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Test for Unit 2, Book2I. Vocabulary (20%)Directions: Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a correct preposition or adverb and write down your answers on your Answer Sheet.1. Every man has the right to live where he wants to regardless _ the color of his skin.2. At that time the German universities were mainly concerned _ creating and spreading knowledge, not morals.3. The older generation have always frowned _ some of the ideas of the young.4. In any case, you could hardly say the explanation converted him _ our point of view.5. These mountains are famous for the summer hotels that have sprung _ in the region.6. The visit of the president is aimed _ expanding trade relations between the two countries.7. It was such a pity that the great fire reduced the forest _ a few trees.8. They set _ a small laboratory and devoted every spare moment to it.9. Recent events will make a significant impact _ government policy.10. They thought that such a mistake would perhaps lead _ a great disaster.II. Cloze (20%)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are three choices marked A, B, C. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and write down your answers on your Answer Sheet. Environmental awareness hardly exists since most countries are more concerned _1_ economic development _2_ with global ecology. Increasing environmental damage _3_ has caused some countries to _4_ new environmental initiatives. Canada has protected its _5_ supply by closing areas to fishing _6_ setting strict limits on catches of certain _7_. As a result, some fish like herring eventually _8_, but some like cod may never recover, and _9_ 40,000 fishermen are unemployed because of _10_ fishing bans and the reduced _11_ of fish. To protect its _12_ rain forest, Costa Rica has _13_ a series of new environmental laws and _14_ parks and nature preserves that _15_ one quarter of the country. Under pressure from environmentalists around the world, Brazil _16_ to protect _17_ Amazon rain forest bur Amazon Indians _18_ endangered _19_ the conflict with _20_ people who continue to destroy the forests.1. A. on B. in C. with2. A. then B. than C. there3. A. basically B. however C. moreover4. A. make B. take C. undertake5. A. fishes B. fish C. fishing6. A. and B. then C. but7. A. specie B. species C. special8. A. recover B. recovered C. recovering9. A. almost B. over C. about10. A. their B. these C. those11. A. amount B. number C. total12. A. remaining B. remained C. remainder13. A. ordered B. demanded C. issued14. A. created B. create C. creating15. A. covers B. cover C. remain16. A. took measures B. took decisions C. took methods17. A. its B. its C. their18. A. were B. have C. are19. A. at B. in C. on20. A. these B. their C. thoseIII. Skimming and Scanning (20%)Directions: In this part, you are required to answer the questions on Answer Sheet.For questions1-7, markY (for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage,N (for NO)if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage,NI (for NO INFORMATION) if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Overcoming Multicultural Clashes in Global Joint VenturesAs trade liberalization opens new markets to foreign competition, executives everywhere are embarking on extensive, ambitious ventures that involve forging joint ventures among a variety of companies, a variety of national origins. The logic behind such ventures is compelling: usually the various partners each offer such benefits as new technologies, stable international financing, local-market expertise, and cost-effective human resources.Very often, management focuses only on such business needs as raising capital, procuring (采办) equipment, establishing operational plans, and providing technical training. Absorbed with those complexities, senior managers ignore or overlook the vital cultural issues that influence the day-to-day operations of their joint venture. To their disappointment, they eventually learn that the inability to manage culturally diverse workforce usually affects every process in the chain, from development to marketing.Take for example, the case of Mike Burgess, a Texas-born program manager who recently came to Indonesia to manage a multicultural venture. When Mike arranged his first Friday meeting with team members of various nationalities, he expected everyone to appear at 9 a.m. But three of the six Indonesian members did not arrive until 9:20 a.m. Worse, the three Indonesians brought along three uninvited members from their own staffs. Meanwhile, the four Japanese members of the team reorganized their seats so that they could sit together.When the meeting finally got underway at 9:45 a.m., Mike moved from discussing the agenda (议事日程) and objectives to inviting his guests to pose questions. No one volunteered a question until Mike remembered that Mr. Budi, as the senior Indonesian, had been invited to present his comments before anyone else could pose a question.During the discussion that followed, Mike became annoyed by the tendency of Indonesian members to lead their conversations down sidetracks rather than discussions of results and objectives. Then, Mike and Robert, the American technical director, became engaged in a heated, open disagreement that surprised both the Indonesian and Japanese teams. During the break that followed, the Indonesians were offended that Mike had ordered