八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party Section A(1a1c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party Section A(1a1c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party Section A(1a1c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party Section A(1a1c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party Section A(1a1c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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sectiona1a 1c canyoucometomyparty unit9 词句检测1a领读 b c跟读 c说中文含义 prepare pri pe exam i z m prepareforanexam flu flu havetheflu gotothedoctor helpmyparents meetmyfriend invitation invi tei n 2 你能在书中找出与划线部分发音相同的单词吗 invitation n action station pollution competition prediction resolution information education tion名词后缀 whatdoyouusuallydoonweekends colorfulweekendsactivities ihavetoprepareforanexam ihavetohelpmyparentswithhousework ihavetotakepianolessons ihaveto whatdoyouhavetodoonweekends meetmyfriendshavetheflu上钢琴课gotothedoctorhelpmyparents去医院探望朋友prepareforanexamgototheparty 根据箭头指向的汉语说出英语短语 let srelax 文化驿站 你知道有哪些party howmanykindsofpartiesdoyouknow christmasparty birthdayparty weddingparty 结婚典礼 newyear sparty dancingparty dinnerparty picnicparty 1 sendinvitations cards 发邀请卡 西方国家的party 2 acceptorrefusetheinvitationpolitely 有礼貌的接受或拒绝邀请 3 arriveontimewithpresents 带着礼物准时参加 4 sendthank youcards 结束后 记得送感谢卡 西方国家的party aninvitationcard 1 wherearethestudents a intheclassroomb inthehallways 听力预测 你会读图吗 2 canyouseeanyinvitationcards a canyoucometomyparty b sure i dloveto thatsoundsgreat soundsgood i dloveto trytoaccepttheinvitationpolitely 礼貌地接受邀请 pairwork a d c e b hasto whataboutothers cantheycometotheparty a canyoucometomyparty b i msorry ican t ihavetohelpmyparents learntodeclinetheinvitationpolitely 委婉的拒绝邀请 a canyoucometomyparty b sorry ican t ihaveto must i mafraidnot imighthaveto learntodeclinetheinvitationpolitely 委婉的拒绝邀请 a canyou learntodeclinetheinvitationpolitely 委婉的拒绝邀请 b i mafraidnot ihaveto must a canyoucometomyparty b i msorry ican t i mafraidnot trytodeclinetheinvitationpolitely 委婉的拒绝邀请 pairwork anna tim kay wilson listenandwritethename tim kay anna wilson 听力策略 提取关键信息 人名 sunning hey ted canyoucometomypartyonstaurdayafternoon ted i msorry ican t sunning ihavetohelpmyparents sunning toobad howaboutyou jenny canyoucometomyparty jenny i dloveto sunning tim whataboutyou jim whenisit sunning saturdayafternoon tim oh no ican t ihavetoprepareforanexam sunning whataboutyou wilson wilson sorry imustgotothedoctor sunning anna canyoucome anna ican t sunning imighthavetomeetmyfriends kay ican teither sunning ihavetheflu sunning that stoobad kay oh maybenexttime whatasmallparty 注意红色的重读 读出对话时礼貌邀请 快乐和遗憾的语气 isitabigpartyorasmallparty trainwork 开火车 a canyoucometotheparty b sure i dloveto canyoucometotheparty c i msorry ican t ihaveto must canyoucometotheparty d e usedifferentanswers summary 课后总结 makeinvitations 邀请 canyoucometomy party canyou withme acceptinvitations 接受 sure i dloveto thatsoundsgreatdeclineinvitations 拒绝 i msorry ican t ihaveto must i mafraidnot imighthaveto talkaboutobligations 得体的理由 ihavetoprepareforanexam meetfriends gotothedoctor ihavetheflu 小组合作 用本节课所学的内容编对话 组长选择一个周末活动 邀请组员参加 对话越长 得分越高 makeinvitations 邀请 canyoucometomy party canyou withme acceptinvitations 接受 sure i dloveto thatsoundsgreat declineinvitations 拒绝 i msorry ican t ihaveto must i mafraidnot imighthaveto others 其他 whatapity 真可惜 maybenext anothertime i msorry happytohearthat sunning sbirthdayparty sunnicerestraurant thissaturdayafternoon 2 00p m tosunning5083763 dearsunning 我愿意 joinyourbirthdayparty saturdayafternoon andiwillarriveatsunniceontime thankyouforaskingme yours cindy i dloveto on dearsunning i msorryican tcometoyourparty i 感冒 imighthaveto 看医生 also ihaveto 为考试做准备 maybeanothertime than


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