



Unit 2 ( ) 1. My son will go to kindergarten (幼儿园) this September.A. four year old B. four-years-old C. four years old D. four-year-old( ) 2. My little brother was always getting into with my parents.A. decisionB. trouble C. pride D. mistake( ) 3. When I entered the classroom, my surprise, all of the students stood up quickly.A. for B. with C. to D. in( ) 4. On summer nights, we often go to sleep the window open.A. in B. with C. on D. at( ) 5. Do you still remember that accident, Danny? Of course. Ill never forget it it happened so long ago.A. only ifB. even thoughC. because of D. ever since( ) 6. He is terrified of alone in the street at night.A. to walk B. having walkedC. walking D. walked( ) 7. I used to in the morning, but now Im used to before going to bed.A. read; read B. reading; readC. read; reading D. reading; reading( ) 8. Would you like to play computer games with me? Sorry, I have playing them.A. gone on B. given upC. looked up D. given back( ) 9. Learning English is . All of the students are in it.A. interesting; interestedB. interesting; interestingC. interested; interestingD. interested; interested( ) 10. What do you think of your Chinese teacher? She is kind and with us.A. patient B. mad C. angry D. bad( ) 11. Our school a lot these years. It looks much more beautiful than before.A. changes B. changedC. will change D. has changed( ) 12. Could you go to the beach with us this weekend? Im sorry I cant. I study for the history test.A. can B. could C. may D. have to( ) 13. I in this small mountain village when I was a child. A. use to live B. used to livingC. used to live D. used to life( ) 14. you take a bus to school? Yes. But now I usually go to school on foot.A. Did; use to B. Were; used toC. Do; use toD. Will; use to( ) 15. I used to play tennis, but now Im on the swim team.A. Thanks. B. Good idea.C. All right. D. People sure change. 完形填空(10分) Some students get angry more often or more easily. Sometimes, their anger becomes 16 strong that their feelings get out of control (失去控制). People say that kids like this have a(n) 17 temper (脾气). When some kids get angry, they might 18 at their parents, break something, or even 19 , hit someone. Kids should express their feelings when they are angry, 20 its not OK for a kid to do any of such terrible things. What should you do if youre very angry? Here is some advice for you to 21 , even when youre not angry.Exercise more. Any exercise, such as running or 22 , can be helpful because its a way to 23 you feel relaxed. 24 your mom or dad. If youre angry about something, tell your parents and ask them for help or advice.Put your feelings into words. Using words might keep you from getting into trouble. Using words can 25 you to express your strong feelings and control your temper.( )16. A. too B. quite C. so D. such( )17. A. badB. good C. happy D. annoyed( )18. A. laughB. smile C. shout D. look( )19. A. heavierB. stronger C. better D. worse( )20. A. ifB. but C. unless D. until( )21. A. breakB. take C. forget D. bring( )22. A. smokingB. sleeping C. swimming D. working( )23. A. makeB. allow C. keep D. see( )24. A. Help withB. Take pride in C. Talk about D. Talk to( )25. A. tryB. teach C. want D. help . 阅读理解(40分)ADear Tommy,Im writing to you on your third birthday. I want to tell you something about your grandmas time. I was born sixty-eight years ago in a small village. Transportation used to be a big problem. When we traveled from village to village, we used to walk or ride horses.Shopping was not an easy job, either. There were no supermarkets in the neighborhood. We used to grow most of our own food: rice and vegetables. We kept things cool in a special underground room.The biggest difference is that you have electricity (电). We didnt have electricity until very late in our small village. We didnt have any televisions of course. We used to perform our local (地方的) music and enjoy it very much.Life used to be very hard, but I was not upset. I would like you to know about the old days and be happy about what you have when you grow up. Remember, feeling good about life is the key to happiness. Love, Your grandma( )26. This letter is written by .A. a grandfather to a grandsonB. a grandmother to a grandsonC. a grandfather to a granddaughterD. a grandmother to a granddaughter( )27. Tommy is when the letter is written.A. one B. two C. three D. four( )28. This letter is mostly about .A. the writers old life experienceB. the writers future lifeC. what a kid can do for old peopleD. how the writer has changed( )29. Which is NOT true about the writer?A. She was born in the countryside.B. She felt good about the village life.C. She used to grow vegetables in the village.D. She used to walk or ride horses from city to city.