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2016届第一学期期中考试高三英语试题注意事项:1答卷前,考生在答题卡上务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚。2在试题卷上作答无效。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt? A. 19.15 B. 9.18 C. 9.15 答案是 C。1. How much do the tickets for the concert cost?A. $80B. $40C. $602. What subject does the woman think is less difficult?A. History.B. Mathematics.C. Literature. 3. What does the woman mean?A. She is only too pleased to come.B. She didnt go in for mountaineering.C. She was an excellent mountain-climber.4. Where is the man going first?A. To the Healey Supermarket.B. To the airport.C. To Canada.5. What does the woman most probably think of the man?A. Naughty.B. Kind-hearted.C. Careless.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分;满分15分)听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What time is it now? A. 11:00 am.B. 11:30 am.C. 12:00 noon.7. Where does the conversation take place? A. On the train.B. At the train station.C. At the restaurant.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. Why cant Adam go boating with the woman tomorrow? A. He is busy preparing a speech contest. B. He is taking a vacation in China now. C. He has to work overtime tomorrow.9. What will the man do tomorrow? A. Reading a new book.B. Writing at home all day.C. Spending an hour in the park.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Why is the man surfing the Internet?A. To get major news.B. To learn English.C. To get information.11. What does the man prefer?A. Engineering.B. Economics.C. Medicine.12. When does the conversation probably take place?A. On February 28.B. On March 30.C. On April 6.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What was the news about? A. Jennys famous songs. B. Jennys saving a babys life. C. Jennys winning a music contest.14. How much money did Jenny receive? A. 2,500 dollars.B. 3,000 dollars.C. 5,000 dollars.15. What do we know about the woman? A. She performed at the TV station. B. She is well known to the public.C. She is an unknown songwriter.16. How does the woman feel now?A. ExcitedB. Surprised C. Envious听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What was unusual about their first meeting?A. The doctor was not very experienced.B. The doctor hadnt seen the medical reports.C. The patient was misunderstood by the doctor.18How did the doctor treat the patient?A. The doctor treated her with the help of her previous doctors.B. The doctor always listened to her and believed her.C. The doctor treated her with strong medicine.19. What did the previous doctors think of her mental health?A. Surprising B. HopefulC. Serious20. What did the doctor advise the patient to do?A. To change her job. B. To keep a closer relationship with her family. C. To get married.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 单项填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. The British took words from other countries - something we call “borrowing”, _ the words were kept. A. because B. as though C. even thoughD. if22. Serious reading, in _ form it may take, has its place in the advance of human civilization. A. which B. what C. whichever D. whatever23. The crashed plane had been kept in service for longer than _ intended.A. originallyB. vaguely C. temporarily D. consistently24. The British new visa policy allows tourists to leave and return to the country without _ paperwork again for two years.A. submittingB. substitutingC. appointingD. registering25. By tradition, in Britain, 21 guns are fired as a general rule _ the Queen on her birthday. A. in memory ofB. in salute toC. on behalf of D. in celebration of26. -The food in Zhengzhou doesnt agree with me.- You are _ for disappointment if you expect the same taste in a toally different region. A. fragile B. unfit C. boundD. apparent27. - So many tourists pour into such beautiful places.- I think it necessary they _ be well preserved.A. can B. shall C. shouldD. may28. President Xis visit to the UK creates a win-win situation, _ both China and the UK will benefit a lot in economic and social development.A. one whereB. one C. which D. the one in which29. October 29 saw China _ its one-child policy, _ all couples to have two for the first time since 1980.A. end; allowing B. end; having allowed C. ending; to allow D. ending; allowed30. - Jack, how are you recently? - Just so-so. My business failed and I am reduced to _ occasionally . A. burn myself out B. hiring myself out C. trying myself outD. stretch myself out31.- I will have two midterms tomorrow.- Me, too. So you _ any sympathy from me here.A. arent gettingB. didnt get C. havent gotD. arent going to get32. Having considered the _ of the problem, they worked out a detailed plan carefully. A. regulations B. foundations C. dimensionsD. decorations33. -Hey, Franc, join us. Dont you know “All work and no play make a dull boy”?-Thanks for inviting, but I think _ and I have fallen behind.A. Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differB. The early bird catches the wormC. Dont count your chicken until they are hatchedD. Make hay while the sun shines34. - Did you participate in his celebration party yesterday?- No, I _ my mother do housework all day. A. would help B. helped C. had helped D. was helping35. -Have you watched the film Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation?- _. But I have been working on my graduation thesis.A. Of course not. B. Why bother? C. How dare I?D. I hope so.