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Task 2A1. agenda 2.promulgate 3.deterring 4.rhetoric 5.choking6. distorting 7.mindset 8.credibility 9.beneficiary 10.auditingB1. enacted 2.implement 3.intractable 4.impact 5.fragile6. payoffs 7.prosecuted 8.accountable 9.compliance 10.pettyTask 3A1. International financial agencies, notably the World Bank, have announced programs aimed at ensuring fair and open contracting for their projects and stopping misappropriation by government officials一些国际金融机构,尤其是世界银行,宣布了多个方案,旨在确保其项目承包的公正和公开性,杜绝政府官员侵吞私占。2. Underlying these changes in rules, rhetoric and awareness is the growing recognition that bribery and extortion have demonstrably deleterious consequences. 之所以出现了这些新的规章,反腐誓言和觉悟的提高,其根本原因就在于人们越来越清晰地认识到收受贿赂和勒索钱财的行为已经结下显而易见的恶果。3. Gone is the day when some pundits seriously argued that corruption was an efficient corrective for overregulated economies or that it should be tolerated as an inevitable byproduct of intractable forces.曾几何时一些博学之士一本正经地说:腐败是对过度调控经济体制的一种有效矫正行为,或者说,腐败作为不可驾驭的力量的一种副产品,它是不可避免的,我们应该包容它。如今这样说的日子一去不复返了。4. And the drumbeat of scandals continues, with events in China, Indonesia, Kenya, Russia, and the United States leading the news during the past year.频频不断的丑闻此起彼伏,一直没有消停。过去一年,中国、印尼、肯尼亚、恶果和美国的爆料占据着新闻的榜首。5. Given vast, continuing problems, the anticorruption movement will maintain its credibility and momentum only if it can translate its rhetoric into action and prevent and punish misbehavior in a more focused and systematic manner.考虑到这些问题范围之广且层出不穷,只有当我们以更加集中和系统的方式把反腐誓言付诸行动、预防和惩罚不端行为时,反腐运动才能保持其可信度和强劲的势头。6. But their legal, political, and economic systems vary greatlythey are failed or failing, fragile or risingand so anticorruption initiatives in the developing world will have to be a part of, and dependent on, each countrys broad, complex, and often lengthy state-building process.但由于这些国家的法律、政治和经济体系差异很大它们要么不成功,要么眼看就要失败;要么不堪一击,要么正在兴起因此发展中国家的反腐运动将不得不是各国广泛、复杂且往往是历时长久的国家建设过程的一部分,而且取决于各个国家建设的过程。7. Tackling this multifaceted problem, and understanding how near-term priorities fit into long-term approaches, requires pursuing four types of measures.要攻克这个牵涉到多层面的问题,并明确近期的工作重点如何与长期的应对方法相符,我们就该采取四种措施。8. Second is prevention: the enactment and implementation of legislation and administrative regulations that choke off corrupt practices (such measures should include ombudsman systems, whistleblower protection laws, transparent rules of procurement and accounting, freedom-of-information laws, auditing and internal-control requirements for public and private entities, and anti-money-laundering regimes). 第二是预防,即制定和实施遏制各种腐败行为的法规及行政条例(这些措施必须包含政府检察官巡视制度、举报人保护法、采购和财会透明规章制度、信息自由法、要求对公共和私营实体实施审计和内部监控以及反洗钱制度等)。 9. To make financial discipline operational, international financial institutions must change the perspective of those staff members who, eager to push money out the door, oppose conditioning loans or grants on securing commitments from beneficiaries to fight corruption.为了使金融纪律得到有效实施,国际金融机构必须改变那些业内人士的观念,这些人一心只想放贷出门,因而反对以承诺打击腐败为前提向贷款受益人提供贷款和补助。10. Finally,MNCs must overcome short-term economic pressures and old ways of doing business so as to create and sustain an anticorruption culture and effective corporate compliance procedures.最后,跨国公司必须克服短期经济压力,改变老一套经营方式,以便创建和保持一种反腐的理念以及一套有效步骤,使公司上下都自觉遵守这一理念。B当前是一个信息即时交流的时代,要想掩盖恶行越来越难,因为眼下私人密探、走漏政府内部消息的人、愤愤不平的竞争对手以及那些刨根问底的记者们都会把那些贪污腐败的官员和奸商暴露出来。由于腐化堕落会断送事业前程,所以曝光是一种重要的威慑力量。仅去年一年,被丑闻拉下台的就有乌克兰总理、南非副总统、巴西执政党领袖。但是要确保腐败丑闻不会像色情电视剧那样重复上演,就必须进行系统的改革。 领导层的变革在诸如世界银行、经济合作与发展组织、联合国、透明国际以及国际商会等重点机构已经展开或者即将展开。改革后的领导班子应该与非政府组织以及其他重要机构(如出口信贷机构、国际执法部门等)领导人携手合作,以便制订全面的反腐战略,就近期和中期行动达成共识。C1. 酸雨会毒死鱼类,毁灭森林,腐蚀建筑。Acid rain poisons fish, destroys forests, and corrodes buildings.2. 我们对环保不能不说不练,我们必须有行动。We should not just pay lip service to environmental protection; we must act.3. 调查发现一些小官僚也参与了“钱权交易”。Investigation showed that some petty bureaucrats had also been involved in this “power for money exchange”.4. 我们要加大反腐力度,对贪污腐化的官员严惩不贷。We must reinforce the momentum of the anticorruption drive and show no mercy to the corrupt officials.5. 政府交通部门要严格执法,严惩酒后驾车。The governments transportation agencies must execute the law strictly and enforce severe penalties for drunken drivers.6. 12月9日被联合国定为全球反腐败日,这为提高公众觉悟,积极打击贪污、抑制腐败提供了一个独特的机会。December 9 is designated by the UN as International Anticorruption Day, which provides a unique opportunity to enhance public awareness and commitment to combating graft and curbing corruption.7. 联合国新近颁布了反腐公约,要求签约的成员国制定相关法律,以禁止受贿索贿行为。The United Nations has newly promulgated the UN Anticorruption Convention, requiring that the sighed member nations enact laws prohibiting bribery and extortion.8. 现在,腐败带来的真正危害已经广为人知:腐败扰乱市场、破坏竞争、滋长老百姓的冷嘲热讽、削弱法治的威力、损害政府的合法性,还会侵蚀私营市场的诚信度。The true impact of corruption is now widely acknowledged: corruption distorts markets and competition, breeds cynicism among citizens, undermines the rule of law, damages government legitimacy, and corrodes the integrity of the private sector.9. 发达国家所属公司如果在国外参与行贿,即使面临激烈的国际竞争,政府也必须愿意对其行为进行调查和提起公诉。Developed nations must be willing to investigate and prosecute their multinational corporations when they engage in bribery abroad, even in the face of intense global competition.10. 昨天北京市第一中级人民法院以犯受贿罪和私分国有财产罪判处毕玉玺(北京市交通局原副局长)死刑,缓期两年执行,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产。Bi Yuxi, the former vice-director of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Communications was sentenced to


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