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Period Developing ideas课前自学导引与大自然的接触作为一名自然摄影师,我必须勇敢地面对各种恶劣环境。但是,尽管刮风下雨,我仍然喜欢在野外工作。这份工作最好的一点是你可以在自然环境中观察动物。我最喜欢拍照的地方是黄石国家公园。作为世界上第一个国家公园,黄石公园以其野生动物的多样性而闻名,但它可能最以熊而闻名。这些巨大而强壮的动物可以活三十年。尽管体重高达300公斤,但它们可以以每小时大约64公里的速度奔跑,同时它们也是游泳高手。去年春天在黄石公园,我沿着一条小路穿过一片黑暗的森林。当我终于走出树林时,景色令人惊叹。一只鹰飞过白雪皑皑的群山,山体倒映在山下平静的湖面上。当我专注于拍摄这一令人惊叹的景色时,我突然有一种感觉,有东西正在看我。慢慢地,仍然举着相机在眼边,我转过身来呆住了。离我只有几米远的地方有一只熊。水从它浓密的棕色头发上落下,那只熊回头盯着我。时间静止不动,熊和我都在等待谁先行动。我的腿开始发抖。不知怎么地,我强迫我的手指按下快门。一秒钟后,熊转身跑回森林。当我从震惊中回过神来时,我看了看我的相机。我最可怕但最神奇的经历现在永远被拍摄在一张照片中。我时不时地看看这张照片,作为对所有动物表示尊敬的提醒。毕竟我们是它们世界的访客。课堂合作探究1variety n. C种类,品种 U变化,多样性(P56)归纳拓展(1)a variety ofvarieties of 各种各样的(2)vary v. (使)变化,不同vary from . to . 从到不同vary with . 随而变化(3)various adj. 各种各样的(4)variation n. 变化A variety of products are sold at a supermarket.在超市,各种各样的商品均有出售。Traditions and customs vary from place to place.传统和风俗习惯因地而异。Prices vary with the quality.价格随质量不同而变化。Everyone arrived late at the party for various reasons.由于种种原因,每个人到达聚会的时间都很晚。单句语法填空There are (variety) kinds of wild animals in this area.Wedding traditions and customs vary one country another. (variety) of books have been published.答案:variousfrom; toVarieties2concentrate v. 集中(注意力、思想等)(P57)归纳拓展(1)concentrate . on/upon . 把专注于(2)concentrate on/upon . 专注于(3)concentration n. 专心,集中We must concentrate our attention on protecting the water resources.我们必须把注意力集中在保护水资源上。How can I concentrate on my study with so much noise going on?现在这么吵,我怎么能安心学习呢?单句语法填空Its the sort of work that calls for a high level of (concentrate)I cant concentrate my work with several children shouting loudly outside.With his attention (concentrate)on his book. He didnt notice someone entering his room.答案:concentrationon/uponconcentratedafter all毕竟,归根结底,终究(P57)归纳拓展in all 总共above all 尤其是,最重要的是(强调重要性)all the time 始终,一直all of a suddensuddenly 突然,冷不防地All of a sudden the lights went out.突然,灯都灭了。After all, you are a student now, and you should study hard. 毕竟,你现在是个学生,你应该努力学习。She spent twenty yuan in all.她总共花了20元。单句写作这封信一直揣在我口袋里。The letter has been in my pocket . 要想成为伟人,你必须聪明、自信,最重要的是要诚实。To be great, you must be smart, confident, and, , honest.她总共换了8次演出服。 , she has eight costume changes. 这也不能怪他,毕竟他头一回做嘛!Hes not to blame. , it was the first time hed done it. 答案:all the timeabove allIn allAfter all.单词拼写1The FBI keeps (档案) on former White House employees. 答案:files2Cost was a key (要素) in our decision.答案:element3She hasnt got over the (震惊) of seeing him again.答案:shock4Lets think of a situation where this (习语) can be used.答案:idiom5He is universally recognized as an a on Russian affairs.答案:authority6If the temperature drops below 0 , water f .答案:freezes7I am deeply attracted by the photographs taken by the famous p .答案:photographer8Music even helps patients feel better and helps them r faster and better.答案:recover.单句语法填空1I tried shaking him but there was no (react). 答案:reaction2You should know its impolite to stare others.答案:at3All these rules must (observe) by all the students.答案:be observed4This is the biggest problem that I (encounter) in my job.答案:have encountered5Its (freeze) cold outside so you must put on more clothes.答案:freezing6He had to overcome (variety) of difficulties while traveling.答案:varieties7We decided to brave elements and finish our task as planned.答案:the8This medicine is quite beneficial to your (recover) after the operation, providing you take it as told.答案:recovery.选词填空a variety of; concentrate on; after all; be famous for; at a speed of; brave the elements; do good to; from time to time1.It is important for children to have their teeth checked .