第二节: 完形填空(共20 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分20 分)请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Eventually all suns will 36 their fuel, explode and then become cold and dark. Matter itself will disappear and the universe will become 37 for the rest of time.This was the general drift of my thoughts as my wife and I 38 my eldest son as a freshman at college. That moment at the dorm is 39 at the kindergarten door, at the gates of summer camp, at every occasion of parting and 40 . But it comes surprising, taking what you 41 most.Our ancestors thought this parting should take place 42 . In many societies adolescents were sent away to live with friends or relatives right after adolescence. This was supposed to 43 the conflicts that come from 44 teenagers and their parents very near. Eighteen years is not enough. The days pass uncounted, until they 45 . The adjustment is upsetting. My son is on the 46 side - observant, thoughtful, a practitioner of companionable silence. I know this is hard on him as well. He will be homesick. Among the greatest 47 of college students is they wont have a room at home to return to.But with due respect to my sons feelings, I have the 48 of parting. I know something he doesnt - incomprehensible to the young. He is experiencing the 49 that come with beginnings. His life is starting for real. I have begun the long letting go. Put another way: He has a wonderful future in which my part 50 decreases.Im sure my father realized it at a(n) 51 moment. And I certainly didnt notice or understand. At first, he was a giant who held my hand and 52 my sky. Then a middle-aged man who paid my bills. Now, decades after his passing, a much-loved 53 . But I can remember the last time I hugged him in his home, where I always had a room. I can only hope to leave my son the same.My son, those days have been the greatest wonder and 54 of my life. And there will always be a 55 for you.36. A. add B. use C. consume D. supply37. A. empty B. boundless C. expanding D. hopeless38. A. dropped out B. dropped off C. dropped inD. dropped back39. A. delayed B. implied C. missed D. captured40. A. reliance B. importance C. responsibility D. independence41. A. wonder B. need C. value D. miss42. A. before B. later C. afterwards D. earlier43. A. minimize B. cause C. manage D. settle 44. A. drawing B. relating C. housing D. seating 45. A. come B. end C. break D. start46. A. excited B. sad C. anxious D. quiet47. A. fears B. pities C. reliefs D. pains48. A. better B. pleasure C. worse D. benefit49. A. comprehension B. recognition C. adjustment D. consideration50. A. naturally B. sharply C. immediately D. suddenly51. A. difficult B. critical C. importantD. similar52. A. filled B. cleared C. clouded D. broke 53. A. breadwinner B. shape C. guard D. shadow54. A. pressure B. privilege C. substitute D. inspiration55. A. house B. chance C. room D. dream第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AHomonym: a word that has the same spelling and the same pronunciation as another world, but a different meaningSame spelling, different meaningImagine, then a situation where two words are spelt and pronounced exactly the same way, but have completely different meanings. Welcome to the world of homonyms. Take, for example, the word fail - it can be a kind of festival, and adjective to describe the color of your hair or how you should play a game. Dont take it literallySo how do you know which meaning someone is referring to? - You dont, except by the context. Obviously, if someone asks you to give them a hand, they dont want you to remove what is at the end of your arm.Whats in a name?Sometimes even the context doesnt help much - the result can be amusing. These sentences play with the double meaning of a noun:I used to be a banker, but I lost interest.Have you heard about the cross-eyed teacher who couldnt control his pupils?A small boy swallowed some coins and had to go to hospital. When his grandmother phoned to ask how he was, the nurse said: No change yet.More ambiguityAnd these examples play with the different meanings of a verb:I wondered why the ball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.No one knew she had a dental implant until it came out in a conversation.A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.Double troubleAnd sometimes a word can be a noun and a verb, but have different meanings. Can you work this one out?Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.If you like these homonyms, you will be pleased to know that English has plenty more!Explanations of jokes in the textI used to be banker, but I lost interest. (I became bored with the job / I lost money)Have you heard about the cross-eyed teacher who couldnt control his pupils? (students / parts of his eyes) A small boy swallowed some coins and had to go to hospital. When his grandmother phoned to ask how he was, the nurse said: No change yet. (no difference in the situation / no money)I wondered why the ball was getting bigger. Then it hit me. (the ball hit me / I suddenly realized)No one knew she had a dental implant until it came out in a conversation. (became known / fell out)A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat. (cant be better / difficult to mix with a fork)Time flies like an arrow. (time goes quickly) Fruit flies like a banana. (insects enjoy eating fuit.)56. Which of the following statements about homonyms is NOT true?A. They share the same spellings regardless of meanings.B. We cant know their meanings without context.C. We may still feel confused even with context.D. Their ambiguity brings great trouble to our life. 57. The “beat” in the sentence “A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat, making for a satisfying breakfast.” has a similar meaning to _.A. The rain was beating down on the tin roof.B. Taking the bus sure beats walking.C. The doctor could feel no pulse beating.D. Youve been working too hard, you