coffee, but no snacks. When the meeting reconvened (再次召集), and Mike tried to call the participants to a democratic vote on a key decision, Mr. Yamaguchi, the Japanese-team leader, asked for a delay of a week, so that he could consult with his headquarters in Tokyo. Mike openly expressed his frustration at this further delay, and Yamaguchi seized the opportunity to criticize Mike for an annoying workplace habit: Why, Yamaguchi asked, did Mike send so many e-mail messages to Yamaguchi, even though he worked only twenty-five feet away?At the core of all these clashes are the widely diverse values and habits of the American, Japanese, and Indonesian teams. These sets of competing values can be contrasted as follows.The American managers valued individualism, directness, and time-consciousness, while the Japanese stressed face-to-face discussion and consensus (一致) building. The Americans strove to come to business meetings well-informed and focused, expecting an open-dialogue that would lead to action-oriented decisions and the assigning of responsibilities. The Japanese partners placed great emphasis on group harmony, consensus, and the absolute requirement that proposals and actions be thoroughly discussed by all members of the group.For their part, the Indonesians had their own unique concerns. They expected that a senior member would open and close every important meeting. They also expected frequent breaks, not only for coffee and snacks, but also with enough time to conduct their daily prayers. They considered it normal to invite other members of their staff to attend business meetings, and didnt mind pursuing off-the-point conversations that clarified an important point.Considering the extraordinary cultural complexities of these new multinational ventures, its not surprising that most management teams fail to plan for these pitfalls (隐患). After all, no one can accurately predict exactly what kinds of troubles will ensue, only that there will be plenty of friction if no preparations are made.What to do? Happily, there are many ways in which managers can minimize, if not entirely eliminate the explosive, counter-productive potential. Activities such as brief lectures, group discussions, sharing of experience, video and multimedia presentations, all employing the most advanced research results, can help focus management on the dangers ahead, from the outset of any venture. Before problems explode, seminar participants should be encouraged to point out strengths and weaknesses of the joint venture. Then, members of each nationality should be asked to identify their individual core values. These core values should then be compared publicly with the value of participants from other cultures. In common, the various cultures will more willingly accept this sort of openness when it is part of a formalized process.Thus, Mr. Budi, the Indonesian manager, revealed that he placed greatest value on group harmony, personal relationships, cooperation, family, and seniority. That was hardly surprising, because these values are keys to success in Indonesia. Conversely, Mike Burgess, the American engineer, noted that his priorities (重点) were individuality, openness, risk-taking, and freedom. And Suzuki, the Japanese manager, predictably revealed that group harmony, consensus, and achievement are most important to him.To run a multicultural company successfully, the following pointers (点子、线索) are worth keeping in mind:Do not assume that capital, technology, and market-access are the only competitive edges.Provide each member of your team with preliminary cross-cultural orientation and training about the national and corporate cultures of the other team members. Establish a forum in which your employees can begin the process of creating and building a new corporate culture common to all new members. Find and stress common values. Encourage members to compromise and accept values that are not stressed in their culture.Use a facilitator, either a professional or an employee, to coach your top leaders in the critical task of developing a dialogue among the members of your multi-cultural team.1. Managers failure to regard cultural issues obvious will often create chaos in a multi-cultural company.YNNI2. Mike Burgess case reflects that self-discipline is vital to establishing operational plans.YNNI3. If Mr. Budi, an Indonesian manager, opens his comments at an important meeting, other Indonesians will follow him to pose questions.YNNI4. Yamaguchis dissatisfaction results from a load of emails sent by Mike to him.YNNI5. The advantage of competition comes solely from capital, technology and market-access.YNNI6. Measures can be taken to help figure out the potential pitfalls among people with diverse cultural background.YNNI7. Mike and Roberts disagreement vividly mirrors one of the typical American cultural values seniority. YNNI8. During the seminar, each nationality are required to make clear their _ _.9. In order to build up a common corporate culture, each nationality should know the art of _.10. In Mikes case, the meeting finally started at _ _.IV. Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and write down your answers on your Answer Sheet.Passage 1 The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists. It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population, poor land must be cultivated(耕种) and the good land worked intensively(精耕细作地). Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large population gives more chance of development of facilities such as ports, roads, and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand. One of the difficulties in carrying out a worldwide birth control grogram lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary(变化) from country to country depending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In the developing country where a vastly expanded populations is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, the first concern of government will be to set a limit on the birthrate, whatever the final result may be .In a highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex(复杂的). A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods(制成品). When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and building industry grows weaker. Faced with concerns such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.1. The main topic of this article is A. environment protectionB. population growthC. environment and economyD. climate changing2. The passage says that a small population may lead to A. higher production, but a lower average incomeB. lower production and lower average incomeC. higher production and a higher average incomeD. lower production, but a higher average income3. According to the passage, the use of birth control perhaps is good for A. a developing countryB. a developed countryC. the whole worldD. each nation with a big population4. In a developed country, people will perhaps be unemployed if the birthrate_A. goes up B. goes downC. remains stableD. is out of control5. The author is aiming to show that A. humans will run out of their food supply in the futureB. it is necessary for humans to carry out a worldwide plan for birth controlC. different nations have different views of population growthD. we need to take necessary measures to prevent the overuse of natural resourcesPassage 2 Within about 50 million years, one of the mammals(哺乳动物) that lives in marine environment, the whale(鲸), has developed into the largest of all animal forms. However, at least for the last 150 years, trouble has closed in on whales from humans. Whales have been hunted since about the eleventh century. Certain types of whales have been hunted too much. Recently, their number has been reduced so greatly that they are in danger of becoming extinct(灭绝的). People are worried about the fact that the number of whales is getting smaller and smaller. They are working to save them. There are reasons why people want to protect the whales. One reason is that whales help to keep a balance between plants and animals. People have been throwing their wastes into the oceans and seas, and these wastes increase the amount of salt in ocean and seawater. The increased salt helps some plants and some very small creatures to grow but these plants and small creatures are harmful to fish. However, whales are eating large numbers of plants and animals that grow in very salty water. In this way, whales are doing a good job as they keep the ocean water clean enough for the fish. In addition, because fish supply necessary food for many people, whales become our good friends which we want to save. Some people are now working to save whales by using the law. They hold meetings to ask fishermen to reduce the number of whales which can be killed in a year. They also work within countries to persuade law makers to make whaling against the law and to make the use of whale products against the law too.Now this struggle to save whales is going on in many places in the world. Some governments will not let people sell whale products in their countries. Other governments have changed the law about whaling. Many people believe that since the number of whales is regarded as a serious world problem, the remaining whales will be saved.6. The passage mainly discussed A. the protection of whalesB. the stranger behaviors of whalesC. the mysterious life of whalesD. the advantages of too many whales7. From the passage we know that during the last 150 years humans have A. returned to natureB. learned how to swimC. threatened the existence of some marine mammalsD. begun to harvest certain plants form the ocean as food8. According to the passage, certain kinds of whales will soon A. kill most of the plants and small creaturesB. find some other places to live in C. die out D. die from pollution9. Salt in the oceans usually A. decreases the plants which are harmful to fishB. gets rid of harmful plants and creaturesC. removes the wastes thrown into themD. increases the plants and small creatures that do harm to fish10. Whales are helpful to humans because A. they eat a large quantity of plants and creatures harmful to fish B. they make the oceans more and more saltyC. they often save sailors lost in a stormD. they can communicate with humansPassage three Once upon a time there was a wise man that used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work. One day he was walking along the shore. As he looked down the beach, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought of someone who would dance on the beach. So he began to walk faster to catch up. As he got close, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasnt dancing, but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean. As he got closer he called out, “Good morning! What are you doing?”


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