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云南省昆明市初中毕业、高中招生考试英语试题 19996 第卷(共100分) 听力(30) 听力测试(共30分)A根据所听句子,选择正确选项,注意听三遍。(7分)1ArideBreadyCred2AmeatBmeetCneed3AwaitBworkCweek4A!(感叹号)B(句号)C?(问号)5AliveBloveClike6ACant youBCan youCDont you7ApassBbusCpastB根据所听句子,选择正确答句,注意听三遍。(7分)8AIts SundayBIts July 4th CIt was Sunday9AHow are you?BFine, thank youCHow do you do?10AIt doesnt matterBNot at allCThanks a lotI would love to come11AYes,they are BNo,there arent CNo, they arent12AThats right BIts a pleasure CYou are right13AIts a secret BShe is fifteen CI dont tell you14AThank youBThank you all the sameCNever mindC听对话及问题,选择正确答案,注意听三遍。(6分)15ABefore nine BAfter nine CAt nine16AOn the deskBUnder the deskCBehind the door17AHe is seeing a filmBHe is callingCHe is talking to Jim18AThey are studentsBThey are teachersCThey are headmasters19AShe has to help her mother do some cookingBShe has to do some washingCShe has to do her homework 20AIn a bookshop BAt a cinema CIn a shopD听短文,填出短文中所缺单词,注意听三遍。(10分)Dear Robert,I hope you are wellThank you for your last letterYou asked me about the weather here in KunmingThereare four_21_,tooSpring is the best season of the year_22_weather getswarmer and the days get longerThe trees turn green, and theflowers start_23_come outSummer comes_24_springIt isnt too hot hereIt of-ten_25_, sometimes quite heavily Everything grows veryquicklyYoung people love this time of year_26_it is goodfor sportsAutumn is a busy seasonThe days get_27_and thenights get longerIt is harvest time_28_is the last season of the yearSome people dontlike it, but I doSome times it snows and the land is all_29_But there isnt a lot of snow in KunmingOn the whole,you can come to Kunming at_30_timeYours,Wang Wei 笔试(70分) 语音及词汇(共30分)A从下列四个一组的单词中找出划线部分读音与其它三个读音不同的单词。(10分)31AyetBonly CyellowDyear32AschoolBcheap CcatchDreach33AdaughterBfloor CboyDwalk34AweBlet CjeepDsea35AsonBcar CglassDMarch36AhelpBhour ChatDwho37AriverBdoctor CagoDskirt38AquietlyBwhat CwallDwhen39AdownBhow CbrownDrow40AMondayBfamily CstayDliftB根据句子意思,找出一个与句子划线部分意思相同或相近的词或词组。(10分)41Whats your brother?Hes a driverAWho is your brotherBWhere is your brotherCWhere does your brother workDWhat does your brother do42Young people must always be kind to the oldAgood forBfriendly toCcareful ofDinterested in43Last year thousands of the PLA men kept fighting in theNenjiang and the Songhuajiang until the water was goneAgot on Bcame onCwent onDput on44Do you really wish me to go with you?AaskBwaitCwantDtell45Tom cant get in the roomHes lost his keyAHe isBHe wasCHisDHe has46People of all ages must have vegetables and fruit everydayAapples and carrotsBmilk and eggsCmeat and potatoesDcarrots and peas47Is them anything delicious in the fridge for supper?Apaper boxBcold boxCcolour boxDicebox48The traffic is heavy in rush hoursAbigBbusyCmovingDhard49The woman put out her hand and held mineA, my handByour handCher hand Dhis hand50Once there was a kingHe liked new clothes very muchAOne year agoBAt onceCLong long ago DSometimesC根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)51Who was the first to come to school?Ive no ideaI was the_(three)52Lily, do you have a_?(rulers)53Who runs the_in your class? (more slowly)54_kind of plane can carry a lot of people, cant it?55Their teacher had something important to doSo theylearned by_(them)56The best time to come to_is in spring, I think(Chinese)57Do you live in a tall_in the middle of the city?(build)58My friends like to go to_in rivers and lakes(swimming)59Will you help me_the flowers when Im away?