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名词 名词 是指人或事物名称的词 名词 专有名词China 普通名词 个体名词book 集体名词family 物质名词water 抽象名词work 不可数名词 可数名词 名词变复数 AbookThisisabook Thisisachinesebook Thesearesomebooks What sthis Whatarethese It sabook Theyarebooks What sthisinEnglish It sanapple Whatarethese Theyaretwoapples Whatarethese What sthis It sapen Theyarepens Whatarethose What sthat It sanEnglishbook TheyareEnglishbooks bags watches oranges pens What rethese They re maps cases keys What rethose They re This These isatree aretwotrees aresometrees 名词变复数 1 一般在名词后面加上 s book books bag bags2 以s x sh ch 等结尾的词加 es bus buses watch watches3 以辅音字母 y结尾的词 变y为i加es baby babies以元音字母 y结尾的名词变复数时 直接加s变复数 boy boys 以o结尾的名词变复数 a 加s的名词photo photos piano pianos radio radios zoo zoos b 水果 蔬菜 人这样的单词加espotato potatoes 土豆 tomato tomatoes 西红柿 mango mangoes 芒果 Negro negroes 黑人 hero heroes 英雄 黑人英雄喜欢吃土豆 西红柿和芒果 简称两人两菜 以f或fe结尾的名词变复数 去掉f fe加veshalf 一半 halvesknife 小刀 knivesleaf 树叶 leaveswolf 狼 wolveswife 妻子 wiveslife 生活 livesthief 小偷 thieves 小偷 thief 的 妻子 wife 用 刀子 knife 和 树叶 leaf 把 狼 wolf 劈成两 半 half 二 不规则变化男人女人a变e 鹅足牙oo变ee man men woman women goosegeese foot feet tooth teeth老鼠虱子也好记 ous变ic mouse mice louse lice孩子加上ren 鱼鹿绵羊不用变child children fish deer sheepthis these 这些 that those 那些 将下列名词变复数 练习 1 orange2 bus3 book 4 box5 piano6 child 7 leaf8 bed9 country 10 balcony11 boy12 foot 13 potato14 photo15 man 16 baby17 tomato18 watch 19 woman20 knife22 sheep balconies boys feet potatoes photos men babies tomatoes watches women knives sheep books boxes children pianos leaves beds buses oranges countries 给下列可数名词加复数 bird card lady orange ruler photo friend boy watch girl case cat wife tree key bed hero family dictionary question leaf party cup birds ladies oranges rulers cats boys girls cases wives watches trees keys questions beds heroes friends families dictionaries photos cards leaves parties cups this that I you he she it am is these those we you they are 单数复数 Therearesomany leaf onthetrees 2 Ithastwo study intherooms 3 These tomato arered 4 Thereissome water intheglass 5 Mybrotherlooksaftertwo baby 练习 leaves studies tomatoes water babies 句子单数变复数Thisisabook Thatisaneraser Itisaredapple Iamaboy He Sheisateacher What sthis Thesearebooks Thoseareerasers Theyareredapples Weareboys Theyareteachers What rethese 复数句子变单数句子Thesearedictionaries 单数一般疑问句 并作肯定回答划线提问 Thisisadictionary Arethesedictionaries Yes theyare Whatarethese Sumup 1 一般情况下 直接在名词词尾加 s 2 以s x sh ch结尾的名词 在词尾加 es 3 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词 要变y为i再加 es


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