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山东省龙口市第五中学2014-2015学年八年级英语下学期期中试题 (90分钟, 120分)温馨提示:1.本试题分第卷和第卷两部分。2.第卷试题的答案写在第卷相应的位置,考试结束后,只交第卷。第 i 卷一单项选择1. my father always tries to face any _ and met some _ things. a. danger, dangerous b. danger, dangerc. dangerous, dangerous d. dangerous, danger 2. that magazine _ every monday. a. comes out b. comes up c. comes over d. came out3. _, he made 87 cartoons with mickey.a. in 1930s b. in the 1930s c. in the 1930 d. on the 1930s4. its easy _us _ plant more trees here.a.for, for b.to, for c.for, to d.to, to5. huang bo played some roles _, he became very _. a. successful, successful b. successfully, successfully c. successful, successfully d. successfully, successful6. the sports report is really boring. i cant _ it. a. mind b. like c.stand d. think7. i saw two _ _ an apple when i came by.a. mice, eating b.mouses,eating c.mice, eat d.mouses,eat8. -i usually go there by train. -why not _by boat for a change? a. to try going b. trying to go c. try to go d. try going 9. he _the book in half a year a. finish to write b will finish writing c finishes writing d finished to write10. there are _ new words in the article, so its not difficult for us. a. few b. a few c. little d. a little11. the two girls look_, but they have _ hobbies. a.same, the different b.the same ,different c.the same ,the different d.same, different12. we must try to do the work better with _money and _ people. a. little; fewer b.fewer; less c.less; fewer d.less; few13. there _ two slices of turkey on the table and there _ some relish on the slices. a. are, are b. are, is c. is, is d. is, are 14.- i dont think talk shows are as _ as sitcoms. - i dont agree with you. sitcoms are _ than talk shows. a. educational, more educational b.educational, less educational c. more educational, less educational d.less educational, more educational15. each of the students _ a new dictionary, and they each _ a new pen, too. a.has, has b.has, have c. have,has d.have, have16. in the talent show, ann performed badly, but i did even _. a. worse b.badly c. better d.worst 17. -will there be more trees in the future? -_. the trees will become fewer than before. a. yes, there will. b. no, there wont. c. no, they wont. d.no, there arent.18. there is lots of meat in the bowl, please _. a. cut up it b. cut up them c. cut it up d. cut them up19. he told me _ the blender because the milk shake wasnt ok. a. dont turn on b. dont turn off c. not to turn off d. to turn off20. - _ will you finish your high school? in about two years. a. how long b. how often c. how soon d. how much二完形填空 there are 21 robots around the world, we use robots here and there. they 22 a big role in our lives. they can always do 23 work and they never feel tired or bored. sometimes they do some dangerous or difficult or dirty work. robots dont have the same brains (大脑) 24 humans do, and they dont have any senses(意识), either. then how 25 the work? well, they have computers inside their bodies to work like our brains. robots are becoming smarter day by day. its not difficult 26 of the future of the robots. in the future they 27 just like the ones in the movies. they can speak, walk and even think. maybe persons can also make friends 28 robots. however, will they become 29 than us? the answer is “no”. we always have new ideas, but they 30 . 21. a. all kind of b a kind of c. kind of d. all kinds of22. a. play b. have c. make d. take23. a. same b. different c. the same d. the different 24. a. to b.as c.for d.with25.a. doing b.did c.to do d.do26.a.to think b.think c.thinking d.thinks27.a.are b.is going to be c.were d.will be28.a.with b.to c.and d.for29.a.smart b.smarter c.smartest d.the smartest30.a.wont b.arent c.dont d.didnt三阅读理解 amy cousin jenny made some new term resolutions last month. first she wants to keep healthy. so she is going to exercise more and eat a lot of healthier food. she isnt going to eat junk food. she is going to make a volleyball team because she likes it and shes also good at playing it. and she also wants to improve her english. she is going to read english every morning. the third, she is going to read more books because she thinks she can learn a lot from books. so shes going to go to the school library quite often. when she grows up, she is going to be a doctor for children. she wants to help sick children. shes going to study medicine at a university when she finishes high school. she is going to work hard. she loves children and she thinks looking after children will be wonderful. 31. when did jenny make her new term resolutions? a. yesterday. b. last week. c. every morning. d. last month. 32. how is jenny going to improve her english? a. she is going to read english every morning. b. she is going to go to the school library quite often. c. she is going to study medicine at a university. d. she is going to study english really hard. 33.whats the meaning of “sick” in the article? a. 幼小的 b.可爱的 c.生病的 d.