生。因为是自家需要,并不需要大面积的种植,大费周折。人们只想在一些小范围或闲暇的地方种植一些花生,只要满足自己的需要即可。这样,人们就会利用一下边、角、山坡、悬崖边等一些小的地方。进行花生种植。但是这些地方不适合大型、中型花生播种机的工作。为了满足机器播种的要求,提高工 作效率,节省人力物力,顺应时代的发展,我研究和设计了手推式花生播种机。  手推式花生播种机就是针对小范围的地方,不适合大型、中型播种机工作的耕地而进行设计的。手推式花生播种机由传动机构、排钟排肥机构,地轮、压土轮,开沟器、种箱肥箱、整体支架等其他一些辅助机构组成。它可以同时播种和施肥,可以根据要求改变播种的距离。它的传动机构是由链轮、链条、地轮、轴、排钟排肥机构组成。首先,由人提供动力,推动播种机前进,使地轮向前滚动,地轮滚动带 动地轮中间的链轮转动,然后由链条传递动力,带动排钟排肥机构的链轮进行转动,促使后面 的两个从动轴转动,通过轴的转动带动排种器和排肥器转动。使种子和肥料落入下面的漏斗内,再由输送管把种子和肥料播撒在开沟器开出的土沟内,之后覆土器把开沟器开出的湿土回填,随着花生播种机的前进,压土轮跟上对种沟进行碾压。这样,播种机就完成了这个播种工作。手推式花生播种机结构简单,操作维修方便,适合各种人群使用,同时它质量轻便易搬运,可以适应多种地形。尤其像我国南方地区,如云南、贵州等多山地区。而且,我国南方的大多省份多高山,可用的耕地面积很少,并且这大部分耕地都分布在山坡或山顶上。手推式花生播种机的出现和投入使用 ,大大的提高了工作效率,节省了大量的人力物力,更加满足了人们的生活需求。   外文翻译  With the development of the economy and the improvement of people s living standard, in Chinese, urban and rural residents consumption for edible vegetable oil increased significantly. However, the domestic oil supply cannot meet the speed of domestic consumption growth. The contradiction between supply and demand grows, at the same time, our reliance on the international oil market is also growing gradually. With the continuous growing of people s living standard and the rate of urbanization, the consumption demand of oil crops will be necessarily further released. Therefore, it is obviously essential to support the development of some oil crops that have more advantages and increase the supply  of cooking-oil. Throughout the traditional oil crops in China, the peanut is one of the main varieties. Compared with other traditional oil crops, the peanut has many advantages over others, such as more competitive,high yield potential,good economic benefit, high nutritional value and strong adaptability. Therefore, developing peanut production has great important strategic significance on stable China's oil industry.  In agriculture, the sowing machine is a very critical link. Because of the particularity of agriculture and the ligh demand of sowing, it must be finished sowing and feitilization at the same time during the spring period of sowing, which is made to ensure seeds good growth and development. Therefore, the quality of sowing machine will directly affect crops emergence rate and growing states, thus affecting the production of crops. Nowadays, the sowing machine can have a precise sowing, ensuring the seeds are in reasonable distribution in the field, even planting distance, equal bells in amount and groove depth. At the same time, on the premise of guaranteeing crops  production, the planter greatly improves the work efficiency and save a lot of manpower and material resources. T  echnology is relatively backward. Since the late 1980 s, our country began to research, develop and produce the sowing machines. However, because of various factors, such as the seeds bad quality, condition of cultivated land, machinery manufacturing level and price, in the late 1980s, our country mainly research and develop, produce and spread the semi-precise sowing machines. In order to adapt to the demand of the prevailing social background, our country mainly produce and spread the small single sowing machine. Since the 1990s, our  country began to research and develop and produce the precise sowing machines so as to meet the higher demand. At that time, because of the limitation of national conditions, farmers cognition and sowing crop species, our country mainly paid more attention to the produce of those sowing machines which were used to plant crops, such as corn planters and sorghum planters.extract vegetable oil for satisfying his own life. At this time, people started to plant in large areas. Original peanut cultivation methods are a series of sowing programs, such as artificial furrowing, artificial planting, artificial fertilization, and artificial covering. It not only causes low efficiency andcome from the large and medium-sized machinery. These planters powered by the corresponding agricultural machinery can have a multi-line sowing with fast sowing speed and high efficiency, which greatly satisfies people s needs of growing peanuts.  In the past years, with people s awareness of environmental protection and health raising, most people want to eat the peanuts grown by their own so as to avoid from having too much additives peanuts. Because this is for one s own need, it dose not need large areas for peanuts planting. People only want to plant some peanuts in smaller scale or leisure places, just meeting their own needs. Thus, People may make use of some small places, such as their angles edges even the edge of the mountain slope for peanut planting. However, large and medium-sized machinery are unfit for working in these small places. In order to satisfy the demand of machine sowing, improving work efficiency, saving manpower and material resources and conforming with the development, I designed a hand-push peanut sowing machine. The hand-push peanut sowing machine is fit for the small scale places, but unfit for those places planted by large and medium-sized sowing machines. The hand-push peanut sowing machine is consisted of actuators, bells, campana distributing agencies, trailing wheels, press wheels, openers, kinds of fertilizer cases, the overall supports and other ancillary articles. The machine not only may sow and fertilize at the same time, but also change the sowing distance according to its requirement. Its actuator is composed of chain wheels, chains, trailing wheels, axises and campana distributing agencies. Firstly, it is powered by human beings, making the sowing machine moving forward, the wheel rolling forward, thus the rolling trailing wheels drive the wheel in the middle of the chain wheel rotation. Secondly, chains can transfer power and drive chain wheels of campana distributing agencies rotation, through the delivery pipe the seeds and fertilizers would be transfered to the inside earth ditch offered by the opener, after that,  covering device turns the wet soil offered by the opener back. Finally, along with the advance of the peanut sowing machine, pressure wheel


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