



随堂演练及时体验巩固提升.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1 I think he is taking an active part in social work.w w w .x k b 1.c o I agree with you in _ way.答案与解析a答句句意:在某种程度上我同意你的观点。in a way“在某种程度上”。2The man has already made _ (prepare) for his journey.答案与解析preparations句意:这个人已经为他的旅途做好了准备。make preparations for“为做准备”,为固定搭配,符合题意。3We were all shocked _ the news of Michael Jacksons death.答案与解析atbe shocked at sth.“因为(看到,听到)某事而震惊”。句意:听到迈克尔杰克逊去世的消息,我们都感到震惊。4It is difficult for us to carry _ a conversation with all the noise around us.答案与解析oncarry on a conversation“进行会谈”。5I dont think George is the right person to carry _the plan.答案与解析out句意:我认为乔治不是执行这个计划的合适人选。carry out“执行;落实”。6Fortunately, the car was _ his control. An accident was avoided.答案与解析within句意:幸运的是,他控制住了那辆车,避免了交通事故的发生。within ones control表示“在某人的控制下”,符合句意。7Ill look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little _ (patient)答案与解析patience句意:我会尽快调查这件事情,请耐心一点儿。patience意为“耐心”,符合句意。8The openair celebration has been put off because _ the bad weather.答案与解析of句意:因为天气不好,露天庆祝会已经被推迟。because of“由于;因为”。9_ (smoke) is a habit difficult to break.答案与解析Smoking此处指“经常性的抽烟”,故用动名词smoking。句意:抽烟是一种很难改掉的习惯。10It is bad for your health _ (drink) so much today.答案与解析to drink由句中的“today”可知此处要用不定式“to drink”来表示具体的动作。句意:今天喝这么多酒对你的健康不利。.短语填空on ones way, because of, make rapid progress, break down, run out, at one time, carry on, have difficulty(in) doing sth., fail to do sth., in preparation for1The petrol had been _. We have to walk home.答案run out2_ to the post office, I met an old friend of mine.答案On the/my way3I tried to persuade him to stop smoking, but _ do so.答案failed tow w w .x k b 1.c o m4We _ no _ finding his house.答案had; difficulty (in)5They managed to _ their experiments in spite of(尽管) the difficulties.答案carry on6Britain was the strongest country in the world _.答案at one time7We had to stop our work because the machine _.答案broke down8He made a lot of mistakes in the exam _ his carelessness.答案because ofw w w .x k b 1.c o m9He stayed up late last night _ the exam toda


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