答案:from time to time2It is hard for a child to one thing for a long time.答案:concentrate on3Weifang is home to kites, where you can buy kites.答案:a variety of4The restaurant its good service which attracts a lot of customers.答案:is famous for5Journalists (记者) always to report the news.答案:brave the elements6Humour can always keep you in high spirits, which will both your mental and physical health.答案:do good to7Forgive him for what he has done and give him a chance to correct his mistake. , he is only a child. 答案:After all8Chinas newgeneration highspeed train, the Fuxing, is now one of the fastest trains in the world, which can travel 350 km/h.答案:at a speed of.单句写作1我上次见她大约是16年前了。(the last time) was about sixteen years ago.答案:The last time I saw her2他没到校的原因是他生病了。(the reason why . is that . ) he got ill.答案:The reason why he didnt come to school was that3是在会议上我第一次见到她。(for the first time)It was in the meeting that .答案:I met her for the first time4两国之间的友谊可追溯到古代。(date back to)The friendship between the two countries ancient days. 答案:dates back to5他坐在那里,眼睛看着天空。(with复合结构)He sat there, .答案:with his eyes looking at the sky 课后课时作业When 69yearold Dobrgyal started looking after the wild macaques (猕猴) at a scenic spot in Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region, their population 1 only 4050. Today, 18 years later, that same place is 2 to over 2,800 Tibetan macaques.Dobrgyals relationship with the Tibetan macaques has been described as a 3 love story between man and monkeys. A former 4 keeper, Dobrgyal has been driving 5 km almost every day just to feed the macaques, show them 5 and make sure they are healthy. 6 , he has even taken some of the sick animals home and 7 them back to health. China. org. cn reports that Dobrgyal has been the only one working as a 8 in the Gongbogyamda area for the last 18 years, and 9 him as the main reason that the macaque population is rising.Tibetan macaques are a(n) 10 species in China, and their food is provided by the Gongbogyamda forestry bureau (局), but its Dobrgyal who loads the bags into his truck and 11 it to the monkeys personally. Thanks to his 12 , the macaques have become very 13 with tourists, many of whom also help to 14 the animals.Having dedicated almost two decades of his life to the macaques, Dobrgyal now 15 himself about what will happen to them if his physical 16 no longer allows him to take care of them properly.“Now Im so old, nearly 70 years old,” Dobrgyal said recently. “In the 17 of my life I will do my best to take care of the monkeys, but if someday my health 18 me feeding them anymore, I will have my sons replace me.” 19 , the furry creatures will be able to rely on their 20 human father for many years to come.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要叙述了在Dobrgyal的努力下,野生猕猴的数量增加了,同时他们之间也建立了一份真挚的感情。1A.numbered Breduced Cconfirmed Dturned答案:A根据下文“Today, 18 years later, that same place is 2 to over 2,800 Tibetan macaques.”的提示可知,此处表示它们的数量总共(numbered)只有40到50只。2.A.seen Bfun Chome Dknown答案:C根据上文“looking after the wild macaques (猕猴) at a scenic spot in Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region”的描述可知,18年后的今天,这里是2,800多只西藏猕猴的聚集地(home)。be home to “是的故乡/所在地/发源地”。3.A.mouthwatering BheartbreakingCbreathtaking Dheartwarming答案:D根据下文“Dobrgyal has been driving 5 km almost every day just to feed the macaques, show them 5 and make sure they are healthy”的描述可知,此处为Dobrgyal和西藏猕猴之间的关系被描述为人类和猴子之间的一个暖人心扉的(heartwarming)爱的故事。