look dead beat.B We might think we know which colours do what. The idea that red wakes us up or blue calms us down is deeply rooted in Western culture. But do they really change our behaviour in the ways that we assume?When it comes to scientific research, the results are mixed and at times contested. Some studies have found that people do better on cognitive tasks when faced with red rather than blue or green; others show the opposite. The idea is that if you repeatedly have a particular experience surrounded by a certain colour, then you eventually begin to associate that colour with the way you were feeling or behaving. A school career spent reading your teachers red writing circling your mistakes forever makes you link red with danger. Blue meanwhile is more likely to be associated with calmer situations like marvelling at a big blue expanse of sky.Of course there will always be exceptions - the comment from the teacher saying “well done” is also written in red. It is true that people do make different associations with different colours, but whether this translates into behaving in a certain way or succeeding at a particular task is a different question.In 2009 researchers tried to clarify the situation. They sat their participants at computer screens coloured blue, red or “neutral” and tested them on various tasks. With a red screen people did better on tasks requiring attention to detail, but when the screen was blue they did better on creative tasks. In practice this might be tricky. In a classroom you might want to think creatively some of the time and pay attention to detail at others.However, when another team tried to repeat the study with a larger group of people in 2014, the effect of colour disappeared. The initial study consisted of just 69 people. In this new, bigger study, of 263 volunteers, background colour made no difference.So colours might well have an effect, but so far those effects have been difficult to demonstrate consistently and sometimes dont seem to exist at all. 58. Whats the major function of the first paragraph?A. To present a widely held view B. To raise a question of behavior changeC. To introduce the theme of the passageD. To summarize the whole passage59. The author mentions the exception in Paragraph 3 in order to show _.A. there are exceptions to every ruleB. people tend to associate colors with behaviors C. colors dont necessarily mean particular behaviors D. colors do matter to those who desire success60. It can be concluded from the results of the studies in 2009 and 2014 that _.A. the research findings are practical in indoor decorationB. solid evidence is inadequate to prove how colors affect usC. a larger study may help confirm colors effects on our behaviors D. walls should be painted different colors depending on different tasks C My father was, by nature, a cheerful, kindly man. Until he was thirty-four years old he worked as a farm-hand for Thomas Butterworth near the town of Bidwell, Ohio. On Saturday evenings he drove his horse into town to spend a few hours in social intercourse with other farm-hands. He was quite happy in his position in life. It was in his thirty-fifth year that father married my mother, a school teacher. Something happened to the two people. The American passion for getting up in the world took possession of them. Mother induced father to give up his place as a farm-hand, sell his horse and start an independent enterprise of his own. They rented ten acres of poor stony land and launched into chicken raising. One inexperienced in such matters can have no idea of the many and tragic things that can happen to a chicken. It is born out of an egg, lives for a few weeks as a tiny fluffy thing, then becomes naked, gets diseases, and dies. A few hens, and now and then a rooster, intended to serve Gods mysterious ends, struggle through to maturity. The hens lay eggs out of which come other chickens and the awful cycle is thus made complete. It is all unbelievably complex. Most philosophers must have been raised on chicken farms. One hopes for so much from a chicken and is so awfully disappointed. Small chickens, look so bright and in fact so awfully stupid. They are so much like people they mix one up in ones judgments of life. If disease does not kill them they wait until your expectations are thoroughly aroused and then walk under the wheels of a carriage. In later life I have seen how a literature has been built up on the subject of fortunes to be made out of the raising of chickens. It is intended to be read by the gods who have just eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is a hopeful literature and declares that much may be done by simple ambitious people who own a few hens. Do not be misguided by it. It was not written for you. Go hunt for gold on the frozen hills of Alaska, put your faith in the honesty of a politician, believe if you will that good will defeat evil, but do not read and believe the literature that is written concerning the hen. For ten years my father and mother struggled to make our chicken farm pay and then they gave up that struggle and began another. They moved into the town of Bidwell, Ohio and began the restaurant business, with the tiny hope of looking for a new place from which to start on our upward journey through life.61. Which of the following is the right order of what happened?a. Father got married to Mother, a school teacher.b. Father quitted working at Butterworths.c. My parents launched a business in Bidwell. d. Father socialized in town on Saturday eveningse. My parents started their job of chicken farming.A. d-a-b-e-cB. d-a-c-b-eC. d-b-a-e-cD. d


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