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Twelveconstellations 十二星座的那些事 Twelveconstellations 摩羯座 Capricorn December22toJanuary20水瓶座 Aquarius January21toFebruary19双鱼座 Pisces February20toMarch20白羊座 Aries March21toApril20金牛座 Taurus April21toMay21双子座 Gemini May22toJune21巨蟹座 Cancer June22toJuly22狮子座 Leo July23toAugust22处女座 Virgo August23toSeptember22天枰座 Libra September23toOctober23天蝎座 Scorpio October24toNovember22射手座 Sagittarius November23toDecember21 Capricorn 摩羯座 12 22 1 20 Capricorn December22 January20RulingPlanet SaturnSymbol GoatColor Black DarkBrown GrayLuckystone GarnetFlowers Ivy PansyLuckyNumber 8and2LuckyDay SaturdayKeyphrase IUseKeywords Prudent Aspiring CalculatingMainTrait Steadiness Capricorn k pr k rn istheleaderoftheEarthsigns Hereisastabilizingforce oneofthehardest workingsignsoftheZodiac zod k 魔羯座是土相星座的领头人 是黄道12宫里最稳定最努力工作的星座 TIPS Patienceandcautionareyouradvantages 你的优点是坚持不懈和谨慎 Aquarius 水瓶座 1 21 2 19 Aquarius January21 February19RulingPlanet UranusSymbol WaterBearerColor ElectricBlue TurquoiseLuckystone AmethystFlowers OrchidLuckyNumber 7and1LuckyDay WednesdayKeyphrase IKnow Keywords Independent HumaneMainTrait Friendliness RuledbyshockingUranus j r n s Aquariusisverymuchepitomestheplanetthatinspiresit Thissignhasastonishingintelligenceandcommunicationskill 受天王星控制的水瓶座简直就是天王星的缩影 水瓶座具有令人吃惊的智慧和沟通能力 TIPS Aquariushasalotofadaptability Butyoumaytrymanynewthingsbutendupmasteringnone 瓶子有非常好的适应能力 但是你可能尝试了很多新事物后却一事无成 S W Friendly honest loyal original inventive independentandintellectual 优点 乐于助人 充满人道精神 诚实善良 创意十足 个性独立 拥有理想的智慧 Intractable perverse unpredictable unemotionalanddetached 缺点 缺乏热情 不按牌理出牌 太相信自己的判断 思想多变没有恒心 太过理智情趣不足 Pisces 双鱼座 2 20 3 20 Pisces February20 March20RulingPlanet NeptuneSymbol TwoFishColor SeaGreenLuckystone AquamarineFlowers WaterLilyLuckyNumber 6and2LuckyDay FridayKeyphrase IBelieve Keywords Nebulous ImpressionableMainTrait Compassion PiscesisaWaterelement RuledbymysticalNeptune Thissignisextremelyreceptive compassionate andother directed 双鱼座是水相星座 受神秘的海王星所控制 双鱼非常善于接纳 富有同情心 并且很为别人着想 TIPS Lackofego strengthcanmakeyoufeelhelpless 缺乏自我力量会使你觉得无助 S W Imaginative sensitive compassionate kindness unworldly intuitiveandsympathetic 优点 想像力丰富 善解人意 心地仁慈 舍己为人不自私 直觉力强 懂得包容 Escapist idealistic secretive weak willedandeasilyled 缺点 不够实际幻想太多 太情绪化多愁善感 意志不坚定 容易受环境影响 Aries 白羊座 3 21 4 20 Aries March21 April20RulingPlanet MarsSymbol RamColor RedLuckystone DiamondFlowers Geraniums HoneySuckleLuckyNo 1and9LuckyDay TuesdayKeyphrase IAm Keywords Assertive ImpulsiveMaintrait Courage ThefireelementofArisebringsassertive I energy 火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量 TIPS Yourpersistencewillleadyoutosuccess Butyourimpulsivetempermaycauseproblems 坚持会使你成功 但是爱冲动的毛病也会带来麻烦 S W energetic pioneering courageous enthusiastic confident dynamic 优点 精力旺盛 乐观进取有自信 热情有活力 勇于接受新观念 爆发力强 勇于接受挑战 Selfish quick tempered impulsive impatient 缺点 自私 急躁 缺乏耐性 容易冲动 行事鲁莽 Taurus 金牛座 4 21 5 21 Taurus April21 May21RulingPlanet VenusSymbol BullColor LightBlue Pink LemonLuckstone EmeraldFlowers Rose Poppy VioletKeyword PossessiveKeyphrase Ihave Maintrait dependability TheEarthelementofTaurusbringsstrengthandthedesireforsolidgroundformandstructure 土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力 TIPS Youmightbealittlebitslow witted butyourconsistencywillmakeitup 你也许反应有一点慢 但是你的坚毅会弥补这个缺点 S W Patient reliable warmhearted persistent determined 优点 耐性十足 一往情深 脚踏实地 能坚持到底 值得信赖 Jealous possessive inflexible andgreedy 缺点 善妒 占有欲强 不知变通 贪婪 Gemini 双子座 5 22 6 21 Gemini May22 June21RulingPlanet MercurySymbol ThetwinsColor Yellow RainbowLuckystone PearlFlowers Lily of the valley LavenderLuckynumbers 9and5LuckyDay