mouthwatering “令人垂涎的”;heartbreaking “使人心碎的”;breathtaking “惊人的”。4.A.forest Bhouse Cgarden Dsoccer答案:A根据上文中的“looking after the wild macaques (猕猴) at a scenic spot”可推知,此处应为Dobrgyal以前是一个森林(forest)看守人。5.A.honor Brespect Caffection Dmercy答案:C根据上文“Dobrgyals relationship with the Tibetan macaques has been described as a 3 love story between man and monkeys.”的描述可知,此处为向它们表达喜爱之情(affection),并确保它们是健康的。6.A.In return BOn occasionCIn vain DOn purpose答案:B根据上文“Dobrgyal has been driving 5 km almost every day just to feed the macaques, show them 5 and make sure they are healthy”的描述可知,此处前后形成语意上的衔接,所以此处为偶尔(On occasion),他也带一些生病的猴子回家照顾。7.A.expected Bsent Cforced Dnursed答案:D根据上文“he has even taken some of the sick animals home”的描述可知,此处为照顾(nursed)它们直到它们恢复健康。8A.feeder Bleader Cfriend Dfarmer答案:A根据上文“Dobrgyal has been . just to feed the macaques”的描述可知,此处表示作为唯一的饲养员(feeder)。9A.guesses Bcredits Cassumes Dquestions答案:B根据上文“C reports that Dobrgyal has been the only one working as a 8 in the Gongbogyamda area for the last 18 years”的描述可知,此处前后形成并列关系,表示“并认为猕猴数量上升是Dobrgyal的功劳”。credit sb. as sth. “认为某人”。10A.aggressive BprotectedCdangerous Dcontrolled答案:B根据常识和空后的“and their food is provided by the Gongbogyamda forestry bureau (局)”可知,西藏猕猴在中国是受保护的(protected)动物。11A.donates Bdeclares CreturnsDdelivers答案:D根据空前的“loads the bags into his truck and”可知,此处为亲自把食物送给(delivers)猴子。12A.wisdom Bbravery CeffortsDintentions答案:C根据上文所述可知,多亏了Dobrgyal所付出的努力(efforts)。13A.popular Bconfident Cshy Dcautious答案:A由该空后的“many of whom also help”可推断西藏猕猴在游客中很受欢迎。14A.raise Bfeed Cbuy Dobserve答案:B此处表述许多游客也帮忙去喂养(feed)它们。15A.concerns BadvisesCpredicts Dcomments答案:A根据下文的“what will happen to them if his physical 16 no longer allows him to take care of them properly”可知,让Dobrgyal担心(concerns)的是如果他的身体不再允许他充分地照顾猕猴了怎么办。16A.age Bbody Cattitude Dcondition答案:Dphysical condition “身体状况”。17A.process Bmiddle Crest Dnext答案:C根据上文“Now Im so old, nearly 70 years old”的描述可知,此处表示“在我的余生中(In the rest of my life)”。18A.keeps Bpermits CallowsDprevents答案:D根据上文的“In the 17 of my life I will do my best to take care of the monkeys”可知,此处前后形成转折,也即“但如果有一天我的健康状况阻止(prevents)我再喂养它们,我会让我的儿子们接替我”。prevent sb. (from) doing sth. “阻止某人做某事”。19A.UnfortunatelyBHopefully CGenerally DActually答案:B根据空后的“the furry creatures will be able to rely on their 20 human father for many years to come”可知,此处为表达希望,故hopefully “有望”符合语境。20A.official Btypical Cadoptive Dspiritual答案:C这些毛茸茸的动物在未来的许多年里将有望能够依靠收养它们的人类父亲生存。adoptive “收养的”,符合语境。根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Top Ways to Spend the Holiday Season with PetsTaking a nap is a great way to refresh during the holidays, and a nap with your dog or cat (or both) is an excellent bonding opportunity.Holiday time is here. The decorating, the shopping, the cooking, the cleaning, the wrapping . 1 In the seasons craziness,our furry family members tend to get ignored or overstimulated (过度刺激的). 2 But they dont have to: be sure to pay attention and give them a break from the activity when they need it and add them to the fun when they dont.Rest time.If your pet seems stressed, have a safe place for him away from activity. Cats should have a quiet, cozy spot to sleep with food, water, and their litter box. 3 Be sure to have a soft area for sleep, a toy or two, water, and some food. But you might need a nap, too, to refresh for holiday festivities. So use this time to take one together. 