(广东专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习方案 专题限时训练(十八)史地自然型阅读理解1.doc_第1页
(广东专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习方案 专题限时训练(十八)史地自然型阅读理解1.doc_第2页
(广东专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习方案 专题限时训练(十八)史地自然型阅读理解1.doc_第3页
(广东专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习方案 专题限时训练(十八)史地自然型阅读理解1.doc_第4页
(广东专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习方案 专题限时训练(十八)史地自然型阅读理解1.doc_第5页




专题限时训练(十八)史地自然型阅读理解(一)(限时:25分钟)athe pacific island nation of nauru used to be a beautiful place.now it is an ecological disaster area.naurus heartbreaking story could have one good consequenceother countries might learn from its mistakes.for thousands of years,polynesian people lived in the remote island of nauru,far from western civilization.the first european to arrive was john fearn in 1798.he was the british captain of the hunter, a whaling ship.he called the island pleasant island.however, because it was very remote, nauru had little communication with europeans at first.the whaling ships and other traders began to visit it,bringing guns and alcohol.these elements destroyed the social balance of the twelve family groups on the island.a tenyear civil war started,which reduced the population from 1,400 to 900.naurus real troubles began in 1899 when a british mining company discovered phosphate(磷酸盐)on the island.in fact,it found that the island of nauru was nearly all phosphate,which was a very important fertilizer for farming.the company began mining the phosphate.a phosphate mine is not a hole in the ground;it is a strip mine.when a company discovers strip mining,it removes the top layer of soil.then it takes away the material it wants.strip mining totally destroys the land.gradually, the lovely island of nauru started to look like the moon.in 1968,nauru became one of the richest countries in the world.every year the government received millions and millions of dollars for its phosphate.unfortunately, the leaders invested the money unwisely and lost millions of dollars.in addition,they used millions more dollars for personal expenses.soon people realized that they had a terrible problemtheir phosphate was running out.ninety per cent of their island was destroyed and they had nothing.by 2000,nauru was financially ruined.experts say that it would take approximately$433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island.this will probably never happen.1. what might be the authors purpose in writing the text?ato seek help for naurus problems.bto give a warning to other countries.cto show the importance of money.dto tell a heartbreaking story of a war. 2. what was nauru like before the europeans came?arich and powerful.bmodern and open.cpeaceful and attractive.dgreedy and aggressive. 3. the ecological disaster in nauru resulted from_asoil pollutionbphosphate overminingcfarming activitydwhale hunting4. which of the following was a cause of naurus financial problem?aits leaders misused the money.bit spent too much repairing the island.cits phosphate mining cost much money.dit lost millions of dollars in the civil war. 5. what can we learn about nauru from the last paragraph?athe ecological damage is difficult to repair.bthe leaders will take the experts words seriously.cthe island was abandoned by the nauruans.dthe phosphate mines were destroyed. bthat the leaning tower of pisa no longer leans quite so much after a 20 million project to save it has proved to be a great success. the tower, which was on the edge of collapse, has been straightened by 18 inches, returning it to its 1838 position. “it has straightened a little bit more than we expected, but very little helps,”said prof. john burland, the only british member of the rescue committee. “the tower is still very slightly moving towards being upright. ”the tower, which has been leaning almost since building work first began in 1173, was closed to the public in 1990 because of safety fears. the 183foot tower was nearly 15 feet off vertical and its structure was found to have been weakened by centuries of strain(作用力). prof. burland said it could have collapsed “at any moment”. however, it took nine years of quarrelling before any work was done. the last attempt at straightening the tower was carried out. concrete(混凝土) was poured into the foundations, but the result was that the tower sank further into the soil. the straightening work involved digging out around 70 tonnes of earth from the northern side of the tower, causing it to sink on that side. before the digging started, the tower was fixed with steel ropes and 600 tonnes of lead weights. however, halfway through the project, concerns at the ugliness of the weights led to their removal and the tower leaned greatly. the weights were hurriedly reattached. one night, the tower moved more than it had averaged in an entire year. the towers stonework has also been restored. the italian government stepped in after a tower collapsed in pavia in 1989, killing four people. experts suddenly realized that the tower at pisa, which was similarly built and on the same sort of earth, could do the same.1. what would be the best title for the passage?athe building of the leaning tower of pisabsaving the leaning tower of pisacthe collapse of the leaning tower of pisadthe history of the leaning tower of pisa2. according to the passage, the leaning tower of pisa _aclosed for the straightening work in 1990bbegan to lean more than 800 years agochas a history of more than 1, 000 yearsdhas become vertical3. what drove the italian government to save the leaning tower of pisa?athe development of new technology.bthe advice of prof. john burland.cthe expectation of the rescue committee.dthe collapse of a tower in pavia. 