(water)60People like_days when they travel(sun)选择填空(24分)61Are these_photos?No,theyre_Ayour, my fathersByours, my fathersCyour, of my fatherDyours, of my father62Who will teach_English next term?AweBusCoursDourselves63How far is the station, please?Its about_awayAhundred of metresBa hundred of metresChundreds of metresDhundreds of metre64Everything is_on the moon than on the earthAmuch more lighterBmuch more lightCmore lighterDmuch lighter65Kunming is_beautiful cityIts_capital of_YunnanAa, a, theBa, the, theCthe, a, theDa, the , 66There are many flowers on_ side of DongfengRoadAbothBeitherCeveryDall67Would you like_tea, please?Yes, just_Aany, fewBany, a fewCsome, littleDsome, a little68They are my two friendsOne is from Australia,_isfrom JapanAotherBthe otherCanotherDothers69Did Lily ask you_next day?Awhere would her class plant treesBwhere her class would plant treesCwhere would plant trees her classDher class would plant trees70_Christmas Eve, children put a stocking_the end of their beds before they go to deepAOn, atBOn, inCAt, onDIn, at71_interesting film!AWhat aBWhat anCHowDHow a72We bought_for my mothers birthdayAsome meatsBa piece of meatCsome pieces meatsDsome pieces meat73Did Yunnan Hongta Team win Chongqing HongyuanTeam in the league match?Yes, 4 to 0Hongta is_teamAreally a weakBa really weakCa really strongDreally a strong74He always looks over his exercises to_there are no mistakesAfind outBmake sureCthink aboutDtry out75How much did the woolen sweater_?One hundred and twenty yuanAspend onBpay forCcostDtake76You speak English well_AThank you for you to say soBI dont think soCNo, I dont speak well enoughDCertainly77Children_play on the roadAmay notBmustntCcouldntDneednt78The scientist was very_he didn t stop his workAsoBthatCandDbut79_have you been in this city?For ten yearsAHow oftenBHow longCHow soonDWhen80It was raining hard when I_home yesterdayAgotBgot toCarrived atDarrived in81_Im very glad to hear thatACongratulationsBIm not feeling very wellCIm sure to come on timeDAre you feeling better?82You arent teachers, are you?_ANo, we arentBYes, we areCYes, we arentDNo, we are83Is everyone here_dancing?Agood atBgood onCgood toDgood for84Paper_first invented in ChinaAisBareCwasDwere阅读理解(16分)After reading the passage, you will know what has happened to the forests of the USA in the last 350 yearsIn 1620,about half the USA was covered by forestsIn 1850, about a third was covered by forestsToday, the forests have almost goneA lot of good land has gone with them, leaving only sandToday, too many trees are still being cut down in the USAChina does not want to copy the USAs exampleSo China has built a new Great Wall across the northern part of the countryThis time, it is a Great Green Wallof trees, millions of treesThe Great Green Wall is 7, 000 kilometres long, and be-tween 400 and 1, 700 kilometres wideThe Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth awayIt will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the southIt has already saved a lot of landBut more Great Green Walls are still needed, and not only in ChinaThey must be built all over the worldWang Feng is a worker at Yulin in ShanxiWith many other people he works on the Great Green WallWe visited him at his workplace among the young trees and asked him about his work Many thousands of trees must be planted every year, he saidThe more, the betterThis year alone, weve already planted ten thousand treesYou see all those small trees over there to cover those mountains, too! He pointed to the high mountains far awayWas it difficult to work on the Great Green Wall? YesIts hard work, but its very importantThe only problem is we cant eat trees! So we grow our own food, tooBut were growing a lot more now, thank to the Green Wall根据短文,判断正误,正确的写“R”,错误的写“W”85Today, about half the USA was covered by forests86We want to follow the USAs example87So China has planted no trees across the northern part ofthe country88The Great Green Wall in China is 7, 000 metres long, andbetween 400 and 1,700 metres wide89The Great Green Wall can stop the