4 Many Christmas tree farms welcome pets on a leash (皮带). Your pet will just love being with you outdoors while you share one of the seasons most honored traditionspicking out the perfect tree. Just be sure to call the farm first to confirm that pets are welcome . and you have a new annual tradition.Go to have a catch.Give your pup a good run and wear him out ahead of when company visits. 5 This way, hell be happy and relaxed when greeting guests. Dog parks are ideal as pups can run, chase tennis balls, and socialize with others. Always remember to walk to and from the park with your pup on a leash and poop bags in hand.AKeep pets on a leash.BDogs love playing catch.CDogs might also need one.DBut where do our pets fit in?EPick out the family Christmas tree.FAs a result, pets can experience restlessness and anxiety.GMany pets would love to be included in some of the activities.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。如何在假期和宠物一起度过一段美好时光?作者给我们提出了几条建议。1D根据设空前的“The decorating, the shopping, the cooking, the cleaning, the wrapping . ”可知,我们通常在假期会把时间花在装饰、购物、烹饪、打扫等事情上,D项表示“但我们把宠物置于何地?”与上文衔接紧凑,符合语境。故选D项。2F根据设空上一句“In the seasons craziness, our furry family members tend to get ignored or overstimulated (过度刺激的)”可知,此处应选F项,指“这样的话,宠物可能休息不好或焦虑”,与上句构成因果关系,符合语境。故选F项。3C根据设空上一句“Cats should have a quiet, cozy spot to sleep with food, water, and their little box.”及设空下一句“Be sure to have a soft area for sleep, a toy or two, water, and some food.”可知,此处列举了猫需要有舒适的地方来休息。故C项“狗也需要一个这样的地方”能够承接上文,符合语境。故选C项。4E文章倒数第二段主要介绍了作者建议我们带着宠物去挑选圣诞树。故E项“挑选家庭圣诞树”符合题意,适合作本段标题。故选E项。5B根据本段标题中的关键词“catch”和设空下一句“This way, hell be happy and relaxed when greeting guests.”可知,B项“狗喜欢玩接球”符合语境。故选B项。The first Edinburgh International Festival 1 (hold) 71 years ago. Its first big success came in the following year 2 an adaptation of The Thrie Estaites was performed. From then on, the Festival has 3 (gradual) grown to become one of the most popular arts festivals in the world. As the founders of the Festival believed, the Festival programs have enriched the 4 (culture) life of Britain and even Europe.The Festival focuses on the fields of music, art, dance and theatre. 5 (bring) together the best artists from around the world, the Festival has earned 6 good reputation, which has done much to draw the visitors attention to the various shows that take place all over the city.Each year during the summer 7 (month), Edinburgh becomes the worlds Festival City. It is the huge range of artistic events, performances and exhibitions that 8 (make) Edinburgh unforgettable. It makes you feel that there is always something else happening around the corner which you are missing and 9 any given night of the Festival, you can choose 10 (watch) “The Girl on the Sofa”, a play by Joan Fosse, and the opera Parsifal, among many other options.1 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 答案:1.was held 2.when 3.gradually 4.cultural5Bringing 6.a 7.months 8.makes 9.on 10.to watch阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。The mind of an elephant should not be underestimated. They are intelligent animals born with both excellent memory and artistic talent. Elephants eat about 495 pounds of vegetarian food a day. They spend about 16 hours a day eating, but must walk about 4 miles a day in search of food. The average elephant lives about 70 years, and its sharp memory allows it to remember places where it has found food as long as 30 years earlier, even as a baby.In an elephants travels, it comes across other elephants also looking for food. Some elephants are friendly, and some are not so nice. Elephants remember every elephant they have ever met. T


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