乡下的 34. what job may jenny choose in the future? a. a university student. b. a doctor. c. an english teacher. d. a volleyball player.35. which of the following is not right according to the article?a. jenny isnt going to eat some junk food in the new term.b. jenny thinks reading books is good for her.c. jenny is going to study medicine at a university in the new term.d. jenny thinks looking after kids will be good. bmost american families are smaller than the families in other countries. most american families have one or two parents and one or two children each. children in the us will leave their parents home when they grow up. they usually live far from their parents because they want to find good jobs. they often write to their parents or telephone them. and they often go to visit their parents on holiday. parents usually let their children choose their own jobs. americans think it is important for young people to decide on their lives by themselves. parents ask children to do some work around their house. and in many families, parents pay their children for doing some housework so that they learn how to make money for their own use. 36. why do american children usually live far from their parents? a. because they dont like living with their parents. b. because they want to find good jobs. c. because they grow up. d. because they dont have jobs. 37. who decide(s) on the childrens lives in america? a. their parents. b. their children. c. their teachers. d. the children themselves. 38. do many parents in the us pay their children for doing housework? a. yes, they do. b. no, they dont. c. we dont know. d. yes, they are. 39. when do children often go to visit their parents in america? a. every day. b. at night. c. on weekends. d. on vacation. 40. which is the best title (题目) of the article? a. children and parents. b. learn how to make money. c. american families. d. how to find good jobs. cjust like mothers take care of everything at home, mother earth takes care of everything around the world. we all celebrate our moms birthday, dont we? do you know when mother earths birthday is? it is on april 22, also known as the earth day. people around the world celebrate by _41_ it very special for her. how do you think she will feel special? she will feel special if all of us love nature, keep it clean and use all of her seas, mountains and other natural resources (资源) in the right way. 44.here are some other ways to keep her happy, healthy and smiling: walk or ride a bicycle. cars will make mother earth sick, because they make pollution. dont cut down forests -animals home. animals are children of mother earth like us. 45.让我们种更多的树,因为树可以帮助保持空气清洁。 41.用make的适当形式填空 _ 42.when is the earth day? 43.how will mother earth feel special? 44.把划线句子译成汉语。 45.将汉语句子翻译成英语。 4 短文首字母 li yifeng is a s 1 and actor. in 2007, he took part in the singing t 2 show” come on! my hero” and w_3_ the eighth place. h 4 , he didnt make many people remember him. li didnt give up. later, he released(发布) some albums(唱片) and a 5 in many tv soap operas. he worked hard to i 6 himself. seven y 7 hard work finally paid off. his latest tv drama(剧本) swords of legends(古剑奇谭) is a great s 8 . many people k 9 him from that tv drama. now li is one of the most popular a 10 in china.1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 第 ii 卷选择题12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940任务型阅读41. _42. _43. _44. _45. _四短文首字母1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._五词汇运用1. qian xuesen is one of the greatest _ (科学家) in china.2. there are many _ (不同) between the two words. 3.they hope _ (visit) the great wall next year.4.this actress is _(famous) of all. 5.there _ (be) two great movies in the theater tomorrow.6.people in the west(西方) often think that the number thirteen is _ (lucky).7. nothing is i_ if you try your best.8.cities are getting more _, and there will be more _ in the future. (pollute)9.at the _ (begin) of that english class, my teacher sang an english song.10.many _ (travel) go to visit the great wall every year.11.in the future, the _ (环境) will be in great danger.12.we had a d_ about tv shows in class yesterday.13.my brother eats _ (health) than before.14. f_, he drank up all the milk shake.6 句型转换 311. does she clean the classroom every day? (用tomorrow 改写) _ she _ _ _ the classroom tomorrow?2. theyre going to the sun island by bus.(对划线部分提问)_ _ they _ by bus?3.it will be sunny next sunday. (对划线部分进行提问)_ _the weather_ _next sunday?4. the resolution is about physical health. (写出同义句)the resolution _ _ _ _ physical health.5.he wants two bottles of juice to drink. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ of juice does he want to drink?6.what do you think of the sitcom?_ do you _ the sitcom?7. you cant put the banana in the basket. (改为祈使句)_ _ the banana in the basket.8. the boy is too young to dress himself. (同义句) the boy is _ young _ he _ dress himself.9. the other cartoons are not as famous as mickey. (同义句) mickey is _ _ _ the other cartoons.10. robots in japan can walk and dance. robots in japan _ _ _ walk and dance.七完成句子 401. 木兰打扮成一个男孩,代替她爸爸去部队打仗。mulan _ _ _ a boy and _ her _ to fight in the army.2.新闻节目告诉我们世界各地正在发生的事情。the news tell us whats _ _ _ the word.3.她下个月要吃更健康的食物并多锻炼身体。she is going to eat _ food and get lots of _.4.地球将处于极大的危险中。the earth will _ _ _ _.5.有成百上千从未实现过的预言。there are _ _ _ that never _ _.6每个人都应该参与拯救地球。 everyone should _ _ _ _ _ the earth. 7.你能帮我把牛奶倒入瓶里吗?can you help me _ the milk _ the bottle?8.做这个披萨饼,你用了几个洋葱?_ _ _did you use for the pizza?9.人们通常在特殊的节假日吃传统的食物。people usually eat _ food on_ _.10.我们从来不知道未来会发生什么。 we never know _ _ _ in the future.11. 我不喜欢反复地做同样的工作。 i dont like to do the same job _ _ _ _.8 书面表达五一小长假快到了,你们假期有什么打算呢?请制定一份假期计划吧!写一篇不少于70词的短文,注意参考以下提示信息。(what, where, how, when, why, who)(文中不得出现考生真实姓名及学校班级。) my vacation plan_2014-2015学年度第二学期阶段性测试初二英语试题答案1 单项选择(20分,每题1分)1-5 aabcd 6-10 cadba 11-15 bcbbb 16-20 abccc2 完形填空(10分,每题一分)21-25 dacbc 26-30 adabc3 阅读理解(20分,31-40每题1分,41-45每题2分)3


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