sand from moving to-wards the rich farmland in the south90The Great Green Walls are greatly needed all over theworld91It was not easy to work on the Great Green Wall92All of us must do something to take good care of our earth 第卷(共50分) 阅读理解(15分) (A) Last Tuesday Ted received a letter from the policeIn theletter he was asked to go to the police stationTed didnt knowwhy he was wanted by the policeHe was very worriedBut hewent to the station yesterday and now he is not worried anymoreAt the station, he was told by a smiling policeman thathis bicycle had been foundFive days ago, the policeman told him, the bike waspicked up in a small village four hundred kilometres awayTedwas very surprised when he heard the newsHe was very happy,too, because he never thought the bicycle would be found Itwas stolen ten years ago when Ted was just a by of fifteen根据短文,选择正确答案(10分)93Last Tuesday Ted heard from_.Ahis neighbourBhis parentCthe policeDthe doctor94Why was Ted asked to go to the police station? Because_.Ahe stole a bikeBhe was the policeman s friendChe was told the newsDhe did something wrong95Before Ted went to the station, he felt_.AhappyBtiredCsadDtroubled96How old was Ted when his bike was found? He was_.A25B15C35D, 2497How do you think about the police work?AQuick workBSlow workCStrange workDEasy work (B) Mothers Day is a holiday for mothersIt is celebrated(庆祝) in the United States, England, Sweden, India, Mexico and some other countriesLittle by little, it becomes widely celebratedMothers Day falls on the second Sunday in MayOn that day, many people send presents of love to their mothersThose whose mothers are still living often wear a pink or red rose or carnation (康乃馨) , while those whose mothers are dead wear a white oneThe idea of a day for mothers was first given by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia(费城)As a result of her hard work, the celebration of the first American Mothers Day was held in PhiladeIphia on May 10, 1908Soon the holiday became popular throughout the country and around the worldIn China, people do the same on this special day for mothersAnd, in some cities, people sometimes ask a song to be broadcast for his or her mother onlyThis might cost a small sum of money for some of them, but, as it is said, Love is invaluable根据短文,选择正确答案(5分)98Mothers Day is a special day for_.AmotherBmothersCfatherDfathers99On that day, people give _to their mothersAloveBpresents of lifeCflowersDpresents of love100The first Mothers Day was celebrated more than_years ago.Aa hundred BeightyCninetyDseventy101The word pink means _.A淡黄色B粉红色C紫罗兰色D天蓝色102What kind of present do people send to their mothers inChina?They _.Asing songs by themselvesBask songs for their mothersCbuy beautiful presents for their mothersDwear flowers for their mothers用所给动词的正确形式填空,必要时请填否定形式。(10分)103It s late nowYoud better_(go) out104_(worry)Hell come back soon105The teacher_(know) the news as soon as he getsthere106_February usually_(have) 28 days?107Will you go to Thailand with your friend?NoI _(be) there already108The old man does morning exercises every morning, but he_(do) this morning109_the baby_(stop) crying after you madefaces?110Why can the little girl speak very good English?Because she does a lot of_(speak)111The exam is nearAll the students_(get)ready for it112Many animals are in dangerAnd people_(do)their best to help them补全对话,每空一词。(10分)A: Hello! Doctor, I m not feeling very wellB: Whats the_113_A: I often feel_114_If I work in the garden, I have to sit down and rest_115_five minutesB: _116_noting much wrong with you , but you have a problem: youre_117_too muchA: You mean I eat too much foodB: Whats more, you_118_take enough exercise, so you area little_119_fatA: How to_120_thinner, can you tel


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