4. what most probably played the most important part in straightening the tower?athe lead weights fixed to the tower.brestoring the stonework.cpouring concrete into the foundations.ddigging earth from the southern side of the tower. 5. which of the following is not true according to the passage?athe position of the tower has been restored to what it was 172 years ago.bhundreds of years of strain has weakened the towers structure.cthe tower doesnt lean any more after the straightening work finished.dpeople spent nine years in discussing about the straightening work. ctoday, one can trace venices rich past from its buildings. most cities can claim at least a handful of outstanding churches, palaces or houses of historical interest, but in venice very nearly everything is remarkable, from the magnificent piazza san marco (st. marks square ) and the palaces that line the grand canal to the centuriesold homes of simple fishermen. it would be easy to say that the city itself is an enormous museum if it were not for the fact it is so obviously alive.at first sight, venice looks unbelievably permanent, an apparently complete renaissance (文艺复兴) city so untouched by time that there seems no reason why it should not go on forever. now the city is slowly sinking, as the clay on which it is built loses its elasticity (弹性) and the massive wooden piles rot (腐烂) away. flooding, such a rare occurrence a hundred years ago now happens several times each winter.the damage caused by the flooding is immense, and the fabric of the ancient buildings is now being further damaged by pollution from the mainland town as well as by the wash produced by the constantly increasing number of motor boats that speed up and down the canals.a further threat to venice comes from the venetians themselves, some of whom are not particularly interested in preserving the city as one of the wonders of the world and would prefer to see it modernized.“what better place is there for the meeting of dear friends? see how it glows with the advancing summer; how the sky and the sea and the rosy air and the marble of the palaces all glimmer and melt together.” thus wrote the famous author henry james, of venice, which provided the setting for his story the aspern papers, in the nineteenth century. the splendor of venice has captured the imagination of artists for centuriesand not just of the great painters and novelists. how tragic now that she is faced with the double threat of man and nature. venice indeed will be lucky to survive.1venice proudly boasts _aits beautiful churches, palaces and houses bits unique st. marks square and the grand canal cits picturesque waterscape dits marvelous ancient buildings2the writer thinks that _ avenice can be regarded as a big museum bvenice is no longer a big museum cvenice is different from a big museum dvenice can never be a big museum because of its modernization3how do the motor boats endanger the buildings?athey produce violent movements of water. bthey pollute the air.cthey pollute the water.dthey produce too much noise.4from the fourth paragraph, we know that _ avenetians are eager to modernize their city bvenetians value the grand canal cvenetians dont care about any threat to the grand canal dthe threat of man is greater than the threat of nature5in the last paragraph, the writer _ ais very confident that venice will survive bis doubtful whether venice will survive cthinks that venice will have luck dis afraid that venice will no longer attract artists and novelists专题限时训练(十八)a【要点综述】 文章主要讲述了太平洋岛国瑙鲁如何从一个环境优美的天堂岛变成一个生态失衡、满目疮痍的小岛。1b由文章第一段的“now it is an ecological disaster area.naurus heartbreaking story could have one good consequenceother countries might learn from its mistakes.”可以看出,作者的目的是给当前很多只注重发展经济而忽略环境保护的国家一个警告。故选b项。2c从第一段提到的“太平洋上的国家瑙鲁岛曾经是一个美丽的地方”看出,瑙鲁岛很吸引人;由第二段第一句以及第三段第一句可知,上千年来,瑙鲁岛的人们生活在偏远的小岛上,过着平静的生活。故选c项。3b最后一段的“soon people realized that they had a terrible problemtheir phosphate was running out.ninety per cent of their island was destroyed and they had nothing.”即“磷酸盐逐渐减少,开采殆尽”。由此可以看出,“磷酸盐的过量开采”导致了瑙鲁岛的生态灾难。故选b项。4a由最后一段的“unfortunately, the leaders invested the money unwisely and lost millions of dollars.in addition, they used millions more dollars for personal expenses.”看出,是领导人不正确地使用资金导致了财政问题。故选a项。5a文章最后告诉我们:experts say that it would take approximately $433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island.也就是说,瑙鲁岛上的生态损失弥补起来需要大量的资金和时间,即选项所说的“修复起来很难”。故选a项。b【要点综述】 本文主要讲述了比萨斜塔的倾斜历史及政府为此做出的努力。1b文章第一段就提到“has proved to be a great success.”,并且下文也是围绕拯救比萨斜塔进行阐述的。2b第三段第一句提到比萨斜塔自1173年建立(至今已有800多年的历史)时就开始倾斜。3d文章最后一段提到“the italian government stepped in after a tower collapsed in pavia in 19


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