( )30. Why did the writer write this letter?A. She wanted to show that life now is really happy.B. She wanted to tell others that life was so hard in the past.C. She wanted the kid to be positive about life in the future.D. She wanted the kid to dream about his future life.BOn the first day of my sixth grade, I saw one little girl called Amy on the school bus. “Donttalk to her,” said Lauren, who sat beside me, “or they will make fun of you.”Amy had many physical differenceslots of reasons for other kids to make fun of her. Her eyes werent straight. Her glasses were too big. And she had really ugly teeth.Every day as we drove to and from school, kids would insult Amy, “God, what a strange face! Stop looking at me!”I had to be in silence. After all, I didnt want them to treat me in the same way.But while I was insulting her, my heart ached for the girl. I could see that she was so ashamed (感到羞耻的) and alone. Then I wanted to stand up for her. I just didnt know how to stop my schoolmates until the night of our class skating party.Our whole class was there. Amy was there, too. Amy didnt know how to skate, but I could see how much she wanted to have fun like the rest of us. So I skated over to her and took her by the hand. She just smiled, and was very excited.The next morning there was much news about Amy and me skating together. But nobody laughed at her or me. And they didnt for the rest of the year. I never heard from Amy again after the school year. But Ive always hoped that I changed her life for the better.( ) 31. What grade was the writer in when he first met Amy?A. Grade 1. B. Grade 2.C. Grade 5. D. Grade 6.( ) 32. What did Amy look like?A. She was beautiful.B. She was ugly.C. She was fat.D. She was serious.( ) 33. The underlined word “insult” has the similar meaning to “ ”.A. laugh at B. look afterC. wake up D. talk with( ) 34. What did he do on their class skating party?A. He taught Amy to skate.B. He introduced Amy to others.C. He drove Amy out of the party.D. He said sorry to Amy.( ) 35. What happened after the party?A. Kids began to talk with Amy.B. Amy left the school.C. Kids no longer laughed at Amy.D. Amys life changed for the worse.CIm Tessa, 18 years old now. I remember my time at primary school well. I feel some of it is really good, but some of it can bring back bad memories.My first dayIll never forget my first day at primary school. I remember I felt really nervous on that day. We were in assembly (集合), and the head teacher was introducing himself. A girl next to me started asking about my shoes. So, I told her about my shoes. Suddenly the head teacher looked at me with an angry face. “Be quiet when I am speaking! Go and stand in the corner,” he said. I remember I felt so terrible at that time.My first teacherI remember her name was Mrs Simpson. She was really pretty and had a lovely smile. She had a soft voice and always wore the same sweater. She seemed so nice after that horrible (可怕的) head teacher.Sports dayThe sports day was the best day of school! I used to practice for the five-kilometer race and one year I actually won!My nickname (绰号)Everyone in the class had a nickname. Some of the nicknames were funny and some werent very nice. There was a thin girl who everyone called “spider legs”. I remember they used to call me “mushroom (蘑菇) head” because my hair stuck out (突出) on either side. It made a lasting impression on me. Not a good one. ( )36. The underlined phrase “bring back” means “” in Chinese.A. 归还 B. 归来 C. 恢复 D. 使想起( )37. Why did the head teacher make Tessa stand in the corner?A. Because she failed a test. B. Because she was the tallest. C. Because she talked with the girl next to her. D. Because she didnt listen carefully in class. ( )38. What did Tessa think of her head teacher?A. Nice. B. Impolite.C. Horrible. D. Funny.( )39. Tessas classmates called her “mushroom head” because of .A. her shoes B. her hairstyleC. her thin legs D. her funny face( ) 40. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Tessa thinks her nickname is not a good one.B. Tessas first teacher was very nice and kind.C. Tessa ma


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