WednesdayKeyphrase IthinkKeywords Communicate AdaptableMainTrait Responsiveness TheAirelementofGeminibringscommunication intellectandspeed 风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通能力 智慧和速度 TIPS Yourmutablemotivationbringsadaptability 你的多变使你能够适应事物 S W Adaptable communicative witty intellectual youthfulandlively 优点 适应性强 多才多艺 善于沟通 懂得随机应变 充满生命力 活泼可爱 风趣幽默Nervous tense superficial inconsistent cunning 缺点 容易紧张 善变 处世缺乏原则 做事蜻蜓点水不深入 过于圆滑 意志不坚定 Cancer 巨蟹座 6 22 7 22 2020 1 29 33 可编辑 Cancer June22 July22RulingPlanet MoonSymbol CrabColor Grays GreensGem PearlFlowers WhiteFlowersParticularlyRosesLuckyNumbers 7and3LuckyDay MondayKeyphrase IFeel Keywords Protective Sensitive TenaciousMainTrait Loyalty Cancer selementisWater Symbolicoftheemotions watersignsneedtogiveandreceive 巨蟹座是水相星座 水是情感的象征 水的特质是给予和接受 TIPS Goodmemoryisyourborngift 良好的记忆力是你与生俱来的天赋 S W Emotional loving intuitive imaginative enthusiasm cautious protectiveandsympathetic 优点 感情真挚深切 想像力丰富 有热情 有包容力 直觉敏锐 善解人意 有同情心 Changeable moody overemotional touchy 缺点 跟着情绪走 提不起放不下 太过多愁善感 缺乏理性思考 经不起打击 过度保护自我 沉溺于往事无法面对事实 Leo 狮子座 7 23 8 22 Leo July23 August22RulingPlanet SunSymbol LionColor Gold OrangeLuckystone Peridot 橄榄石 Flowers Sunflower MarigoldLuckyNumber 9and8LuckyDay SundayKeyphrase IWill Keywords Expressive Creative PowerfulMainTrait Creative LeoisFiretothecore Firebringsadesiretocreate innovate andlead 狮子座是火相星座的中心 火引发了创造 革新和领导的欲望 TIPS Yourfixedmotivationaddsself reliance Butremembertobalanceself confidencewithhumility 你对目标的坚定不移使你自信 但是记住自信也需要谦虚来平衡 S W Generous warmhearted creative enthusiastic broad minded faithful 优点 对人慷慨大方 热情开朗乐观 具有激励人心的气质 心胸宽大懂得宽恕 诚恳正直 Pompous patronizing bossy interfering dogmatic 缺点 华而不实 死爱面子活受罪 莫名的优越感 喜欢指挥别人 缺乏耐心 独断专行 Virgo 处女座 8 23 9 22 Virgo August23 September22RulingPlanet MercurySymbol theVirginColor NavyBlue DarkGray BrownLuckStone SapphireFlowers SmallandColorfulbrightflowersLuckyNumber 3and5LuckyDay WednesdayKeyphrase IAnalyzeKeywords Analytical Critical PracticalMainTrait Conscientiousness Ruledbyshape shiftingMercury Virgoworkshardtostability 在流动的水星控制下 处女座需要努力才能获得稳定 TIPS Agoodeducationalbackgroundisimportant Diligenceisyouradvantage 良好的教育背景很重要 你的优点是勤奋 S W Modest shy practical diligent intelligentandanalytical 优点 谦逊不夸大 脚踏实地 事事谨慎小心 勤奋努力有耐性 有精确观察力 Fussy aworrier overcritical perfectionistandconservative 缺点 太过吹毛求疵 唠叨琐碎 杞人忧天 追求完美 思想保守 Libra 天秤座 9 23 10 23 Libra September23 October23RulingPlanet MercurySymbol TheScalesColor Blue Pink PaleGreenLuckystone OpalFlowers Rose Bluebell DaisyLuckyNumber 9and6LuckyDay FridayKeyphrase IBalance Keywords Harmonious Sympathetic BalancedMainTrait Charm Balance LibrarepresentstheAirelement Itisasignthatismoreextrovertedandactive 天秤座是风相星座 其特性比较外向和主动 TIPS Yourgreatneedtoshare tobefairandimpartialwillhelpyoualot 你要求与他人分享和公平的愿望会给你很大帮助 S W Diplomaitic romantic charming easygoing sociable idealisticandpeaceable 优点 有外交手腕 天生的优雅风采 浪漫的恋爱高手 适应力强 对美感有鉴赏力 平静详和 Indecisive changeable easilyinfluenced flirtatiousandself indulgent 缺点 优柔寡断犹豫不决 意志不坚定 易受欺骗 怕得罪人 轻佻浮躁 过于放纵自已 Scorpio 天蝎座 10 24 11 21 Scorpio October24 November21RulingPlanet Mars PlutoSymbol Eagle ScorpionColor Maroon DarkRedLuckystone Topaz CitrineFlowers Geranium HoneysuckleLuckyNumber 4and2LuckyDay TuesdayKeyphrase IDesireKeywords Intense Passionate JealousMaintrait Idealism ScorpioisaWaterelement andthismakesitasomewhatenigmaticsign 水相星座的特质使蝎子有些神秘 TIPS StudywouldneverbeaproblemforScorpio Youjustneedmoreconfidence 学习对蝎子来说从来都不是问题 你只需要更多自信 S W Determined forceful emotional intuitive powerful passionate excitingandmagnetic 优点 对决定的事有执行力 说服力强 直觉敏锐 不畏挫折坚持到底 充满激情 有凝聚力 Jealous resentful com


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